My Second Chance

Chapter 38: #38 The Start Of Something New

Chapter 38: #38 The Start Of Something New

Ryder's P.O.V

"I'm here." I announced as I stepped into the ward that Drew was in.

She looked up, her eyes meeting mine. "So soon?" She asked smoothly and hopped down from the bed, her feet landing gracefully, not making a sound. I controlled my uneven breathing. She looked out of the window and into the dark sky. "Hmm... you finished the first and second at 6:22. The last task is left." Drew turned back to me, her unique eyes boring into mine. I don't know how she tells the time by looking at the sky and I don't want to know. All I want is Sapphire back.

"Let's go. I'll follow you. Let's see where you lead me to." Drew said carelessly as she examined her hand, fire dancing from fingertip to fingertip.

"It doesn't bother you, does it?" I demanded angrily, feeling my blood boil. "Bother what?" Drew challenged, although I knew that she knew what I was talking about. "You don't feel nervous or scared? If I make a mistake, Sapphire's going to die." I snapped. "So?" She asked cooly, sparing me a glance as she went back to her fingers. "It doesn't bother you? At all? You are a part of her. She is a part of you. You fell nothing to all of this?" I waved my hand to gesture at my surroundings. "So you want me to feel something for this?" Drew raised an eyebrow. "Yes." I said exasperated. "So what would change if I did care? That's right, nothing. So why don't you stop bothering me and just let me follow the demon rulebook?" Drew snapped, her eyes darkening a shade. "Demon rulebook?" I raised an eyebrow in curiosity as her face visibly paled, turning into a lighter shade of pink. She hurriedly walked towards the door. "Come on, let's go. You don't have all day." She said hurriedly.

"Tell me Drew. Tell me about the demon rulebook." I crossed my arms. "You don't want Sapphire dead, do you? Let's go." She rushed out. The corner of my lips quirked up when I realized I had the upper hand.

Drew didn't want Sapphire to die. She was just using my fear to cover up her own fear. If Sapphire died, she wouldn't exist. She would be nothing. She'd fade to nothing.

"Tell me about it." I emphasized on each word, a smug smile making its way up my face. "No. There are rules I need to follow." She snapped, glaring heatedly at me. "You know I have the upper hand Drew, face it." I smirked, enjoying the moment too much. "Look here lover boy. Sapphire and Gwen might have feelings for you, going mushy whenever you're near, but don't you fucking think you affect me the same way cause you as hell well don't. So don't frikin tell me what to do and let's just go." Drew snarled, emotions rolling off her. But it wasn't anger I sensed, no... it was exasperation. She was practically begging me to leave the matter alone. I cocked my head to the right. Why would almighty demon Drew would be scared? She had mentioned the demon rulebook. It must be something inside that scares her. Somekind of punishment for the people who don't comply with the rules and regulations. Drew was still staring at me, but the exasperation clearer than day in her eyes now. "You can't spill it, can you? Its somekind of secret between demons." I stated. She shrugged. But the fact that she didn't deny it confirmed my suspicion. I pressed my lips into a firm line, debating whether to keep pressing the matter.

"Fine. Let's go. The faster I get Sapphire back, the faster I don't have to face you." I muttered and followed her out, keeping a maximum distance between us.

I felt everybody widening their eyes and scrambling away when Drew and me approached. Mum visibly paled, although I had no idea why. Alec, Cole and Sapphire's girlfriends stared in horror at what their friend became. Pack members freezed at the sight of her demonic state, not daring to utter a word... or breathe. We could even hear the wind passing through us.

Drew ignored them and turned to me. "Well? The last task. Aren't you going to take me there?" Drew snapped. "Someone's PMSing." I muttered. A fireball landed near my feet the following second, making me yelp in surprise. I stomp on the fire making it extinguish before the whole lawn lits up. I glared at her when I succeeded, but all she did was look at with an eyebrow raised. "Done muttering to yourself?"

She didn't wait for a responce and snapped, "good." Whimpers came occasionally from the younger members. I grumbled under my breath. "Let's go." I muttered and stomped into the forest, her on my tail.

