Owning the Mafia Don

The Party


My Mafia Don was like an animal in heat as he took me that day. All the pent up frustration he had been holding back, erupted fiercely. He did not hurt me, there was no deliberate violence, but he was rough. Not uncaring, never. He made sure that I was also experiencing pleasure, using his hands and mouth to transport me to exquisite heights.

But I could sense something more, a need to prove something. Prove what, I thought wildly as he made fierce love to me, stamping his ownership on me.

I thrashed and moaned and whimpered as we made love, this big, muscular man I loved mindlessly and I. The huge bed with the soft white Egyptian cotton sheets was crumpled and damp with our frantic lovemaking after a while. Once, I made to sit up but his strong arm commandingly latched onto me, pulling me down onto him. He positioned me on his c*ck, impaling me like a prisoner and I gasped as he seemed to be touching the core of my womb. As I rode him, my large breasts slapping loudly, he grunted hoarsely, his eyes devouring me, my utter helplessness before his needs…

‘Woman, your big tits…’ he groaned hoarsely as he spewed his seed in me again and again and I cried out, helplessly.


But it was also the other way around too.

For I knew how to arouse him, how to tease him as well, a thousand and more nights with him had made me understand his body, his needs. And I was heady with my own success. I had, after all, brought the Great Lucien Delano to his knees, and practically made him beg.

He bit my soft nipples, grunting as he pounded into me with his large shaft that seemed to be touching the walls of my womb.

As though he remembered that I was carrying his children, he made a valiant effort to control himself, to pace out his thrusts. But when I raked my nails across his back and bit his shoulder, he groaned and emptied himself in me.

I was drained by the time we were done and he picked me up gently, to carry me to the bathroom. I had no idea what the time was. The heavy drapes shut out the world from the room; we were in a world of our own.


Setting me down tenderly in the huge tub, he adjusted the water and then entered the tub behind me, supporting my limp body on his chest. I smiled tiredly. I felt like a woman who had been thoroughly used to satisfy her Master. My breasts were tender, the nipples sore and there was a stretched feeling to my sex. But I felt good, so whole and happy…

Lucien murmured in my ear as he rubbed scented soap over my breasts, moving to my stomach, stroking my clit, making me whimper.

‘You laugh every time you climax, wife.’ It was an observation made in a voice that showed how wondrous it was for him. But I could see he was also curious.

Turning up my face to his, I kissed the corner of his mouth, as I sighed,

‘Yes, I feel…blissful Lucien.’ And I continued in a dreamy voice, “When I come, I feel joy, I cannot explain it…I feel sublime…’

He paused and there was a change in his voice as he growled.

“Woman, do you … ‘

I waited for him to go on but he seemed to be debating with himself over whether to speak or not.

Uneasy now, I opened my eyes and gently turned about till I was facing him in the huge tub.

This was a first for me. Lucien was hesitating to ask me something.


I almost slipped as I turned to kneel, straddling him, the slight swell of my belly between up, water lapping against my chest as I looked him in the eye. “What is it?’ I asked, anxious now.

‘Do you wish you had f*cked other men?’ his eyes were narrow, steely as he watched me but I could sense the emotion behind his words.

Proud Lucien Delano, my Mafia Boss, was uncertain of himself?

I stared at him for some time, lips parted,

Then I began to laugh.

Leaning my head on his chest, I laughed and laughed.


Poor Lucien. He did not know how to react!

So he settled to react in the one way he knew, the only familiar one he had recourse to; the caveman tactics again. Scowling, he gripped my waist as I leaned into his chest, giggling. Nodding my head enthusiastically, I cried, determined to tease him now,

“Yes, I do…Many more, maybe ten more men or twenty? Make it…’

I dimpled and burst out laughing loudly at the look on his face. He gripped my wet hair and held me in place as he kissed me again, punishingly.

When he released me, I shivered. The water had grown cold.

Immediately, he stood up, gathering me in his arms, then, stepping out carefully, he wrapped me in a soft pink towel.

But I wanted to speak to him, to make him understand.


I gripped his hand and said, softly,

‘I have only wanted to have You in my life.’

He straightened up, his eyes narrowing. Slid over my figure in the towel, my dripping wet hair hanging behind me, my earnest face.

And guessing at what was going on in that sharp mind, I added helpfully, biting my lip to stop myself from dissolving into giggles:This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“When you grow older, maybe, just maybe, we can make love just once a day?’ I said daringly and laughed as he turned to look at me, a small smile twitching at his cruel mouth.

‘If you feel up to it, that is, my old man.’

‘Witch’ He growled as he wrapped me in his powerful arms and kissed me again. ‘You need to learn to respect your Master.’*


Almost everyone in the room had watched furtively as Lucien Delano strode out with his very young and alluring wife in tow… gripping her hand and all but dragging her out of the room.

No guesses for what he was going to do with her, thought Sophie sourly, banging a stack of cutlery on the table once she was in the pantry and getting a furious look from the woman who was monitoring the serving girls.

