My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

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women that i knew or is


o me | can have some

fun with

Hin question lange deep within, and it takes allo my control motto snap at him.

“You are not to lay a fingh on her,” I warn him.”


He holds up his hands in a defensive pose, Yow, you don’t have to get all worked up. I’ll try to keep my distanci

for your benefit

Tan’t hide my annoyance with him, and instead, I pick myself off the sofa and walk towards the reasure room. We kept everything of great value to us inside of here, including the many books about the flaming whisperer.

Tonight I would be closer to confirming my suspicions

about the pretty redhead. I pull one of the books out of the

shelf and turn the pages until I reach the chapter I was

looking for

I slowly read through it until I reached the part about the golden candle.

“With just one look at my golden flame, the whisperer

will be so enchanted by me that she will touch me nothing


will stand in her way. When the machen me, her body will burn it online, do not do that ther ed the

il pullouts bylom the bottomdrand walk certo

Eh prolactive


it’s when wekept the cand

und Ehedal opined the case ind pulled out

IF I wanted to last her, I’d need to place the candle The where that would no doubt weit

Now I had to wait for her to come. I had taith that the would, if the pull that I felt mirond what she it, then the would be here tonight.


“I now nothing about this gil,” My mother ways to me. “How can I know that you’ll be safe at her home?”

“Mom,” i whisperu “So far, Abigail is the only friend that I

have. Even though I’ve only recently become her friend,

she’s more of a friend te me than Aria ever wx. This is my

chance to move on from the hurt I’ve been feeling. You

forced me to attend a party just because Aria and Bryan would be there. I went because you insisted. All I’m asking is to be able to spend one night by her home. You can drop me off and meet her and her family if that will help clear your


My mother takes a moment to think about what I’m

asking for before she sighs, “I guess you haven’t exactly done


home for school, but it was till unbalierable

lave my motherapunt hug blare rushing out the door: I needed to put out of here before she changed her mind. My parents were the type to change their mindi rather

TL the driver where to carry me, and within an hour, I’m already by Abigail’s house. I wait for the driver to leave before I knack on her door. Thankfully, Abigail’s parents are out of town for the night. Of course, my parents would have nevergreed If they knew this. And Abigail’s parents wouldn’t have let me leave If they were here.

“I can’t believe your parents actually let you come.” She streams as she pulls me in for a tight hug. “We have to get you dressed, and then I drive you there.”

My body is trembling I’m not used to breaking the rules like this. Lying to my parents is one thing but lying to the and then going to a dark whisperer’s home all by myself… was asking for a death sentence.

“We need to get you something beautiful but also sexy.”

She tells me while clapping her hands with excitement.

She walls with me towards her closet and pulls out

Homofthopian, she’d already laid out for me This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.


whaling my head

“Hmm,” she says What about this one”

she picks up a short red dress

I like this one a bit more, but it seems to be just a little

too short

“I’ve never really seen you wear anything like this before,” I tell her. “I’m surprised that you have pieces like this in your closet.

She laugha, “my mother loves fashion, and she loves Sving me things to dress up in. But I always pack them away and never really wear them. They may be a little big for you,

but we can fix that in time for you to leave.”

“What about this?” She asks, pointing to a long-sleeve

black shirt with a matching mini skirt

My eyes are drawn to the outlit, and even though it may be sexier than the type of clothes I usually wear, I think that

this is the outfit I need to meet Adam in.

It took me another hour to get dressed after Abigail

insisted on putting makeup on me. She was pretty good at it;

I couldn’t make myself out in the mirror. Somehow she

made me look beautiful.

“Adam is not going to be able to look away from you

Waybi bonight, I could ask him

they were back

mean there was a chance or anything ben


Why was even thinking in that direction Even if they weren’t loprther, there still wouldn’t be a chance for us. Our worlds were too different, and our parents would never agree to our relationship.

“Are you ready?” Abigail asks me as she starts the car. “Remember that I’ll be one phone call away if you need mu. Also, call me as soon as you’re finished so that I can come to pick you up.”