"Here?" Drew asked. Was it just me or did her voice waver. Must be you, Jay shrugged and I gave him a glare. I wasn't in my best mood right now. "Yeah, here." I mumbled, scratching the back of my head. She looked around anxiously. "But there's nothing here." She protested, fidgeting around. It seemed as though Drew was... nervous. "Just wait." I breathed out as I saw a tiny hint of light in the sky. The sun was rising. I tugged on her hand, which felt abnormally warm. Like really warm. "Don't touch me." She snapped, pulling her hand away. "There. If this isn't the place that will bring her back, I'll be completely helpless." I murmered, pointing to the visible R love S.

She turned to me slowly, meeting my gaze. Then, she surprised me by breaking into a large grin.

Not her signature smirks or eerie grins that says I'm a serial killer and imma stalk you kind of grins... but a real and genuine one.

"You did it! Omg, I thought you wouldn't succeed!" She squealed and threw herself into my arms. "Err..." I patted her back awkwardly, not knowing what to do. She let go of me and looked at me seriously, happiness still illuminating her face, making it look more... redder.

"You were right." She simply stated. "What?" I cocked my head a little to the right. "Gosh you're slow. Why does Sapphire even love you?" She muttered under her breath and I gaped at her. "Hey!" I protested indignantly. She sighed and continued. "There's this mission assigned to any inner demons. To see if a guy is worth it. I mean, if guys did pay attention to small detials of their relationship, it means a lot. It already means that he is ready to spend his life with her." I opened my mouth to protest, but after thinking, I couldn't not agree with her. "Demons... Half demons are rare. Really rare. It isn't like, hey, I wanna see a demon, let's go to the zoo! These unusual hybrids, they haven't existed in centuries. And if one exists, she needs to find someone capable of protecting her." Drew sighed, twirling her

glossy hair on her index finger. "Protect? Man, she's even more capable of protecting herself." I rolled my eyes. Her fingers closed around my arm, making my eyes snap back to hers quickly. "Do you know, how many people would kill to have the name 'demon slayer'? In case you didn't know, demons are hunted. If other packs knew about her, or even other supernaturals, do you know how much chaos it would cause? People would fight each other first and then, they'll hunt Sapphire down." She growled lowly, the temperature of her hands increasing dramatically. She removed her hands before I got burned.

I gulped. Let's just say Drew can be scary when she wants to.

"This while thing is still sexist." I grumbled. Why was it that males were tested and females weren't? Drew smirked. Great, her smirks are back. Because I totally missed them. "While you went through those challenges, Sapphire had one of her own. Much more harder than yours." She stated seriously. "Did she pass? What will happen if she doesn't? If she does pass, does it mean I'll see her again?" I asked, panic and fear taking over my body all at once. " Slow down with the questions mister. First, its a miracle she passed. I myself am surprised. Second, if she doesn't pass, she won't come back. Third, I've just answered that in the second question." She said, counting her fingers as she answered my questions dutifully. So... she's safe right?" I asked slowly. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I'll just return Sapphire to you now and let you see for yourself. And by the way, I wasn't joking when I said her soul burns with every minute I take over." She muttered and my eyes widened. She was serious?! Jay yelped. "Yes, I'm serious. Now stay back." She ordered, authority ringing from her voice. She can totally read Jay' mind. Cool. "Thanks Drew." I whispered, taking steps back, my eyes not leaving her. She smiled a little. "You're a great man, Ryder. Take good care of her." She answered before closing her eyes.

All at once, the red flew off her skin as if it was painted on. Sapphire's skin slowly turned to their original tan. The red slowly turned into a ball of soft red light and disappeared into her forehead. I smiled in relieve. Drew was back to where she belonged, in Sapphire's head. The strands of black hair slowly

turned into the blonde I had missed so much, all the way to it's ends. A small red trident tatoo appeared onto the skin just above her chest, clearly visible as it shimmered in the sunlight. The girl in front of me exhaled loudly and slowly opened her eyes. Thise beautiful striking blue was finally back and I couldn't help the tears swelling in my eyes. My beautiful angel was back. I stared at her while she stared back at me. A clear message in her eyes : its finally over. I opened my arms invitingly as she threw herself into my embrace. "I missed you." I whispered softly against her hair, deeply inhaling her addictive scent. I couldn't describe the feelings that washed over me all at once when I touched her.

