My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

"Rise and Shine, sweetheart" A voice that belonged to Austin said. My eyes fluttered open as he turned

on the light, and I sat up.

He unlocked the chain around my ankle, and grabbed me by the arm and twisted it behind my back, so

I couldn't go anywhere.

I slept for about an hour all last night, and after the nightmare; there was no way sleep was even in

vocabulary. I was pushed into the kitchen where everyone was.

Austin shoved me forcefully into a chair, and I sat down on the wooden chair. "Eat it" Christopher

ordered as he plopped a plate of eggs on the table in front of me.

"I-..I'm allergic to eggs.." I stuttered, and he gave me an Are-You-Serious look. "She claims she's

allergic" Christopher called back.

"Well" Taylor said as she came over and set a bowl of cereal in front of me "Cereal okay?" She asked

with a small smile.

I nodded slightly, and Zeke ordered "Taylor. Out in the Hall. Now." Taylor then looked back at him, and

followed him out of the room.

I heard a door shut then yelling begin. "We do not make friends, with that bitch! She's bait, not a new

member!" Zeke yelled from outside the hall.

I flinched and looked down at the cereal. "Zeke! She's 18, and kidnapped! Plus her boyfriend did the

drug deal, not her! Cut her some slack. She should be sitting in school, not some warehouse in the

middle of Italy!" Taylor yelled back.

I looked back at the door that was still closed for a few seconds, and took in what they were fighting

about. "Don't worry about them" James said as he set a glass of water down in front of me "Zeke's not

much of a morning person."

"Or a person..." I muttered under my breath. Because theirs no way an actual human being could be as

heartless as him. "What?" James asked, not hearing me.

"Nothing" I shook my head and picked around the cereal. I learned that Taylor and James were the only

nice ones, everyone else wanted me dead.

The door then swung open and Taylor walked in as if nothing happened. I also learned that there was

parts here.

Zeke was the leader, and bossed everyone around. Derrick and Arthur were main "guards"; meaning if

someone was to be captivated, they would do it. Ty, and Logan were coders that controlled all the

weapons, cars, hacking. Zac, Hayes, and Lance all did routes for driving. Mark and Joe were the

mechanics who fixed everything. Blade, Benson, and Tyson were basically sex offenders who drew

girls in for weapon holding. Clara, Troian, and Shay delt with drug deals and imports/exports of

supplies. Taylor and James had job of escape routes, watching enimes, and spying on other gangs.

"Hey sweetheart" Tyson said as he approached me and pressed his lips to my neck, and I quickly

grabbed his arm and twisted it back as I punched him. I was then grabbed by Derrick and Arthur.

Tyson held the side of his jaw and his nose was bleeding. My heart was racing and I breathed heavily

as he looked up with his piercing blue eyes meeting mine.

"Lock her" Tyson said with his voice cold and husky. "Whoa, whoa, whoa" James cut in.

"You're the one who tried to give her a hickey!" Taylor exclaimed. "Yeah, locking her in is a bit extreme"

James said.

Everyone looked at Zeke for the last call, and he looked at me with dark eyes, and he tossed the apple

in his hands back and fourth as he thought.

"Lock her" Zeke said final. I was then being dragged out of the room and down the hall. I began to

panic as I had no idea what the term 'Lock Her' meant.

Derrick and Arthur came to an end of a Hallway, and Arthur grabbed keys put of his pocket, then

unlocking the door.

I was pushed into a very small closet of mirrors everywhere that acted as walls. I fell t the ground once

I was pushed, and Arthur then took the door and turned it around so I didn't have a way out.

The door knob was now out in the hallway and the door was replaced with just another mirror wall.

I knew exactly what this was for, and it was to torture someone slowly as they would become

claustrophobic and go insane.

The mirror would appear to make the he closet look bigger but then you'd realize it wasn't big by

physical touch and you'd only see your reflection surrounding you. It would mess with your mind and

mental stability.

