Personal Taste (I Just Want To Get Laid)

Chapter 14 The kiss



“Why did you kiss me?” I asked and pushed him slightly from me.

It’s not as if I didn’t enjoy the kiss, I love it, it’s short but sweet.


“I’m sorry, we need talk,” he said licking his lips.

“I’m not available at the moment, come back later” I replied and he frown his face immediately.

“Was it because of this guy here?” He asked pointing at Steve.

I look back at Steve and I saw him clenched his fists in anger and I smiled at Steve.

“That’s none of your business, I’ll see you Later,” I said, he just stopped me from dancing, I would have break bottle on his head, if not that I like him.

“Please Emma I need the talk with you,” he said, I don’t know his problem right now.

“Rowen I’ll see you later,” I said and he kissed me forcefully again.

This time around, I didn’t stop him, I leave him to do his things because I’m also enjoying the kiss.

I kissed him back when I can’t take it anymore and I felt someone’s hand on mine and I break the kiss immediately.

It was Steve who separated me from him.

“why did you do that Mr?” Rowen ask angrily. “What did you think you’re doing trying, kissing my woman in Public?” Steve said and I looked at him with my mouth open in shocked, unable to close it back.

“You’re cràzy man,” Rowen said and burst into laughter. Don’t tell me he didn’t believe him.

I fold my hands under my bóóbs waiting for what Steve will do next.

“Get out of this place,” Steve said pointing to the door.

“Are you the owner of this place?” Rowen ask and brought out a gum from his pocket.

He opened it and throw it in his mouth, he always turned him on, the way he chew his gum

“That’s enough Steve, I’ll be Right back,” I said and hold Rowen’s hand.

“You can’t leave me here alone,” Steve said. “My friend is there” I replied.

“This is bad and you know, how can you leave me here alone because of this guy?” Steve asked.

“Stop trying to blackmail me, I’m not even your woman,” I said and dragged Rowen out.

He’s talking as if I’m his woman, whereas I’m not even dating him.

“So what did you wanna see me for?” I asked and Rowen scratched the back of his head nervously.

“Talk now!” I said. “I get jèàlóûs whenever I see you with another man, I don’t know why,” he said and look away.

“How did you know I’m here in the first place?” I asked.

“Someone told me, and I rushed down here, just to see you with that guy, you don’t know how I’m feeling, my heart is breathing hard” he replied.

“Look here, don’t catch feelings for me, and if you do get ready to get your heartbreak, because I’ll break your heart, I’m not for only one man,” I said with a smile.

“I know and I’ll wait till you’re mine” he replied and I burst into laughter.

“I can never be yours, I’m for nobody, hope you grab?” I asked and he left out a smirk.

“I’m ready to do what you want,” he said smiling.

“What I don’t understand, can you kindly make me understand?” I asked. “I’m ready to be your fûck mate” he said licking his lower lips.

“Really? It’s not even up the twenty-four that I told you” I said and he smiled dangerously at hiself.

“That doesn’t matter,” he said smiling.

. “Okay, so how much did you want me to pay you?” I asked.

“I don’t need your money, my salary is enough for me” he replied.

“You don’t need money? Don’t feel entitled” I said.

“Relax I won’t, can I call you anytime I like?” Rowen ask.

“No, I’ll be the one to call you” I replied.

“I disagree, I’ll call anytime I want,” he said moving closer to me.

“What are you trying to do?” I asked.

“Relax beautifully, I’m trying the give you a goodnight kiss,” he said.

“Don’t think you can kiss me anytime you like” I said.

“I’m your fûck buddy, so I can kiss you anytime I like,” he said.

“Get lôst!” I said with a smile. He smiled out dimples before walking to where he parked his bike.

Why didn’t he kiss me again? I thought he said he wanna give me a goodnight kiss.

“But you asked him not to kiss you,” my conscience said.

“Just shut up!” I snapped.

. “Emma” someone called and I look back to see Steve.

“Hey!” I said and waved my hand at him.

“let’s go back to the dancing floor,” He said with a smile.

“I’m sorry, I need to go to the house now,” I said.

“That bàstard!” He Muttered with a clenched fist.

Why are they even jèàlóûs of their selves? “He’s not a Bastard” I replied with a frown

“I’m sorry my bad,” he said putting on a fake smile.

I can see he’s not happy from the smile.

He’s just trying to look happy. “No problem, I’ll see you tomorrow right?” He asked and I nod my head.

“Okay let me drop you off,” he said and I walked to our table.

“Let go, baby,” I said and Nadia roll her eyes at me.

“Don’t give me that look,” I said. “You left me here, and went to go talk to your prince charming,” She said.

“You aren’t serious, let’s go,” I said and she stood up immediately.

“That guy, is very handsome and you guys will make a good couple,” she said and I stand still before rolling my eyes at her.

“Who told you, I’m ready to date him?” I asked. “He’s cool and calm,” she said.

“Nadia, let’s talk about something else,” I said. “Why? Don’t you like him?” She asked, and she’s making me angry right now.

“Nadia don’t get me angry!” I said angrily.

“I’m very sorry ma” she replied and I walked where Steve parked his car.

Steve opened the passenger door immediately he saw me.

“Thanks for taking me out today, I have fun,” I said.

“You’re welcome beautiful,” he said smiling.

“Bye, see you some other time,” I said and waved my hand at Steve.

“Tomorrow!” He said and blow me a kiss before walking inside his car.

“Hey, baby!” Brittany said and walked out of the house smiling like a f00l.

“What sup, I thought you aren’t happy when I left the house this morning?” I asked.

“So you expect me to be moody all day?” She asked.

“I didn’t mean it like that, I need to relax because I’ve many places to go tomorrow,” I said and she collected my handbag for me.

Nadia wanted to collect the bag from me, but I didn’t allow her.

I noticed Nadia wasn’t happy and I rushed after her.

“Hey, what sup with this mood?” I asked her.

“I just don’t wanna get you angry” she replied. “Common, I don’t just like talking about love,” I said.

“Alright, but I won’t stop talking about it” she replied and I hissed out loud.

“Miss Maxwell, can you kindly borrow me your phone?” Brittany asked.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“For what?” I asked. “But this isn’t the first time I’ll be asking for your phone” she replied.

That’s true, I don’t even know why I asked her, what she need my phone for.

“Here’s my phone, I’ll be in my room, I need to sleep, Nadia let’s go, we have to wake up early tomorrow,” I said and dragged Nadia along with me.

Brittany left out an evil smirk immediately Emma gave her the phone.

She took the phone to her room and smiles happily to herself.

“Hey, Mr. Hunt your phone has been disturbing me,” Austin’s said.

Rowen cleaned his hand with a handkerchief, before walking to the place he put his phone.

He smiled happily and Austin tiptoed to his side.

“what are you doing here?” Rowen asks hiding his phone.

“Relax, I only wanna see the reason why you’re laughing” Austin’s replied.

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