She didn't answer but roughly connected our lips together. I smiled against her lips as she kissed me roughly, being the dominant. I nipped at her lip and she opened her mouth, giving me a turn for domination. I let my tongue freely roam her sweet mouth which I had missed so much. "I love you." She muttered breathlessly when we pulled apart.

"The feeling's mutual." I grinned, happy to finally see her again. Her eyes travelled back down to my lips and I saw the lust in her eyes.

Without another word, I connected our lips once again.

Sapphire's P.O.V

I feel trapped. I looked around to see where I was. A room. A room with no windows or anything to amuse me. A room where red swirls of fire danced off the walls.

"Drew?" I called out. My voice echoed in the room, whispering my question over and over again. "Gwen?" I tried. The same echoes replied me, indicating I was alone.

The only thing there was in this room, other than me, was a small wooden chair placed right in the middle of the room. "Ryder?" I asked whispered. Hope dying inside me when nothing happened. I felt panic rising in me. "Okay, breathe Sapphire breathe." I murmered to myself, hoping that it would bring

my emotions down a hitch. "Gwen, are you there?" I tried again. Gwen must be in here. Drew had taken over me, so there goes my demon. But where was my wolf? RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

I don't know how long have past or what the time was. I sat on the chair, still hoping some miracle could happen. I've tried to talk to Ryder through our mate bond, but it seems Drew was stronger than I thought. My eyes swept over the room once more, hoping to find something that could get me out of here. Beads of sweat were trailing down my forehead. My hair was wet with sweat. Breathing was getting harder and harder by every second, air around me heating up. I feel myself burning up as every minute goes by, as if fire was surrounding me. The swirls of red fire from the walls were getting bigger and bolder. If I didn't know better, I couldve sworn they were reaching out for me.

As the room heated up, I felt my eyes closing, tiredness washing over me, threatening to take me to a deep slumber.

And that was what it did.

Wake up... wake up... Something whispered softly, tugging me out of sleep. "Ryder?" I mumbled, my eyes still closed. Instead, I got zero response. I fluttered my eyes open, hoping to see I was in Ryder and I's room. Or maybe just somewhere in the pack house. But of course, fate hates me.

Instead, what I noticed was that a mirror was hanging on the wall at the right side of the room. A mirror with a gold frame and encrusted diamonds. I could hear faint laughter and happiness radiating from it. Out of curiosity, I stepped towards it. And what I saw took my breath away. Because in that mirror, I saw a perfect life. I saw my mother, only older, sitting on a rocking chair in a beautiful orchid garden. It has always been her favourite flower. I saw her watching two small children running around as they shouted with glee. Then, I saw Ryder. An exact replica of how he looked when we first met. His beautiful eyes that held heavy sadness snapped to mine. And all at once, my mother and the two children looked up at me. I felt embarassment cloud me. I shouldn't even be spying on them. I stared at the two children. They looked... they looked just like me and Ryder! Mini versions of me and Ryder. I

sucked in a breath. That's when I understood, they were my children. This mirror leads to a perfect life. A life I've always wanted.

They beckoned to me, asking me to join them. I felt hope flutter in me. I could be united with my mother. I could have the perfect life, that's what everyone wishes for right? My children could have a grandmother and I could live in that flawless land. I took a large step forward, an invisible force pulling me to a never ending happiness. I could just feel dancing with joy as I felt the blast of happiness that hit me. That's when I felt something shimmering behind me. I turned to see another mirror. A plain mirror, hanging to the left side of the room. I gulped. Something in there was something that would pull me away from my happy ending. From my to be perfect life. I walked slowly to the mirror. I composed myself and daringly stared into the flat piece of glass, willing it to do its worst.