I took a deep breath and tried to remind myself it was just a closet over and over again.

I sat down on the ground and pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my head on my knees as I tried

to think about anything to distract me.

* * * * * * *

Ryker Anderson

"Ryker..." A voice that was Leah sighed. I kept my back to her as I stared ahead at the ground, and

stayed silent.

I then heard footsteps and she came up and sat down next to me. "Ryker, you really need to get to

sleep" She said and I stayed silent still.

A few moments passed ands she spoke out of the silence "Your so sleep deprived it's going to start

effecting your health."

"Don't fucking tell me what to do, Leah!" I snapped out if anger, and she stared at me for a second.

"Did you take your meds this morning?" She asked knowingly. "Yes!" I yelled, standing up from the


"Why is that I can't be mad without someone thinking I didn't take my meds or am just having

moodswings?! Maybe I'm mad because my girlfriend got fucking kidnapped, and I have no idea where

she is or what's happening to her!" I yelled angirly.

I kicked a trashcan and it fell over and I placed my forehead up against some telephone pole, and

closed my eyes shut as I regretted everything I did.

From not telling Rain in the first place, lying to her about a lot, to her getting kidnapped because I had

to be a dick and leave her.

Leah placed a hand on my shoulder and sighed "Ryker, it's all going to be okay. I promise will find her."

"And what if she's dead by the time we find her?! Huh, Leah?! Because it doesn't matter on the gang;

they all want to kill her to get to me because I was a idiot and got caught in a faulty drug deal!" I yelled.

"Listen; I can't lie to you, as your older sister I'm going to tell you it's all going to be alright and will be

fine. But honestly were trying our hardest to track her down, and I don't know how things are going to

plan out" Leah said.

"You remember when mom and dad got rid of us, and we were put in foster care. We all got sepereated

over time and weren't sure if we were going to see each other. After days, weeks, months, even years;

we finally got out and everything turned alright. That's how this will end up" Leah said.

"I don't understand you, Leah. First you tell me that it's going to be okay, then you say it may not, and

then you say it'll be okay again" I scoffed.

She sighed and tucked her blond hair behind her ear "I know, I'm just showing the reality and dreams of

the problem. If you dream and hope enough, it'll come true. Just ask Rain, she's the biggest dreamer

there is."

I breathed a small laugh under my breath "Yeah, she's not the most optimistic person there is." Leah

smiled slightly and chuckled before saying "Now if you actually listened to me for once, things might

actually work out."

I rolled my eyes and said "Love you Big Sis." She smiled "Love you too Little Bro" then fist pounding

me and walking away to where everyone was mapping things out.

My phone buzzed and I looked down on my screen to see a picture of Rain and Melanie on the beach

together smiling and laughing.

I snapped back to reality and answered the call from Dawson.

* * * * * * * *

Rain Thompson

"And if you have a minute why don't we go. Talk about it somewhere only we know? This could be the

end of everything. So why don't we go

Somewhere only we know Somewhere only we know?" I repeated song lyrics over and over again

under my breath as I hugged my knees and rocked back and fourth.

I was about to break and go insane, because I felt like I was in this closet for days, and the walls were

closing in on me. I've only seen my reflection of a reflection from the reflection behind me that was a

reflection of the one ahead of me.

My breathing was unsteady and panic coursed through my veins. My face was pale white, and I started

hearing things of people whispering in my ear. The whispers were of some other language that I

couldn't understand yet it bothered me.

The whispers turned into screams, and a shrieking sound was present. I buried my head into my knees

and covered my ears with my hands and screamed "STOP! STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

I began crying hysterically and the screams only became louder and I couldn't escaped them. I

screamed at the top of my lungs in agony and squeezed my eyes shut.

I looked up into the mirror and saw a face that was recognizable to me but it turned into a bunch of

different things, and then turning from a fire, to knife, then a heartbeat going dead.

"AHAHA!" I screamed and punched the mirror as the glass shattered everywhere and cut me. The

screams went louder and felt like if someone stood right up to your ear and just screamed.