I take a deep breath, “let’s go

Along the drive, Abigail tries her best to calm my nerves by playing music and telling funny stories. For a while, the both of us just sing along to songs about heartbreak, and it’s honestly more fun than I’ve ever had with my friends before

“We’re here.” She says to me as we pull up to the red

Castle. It’s the first time that I’ve ever been this close to the

forbidden palace. It’s much nicer than I’ve always thought it

would be. From the stories I’ve heard, I expected to see bats

flying all around and dead birds on the ground. It wasn’t

Spaaky at all. The color was unusual; there weren’t any other

hand. TT right here if you need mi dust cell.”

with me well. I was

a much shock when he

that I didn’t even consider bringing her alone


I say goodbye and walk towards the guard boath. The fund there gives me a suspicious look; obviously, he hasn’t en me around here before, so it might be strange to him.

T’m here to see Adam. I was invited.”

My voice sounds shaky ta my own ear.

“Are you sure?” The guard asks me. Tve had many young girls like you claiming to be invited to these things. Are you telling the truth?

I let out a righ; what did this man tabe me for Why

would I pretend to be invited?

“I’m sure.” I mumble.

“What’s your name, miss?” He asks; there is still a bit of

suspicion in his eyes.

I have to wonder if Adam set this whole thing up to

embarrass me. Did he not tell the guard that he would have

an unusual guest coming here tonight.


His eyes widen at the mention of my name.



and for him to reach in this manner,

I follow him into the chile, and I’m in at how beutiful it li, I’ve heard stories of this kingdomn, and they were all lies. Some ild that there w e dried down tree

around with dead animals stuck to the walls. I didn’t see

anything like that. The castle was mainly made of glass, everywhere you want, there were mirrors and statues made of gold. It was a beautiful and fantastic art piece.

As I walk through the red carpets, I feel my heart begini to pound loudly against my chest. I can’t believe that I’m really doing this. I’m in Adam’s home, and we’re about to have a movie night.

“Just have a seat in one of these chairs, and I’ll inform Sir Adam of your arrival.” He tells me.

Inod and watch as he walks away down the hallway.

I place my hands on my lap and clasp them together. I don’t know where I’m getting the courage from, but this is

one of the most dangerous things I’ve ever done. My parents

would kill me if they ever found out what I was doing.

Tjust had to make sure that they never did. If somehow

they learned even the tiniest bit of truth from this night, things would get terrible. They would host a family meeting

with Adam’s family telling them to keep his son away from

My thout is sterwy when her up just in time to Adami strolling towards me. He looks like a dashing Prince, il

man ha la prince, but he is the role rectly

He doesn’t amily, and I wish that he would; jun onom want the opportunity to take a picture of himmiling and keep it with me forever.

I want to reunat my thoughts. Apain, I have no words, nëne for my craziness. Something about himn brought out the insane, reckless side of me. Was it because of his dark


Stop Amiera, don’t blame him for your own actions. He isn’t doing anything. my feelings are entirely my own, and na one is forcing it onto me.

His eyes are staring into my own, and it doesn’t stray at

all. I’ve seen guys look at a woman’s body while staring at

her, but that’s not the case with Adam. He doesn’t look at my

figure, he doesn’t look at what I wear, he’s looking into my

eyes, and he’s doing a damn good job at it because I would

be falling ifl wasn’t already sitting on a chair.

But he could also not be staring at my body because

there wasn’t anything good there to see if it were Aria or his

But he could also not be staring at my body because

there wasn’t anything good there to see. If it were Aria or his

ex-girlfriend, I was sure that things would be different. He

couldn’t be immune to their beauty: I didn’t know a single

guy that was.

“Follow me,” he says.

I quickly grab my purse and pick myself off the chair. I

stand up so fast that I’m falling straight back to the ground.

Adam catches me just in time so that he’s now leaning over

me, and my body is inches away from the floor. His eyes

search my face as though he’s looking for something, and I

can’t help but drown in them.

I want to cry when a hiccup leaves my mouth. Why is

this happening to me? Why do I always hiccup when I’m

around him? What the hell was wrong with me?

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