My Two Alphas

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Ace’s POV

Melana wasn’t having it, nothing I said to her was making her see reason. I told her plenty of times

this was just fooling around yet the hurt look she continued to give me as I stood in her kitchen showed

me how much I truly fucked up. She clearly didn’t see this as fooling around and thought something

more than what I would ever give her, making me wish I listened to Tyson.

Melana's tear stricken face made me feel like a piece of shit. “Is this because Lucy came back? I

don’t get it Ace everything was fine until she returned” Melana cries. I look away from her. Her wolf was

shining through and I could tell even she was hurt but Melana is not my mate, Lucy is.

“Are you going to answer, if it is let me speak to her, I know we haven't always got along, but

maybe if I talk to her things won’t feel awkward. I know she is meant to be staying with you for awhile”

“It’s not that, Melana, this was never going to work. I told you this so many times, you were never

going to be my Luna” I tell her and she starts crying even more. Great, now I feel like a dick. Ah god

why won’t she stop crying, I don’t do tears. I just wanted to bail now.

“I can make friends with Lucy, I know she is family Ace” Melana says, how has she not figured it

out yet, it has nothing to do with Lucy staying at our house, Melana just isn’t my mate.

“Just stop Melana, it has nothing to do with Lucy being your friend or not or you not getting along

with her” I tell her.

“Then what, because you were fine till she showed up?” Melana yells at me.

“Is it because of Tyson not liking me?” She asks stepping closer but I step away from her, I could

see the hurt in her eyes at my actions.

“Lucy is my mate, Melana” I tell her, getting it over with she will find out sooner or later. Better if it

comes from me then just waking up to find Lucy had suddenly become her Luna. Melana stops in her


“What, since when?” She says outraged. It was clear she didn’t expect that answer.

“Since I turned 17, I have known for years, Melana. Why do you think I kept telling you this would

never become anything more?”

“Wait so I was just around to kill the fucking time while you waited for her to what? Grow up, you

fucking prick” She had a point and there was no easy way to say it but she is correct.

“Well, yeah” I admit, looking away from her.

“You knew all this fucking time?” She screams so loudly I had to fight the urge to cover my ears,

her voice making them ring.

“I should have told you earlier, I was planning to but I didn’t think she would come back early from

school” I tell her. Melana starts laughing, shaking her head.

“Now I know why everytime she came back from school you would suddenly disappear, and I

couldn’t get ahold of you unless I showed up, you are a real piece of shit Ace, I hope she fucking

rejects you” Melana says.

“You have a mate out there Melana, don’t act so surprised I would pick mine over you” She snorts

shaking her head laughing. “This is just fucking great, you son of a bitch. I fucking rejected mine for

you, you fucking asshole” She says before shoving me.

“You did what?” I ask, a little shocked by her words.

“I found mine last year you prick, I rejected him for you. What a waste of fucking time that was”

She screams at me. I didn’t know what to say to that, there was no way in hell I would reject a fated

mate for anyone. Yet Melana did for me.

“I never asked you to do that Melana, why would you do that?” I asked baffled, how could she, the

thought disgusted me, if I had known I would have told her to go be with him.

“Because I love you, that’s why. He was a stranger, I barely knew him, I thought I knew clearly

read that fucking wrong” She tells me. I swallow now feeling ten times worse.

“I need to go” I tell her, nothing was going to fix this, so I just needed to get out.

“Sure fine Ace, run back to your fucking slut of a mate” She growls at me and I stop.

Atticus clawing at me and pressing forward at her words enraged she would call Lucy that.

“What did you say?”

“You heard me, you want to run along after someone that screwing her teacher go ahead, good

luck with that”

“Lucy is a virgin, Melana, don't be calling her names just because you can’t handle the thought of

her being your Luna” I tell her forcing Atticus down, he wanted to rip her apart, kill her for saying

something so vile about Lucy.

Melana laughs, “Sure believe what you want, Josey told me what she saw, believe what you want

about innocent little Lucy, she was the fucking her science teacher, clearly she couldn’t handle it when

he broke it off with her so burnt the class down” Melana chuckles.

“You’re pathetic, go on run along back to your mate”

“Josey is wrong, Lucy would never do that” I tell her walking toward the door of her apartment.

“My sister isn’t a liar Ace, she caught Lucy leaving from his class half naked. A week later his

classroom was burnt down because he found his mate, think what you want if makes you sleep better

at night, but doesn’t change the fact that she is fucking whore” Melana says, Atticus growls and I force

myself out of the apartment before he kills her, I hurt enough her already, I don’t need Atticus doing

more damage over some lies Josey told her.

Walking out of the apartment complex though I couldn’t get her words out of my head, is that why

she burnt the classroom down because he found his mate, I just couldn’t picture Lucy sleeping with her

teacher, yet her words had me questioning how much I really knew Lucy, she had changed over the

last year, maybe this relationship with her teacher was the reason she did. Stepping outside, I find it

belting down with rain, the wind so bad it was making the trees bend as I stepped onto the main drag of This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

the city. Fuck, I can’t run home in this. Looking around, I try to see a cab before remembering Jacob

lives near here.

I open the mindlink before feeling him become alert. “What’s up?”

“You home bro?”

“Yep, I am not going anywhere in this storm” he replies.

“Good, because I am staying with you tonight, I am stuck in the city” I tell him walking down the

street in the direction of his apartment.

“Okay, I will buzz you in, see you soon” He says, cutting off the link. I then Mindlink Tyson and

Lucy, to let them know. In a way I was glad I was staying at Jacobs. The thought of seeing her after

what Melana just told me had Atticus hackled up and on the verge of exploding. I needed him to be

calm before I asked her anything about her teacher. I also needed to find out who the fuck her teacher

was, he shouldn’t be allowed to teach if he is taking advantage of his students. Avery and Aamon

would want to know of any misconduct, but the longer I walked to Jacobs the more it made sense, she

had to have been screwing him, maybe that is why she was so upset that she would burn down his

class, just like Melana, jealousy does some pretty horrid things to people.

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