My Second Chance

Chapter 36: #36 New Trouble Awaits

Chapter 36: #36 New Trouble Awaits

Sapphire's P.O.V

Graysen and Ryder were circling each other, trying to anticipate the opponents first move.

Clover tried to reassure me, but I could feel panic radiating from her. Although Ryder was younger and had an advantage to stamina and speed, Graysen was a very experienced fighter. And when I mean very, I mean very. "He'll be fine Sapph, calm down. He can sense you, remember?" Bell murmered beside me. "How? Our bond's broken when I rejected him." I frowned. No, our bond's not broken yet, Gwen informed me. What? I frowned in confusion.

"You did reject him, but you didn't do it out of pure ditaste. The bond was still there, faint, but still there. But just now when you proclaimed your love for him, it strengthened. Didn't you see how tired he was earlier?" Bell smiled softly. "He immediately looked carefree and younger." Will appeared beside me, smiling.

I stared at his figure and saw what they had said was indeed true. Yeah, yeah, whatever, all I can think is the heat now, Drew grumbled.

When she said that, I became really aware if my body condition. It was weakening, from the lack of food and the Changing.

"Prepare to lose Ryder Black." Graysen snarled as he lunged forward. My body moved by it's own out of instinct. "Wait!" I stood in front of Ryder protectively. Graysen stopped and looked at me in confusion from his green sly eyes. "You could've got hit." Ryder growled at me. I ignored him and faced Graysen.

"The person you want is me. It's only fair if I'm the one fighting." I said, determination lining my words. Graysen seemed to think it over. "No. I forbid this." Ryder scowled. "I'm your equal Ryder. You can not order me around." I glared at him. His face fell immediately, knowing that there was nothing he could do.

"Sapphire, this isn't a fight you can win. The odds are all against you." A familiar voice said and I recognised Georgia, Ryder's mother.

"What odds?" I raised an eyebrow, although I knew what she meant.

"I know someone who's weak when I see one. And I've been keeping tabs on what you eat." Georgia said, double meaning in her words. My eyes met her in surprise. Surely no one knew about my eating disorder. "What do you eat?" Ryder frowned in confusion. I just sent him a small smile.

"I guess it's fair only if you fight. The fight is all about fairness." Graysen smirked and I nodded. "You're only saying that because she's more likely tol lose. This isn't about fairness, it's just for your advantage." Ryder growled, opposing the idea. "My my... I just can't get anything pass you, can I?" Graysen tsked and Ryder let out yet another animalistic growl. I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'll be fine. I'm not that weak." I smiled. Yes you are, Drew grumbled. Great to see the sarcastic side of you out, I sighed and she smirked. We can do this, a demon and werewolf, he doesn't stand a chance, Gwen smirked. Half. Half demon and half werewolf, Drew reminded. You just loove beating us down, do you? I grumbled at her. Don't blame me, its in my nature, she shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"There's no way I'm letting you fight." Ryder said, gently stroking my cheek. "Sorry Ryder, but its my fight." I pressed his palm to my cheek, relishing the heat. "If there's something wrong, just pull out if the fight." He closed his eyes and whispered softly. I smiled and said nothing.

I knew I was going to lose, but pulling out meant breaking rules and immediately declaring war between two packs. I wasn't pulling out, no matter what.

"Enough of the mushy stuff. Be prepared to lose Sapphire." Graysen snarled. I pushed Ryder away gently, taking a deep breath and digging all the confidence and energy I had left. "Are you sure Sapphire? No backing out. And don't forget about the wolf bane that's still in your system." Graysen

sneered. "What?" Ryder widened his eyes. "I'm sure." I held my head high before Ryder could say anything. "I'm an Alpha Sapphire. You'll be dead in a minute." He smirked. His clothes ripped away and his bones cracked into place. You're playing with fire now, Graysen's voice floated into my mind. Then I just have to fight fire with fire, I smirked.

Within a minute, my maroon fur had fully sprouted and I was on all fours, standing with pride as people gaped at my unique fur colour.

What? But how? Graysen babbled. I didn't know if he was talking about my fur or the fact that I transformed when I 'had' wolf bane in my body. I just shrugged in answer.