I began walking around in a crooked circle hunched over in the closet and had my hands covered over

my ears. I cried hysterically and begged the screams to stop.

I eventually feel to my knees once I couldn't take it anymore and sobbed my eyes out and screamed

once again. "RYKER!" I screamed in hope, wanting him to just appear.

I was then grabbed and pulled put of the mirror closet. I placed my hands on the ground as I hunched

over and caught my breath, stared down at the ground, tears still escaping my eyes.

James pulled me into his chest and rubbed circles on my back. "Ryker" I cried still with hope and

wanted just to hear his voice.

"He's not here, Rain" James said quietly and I broke down into tears and James watched me with

sympathy and guilt all over his face.


"Teenage Model by the name Rain Eliza Thompson of age 18, hasn't been seen in weeks. A search

warrant has been sent out looking for her, and she was last seen with the New York City Gang;

Crusdaes. Her father; Sheriff Dean Thompson has some words to say" A reported informed as she

stared right at the camera.

The camera cut to a clip of my dad talking "She's been missing for weeks, and I don't know why she

ran away. We have no trackings of her yet, but we tracked her text messages down and are hoping to

find her soon."

BULL! He knows where I am, and I didn't run away. Plus I don't have my phone, so the trackings not

going to do much.

I sat in the room alone with a blanket wrapped around me and the old early 2002 TV that was as thick

as Zeke's skull.

It was 3 a.m., I couldn't sleep and I was convinced I was an insomniac now. After the the mirror closet, I

was sent to 'my room' and chained up and locked in.

The door opened and Tyson walked in. I quickly acted like I was asleep, and he seemed to be on the

phone with someone.

"Yeah, we got her" He said and a few moments went by "Yeah, I saw the news. Her dad sent put a

search warrant and tracking her phone, but she doesn't have her phone."

He opened the fridge and got something out of it then closing it shut. "No dude, we're going to keep her

captive and shoot Anderson right in front of her eyes. It's killing to birds with one stone."

My heart sunk in my chest and I kept my eyes closed like I was asleep. "Tomorrow we're going to make

her-" He started but then stopped.

I then heard footsteps approach closer to the couch. My body became tense and I swallowed a lump in

my throat.

"I got to go dude. Call you later" Tyson said then handing up the phone and throwing it somewhere to

the side. I peaked through my eyes and saw him walk in front of the couch and over to a chair that was

on the side.

I screamed internally that he sat down, and moments went by. I then heard a door open then slam shut.

I opened my eyes and right away a pair of hands wrapped around my neck. I looked up to see Tyson

and he gritted "You little fucker, I thought you were to old to okay pretend."

I grabbed his hands and tried to peak them off my neck from loosing oxygen. He took his hands off my

neck only to pull me off the couch and slammed me up against a wall.

"Reme that day when we were in my room, and I was just trying to be the loving boyfriend I was but

you were a litte butch and screamed. My mom then came in and I spent 5 months in jail" He gritted.

"Our relationship was illegal" I gritted back through my teeth. "Yeah, well now it's not" He said then

making hands down to the buttons of me jeans, and I tried to push him away but he slammed me back

up against the wall.

I squirmed in his grip, and he unbuttoned my jeans. "Tyson, stop" I begged, squirming in his grip. He

unzipped them then starting to pull them down.

I stopped him before he could pull them down and kneed him where the sun don't shine. He groaned in

pain and grabbed that area. I quickly escaped and ran out of the room.

It wasn't long before I realized Tyson was chasing after me. It wasn't even that he was desperate or

horny; Tyson could get any girl he wanted, it was the fact that he just wanted to get back at me.

I came to a dead end, and began panicking. I turned around to see Tyson approach "You can't Run

from me Rain." I was grabbed by the wrist and pushed unto the room I was held chained in.

He pushed me down onto the bed and chained my ankle then both my wrist to shorter chains so I

couldn't move far.

