My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Rain Thompson POV

"Get up" Shay gritted and Mark kicked me in the side. I flinched in pain and forced myself to sit up. The

guys found out about Hayes lending me his phone and aren't happy about it.

"Why don't we just get this done and over with?" Joe said as he loaded his gun with a mag full of

bullets. He came up to me and pressed the gun up to the side of my head and I tensed up.

"No" Tyson cut in with a tern voice and my eyes snapped to his "It's not time. We have to make

Anderson suffer by keeping her away from him as long as possible, because if we shoot her he'll give

up hope and stop searching."

I swallowed a lump in my throat and Joe took the gun away from my head and put the gun in a holster.

Hayes was locked somewhere and James wasn't allowed to say anything to try and stop them hurting

me or he'd be killed.

"I say you just shoot the bitch" Troian spoke as she examined her nails and sat on James's lap. "Get

up" Logan ordered as he grabbed me by the arm and forcefully pulled me up off the gross cement floor.

I was a mess with a black eye, busted lip, stains of blood on my skin, my clothes were torn, I was

bruised all over my body, chain marks were imprinted into my wrist and ankles, cuts were marked into

my skin from blades of knives.

The doors opened to Zeke and Archer walking in with Axel following behind them. "Show her" Zeke

ordered Axel as he crossed his arms.

Axel slid a laptop in front of me and opened it up "Hit play." I looked up at him and blinked slowly as

everyone watched me. I moved the cursor and hit play.

It opened up to a video of some gas station and I saw Ryker and Alessandra talking. I bit my lip

confused, and didn't understand why they were showing this to me.

Ryker then grabbed Alessandra and smashed his lips into hers. My heart stopped and I put a hand

over my mouth as tears pricked my eyes. I shut the laptop and was in complete shock.

"This what your so-called-loving-ex-boyfriend has been doing while you're gone." Zeke said with a

smirk and his arms crossed. "See, Rain. I went to the gas station" Gunner spoke up as he approached

closer to me.

"I saw everything. All the 'worry' is just a cover up. He doesn't care about you, he just wants you to

think that he does while he bangs other girls. I've been following him, and he's been going to clubs and

bars making out, grinding, buying drinks for a bunch of different girls a night."

"You're lying!" I yelled, not wanting to believe it was true. Tears started to escape my eyes and he

shook his head "I'm not lying, Rain. How could I lie? There's proof.. I just figure'd you should know."

I looked down at the ground and covered my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't break out into tears.

Taylor and Felicity came up, sitting down next to me. Felicity pulled me into a hug and Taylor rubbed

circles on my back.

"I can't believe he would do this" I whispered to myself as tears ran down my cheeks and I cried

silently. "Rain, I'm so sorry" Felicity sighed.


Staring out the window as the drips of water ran down the glass on the outside. When I was little I

would always watch the water droplets race down the window to see which one would make it to the

bottom first.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to then, back to when my parents were stolen together, back when

my dad actually liked me, back when I wasn't ever caught up in this gang stuff.

If I would have never jumped out of that corner when the guy had a gun and Ryker was in the hallway, I

wouldn't be here right now.

I looked down at my lap and blinked a few times, parting my lips. I debated if my self conscious was

right or not.

Running a hand through my hair, the door bursted open; making my head snap up to see. Joe and

Cato barged in, grabbing my arms and pulling me up.

"You're in deep shit, Thompson" Cato gritted, as they dragged me down the hallway. I kept my mouth

shut and pressed my lips in a thin line, not wanting to ask what I did.

Once we hit the main room, the guys pushed me and locked all windows and doors around. "What the

hell is this?!" Zeke yelled shoving a video of Shaliene and I talking in the restaurant and giving her

information about the building.

He chucked the phone at the wall, and grabbed me by the jaw as he glared at me intensely "I don't

want to play these games anymore, Thompson. I'm done with you!"

He slammed me up against a wall and I smacked my head against it which made me flinch in pain. He

pulled the hand gun out of the holster of his jeans and put it up to my head.

A bullet was in the Chamber and I swallowed a lump in my throat. He wrapped his finger around the

trigger, and glared at me with intensity. If glares could kill, I'd be dead and stabbed 268 times by now.