You look beautiful. I'm so proud of having you as my mate, a familiar voice whispered in my mind. I turned to see Ryder smiling at me with pride. Gwen purred, pleased. Yeah yeah. I just want to fight. Man, this feels good, Drew said excitedly. Be careful we're still weak, I warned. Sapph, look out! A voice yelled in my mind. Gwen took charge and leaped out of the way, dodging one of Graysen's attacks. Graysen growled and pounced on me. I nipped at his hind leg and he howled in pain. I smirked, swishing my fox like tail. He stood up, bearing the pain. He glared at me with venomous green eyes and I knew things were about to get messy. He had been publicly humiliated in front of the pack. And that was the only thing he couldn't stand. How lucky for me. Oh.. don't mind me and my sarcasm.

I decided to attack first. I pounced and bit down on his neck. Metallic taste filled my nouth and I internally gagged. He whimpered before tossing me off him, making me hit the ground with a 'thump'.

He took the chance and pounced on me, pressing me to the ground. I growled and tried to snap at him. Then I felt something pressing at my entrance. My head snapped up and saw Graysen with an evil wolfish grin. I gasped, if I could do it in wolf form anyway. I struggled under him. I could feel the tip pressing my entrance. This is rape! I screamed at him. Well, no one's noticing it, it's only rape if I get caught, Graysen smirked and I tried pushing him off. Everybody thought I was just trying to get away from him, not that they were literally watching a rape scene unravel in front of them. This is gross, he's

not our mate, Gwen yelled as she tried prying us from under Graysen's body. Drew? I called shakingly. I..I can't help, I'm... I'm... its burning in here, Drew panted and I whimpered as the heat addressed me. I whimpered and once again struggled under him. Let go! I screamed at him and he just pressed down harder. My entrance burned as his thick length started to go down deeper.Ryder? I need help, please, I cried. Are you not feeling well? He asked gently. Fudge this, war is war. I will not lose my virginity in front of everybody and most importantly, to someone not my mate. Ryder, he's.. he's raping me... I sobbed and tears rolled down my furry cheek. I looked up and my eyes connected with his stormy orbs.

Understanding flashed in his eyes. Then.. anger followed. With a snarl, he transformed into his wolf and pounced forward, but everybody from our pack held him back, keeping him away from the fight. "Ryder, she's not in danger yet. Graysen isn't doing anything to her." Cole grabbed his arm. "He's raping her! Don't you see?!" Ryder's eyes were now black. Wolf in control. Cole and the people who were keeping him back released their hold in surprise. He ripped Graysen off me. I have never seen him this furious, like... ever. His body was shaking in anger and his eyes were pitch black, becoming darker as each second passed.

Clover hurried forward with a towel. She covered me with it when I turned back into human. I sat up and leaned against her, sobbing my eyes out. I couldn't believe I was raped.

Ryder continued to furiously fight Graysen, sneaking in bites whenever he could.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry I didn't notice anything." Will hurried beside me. "Are you okay?" Bell asked hesitantly. I couldn't do anything but continue to sob. With every sob becoming louder, Ryder's attacks became more vicious. "We're sorry our Alpha did something that low to you." The second in command of Silver Paw Pack, Ross, came towards me. A few pack members stepped in front of me protectively. I couldn't do anything but shiver in the towel, tightening it around my body.

Then something suddenly occured me. "Why... why are you guys not attacking my pack members? We... We violated a rule." I sniffed, my cheeks wet with tears. Ross smiled sadly and shook his head,

"however loyal a pack member has to be to their Alpha, what he did was extremely disgusting and wrong, we all have our limits. And moreover, you used to be a part of this pack. His sick behaviour has to stop. So... why not now?" He shrugged. "But you guys aren't scared to be dominated by Dark Moon Pack?" I rubbed my tears dry with my palms. "I heard it became a much peaceful and nicer place since you arrived. I think we can survive." He gave me a little smile. I gave him the biggest smile I could muster, which isn't big.

I heard a howl and saw Graysen's neck in Ryder's mouth.

His eyes reached mine, asking permission to end this. End all the torture he have given me. I took a deep breath and slowly nodded my head.

I closed my eyes and I heard a 'snap'. The entire clearing went quiet and the painful howling stopped. I opened my eyes and braced myself for the gruesome sight I would've face. There layed Graysen's body, a limb torned apart and the head on the right side of his body. I vomited water out, disgusted at the lumps of flesh on the ground. Shaken up, I stared at Ryder. A sudden fear ran through me, was it because of the things I recently went through, I don't know. I was suddenly afraid if him, knowing that he was the cause if Graysen's gruesome death. He seemed to notice a change in me. He stepped forward and I scrambled back, my wild and frightened eyes trained on him.