And believe me, it did.

I saw chaos. I saw reality.

Fire flicked around the frame as I saw war between packs going on. I saw Clover fighting off another shifter furiously. My heart contracted when I felt her energy weakening as she fought on. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. No, I wasn't going to let that horrible thing pull me away from the life I want. I opened my eyes but soon wished I still had them closed. I saw Willow and Bella being surrounded my shifters of another pack. They were all in wolf form, baring their teeth and snarling, preparing to attack. I let out a whimper, covering my eyes with the palms of my hands.

The mirror was just trying to keep me from happiness. It was going to bring me back to reality.

I stumbled backwards with my eyes closed. I wasn't going to let the mirror get the better of me. I couldn't. I thought of the beautiful and enchanting gold mirror where happiness was waiting for me. Without hesitation, I turned and ran. Away from the plain mirror that reflected reality and chaos. I deserved happiness. After all I've been through, I deserved at least that.

I smiled as the feeling of peace washed over me when I saw my mother opening her hands for a welcoming hug. I sighed in relieve and stepped forward. I put a foot through the mirror. It shimmered as my leg went through, acting as a portal. I felt a warm breeze blow onto my foot. I looked up to see Ryder grinning. But... there was something wrong. He was grinning. A little too perfectly. He seldom smiles.

I frowned.

But a yell brought me spinning immediately to the plain old mirror in panic.

"Ryder!" I gasped as a shifter plunged a silver knife straight down at my mates heart. "Alec! Cole! Safe him, please!" I screamed as my heart contracted at the thought that Ryder being hurt. Cole and Alec kneeled down beside him, a helpless look on their face.

"Please..." I whispered-gasped and my hands tightened against the mirror's frame as I fell to my knees. "Please." I whispered as I saw Ryder trying to get up, but was too weak. I stood up, wanting to jump into the mirror to help. But as I turned to the perfect mirror hesitatingly, I knew that it was just reflecting something unrealistic. Something you only see in fairytales. Something that wasn't meant for real life. That's when I knew. Life would always have it's up and downs. There was no such thing as perfection. Nothing was perfect. And at that, my choice was clear.

"Nothing's perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect life. And Ryder wouldn't be Ryder without his flaws. And I wouldn't change anything for that. I love him because of his imperfections. So stop trying to pull me in." I grounded out to the golden mirror.

As in on que, the mirror shattered into glass shards... turning into mist and then to nothing. I stood there staring at the empty spot where the mirror used to occupy. Did I make the right choice? Did I choose what I really wanted?

No time for that. I have to go save Ryder. Right choice or not doesn't matter now. With that, I took a deep breath and jumped into the mirror.

The plain old mirror that reflects reality.

I felt sunlight illuminating my face, making it hard to open my eyes. I forced them open, wincing as the sunlight shone directly into my eyes.

The first thing I saw was a familiar figure. The second thing I noticed was the intoxicating scent I smelled. Third, my eyes adjusted and I saw my mate standing there. We stared at each other, comprehending the situation. It was finally over. When it finally occured us that I was back, he opened his arms invitingly. I didn't wait for another moment as I threw myself into his broad chest. My arms wounded themselves around his waist as I took in a breathfull of his scent.

"I missed you." He whispered against my hair. I pulled back, my eyes full with tears. I didn't answer. I couldn't. There was this lump in my throat that forbids me from talking. I connected our lips quickly and roughly. He seemed to be taken by surprise. But as he recovered, he started kissing me back. His tongue delved past my lips, exploring my mouth, leaving no spot alone.

"I love you." I summarised all I felt in that moment into three words. He grinned happily. "The feeling's mutual." He mused. My eyes travelled back to his swollen lips. I thought of the two children that I saw in the golden mirror, wondering if that could be my future with Ryder. My eyes flicked back to his. His eyes had darkened. Lust swirled dangerously in them.

Before anything else could be exchanged, he connected our lips once more.

And that's when I knew, that I had made the right choice.

Because this was all I've ever wanted.

And this all... was the start of something new.

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