My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series

Chapter 0049

Chapter 0049

Chapter 0049 "Alright, burgers are all done, everyone go and fill a plate." Alpha Lucas calls and ushers everyone into the kitchen with the large platter of grilled meat. We all filled up plates and went back out to take seats at an oversized table off to one side of the pool. Everything was so delicious. We were all laughing and eating at the large patio table, conversation was effortless. The guys were talking about birthdays in the past and regaling Sierra and I with some of their antics. The adults filled in some more embarrassing details the guys 'forgot.' knew my stomach was going to hurt tomorrow from laughing so hard. We sat there until the sun started to go down. As we all finished up and plates were all but licked clean, Mateo got up and grabbed my empty plate. Sam did the same for Sierra. The rest of the boys got up and took plates from all the adults wordlessly. That was strange. The confusion must have shown on Sierra's and my face. mlese boys eat well and have it easy when they are in the house, so it's their job to clean up dinner when we all get together like this." Luna Ava explains. "They have done it their whole lives. They aren't too important to help out with basic things around the house." Sierra and I look back over into the full glass windows showing the whole of the kitchen. Again, I think of a well oiled machine. They just move in sync with each other, all communicating without saying words, getting the job done quickly. The whole kitchen is cleaned and put back to normal in less than thirty minutes. It really is a sight to see and I cant help the big smile that crosses my face. has you looking ike that?' Sierra bumps me in the ribs and whispers to me. The way the boys move together, Ys fun to watch. I noticed it at the mall today too. They don't even have to look at each other or say anything, like all the cogs in a well tuned machine." I shrugged like It was no big deal. A large cake was set in front of me with fifteen burning candles. Where did that come from? I really had to get better at reading Sierra's distraction techniques. I didn't even notice them bringing it out. Singing starts as I look at the beautiful round cake with light blue frosting and dark blue piping spelling out 'Happy 15th Skylar.' I blew out the candles and everyone clapped and cheered. The

beautiful moment set me off and tears I have been holding back since this morning just spilled over. A warm arm wraps around the back of my shoulders and pulls me sideways into a tight hug. wrap my arms under his and bury my head into his neck and breathe in the familiar calming scent and just let my tears go. Mateo shifts and pulls me onto his lap and snuggles me closer. mlis is how it will always be from now on, baby sis. This is how it should have always been. Can you forgive me? " He's whispering in my ear. 'l didn't know, or really didn't pay enough attention to notice that you never got anything on your birthday. No party, no presents, we didn't even acknowledge it. I can't imagine what that must have been like. am so sorry." Mateo pulls back and looks in my eyes, his are filled with unshed tears. I just nod, don't even know if I could speak without crylng again. "l dont know if dad will ever be able to be around, since he also lost his mate today and that breaks something inside of you, but I have made my choice and I choose to spend it with the person still here, alive and kicking. Instead of spending it six feet above a person I don't even remember." We both start crying and embrace again. I just let it all out and squeeze him as hard as I can, hope I don't hurt him. I don't know how long we sat like that, but the rest of our friends just eft us in peace. When we pulled back he rubbed his thumbs under my eyes, drying the tears and wiping away the smudged racoon eyes that I'm sure are there. "Did you tell them? The guys and Sierra, do they know this is a first for me?" "Yes, I had to explain a bit _ They know you've never had a party before and that I think you usually spend it alone because dad takes me with him to visit mom. I don't think the Luna knew about that part, | have never seen her so pissed before. She had some choice words to say about dad’s and my behavior, straight to our faces. | thought

Alpha Lucas was going to have to step in to calm her down.” He grimaced at the memory.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

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