My Hunted Mate

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen


A loud groan slips past my lips as I stretch out on the softness around me, confusion and panic strikes

through me when I realise I can't remember where I am. My eyes fly open and I sit up to find myself

wrapped in black bedsheets belonging to my mate, who is sat on the end of the bed watching me with

an emotionless face.

" You left. " He states. I don't open my mouth, just nod. " Why? "

" I can't be with you Malakai. " I mutter under my breath, but I know he hears me when a deep scowl

sets on his face.

He stands up from his seat on the bed. " Why not? "

" We're.. We're just not meant to be " The bed sheets fall to my waist as I sit up, my hair and arms are

the only things covering my bare chest from him. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

He scoffs loudly at this. " Actually we are literally meant to be . We are fated. You are mine and I am

yours. "

" Are you sure? Are you sure you're mine and not hers ? " I accuse not being able to stop the

possessive and jealous words from tumbling from my lips, which I press together roughly in attempt to

shut myself up.

Malakai's scowl deepens as he moves toward me. " Who are you talking about? "

" Josephine. " I grit out her name as if it's bitter on my tongue.

He sighs, sitting back on the bed, this time closer than before. " Josie and I... We "

" I really don't want to know. " I snap, cutting him off. Hating the hearing him use a nickname for her

and to be suggesting that she was being truthful when she attacked me.

" It's over now. " He whispers, reaching over to place his hand on my blanket covered leg.

" When did it stop? " Again, I can't seem to stop the question from falling from my mouth.

" I... " He looks down.

A pang of jealousy courses through me. " You haven't actually ended it, have you? "

" I haven't had the chance since I found you. " He confesses.

" You should've given yourself the chance to. " I growl, moving away from his touch.

" You're changing the subject. " He points out as I crawl to the other side of the bed. " Why did you

leave? "

Reaching the edge, I wince at the pain in my shoulder, arms and neck when I climb off of the mattress.

" Ask your lover. " I sneer, even though I know well that Josephine only played a very small part in me

leaving him.

" The bite marks. Where did they come from? " He demands.

" Now who's changing the subject. " I turn to face him, but stay on the opposite side of his huge bed.

" Where did they come from Corinna. " His narrows his eyes at me.

" I needed the element of surprise with the hunters, pretend to be hurt in order to get close enough and

kill as many of them as I could before they got to their weapons. " I explain quietly.

" So you let Olive feed from you?! " He hisses.

" I didn't have to go and rescue her Malakai! " I shout." Then why on earth did you? " He glares. " You

yourself in danger, not only by rescuing her but also by letting her feed from you. I'm surprised she was

even able to do that without killing you at her age! "

" You were worried about her and I wasn't going to leave a child hung from the ceiling like cattle was I?

" I glare right back at him. " Those hunters would have kept killing, attacking and kidnapping your clan. I

did you a favour. "

He stands in front of me in a flash, caging me on their side of his arms against the glass window where

the balcony is, glaring down at me with angry eyes. " And what if you had gotten yourself killed in the

process? "

" Well I didn't. " I grit my teeth, trying to push him out of my way but he doesn't budge.

" Well what if you had Cori! " It is now that I see the panic behind his eyes, he wasn't angry at me, he

was panicking that he could have lost me.

" But I didn't. " I tell him, my voice much softer now.

He drops his head, sighing softly before he pushes himself from the window. He takes hold of my arm

gently, guiding me back to the bed. He sits leaning against the headboard then tugs on my hand. "

Come here. "

Hesitating, I stay standing until he leans forward and lifts me with ease to sit between his legs, my back

against his chest. " You shifted back on your own after you passed out, we got the arrow out of your

back but I couldn't heal you until you woke. " He mumbles softly, his lips brushing my ear.

He pulls his hand behind me, I stay frozen looking ahead of us, my eyes stuck on the countless amount

of books ahead of us until he presents his wrist to me, it has two bloody gashes from where his fangs

had ripped into it. He brings it to my lips. " Drink. "

Unsure of what he's doing, I decide to trust him and do as I've been asked, so I take open my mouth

immediately tasting his blood but instead of that usual metallic sour taste, his was warm, sweet and

tangy like honey. My eyes close, as I take hold of his arm with my hands to keep him from moving

away from me while I gulp down mouthfuls of his blood.

" That's it baby. " He pants, his free hand wraps around my torso pulling me as close to him as

possible. I let out a hum loving the feeling of his body pressed against mine and the taste of him.

Realisation hits that I am here gulping down my mates blood and I pull away from his wrist, I can feel

some of his blood leaking down my chin as I watch the wound heal within seconds. Malakai's chest

rises and falls rapidly against my back, confusion and panic courses through me and I try to move

away from him but the arm wrapped around me keeps me in place.

" Trying to leave again? " He questions.

" What the fuck just happened? " I move to turn around to face him, this he allows.

" My blood healed you. " He shrugs his shoulders.

" How? What? Why did I... " I struggle against him again, looking anywhere but his blue eyes that were

watching me intently.

" The blood of a vampire can heal any wound once it's ingested and why did you enjoy it so much? " I

can hear the enjoyment in his voice at the second statement.

" I- I didn't.. " I deny, but I know it's clear I'm lying.

" It's okay that you loved it my darling. Blood sharing between beloveds is a very common, intimate

thing. You're supposed to enjoy tasting me. " He runs his thumb along the blood that had ran from my

lips, earning my full attention. His eyes shine with lust as he watches me, my lips part slightly as I take

him in and he takes this opportunity to slip his blood covered thumb into my mouth.

The taste of his blood bursts across my tongue again and I know my eyes are glowing lilac, presenting

the eye colour belonging to my wolf. Before I had been reunited with my gifts, my grey eyes would

change to silver in wolf form but now they glow purple announcing my status as an outcast to the world.

" Beautiful. " He mumbles, removing his finger from my mouth so he can cup my cheek. " I've never

seen a wolf with that eye colour. "

The statement snaps me from whatever moment we were having, I instantly move from his hold before

he can cage me in again. " You should probably go to your girlfriend, lover, whatever the hell she is. " I

tell him, my voice is cold.

" You are my beloved Cori, there is no one I need to go to because you are here. " He tells me, then I

can literally see the flash of question in his eyes as he realises something. " Who told you about Josie

and I? I had made it clear that I was to be the one to tell you. "

My heart rate accelerates and I gulp as I think back to the hateful glare in her eyes as she held me

beneath the water. Obviously not answering him quickly enough, Malakai demands me to tell him but

his voice is faded as I feel like I'm back under the water.

" I can't be in this house, I need to leave. " I croak out when I come back to reality, only realising now

that I am on my feet pressed against the wall in a panic.

" Corinna, what's wrong? " Malakai steps toward me slowly, his hands held up as if to tell me he will not

harm me.

" I need to get out of here Kai! " I scream, flashes of all the times I'd been attacked in the last three

years take over my vision and my breathing starts coming out in sharp pants.

" Just tell me what's going on.. " I hear his voice in the background.

Images of all the times I'd harmed or killed someone to protect myself come tumbling forward, one after

the other. " PLEASE KAI! " I sob. The next thing I process is him holding me in his arms and the

coldness of the fresh air hitting me.

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