"Ezekiel!" A voice yelled stern and Zeke was pushed away from me. Tyson and James pushed him up

against a wall and Hayes sent a punch flying to his jaw.

I stared shocked that they jumped in and stopped Zeke; who had a gun. Tyson gritted in warning tone

"Don't. There's more ways we can handle this."

Hayes took the gun from Zeke and unloaded the magazine from it and pushed all the bullets out onto a

table. Zeke's lip was busted and he was sure to have a black eye.

"Put her in the black room" Zeke ordered. Mark and Zac grabbed me by the arms and pulled me out of

the room, away from everyone.

Being dragged down the hallways of the warehouse, we came to an end and Zac opened the door with

one of the keys on the key ring.

Mark pushed me in and the door slammed shut behind me before they locked it, so I couldn't get out.

The rook was small and completely black; so I couldn't see anything.

* * * * * * *

Ryker Anderson POV

My eyes flung open, and my head had a massive sharping pain. I clutched my head, and day up to be

in a not familiar room.

"Fuck" I muttered, under my breath as I rubbed my temples because I had a killer hangover. I then

heard humming from the other side of the room, and my eyes snapped over to where a bathroom door


The shower was running, and I looked down to see I was completely naked. My eyes went wide "No, I

did not," as I got up and pulled on my clothes that were on the floor.

I searched for my phone and couldn't find it, when the shower turned off and humming stopped. My

heart was racing and guilt came over me, because I couldn't exactly remember what I did after getting

drunk off my ass last night.

The bathroom door then opened. "Oh,'re awake" She said, tightening the white towel

around her. I gripped my hair in my hands throwing my head back and cursing under my breath.

"Please don't tell me we did anything" I said feeling the guilt poor down on me. "Define 'anything'." She

bit her lip, raising an eyebrow at me.

"We didn't have sex last night, right?" I questioned. She stood up straight and tensed up, keeping a

serious face.

"Right?!" I yelled, and she looked at me with her eyes boring into mine. "Ryker.." She sighed, and I

rubbed my face "Oh my God, Rain is going to fucking hate me."

She then walked up to me and grabbed my wrist in her hands, with a smile on her face. "Why are you

smiling?! This wasn't suppose to happen!"

Alessandra shook her head, smiling before laughing "Oh My God, Ryker. You actually think we'd have

sex? I'm your best friend for Christ sakes."

I stared dumbfounded at Alessandra as she laughed. "Not funny Ally, you actually made me think we

did" I muttered, glaring at her. "Oh my God! Ryk! Even when you're drunk you wouldn't let any girl flirt

with you!" She exclaimed.

"We were at the bar last night because Craig and Dawson thought it'd be good to grab a drink before

doing a huge drive today. You got wasted and you still wouldn't let any girl get your phone number,

because you said you had a girlfriend" Ally explained.

I grabbed a bag that was thrown up against a wall and zipped it up with my back towards her "Yeah,

well I don't anymore" I muttered, throwing the backpack full of bullets over my shoulder.

"She'll take you back Ryk" She sighed wholeheartedly "She'd be an idiot if she didn't..I mean besides

the whole point of you lying to her about being Bipolar, a drug dealer, living in foster care-"

"Why are you in here?" I snapped at Alessandra, not wanting to here everything I did wrong again.

"Shower in my rooms broken, and you were asleep so I just showered here" She shrugged.

Alessandra started to walk towards the door but then stopped and turned around to face me "Ryker."

"What?" I asked, organizing a bunch of bullets for the guns into the backpack. "You got undressed last

night and I accidentally walked in..but nice ass" She teased, sending me a wink.

"Out" I demanded, pointing to the door. She chuckled before walking out and shutting the door of the

hotel room behind her.

I grabbed the backpacks, and the rest of my stuff before leaving the hotel room and heading outside to

the parking lot where half the gang was.

I shoved the backpacks in the back of a trunk of a Ferrari, and Craig came up to me "We have

someone I'd like you to meet."

I looked at him and already knew this was going to be bad. He beckoned me to follow and I followed Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

him over to where the gang was standing by some of the cars.

"Officer" Craig spoke up, and a guy with jet black hair and black eyes looked up and stopped talking.

He walked over and clenched his jaw "You must be Ryker Anderson."

"No, I'm not dealing with this shit" I gritted then shoving Craig "He's a fucking cop, asshole!"

