My Son's Mom Will Be My Wife

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 103

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 103

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 103–File a police report?

Amber felt something break inside her the moment she heard that Julius wanted it.

File a police report. “Who are you? How dare an outsider like you interfere in

our business!”

Just then, Sophia quickly pulled Amber’s shirt before whispering, “Grandma, this

it’s the strong Tessa backing I told you about. Don’t lose your cool and face it.”

Amber was stunned. For someone who had lived more than half his life, he knew very well whom

I could or could not cross. If they really crossed over to the Sawyers, the Reinharts would definitely find themselves in

Serious problems.

Therefore, Amber quickly recomposed herself before saying, “President Sawyer, although she is a

Influential person, don’t you think it’s inappropriate for a stranger like you to interfere in affairs?

relatives of the Reinharts? Of course, I understand that you want to help Tessa, but you have to know.

Differentiate between good people and bad people.

That little liar is just an ungrateful child who feeds on the family! ¡You can’t

let you be fooled by her!”

“Is that so?”

There was a hint of arrogance in Nicholas’ voice as his gaze turned cold. “How dare he

An unreasonable woman like you, who takes advantage of your seniority to mount a scene, dares to

Lecture me on how I judge people? I am more than capable of making my own judgments, and

I know the characters of Tessa and Timothy well. I don’t need you to educate me.

Hearing that, Amber was exasperated when her face turned red. If it were Tessa, there would already have been

Reprimanded. However, he didn’t have the guts to answer to someone in the Sawyer family, so

He could only shut up and sigh.

Aún así, Nicholas aún no había terminado. Estaba emitiendo un aura de presión antes de mirar a Amber

con dureza y continuó: “Además, fui yo quien capturó a Silas. Incluso si dañas a Tessa y Timothy hoy, la

policía no lo liberará sin mi permiso, así que no tienes que desperdiciar tu esfuerzo”.

Los rostros de Sophia y Amber se encendieron cuando lo escucharon.

Aunque sabían que Nicholas era la persona detrás de lo sucedido, acudieron a Tessa y Timothy porque

no tenían otra opción, pero parecía que Nicholas estaba empeñado en proteger a esos dos, lo que

significaba que no tenían otra opción que suplicarle. .

Silas es el único hijo que he tenido en toda mi vida, ¡y de ninguna manera dejaré que se pudra en prisión

por el resto de su vida!

Amber se entristeció al pensar en eso antes de que la expresión arrogante de su rostro desapareciera y

preguntó de manera humilde: “¿Qué… qué quieres que hagamos para dejar ir a mi hijo?”

However, Nicholas just stared at her and said nothing before turning to Tessa and declaring with

coldness: “That’s up to Tessa. She is my wife and has the say to decide how she wants to deal with


Hearing that, Tessa felt a mixture of feelings that she couldn’t pin down.

Throughout these years, she and Timothy had been bullied a lot, and all they could do was

Carry all the pain and suffering in silence without anyone standing up to protect them.

However, Nicholas had been protecting her all along and backing her up. Even though she Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

She tried her best to keep her distance from him, he would never stop reaching out to help her.

I guess I really need a lot of time to be able to repay him for everything he’s done for me.

Tessa snorted and tried to suppress the urge to cry before turning to look at Amber and Sophia with


Then, he declared, “I’ve already said it once. If you want me to let Silas go, give me back the apartment that

my mother left Timothy and me, and changed ownership of the house to my name.

brother. On top of that, give me back my mother’s dowry as well. That’s it.”

Although he didn’t want anything from the Sawyers, he had to get back what belonged to his mother. When Sophia

heard Tessa’s demands, her face darkened before she felt a powerful urge to kill


How dare she make such outrageous demands just because Nicholas is


What made Sophia even more jealous was the fact that Nicholas would make so much effort just to


How dare he? If we are talking about appearance, I should be the favorite!

She was so jealous that she was about to go crazy.

My son’s mother will be my wife

However, Nicholas suddenly asked, “That’s it? Don’t you want other things like stocks?

However, Tessa sneered disdainfully: “I don’t need it!”

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