My Blind Fiancée

Exposed at the Feast

Ava decided to play along; she wouldn’t be intimidated by Mateo.

“If he wants to play, let’s play,” she told herself. She also placed her hand on Mateo’s leg and began moving it in the same way, up and down, slowly stopping near his groin. Mateo withdrew his hand and immediately began sweating profusely. He had lost the game. He had thought of making her nervous, but now he was the one in trouble.

He was sweating profusely, and Ava was enjoying the moment she was putting him through. She didn’t touch anything beyond the upper part of his leg, but that was enough to make him very nervous. He hadn’t expected her to react this way.

“Are you okay, Mr. Licciardi?” Tadeo asked, seeing him sweat like that.

“Yes, it’s just that the food is a bit spicy.”

“You should be careful with that,” Grecia said with a smile. “Things that are too spicy can be dangerous.”

“Thank you, Grecia, I’ll keep that in mind for next time,” he replied while fanning himself with his hand.

“Grecia, our engagement party is tomorrow night. It would be an honor if you could join us,” Daria said with a smile.

Ava turned to look at Tadeo, and he just shrugged slightly. She took it as if he didn’t mind.

“It would be an honor to be with you on such an important day. Thank you, Daria.”

Later, they said their goodbyes. Daria had to return to work. Mateo didn’t understand why it bothered him that Grecia was leaving with Tadeo. After all, he had just met her, and they were a couple. Imagining them together made him furious, as that woman reminded him too much of Ava.

After dropping Daria off at the Miller Corporation, Mateo headed to his office. He needed to review the files she had given him. He didn’t need any more evidence than those files; his grandfather had been nothing more than a scapegoat. The Director of Finance and Teodoro Miller had shared business dealings, and now he had documents proving it. He had to investigate whether the administrator had actually committed suicide or if Miller had silenced him.

The next day, very early in the morning, Mateo met with Akiro. They were finishing preparations for the surprise he would give to Daria that night. This time, he wouldn’t include any details about Teodoro; he didn’t want to alert him.

Ava spent the entire morning with her son, who was beginning to want to walk. She was excited because she thought it was a significant achievement for the little one. Whenever she looked at him, she had Mateo’s image in her mind. He was increasingly resembling his father, even in his gestures.

In the evening, Grecia and Tadeo arrived at the garden venue where the engagement party was taking place. She looked beautiful in a burgundy dress, very elegant with a slit that revealed her leg. It was a design similar to the one she had worn at Akiro’s club opening. When Mateo saw her, for a moment, he thought she was Ava. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, and he didn’t know what was happening with him and this girl.

On the other hand, Daria once again demonstrated her lack of taste. She had chosen the wrong dress for such an event; it was white with too many sheer elements, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. Mateo was wearing a tailored black suit, and Ava sighed as she watched him; he was genuinely very attractive. Tadeo noticed, and for him, it wasn’t easy to know that she was in love with someone else.

Mateo approached them, greeted Grecia with a kiss very close to her mouth, not caring what the detective might think. He wanted to make it very clear to the girl that he liked her. He escorted them to their table, where the closest guests would be seated. Guido and Aurora were also there, along with Teodoro Miller, of course.

Ava hadn’t thought about this; she didn’t imagine that her uncle would attend, let alone be so close. She hoped they wouldn’t recognize her.

“Buona sera,” Grecia greeted politely.

“Buona sera,” Guido and Aurora replied.

Mateo’s grandfather and mother immediately recognized Grecia. Mateo had talked to them about her and had shown them some videos. They agreed with him that the music this girl played seemed as if it were performed by angels themselves, and seeing her up close gave them the impression that they already knew her.

The woman accompanying Teodoro wore a look of annoyance and didn’t even have the courtesy to respond to the greeting. He, in turn, was captivated by the beauty of that girl. She seemed familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen her before. She was simply enchanting, and those beautiful honey-colored eyes captivated him.

Daria chatted with the guests, telling them that she was sure Mateo would give her the most beautiful and expensive engagement ring that existed that night. Her parents couldn’t join her because her father was ill and had to return to the United States, but they assured her they wouldn’t miss the wedding.

The venue was exquisitely decorated, and fortunately, Aurora had chosen the decorations. Beautiful bouquets of white and red roses adorned the tables, and in the middle of the garden stood an arch decorated with hundreds of roses, surrounded by small lit candles that formed a heart. The entire decoration was designed to create a romantic atmosphere, and under that beautiful arch, Mateo would present the ring to Daria.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Mateo had arranged for some screens, which were well distributed throughout the venue, ensuring that all the guests could see them. He didn’t want them to miss the big surprise he had prepared for his fiancée. Daria felt like she was in a dream, and she couldn’t believe it herself.

After dinner, Mateo took a spoon and made a noise with it by tapping on a glass repeatedly, thus capturing the attention of all the guests.

“Dear friends, thank you for joining us today. I have prepared a special surprise for my fiancée, for my future wife. I hope you enjoy the following video as much as I enjoyed making it. Believe me, this is what a girl like her truly deserves.”

Daria stood up, approached him, and gave him a kiss. Mateo took her by the hand and walked to the center of the garden under the arch. She began to cry with excitement and thanked Mateo for making that day so special.

“Thank you, my love. This means so much to me. It’s the best day of my life.”

“I assure you it’s about to become an unforgettable day,” Mateo said with a big smile.

He signaled to Akiro, who immediately turned on the screens and started playing the video. The guests thought he was a very romantic and loving man, and both they and Daria were eagerly waiting to see what would appear on the screens.

Ava observed everything that was happening. The poor girl was suffering, and tears threatened to betray her. Tadeo took her hand and squeezed it tightly to let her know that she wasn’t alone, and he would be by her side as long as she allowed it.

Images began to appear on the screens-fragments of videos featuring Daria with different men. In some shots, they were entering a hotel, and in others, she was in bed with them. Each clip displayed a date, so the guests could tell that these videos were taken while she was in a relationship with Mateo.

The woman started crying uncontrollably and began to hit Mateo on the chest while insulting him. He grabbed her hands and leaned in close, whispering in her ear.

“You’d better calm down and not make an even bigger scene.”

“I’ll make you pay dearly for this. Teodoro will help me destroy you,” she thought about revenge.

“I left out the images of you with him. I’ve prepared something much better. Don’t even think about tipping him off. I have evidence against you, and I could make you spend many years in prison. Furthermore, I’ve collected evidence against your father. I can have him locked up for life for trafficking in organs on the black market. So, you’d better get on a plane back to the United States right now and never return. My men will take you to the airport, and woe betide you if I find out you’ve tried to contact Miller.”

They were the center of attention for all the guests, and Mateo spoke so softly that they couldn’t hear what they were saying.

Daria headed for the exit without lifting her head, and she could hear the contemptuous comments from the guests. She was about to leave when Aurora caught up with her.

“Was that your way of loving my son?” After saying this, she slapped her.

“Aurora, you know I love Mateo. All of this was a setup. I don’t know why he did it,” she said, crying while placing her hand on her cheek.

“Get out of here immediately.”

Tadeo and Ava, like the other guests, were shocked by everything they had just witnessed.

“It’s better if we leave, Grecia.”

“Yes, it’s for the best,” she replied, bewildered by what she had just witnessed.

Since Ava had arrived, Teodoro, without recognizing her, had been paying too much attention to her. He wanted to see that beauty again.

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