My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate

Chapter 20: A mansion

Chapter 20: A mansion

After what seems like a decade, but was actually just a few hours, the car we're finally stops. I hadn't

even realised we had stopped or else I would've gotten right out. It was dark, I couldn't see outside

because of the tinted windows but I heard crickets noisily chirping and in a distance nocturnal animals

scurried about. My eyes were closed and I felt Spencer shaking me violently. I got up and rubbed my

eyes as if I had just woken up. "What?" I said and yawned. Spencer's face was the first thing I saw

when I opened my eyes and she was up really close to my face. I sat up in the backseat as Spencer

spoke. "We should go inside, it's really late." She said and opened the car door. I followed her, closing

my car door behind me and stared up at the house. "Omg", I gaped and Spencer laughs.

Unconsciously I climb the steps leading up to the house where we pass a huge, no ginormous water

fountain. I ask Spencer, who is laughing at my expense, what Liam does for a living. "Bill Gates is his

sugar daddy." She said nonchalantly in a duh tone. I burst out laughing holding my belly, I felt like I

couldn't breathe. After my momentary outburst I get up off the floor where my feet had crumbled up,

wheezing. "I'm joking", Spencer laughs. "He sells cocaine." I laugh again but not as hard like the first

time. Spencer turns serious and states, " Liam owns a few businesses, here and there, hotels,

restaurants, banks. And I wasn't joking when I said he sells crack." I knew she was joking at that last

part. By now we had made it to the top of the steps and Spencer opened the door. We stepped inside

and I couldn't help but marvel at how elegant and immaculate the interior of the house, no the mansion,

was: a glistening glass chandelier hung in the ceiling shining over the entire room, I saw a few

paintings hung up on all the walls creating a beautiful picture, flowers and decor, and a few random

furniture that looked really expensive. Liam's house gave Kylie Jenner a run for her money. A man in a

tuxedo came up to us. His jet black hair was gelled back, and he had a moustache that looked quite

funny to me. I fought the urge to pull it as he spoke to us in a delicate French accent. While he spoke to

Spencer, I gazed around trying to entertain myself. Soon after Spencer nudged me, a sign that she was

finished talking to the man with the French accent. "That's our butler, Leonardo." She said pointing to

him as he scurried off to what I guess was the kitchen. "We should go upstairs", Spencer continued. I

wandered to the stairs but Spencer stopped me. "I don't think you would want to climb five (5) flights of

stairs. Let's take the elevator." I stood beside Spencer inside the elevator and I could literally hear my

own heart supposedly pumping out of my chest a little louder than than normal. Let's just say Final

destination has blessed me with an unlimited amount if paranoia. "Are you okay?" Spencer asks

sounding like she's withholding a laugh. It's not that I've never been in an elevator before, it's just that

my fear of dying in an elevator is extremely high at the moment. "You're going to be okay", Spencer

tries to calm me down because my chest is heaving up and down like a balloon letting out air. I close

my eyes and after what seems like forever I hear the beep of the elevator and run out as soon as the

door opens although I almost slipped and broke my back against the mahogany wood floor. Spencer

finally starts laughing but stops as soon as I give her a death glare. "I am never going back into an

elevator", I swear, "even if it's 10 flights. At least I'll lose some calories and look as hot as Meghan

Fox." Spencer laughs again and I trail behind her as she lead me towards a golden brown door. There

seems to be talking coming from inside, as if alot of people are in there but Spencer doesn't seem to

mind as she turns the door knob, opening the door. A few unfamiliar faces peer out at us but the weird Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

thing is that they all appear to be waiting for us. My bestfriend and I.

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