She hated Proserpina Delano with a deep fervor that she simply could not understand. She had stopped trying to analyze it too. Just the sight of the beautiful young woman with the enticing smile made her blood boil.

She had also seen Handsome James and that had caused the knife to twist itself even deeper, in a most hurtful manner in her heart. Accompanying him was a woman, sultry and exotic looking with long straight black hair and slanting eyes, high cheekbones. Her lean, athletic-looking figure was in a long black gown, a flattering lithe figure.

It was the authoritative way she moved, watching everyone, saying little, that caught Sophie’s eye.

The woman did not smile or look happy but the way she turned to Schwartz and placed a hand on his arm, said it all. As for Schwartz, Sophie felt hurt and anger in her, causing her eyes to fill. That man, that imbecile, looked delirious with joy.


Once the strange woman had turned and noticed Sophie staring at her. The bright black eyes had sharpened and she had stared back, interrogatively.

Sophie had felt uncomfortable; the woman had seemed to see into her, to see her secrets. She had turned, stumbling and splashing some whiskey onto the shoes of a very annoyed guest.

Quickly, Sophie rushed away, trying to blend into the multitude of guests. But she knew that the cold black eyes had registered and saved her reaction. For future reference, came the thought and she shivered.

It made her feel oddly frightened.

Turning to go, she spotted Worthington who was watching her, a smile on his sick face.

“Between the Devil and…’ mumbled Sophie as she went out with her loaded tray.


It had been an interesting experience, mused Aiyana as she sipped the drink. She had opted to have a mocktail. Better to have your wits about you when you were doing a recce.

Glancing at the young men she had brought along, she thought, Allen and Jose had been brought here for a specific reason and she had noted that they were following her instructions to the last line.

Allen was the son of an old friend of her maternal uncle; hence trustworthy. She had roped him in as an additional pair of eyes on more than one occasion before this. The young men, with their collective nose for ferreting out information, had never failed to amaze her.

Now she drifted over to them. It had not been surprising, she thought drily, to see that both of them had been smitten by Proserpina St. Claire. They had expected to see a stuffy old Mafia mamma or a flirtatious young thingy who hung on the Boss’ arm. Meeting this fresh-faced, ravishing young woman, who had been clear in her intentions; men were to keep their hands off her, she was devoted to Lucien Delano, had intrigued them. When she had begun to expound on other work, she had won their respect too.

Aiyana’s lips twitched as she recalled the way they had reacted to the subtly menacing presence of the mob boss who had magically materialized when he felt the boys were trying to get too chummy with his wife. He had hauled her away and the look on his face had suggested that he was taking her straight to bed!

Schwartz was beside her and she felt a warm glow within her. She had begun to care for this man with the twinkling green eyes and the blonde hair that flopped onto his forehead.

Following her gaze, he smiled wryly.

‘ The Boss’ sexual appetite is legendary; it’s insatiable.’

Gazing at him curiously, Aiyana asked,


The handsome man with her shrugged and said, almost apologetically,

‘He was a real devil, could take an army of women in one day and still want more…but now.’

His face brightened and Aiyana smiled inwardly. He looked like a teacher who was about to praise the prowess of his favorite student.

” All that is a thing of the past, though. Proserpina had made him a better man.’

Aiyana’s brows rose in unspoken disbelief but she conceded the point.

Dragging your pretty wife out in the middle of a party because you wanted to f*ck her did not seem like an appealing trait to her, she thought.

But knowing handsome James and his unwavering loyalty, she decided to let it go.


Her eyes moved to the waitress with the bright red hair and the sullen expression on her otherwise pretty face.

“Who is that girl? Do you know her? She has been staring your way, James.’

He turned and his face immediately shuttered.

“Yeah…’ he said, shifting uneasily. ‘That’s a girl who works here, Sophie. I…She had some trouble with that Worthington chap. So I had taken her to the Boss’ place after the attack on the kids.’

Her instincts told her there was more to it. She smiled and patted his arm encouragingly. Schwartz looked faintly distressed and she knew something had gone wrong.

“Go on,’ she urged gently.

‘She … I don’t know, she’s changed. She was downright unpleasant to …Proserpina .’ he sounded astonished.

For once, Aiyana could empathize. Proserpina simply did not have an evil bone in her body. She was such a welcoming, warm person.

She nodded thoughtfully. The darkness within Lucien Delano was attracted and fascinated by the light and innocence in the young woman, of course! He could not keep his hands off his young wife; the man was bl*ody besotted with her.


Now she watched the red-haired woman as she served the drinks in a surly manner.

A sudden thought struck her, and being the kind of person who never hesitated to go for the jugular, she said,

“James, did she have a thing for you?’

Schwartz frowned and she realized that he was not enjoying the interrogation but now, the red flags were waving frantically in her brain.

Pulling his head down, she kissed him briefly.

‘Let’s have a drink, my handsome lover.’ She drawled softly and he beamed at her. She signaled discreetly to Allen who had been intently following the conversation, but in such a way, poor Schwartz had never suspected him of listening; he was to find out more about the red-haired woman who seemed so antagonistic. What was going on there?

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