The metal dug into my skin everytime I moved, and Tyson was overtop of me "Still won't put out?

Guess I just have to make you."

"Tyson! Stop it!" I begged and he pulled my jeans down of my legs and threw them to the ground. He

then started to pulled off my shirt but I squirmed and kicked to try and get away.

I kicked him off me then standing up and trying to run away when the chains stopped me and he pulled

me down to his lap.

He ripped my shirt, and I was left in underwear and a bra. "Let me go!" I squirmed and he kept me

under his grip.

He pushed me back onto the bed and pulled off his shirt revealing his 6 pack abs.

Ryker's are better...

"Admit baby" He whispered leaning closer to me and whispering into my ear "Our sex was the best

you've had."

"My mom always told me not to lie" I said as I tried to push him off me. He leaned in and pressed his

lips to mine. I quickly pulled back from him to make room and pushed him away.

He glared at me and grabbed my wrist then putting them above my head under his grip so I couldn't

move. He pressed his lips back to mine and I tried to pull away and squirmed under his grip.

One of his hands moved to under me and put his hand to my lower back then pushing me up against

him so we were chest to chest.

His lips felt gross on mine and everything felt so wrong. I didn't kiss back and I wanted to be anywhere

but here right now. He grabbed my butt and I flinched.

It wasn't even Sexual was becoming rape...

There was a knock at the door and Tyson had to pull away. I caught my breath and relief came over

me, Tyson yelled "What?!"

The door then opened and Troian walked in. She gave a shocked look "I knew you were a slut, no one

Anderson keeps you around. I mean why would a sex God like him want you?"

I clutched my fist and gritted my teeth together but Tyson kept me back. "I mean he she really go out

for the Queens and not peasants. I think we'd be the perfect match, don't you think?" She smirked.

"Troian, leave" Tyson ordered, and she sighed "Fine" then walking out and shutting the door behind


"You got lucky Thompson" Tyson said as he got off me and pulled his shirt back on "But that doesn't

mean were over" He girtted then walking out and slamming the door.

I sat up on the bed and wrapped my arms around my half naked body since I didn't even have a

blanket and couldn't get my clothes back on because of the chains that were restrained me.

* * * * * * * * *

I gripped the toilet seat and puked into it once again and I felt sick to my stomach. There was a knock This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

at the door and Taylor came in.

"You okay?" She asked as she sat down beside me. I still wasn't in clothes because of the chains still

on my wrist and ankle. I looked up her and gave her an Are-You-Serious look.

"You don't think your pregnant...are you?" She asked unsure. I shook my head "No. There's no way."

"No way?" She asked raising an eyebrow "You're meaning to try and tell me, You and Ryker didn't

sleep together?"

"Ok we did.." I sighed "But we used protection." "Did the Condom break?" She asked and I shook my


"Are you on the pill?" She asked and I shook my head again. "I mean.." She trailed off and pulled

something out of the bathroom closet and handing it to me.

"It never hurts to try" She shrugged with a slight smile. I looked at her then at the pregnancy stick in my



I sat on the cold cement ground and bit my finger nail as I waited for the results of the test.

I'm sure that I'm just sick or ate something bad. I'm positive that's what it is.

I'm 18..I can't have a baby, and I'm still in high school..Plus Ryker has to deal with his job, bills, plus

Melanie and Faith ontop of that.

I then reached for the stick on the sink and brought it down to me. I looked up at the ceiling and closed

my eyes as I prayed to God that it wasn't positive.

I looked down and saw it was negative. Relief immediately took over me, and I threw the test away

then standing up and walking back to the room.

The door opened and I turned around to see James. "Whoa-" He said then looking away. I sighed and

ran a hand through my hair "It's fine..just don't be a pervert."

He nodded then looking back at me "We have a race tonight and we were planning on going to meet

with Victory." "Victory?" I asked confused.

He raised an eyebrow "Wow, you're gang really keeps you in the shawdows. Victory...they're out co-

gang, and are not be messed with."

