Not Your Regular CEO Husband

Chapter 22 Dad!!


I entered kade’s room and shut the door behind me, as I turned around, I can wondered what on Earth I did wrong this time. My kids finally showed me love and I was happy, now he wants to make a fuss over what now?

“Why on Earth are you trending all over twitter?”He asked and I made a face at him as I said, “huh?” 

He exhaled deeply and paced up and down his room while I watched him. 

“Viola, I said you’re trending everywhere on Twitter.”He said, giving me a stern look and I swallowed hard remembering that the only thing he’d said to me after I found out he was the kid’s biological father was that I should lay low for a while so that the show Gina put up at our wedding reception would die down. 

“Well, I went to the kid’s school.”I said simply.

“To take selfies?!”he asked angrily and I rolled my eyes, I didn’t exactly think my actions through because I forgot that Kade had a very bad temper.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Did you just fucking roll your eyes at me? Do you think this is a fucking joke?”he barked as he charged at me. I retreated till my back touched the wall and he kept me trapped between his hands as he stared daggers at me. 

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you really think I’d leave the house if it wasn’t important??”I yelled back at him but he didn’t even move an inch. Call me crazy, but it seemed as if he stared at me lips for a split second as if he wanted to kiss me! 

Suddenly a scowl formed on his face as he backed up from me and folded his arms. “Then why were you there Viola?”he asked.

“I got a call from the school that someone beat up Dani so I just –”

“– someone did what?!” 

“You heard me, since I thought you were in Florida I went to the school to find out what happened. The stupid and shameless principal actually threatened Dani to take the blame meanwhile it was the boy – who in all honesty I believe must’ve repeated third grade multiple times – it was him who said hurtful words about me and Dani got upset so she hit him in the face. The boy retaliated by kicking her in the forehead with that dragon skin shoe of theirs!”I said so fast that I doubted he actually got all of that. 

He stepped back and placed his hand on his fore head but I couldn’t see his expression since he turned his back against me. When he turned around, I gasped at how pissed he look and immediately thought I shouldn’t have said a word. 

“Where is Dani?”he asked and I rolled my eyes. “how would you notice the band-aid on her head when you were busy scolding me?”I said and he just made a hissing sound, startling me because I’ve never heard a man hiss like that! 

He glared at me from head to toe before he stormed out of the room in search for Dani. I followed him to the dining room where they were having lunch and chatting with Victoria and Valora. 

Their laughter seized when they saw Kade’s countenance and they all stole glances at me and I mouthed a small, “it’s okay”to them so they calmed down a little.

“Dani…”Kade said softly when he saw her. He went to where she sat and then scanned the boys before focusing his attention on her as he said, “That must’ve hurt huh?” 

She shrugged and said, “not anymore, it stopped hurting when Mom kissed my forehead,”Dani said and I smiled at her. 

Kade was stunned, he looked at me then at her before he asked, “is she feeling alright?” 

We all laughed at how surprised he looked, especially with the face he was making as he asked if she was okay.

“I’m fine, mommy dealt with the jerk who hit me in the head.”She said as she ate her lunch.

“Dani, chew and swallow first before speaking,”Victoria corrected but Dani rolled her eyes and flipped her hair as she said, “how on Earth is that fun?”with food still in her mouth.

“But Dad, you’re gonna have to really deal with that bully, his name is Clinton Ryan and he’s way bigger than me. Now that I think about it my head really does hurt!”she said dramatically while her brothers rolled their eyes at her. 

“Hmm…good talk but umm…did you just say…Dad?”Kade asked and Dani froze. 

“Uhh…nope. You must not have heard well, how weird.”She said and drank a glass of grape juice with one gulp before staring awkwardly at Kade as his face suddenly lit up because he knew he’d heard her right.

“Oh my gosh this is so cringey. I’m emotional right now, I’d call anyone Dad at this point!”she stressed causing us to laugh at how desperately she was trying to deny the truth. 

Kade’s dimple was already popping on both his cheeks and I marveled out how different and soft it made him look. He only had dimples if he was really grinning wide and that only happened when he was elated. 

Dani finally smiled because Kade’s smile was really too contagious for her so she cracked up and I marveled at how she seemed to look like him a little. It was the smile, she was the only one of the three that had a dimple. I guess that was why she looked like him when she smiled, but other than that she was my twin. 

“You look ridiculous with that smile. I think someone poked you in the cheeks.”She said and he laughed.

“I think someone poked you in the cheeks too.”He replied and she tried not to smile so her dimple would show.

“Now you just look ridiculous,”Derrick said and she gave in and started laughing again.

“Well since you’re happy no need to deal with the boy any further…what’s the time anyway I have that one appointment.”Kade said as he looked at his watch, he obviously wanted to pull her legs.

“Dad!!!”she whined and then covered her mouth when she realized what she did. 

“let’s not lie, we’ve all been wanting to call someone Dad,”Damien said and it became silent after. 

“Weird how I thought you all would laugh at that..”he said awkwardly.

“It’s okay. I’m here for you okay?”Kade said as he stroked Damien’s hair.

“Hey, I want one of those!”Derrick whined and Kade chuckled before he did the same to Derrick.

“But I don’t understand it, grandma said uncle Klyde was our father.”Dani said looking genuinely confused.

“Well your grandma is old and she made a mistake. It happens sometimes, she thought I was Klyde.”Kade said before I got the chance to say anything. 

He looked at me briefly and I think I knew why he said that. They were too young to understand what really happened. It would be very messed up if they knew that I actually slept with their uncle. It might even messed with their mental health. 

I hated myself for this complication I caused, but I tried to prepare myself for whenever Kade and I would seem them ready to understand what happened. Until them, I’ll keep them safe from the blabbing mouths of some inhumane people. 

“Thank God he’s not our Dad, he was weird.” 

“I’m starting to think that’s your favorite word – weird.”Valora pointed out while they giggled.

“At least it’s not a cussword.”Derrick said and I stared at him with my mouth wide open.

“What do you know about cusswords Derrick?!”I asked , unable to hide how alarmed I was that he possibly knew some things.

“Derrick is not an angel mom. He knows more stuff yan we do, especially cusswords.”Damien said, that earned him a glare from Derrick.

“We’ll have a talk about that this evening then.”Kade said and I nodded in agreement.

“Oh I don’t know anything!”Derrick denied but none of us were having any of it. 

“Like I said, we’ll have a talk about that later. In the meantime, I’m going to kill – I mean, deal with the person who did this to my Daisy.”Kade said but Dani gagged at the nickname as she said, “Ewww! I’m totally good with Daisy.” 

“I guess I’ll leave the name to the rightful owner then.”Kade said, his eyes meeting mine for a moment before his phone rang. The way his countenance changed when he answered the call meant all was not well.

“Valora, Victoria, please prepare a room for my sister. She’s coming over.”He said then whistled with his fingers in his mouth. Zeus came running with kade’scar keys and then wiggled his tails as he stared at Kade expecting a treat. 

“Viola please give him a treat.”He said and hurried out of the house. 

I wondered what had happened that Elizabeth was coming over. I hope she is okay…

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