"A cop that will help us" Craig gritted "He was a army sergeant and martial arts tranior. He knows how

to take these kind of people down." I looked at the cop with a glare and he put his hand out.

"I'm Ian Knoxk" He introduced, I hesitantly shook his hand "I've been in contact with the police

Department from New York and came in contact Rain's father."

"Search warrants have been sent out along the east coast" He informed "Do you remember what Rain

was wearing last?"

Rolling my eyes at this guy "I don't know it was weeks ago, but it was probably a white t-shirt, jeans, a

leather jacket, and Converses."

He nodded slightly "And you're the drug dealer?" I clutched my fist and glared at this guy about to jump

him when Aaron and Reece held me back.

"I'll take that as yes" Ian said, clenching his jaw "I'd like you to meet someone." He paused for a minute

before yelling "Natalie!"

A girl with brown hair and green eyes in tight clothing walked out with a handgun at her side. They guys

all looked at each other then at the girl.

"Hey, I'm Will" Will smiled, walking up to her. Vince then came in and body-checked him out of the way

"Baker, Vince Baker."

"Move out of the way Baker, I'm way better looking" Andre declared, then offering Natalie a smirk. All

the guys hit in her, and after a few moments she looked back at me.

"You're not going to hit on me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Your not my type" I muttered under

my breath.

"Oh really?" She asked, swinging the gun around her finger "I expected a Bad Boy to go for a Bad Girl."

I already hated her within the 10 seconds or meeting her. I rolled my eyes, walking away over to the


Everyone besides the cop, Craig, Dawson, and Levi stayed back to talk about what was going to go

down, as everyone else followed behind me because of Natalie.

I grabbed a glock 32 out of the car and slapped a mag full of bullets in. "His type is Rain Eliza

Thompson" Peter snickered, and Will did as well.

"'re girlfriends the one that got kidnapped?" Natalie asked. "Ex girlfriend" I corrected, loading

the gun with a bullet in the chamber.

She breathed a small laugh "Wow, priceless. You got your 'ex girlfriend', kidnapped by one of the most

wanted gangs and it's all because of you...Boyfriend of the year award sure does go to you."

Sending her a glare, "Listen, I don't need to here some slut tell me what I did wrong in my life. So I

suggest shutting the hell up before I put a bullet through your head-"

"Ryker Xavier!" Leah cut me off, sending me a glare "Watch it." Her face then went pale, eyes widened,

and she placed a hand on her stomach.

"I need to use the bathroom" She mumbled quickly, grabbing Liz's hand, and pulling her away. "What's

wrong with her?" Val asked.

"She looked like she was about to puke" Felix stated. "Morning sickness?" Celeste questioned.

My head snapped towards her "Leah is not pregnant." Juliet and Celeste looked at each other then me.

"Uh..Ryker..have you not notice? Her diet changed, a bit of weight gain, morning sickness.." Juliet


"Plus the most noticeable thing is, her boobs got bigger" Alessandra added "How'd you not notice?"

"Maybe because I don't stare at my sisters boobs" I said in a duh tone. "Yeah, he's got Rain to stare at"

Neil smirked, and I smacked him upside the head.

"No but seriously" Reece popped in "Our sister is not pregnant. She isn't even fucking anyone." "We

don't know anything" The girls said, putting their hands up in surrender "But those are our guesses."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So this Rain girl..." Natalie trailed off "Was she born during a thunderstorm?"

I sent her her a glare through the rear-view mirror "We're you named after a stripper?" Natalie scoffed

"At least my names normal."

Vince was driving because apparently you had to be 25 to drive a rental car here. Vince was driving,

Natalie, Alessandra, Liz, and Reece were in the back and I was in the passenger seat.

"So is she like your girlfriend or long time fuck?" Natalie asked. "Why don't you just shut the hell up?" I

snapped at her.

"Just want to know what I'm dealing with." She said, blowing a bubble of gum before it popped.

* * * * * *

Rain Thompson POV

I kicked Austin in the gut; sending him backwards. Lance came towards me and I grabbed him by his

forearm and put in a twist behind his back, kneeling him in the balls.

He dropped to the ground in pain, groaning and clutching..that area. Arthur then went to throw a punch

at me, but I quickly ducked and kicked him in the shin; causing him to fall.