"Sapph?" Alec stared at me in confusion. Ryder tried to walk towards me but I screamed, "get away from me! Get the fuck away from me!" He stopped in his tracks, surprised by my outburst. Hurt flashed across his face. "Sapphire?" Bell and Will tried to approach me. Both members of the pack stared at me, trying to guess the problem. "Get away from me." I emphasized on 'away'. Gwen was screaming at me to keep calm. But the fear and anger vibe Drew was sending to me was effecting me more.

"Sapphire!" Ryder yelled. I turned to see Jennifer pointing a gun at me. I could feel the silver bullets it wield. He tried to push her out of the way, but she was really determined to avenge her father.

Pain flooded my body after a loud bang. I felt like knives were stabbed into my body. I didn't even know where I got shot. The pain spreaded through my whole body. Silver, Gwen whimpered and went quiet. Shit, Sapph, stay awake. You can't close your eyes Sapph! Sapph! Her voice slowly faded from my mind. Images of every memorable scenes flashed through my mind. Different emotions flashed through me at the speed of lightning. The corner of my eyesight turned blurrier with every second. I closed my eyes, resting it. I vaguely remembered a hand grabbing mine and panicked shouting. After that, I slowly drone out of the world. Where I was. What was happening. And who the shouting belonged to.

The last memory was the pain and the kiss that was pressed gently to my lips, leaving sparks and lust.

Ryder's P.O.V

I felt my heart stop, literally.

"That was the fourth time it happened in two days. The possibility of her not waking up adds up every minute she continues to sleep." The pack doctor told me quietly. Before I knew anything, a large hole on the wall in the infirmary appeared. Crimson red slowly dripping down my knuckles.

"Ryder, you have to calm down." Cole ran a hand through his hair, another arm around a distraught Bella. Alec was still consoling Willow who looks like she was on the verge of break down. Hell, she already broke down yesterday. Her second breakdown. "How to you fucking calm down when the doctor tells you she might never wake up?! Her heart stopped four times in two days. It was luck that the doctor brought her back. What if she never wakes up?! What will I do? Shot 125px closer and it would have hit her heart..." I collapsed into a plastic chair, my face pressed against the palms of my hands. "Ryder, freaking out won't help. She can still feel you you know. She's not dead. So just send posituve thoughts and reasons why you want her there to her. And shut the guck up, you are making me nervous with all the negative energy." Clover snapped, making me shut up. Messing with this girl is never a smart idea.

"But didn't you see yesterday? She was frightened of me. She wanted to get away from me." I murmered . "She was in shock Ryder, what did you expect? Let the towel fall and run to your arms? Plus the Changing is effecting her. Her demon, Drew and her wolf must be causing rampage in there. So what do you want her to do? Kiss you hardly after getting raped? Kinda rape. Still counted as rape." Bella growled. I gripped the armrest of the chair till my knuckles went white. Well, white for a second, then it broke in my hands and my knuckles turned back to its original colour. The image if her struggling would forever haunt my mind. I can't believe it. I was right there and u didn't even notice.

"It wasn't your fault Ryder. None of us realized it." Alec said softly and I grunted. "He's right." My mum's gebtle voice filled the infirmary as she stood at the doorway. I was too tired to acknowledge her.

"Sapph needs to wake up and convince him." I heard Bella murmer to Willow but I ignored it. I continued blaming myself for the things that could've been avoided if I was smarter. The pack was weakening at the commotion and the loss of a Luna. they could already feel their Luna drifting further and further from them. They didn't need news... They already knew. Even Jay retreated to the back of my mind, hiding from me and the world. Probably blaming himself. Jay, the pillar of the pack next to me was hiding in pain. I sighed. They were right, I needed to calm down. Do it for Sapphire. Do it for the pack. Calm my shit down and-

"Alpha! Alpha Ryder!" A panicked voice yelled from inside Sapphire's assigned room. I jumped up, my aim to calm down long forgotton as I ran into the room, expecting the worse. And I was right. It was the worse thing I could've ever saw.

I saw the doctor pumping her chest up and down, trying to get her breathing back. I wasn't even mad a male was touching her so close to her breast.

The thing that scared me was that she wasn't moving... C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

at all...

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