I took inhaled a deep breath hand pressed my lips in a thin line. James's eyes then flickered to my

chest and I snapped my fingers at him "Stop looking!"

His eyes snapped up to mine "Sorry- You're just so beautiful-..". I was galen back what he said "What?"

I questioned.

He scratched the back of his neck and shook his head "Nothing, i-its stupid..I-.." He stuttered nervously.

"You know just because I've been kidnapped by you assholes, doesn't mean I don't have a boyfriend" I

gritted annoyed.

"Rain-No..I didn't mean it like that-.." He began "Maybe you should just break up with Anderson. "

My eyes widened and jaw dropped as I couldn't believe he just said to me. I scoffed "Who the hell do

you think you are?! I watched my boyfriend be lovey dovey with his EX girlfriend for weeks while I just

had to stand by and watch! And you tell me to break up with him after the hell I went through?!"

"Rain, I didn't mean to say it like that!" He defended. "Yeah well you seem not mean a lot a things you

say" I said then turning around and walking into the bathroom then slamming the door shut.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Let's go!" Zeke hurried everyone into their cars. Zac held a grip on my forearm and pushed me into a

Chevrolet Corvette C7 Stingray.

Zac slammed the door shut, and I swallowed hard. Tyson was aside of me on his phone, James was in

the passenger seat and Austin was the driver.

Troian then walked up to James's side and leaned in through the window and pressed her lips to his. I

rolled my eyes then looking out of the very small window in the back.

"Get a room" Austin scoffed, and Troian flipped him off as she pulled away from James. "Maybe we

could have some fun tonight" She whispered to James as she twirled his shirt around her finger and bit

her lip seductively.

"Troian!" Blade yelled from a Italian 2013 Lamborghini Gallardo. Troian gave an annoyed look, then

grabbing James chin and making him look at her then smashing her lips onto his.

I think I saw tongue...

"Slut" I muttered under my breath and Tyson looked at me because he must of heard. "Says you" He


"I'm not a slut or a whore because I don't sleep around. You're the slut" I defended. James pulled back

from Troian and she smirked then walking off in her 6 inch black heels.

The "uniform" was basically the same; white plan t-shirt, jeans, black leather jacket, and the girls had to

wear heels because Troian demanded.

Taylor had to lend me a pair of her black heels and my feet were currently killing me.


"Thompson!" A voice yelled and I was beckoned over by Zeke. I walked away from Lance and Logan

who were currently watching me like a hawk.

"You're racing" He ordered, and I raised an eyebrow as he started to walk away and I followed "Why?

I'm not an actual member."

He stopped and turned around to face me with a glare "Because I said so." "We've seen you race,

Thompson" Shay said as he leaned up against a car "You're good. The way you race only comes from

natural talent."

Zeke sent him a look and Shay shut up. Zeke said "If you win this I'll do you a favor." "What kind of

favor?" I asked, and he ignored me and handed me the keys.

It was a "Due Race" which is two people from each gang racing at once. Due also meant "Two" in

Italian. Tyson came up beside me and whispered in my ear "Don't get in my way" then walking off to

one of the Lamborghinis. I walked over to the Corvette and swung my legs in.

I took off the heels once I was inside the car and I scanned lover the controls. James came up and the

guys did and check up around the cars. I started the engine and asked over the noise to James "Is it

Automatic or Manual?"

"Automatic" He answered answered and pointed over to by the controls "See that button. It's a boost if

you need it, just make sure you're lane is clear if you use it."

I nodded and tapped the roof "Goodluck" then walking away. I drive up to the starting line and Tyson

was right behind me. I looked in my rear-view mirror to see cars lined up.

I bit my lip and clasped my hands around the steering wheel and put my head back against the seat.

"1! 2! 3!" The crowd chanted "GO!"

I immediately pressed my foot down on the gas and sped off through the track. I drifted on the turn and

kept grip on the steering wheel as my whole body was stiff.

