My Son's Mom Will Be My Wife

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 70

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 70

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 70–Exasperation gripped Tessa. At any time, Nicholas! You like to meddle so much, why

What don’t you say something now and articulate your thoughts on this?

Seeing that he would not come to her aid, she had no choice but to make up an excuse. He looked at Gregory and looked at

He apologized: “I’m sorry, honey, but I still have a lot of things to do at home, not to mention.

that the work has been piling up in the orchestra. I will no longer be able to give you violin lessons, but I will be able to give you

You still feel like it, there are many other teachers who can do a much better job than me.”

However, he had just said this when his little head bowed in disappointment, and with tears

Running down his little face, he muttered sadly, “However, I don’t want anyone else to teach me; Tea


It was heartbreaking to hear how hurt he sounded.

At that moment, even Edward couldn’t bear to see the child crying, and hurriedly interposed:

“Miss Reinhart, I must inform you that Young Master Gregory refused to eat a single bite of

Food today, and when he finally ate a few bites, he vomited thereafter. Not even

It can work without seeing you. He paused and looked at Tessa with a begging expression. “I ask you to

continue to teach you to play the violin out of your own kindness, Miss Reinhart. It always remained

Away from strangers until he met you, and I had never seen him be so insistent before. ¿You can’t

commit for their sake? What else can it do to make you change your mind?

Tessa was shocked by this revelation. I could hardly believe that Gregory would go on strike

Hunger for his guilt, and the thought of this made his heart shrink. She was moved and, at the same time.

At the same time, heartbroken.

She didn’t think there was anyone else in this world who cared about her besides Timothy, but that was

It was until this little guy came into his life. I had never expected someone as young as

Gregory was on the verge of madness when he discovered that he would never see her again to the point where

se declararía en huelga de hambre por eso.

La mamá de mi hijo será mi mujer

Tessa se dio cuenta de que su corazón podía estar hecho de la piedra más dura y aun así se rendiría ante

el pequeño en ese momento, pero, aun así, apretó los dientes y luchó contra cada fibra de su

ser. Entonces, ella dijo: “No”.

El rostro de Nicholas se volvió sombrío.

Edward, por otro lado, tragó convulsivamente, y se preguntó qué podría haber llevado a una mujer a ser

tan cruel frente a un niño que llora.

Sin embargo, los hombres fueron tomados por sorpresa cuando Tessa agregó de repente: “No en este

momento, al menos. ¿Qué tal si empezamos la próxima semana, cariño? Todavía tengo un par de cosas

in which to work these few days.”

Gregory’s bright eyes lit up once more and he looked at her in disbelief as

He asked quietly, “Are you saying yes to teaching me again, Miss Pretty Lady?”

She smiled and nodded gently. “Yes, I am. How could I say no after seeing you cry so much,

My dear?

In all honesty, Tessa had been close to rejecting him before, but she just didn’t dare to

Say those words out loud.

She was not a heartless monster; It wasn’t like I could say no after all the agony over

the one that the little one had gone through.

Currently, Gregory finally smiled through her tears after hearing her answer. Herself

threw out his

arms and hugged her by the waist. Then, in a voice as sweet and velvety as honey, he said, “You are

the best, Miss Bella! You are my favorite person in the whole world!”

She smiled at him, her look indulgent as she said, “Well, I like you too, honey.”

That said, she was more than prepared to take on the rest of the Sawyers if they stopped her from teaching her how to

Gregory. She didn’t want to disappoint him anymore.

It was already late when they left the hospital.

Nicholas was indifferent when he asked casually, “Where are you going, Miss?

Reinhart? Home?”

Tessa felt her heart skip a beat. Shaking his head vehemently, he said, “No, I can’t!

come back!”.

“Why?” He immediately felt something wrong, and with a raised eyebrow, he asked with

coldness: “Did something happen?”

She hesitated, then shook her head once. “N-No, not at all, but would you mind leaving me in a

motel? I will stay there for the night.

This led Gregory to protest: “No, motels are not appropriate places to stay, miss! Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Pretty Lady! Why don’t you stay at my house tonight?

“Huh?” Tessa blinked at this and became even more hesitant.

Meanwhile, Nicholas only needed a glance to know that she was divided by a dilemma. Together

With his previous injuries, he bet that things were serious on their end, if not complicated.

With that in mind, he announced with an air of purpose: “Stay in my house tonight. You are injured and

You can’t do much on your own, but luckily for you, our domestic staff

I could take care of you.”

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