"You think that just because you took down my guys that you'll make it out alive?" A voice called

through the silence. I whirled around to see only eyes glowing in the darkness of the doorway.

"Tsk, tsk, Rain...I've got to give you props, you sure are a dreamer" He tsked, then stepping out of the

darkness. Archer's smirk grew wider "But there's enough time for dreaming when you're dead."

Archer snapped his fingers, ordering Cato and Gunner to walk up and grab hold of my arms. "Tie her

down, I'm tired of her moving around." Archer stated, glaring at me.

I was taken out of the room and dragged down the halls and my bare feet walked on the gross cement

floor. They stopped when they came to a door and knocked.

"Landlock!" Gunner yelled, pounding on the door. The door swung open to James who was shirtless

and only in jeans "She's coming in here, boss doesn't want any funny business."

James clenched his jaw, looking at me. Cato pulled me into room; past James and pushed me down

onto the bed. He chained one of my ankles and one of my wrist.

I sat on the mattress and Cato snapped the chain on my skin; making me flinch in pain. Cato and

Gunner walked out, slamming the door behind them.

James looked back at me "Don't touch anything" He ordered before walking over to his desk and sitting

down on the wooden chair to go through papers.

~ ~ ~ ~

I walked my fingers on the window ledge, humming to myself of some Melody in my head. "You still

play?" James asked from the other side of the room.

"Huh?" I asked, looking back at him. " still play?" He asked, and I furrowed my eyebrows at

him "How'd you know I play piano?"

He breathed a small laugh "I've liked you since we were friends, I know more about you then you

think." Pressing my lips in a tight, I shifted uncomfortably. "That and you have a piano in almost every

room of your house."

"Right.." I trailed off, looking back out the window. "Your dad still abusive?" James asked, and my head

snapped back around to him.

"What is this 20?" I snapped. "Maybe" He shrugged, leaning back on the wooden chair. "Then I get a

turn." I stated.

"How do I get out of here?" I asked for my question. "You know I can't tell you" James said, twirling the

pencil through his fingers.

"Whatever." I muttered annoyed, rolling my eyes. "Ask me a real question" James said, standing up

from his chair getting on the bed next to me.

It was raining outside in a thunderstorm, with lightning strikes in the purple sky. "Fine. You still write?" I

asked curiously.

He nodded slightly "Somewhat. Still not anything published..especially with Troian; she thinks guys that

write are petty."

"They are not!" I defended "Why do you even listen to her?" "Not your turn" James stated, narrowing

his eyes at me.

"So How'd you get yourself caught up in this gang stuff? You never seemed like the violent kind of girl.."

James asked.

"I fell for Ryker Anderson, that's how" I answered. "Mind expanding on that?" James asked, raising an

eyebrow at me.

I sighed "It's pretty cliché. But I was at school one night after hours because typical me forgot a

textbook I needed to finish a paper and Google wasn't going to cut it, so my one teacher left a key for

me. So I went and I walked down one of the hallways when I heard people. I looked to see some guy

with a gun, and another who had the gun pointed at him. The guy was about to shoot when I quickly

jumped out from the corner and stopped the men. I grabbed a gun and pulled the trigger; giving us time

to run and hide in the locker rooms. After that I just kept running into Ryker and the rest of the gang."

I took a breath "Ryker and I actually hated each other with burning passion, to the point where he

would just call me 'Thompson-'." I stifled a small laugh under my breath, shifting in my spot.

"Really?" James asked shocked. "Oh yeah" I nodded "We were always fighting and bickering over

everything, but through all the Bad Boy attitude; he was there for me when no one else was."

"Wow..I expected you two to be close at the very start by the way you talk about him." James said, and

I stared out the window. "Yeah..but I guess I just have to forget about it; we're not together anymore" I

shrugged, looking at James.

He didn't say anything, and his eyes flickered to my lips. I tensed up, blinking slowly. He started to lean

in closer and closer, with his lips Brushing against mine.

I closed the space between us, by pressing my lips to his. He cupped my cheek with his hand, moving

closer to me and his lips moving in sync with mine.

Then a buzzing noise went off, making us both pull away. There was a light on the wall of the room that

was flashing red and making a buzzing.

"What's that?" I asked quietly. James eyes were wide, and he said "Your gang is coming."

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