My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series

Chapter 0117

Chapter 0117

Chapter 0117

“Of course, Smalls, but this time you’re mine!” Kota swings me on his back and starts running. The rest of the guys are laughing and running to catch up.

It took us no time to run to the packhouse which was completely overflowing with people. The front doors were thrown wide open and groups of people were milling around the front lawn and porch all talking and enjoying themselves. I could hear the music coming from the back yard and could smell the delicious scent of barbeque billowing from the Alpha’s pride and joy grill.

‘Kota, can you run me upstairs for a quick shower and change of clothes?"

“Sure Smalls, I would love to get you all cleaned up."

He says low, in a tone I’ve never heard from him before. Then he looks over his shoulder and winks at me before I even caught on to what he was implying.

“Ugh! NO! Get your head out of the gutter. Just take me to our floor.” I roll my eyes back at him.

“You said it not me, Smalls. I can keep it quick though so no one suspects.” He chuckles again.

“Will you stop! I'll just go myself, you are being weird.” I tried to jump off his back as he reached the porch, but he had a death grip on my thighs. I was not going anywhere without a scene, and we both know I won’t cause a scene at Luna Ava’s party.

Stupid boys. “Fine, just move it, [ don’t want to keep your mom waiting. She's probably expecting you and the guys to play your parts as hosts and is not happy it took us this long to get back."

“‘Mom knows where we are, it’s fine. Besides, she wants you, not the rest of us. You are the jewel of the pack right now, from what I overheard in the stands."

He nonchalantly throws that out as we make it to the door to their floor and starts punching in the code.

“You are full of sh*t.” I scoff. “I can't even compete for a real spot yet, no one was even looking at me with so many real candidates."

He turns to respond, but is interrupted by my favorite sound on the planet.

“Oh, my goddess! Babe, there you are, I’ve been waiting forever. You totally need to get downstairs.

The Alpha King is waiting to talk to you and your brother, you really can’t keep him waiting any longer. He probably wants to hear about all the great plans we have to make this pack even better when we are Alpha and Luna. Where is your brother?"

Kota puts his hand up to stop her rambling. She either hasn’t noticed me on his back or is choosing to pretend that I’m not here. My guess is the latter. "

Kaley, who am I?"

“What?” She opens her eyes wide and tries to look innocent.

“Who. Am. I? It’s not a hard question. Or at least it shouldn’t be."

“You are a future Alpha, silly. That's such a weird question.” She giggles.

“My name. Say my name. Which future Alpha am I?"

It hit me then. She can’t tell them apart. I never thought of it until now, but she never calls them by their names initially. It's not funny but at the same time, it isto me. I bury my face in the back of Kota’s neck to stifle a giggle of my own. Can't she just tell by their scents who they are? She can’t be that stupid.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Kota lets out a purr-like sound from his chest and I pop back up looking at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

‘Smalls, you probably shouldn’t do that, unless you want our previous conversation to become a reality.”

My eyes go wide again. Kaley raises her eyes to me, "

I’m sure you’re capable of walking on your own, stop playing the victim and making him slave over you. It isn’t appropriate for a future Alpha to be schlepping the help around."

“Kaley, you never answered my question. Who am I?” Kota gains her attention again, and for once she looks nervous.

“Uh, well...” Kaley starts to stutter out and takes time to smooth and adjust her livid pink dress before our hurricane of friends comes blasting up the stairs and saves her from answering the question.

“Would you quit hogging my sister? Where are you guys going anyway? The party’s downstairs.” Mateo looks at Kota and I suspiciously.

“I was trying to go upstairs and clean up a bit before I went down. I am disgusting from the trials today, but all of you think I am not capable of walking, so I’m stuck here while Kota finishes up his conversation.”

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