I got off the tracks and onto the road, and headed roads the city. I only knew the route from watching

others, but I had no idea where I was. I looked back in my rear-view mirror and I saw Tyson right

behind me and cars started to spread out more and there were only a few this far in.

I pressed down harder on the gas and was going 230 miles per hour, and kept eyes straight ahead. A

car pulled up next to me and a window rolled down.

"Rain!" A voice yelled and I looked over to see Alessandra. Relief came over me and I yelled "What


"48!" She answered, and I looked back to see Tyson riding right behind me with only and few inches

between us.

My grip on the wheel became tighter and I clenched my jaw "Fuck off, Blix" then changing gears and

hitting the boost so I would speed ahead.

Alessandra followed up next to me and we ran and a red light. "Who's racing?!" I called over to her as I

glanced at her then back at the road.

"Ryker. He's a couple ways behind. He blocked a bunch of people so I could get ahead or I would've

gotten hit" Alessandra informed.

I placed my head back up against the seat and pulled ahead, and Tyson stayed right on my tracks to

make sure I wouldn't drive away and escape.

He looked at me right through the window and I glared at him through my rear view mirror, then did the

only thing I could.

I stuck up my middle finger, and pressed harder on the gas so I would pull way farther ahead. I turned

through streets and Alessandra was right aside me. I then heard sirens.

I looked back to see cops pull out of nowhere and chase after us. I sighed and changed my gears

again and quickly slammed on my breaks, and stopped the cops.

I turned the wheel and completely circled them I'm together on the road. My tires shrieked and I leaned

in the car as I kept the wheel turned.

After I circled them in a couple of times I sped off again and caught up to Alessandra. Adrenaline was

running through me, and I saw as very fimiliar skyline come up.

I looked over to see Ryker and yelled "Why didn't you just tell me you're Bipolar?!" He glanced over at

me "Rain, I'm sorry! I didn't want you to be worried."

"Too late for that" I called over "And want to adress the fact the you're dealing drugs, while we're at it?!"

We sped through the streets and were right next to each other and we're going the same speed. "I

wasn't taking them, I was just selling them because I needed the money!" He explained.

"You could've just asked me" I exclaimed and looked over at him. His eyes met mine and held my gaze

for a few moments.

His eyes were so perfect, and I could get lost in them all day. "Rain" He called over and looked at me.

"I love-" He started but couldn't finish when Tyson hit the back of me and made the whole car Jerk


"Asshole" I muttered, and Ryker pulled ahead, and I followed right beside him. Ryker then took a turn

and went off road.

I changed my gears and looked back to see a pissed off angry Tyson. Alessandra tried to keep Tyson

blocked from me, but he kept cutting her off. Ryker then took a turn into the woods and I yelled over to

him "Do you know where you're going?!"

He looked over at me and nodded "Yeah, just follow through the path and then cross the train tracks,

it'll bring you back to the starting lines."

I nodded his instructions and Ryker, Alessandra, Tyson, and I were the only ones over here because

everyone went the actual route.

We sped through trees and I made sure not to hit any, and kept my headlights on since there was no

light because the trees blocked the sky.

"Go up ahead and over the train tracks" Ryker ordered then changing his gears and backing up to

block Tyson. I sped ahead and followed through the path.

I looked back and Alessandra followed right behind me. I saw the train tracks ahead and once I was

clear of trees.

I saw the stand next to train tracks and the light was blinking and I heard the train coming. I took a deep

breath then slamming my foot down on the gas and gunning it.

I made it through without the train coming ad Alessandra did as well. I waited and saw Ryker and

Tyson fighting each other to get ahead.

Then started to see the train approach and them come towards the tracks. I bit my lip and panic came

over me.

They sped up and I kept looking at the train coming closer and closer. Right when they got to the tracks

the train was only a foot away. They both gunned in and I screamed "RYKER!"

My heart dropped in my chest and I blinked slowly as I silently prayed to myself.

I then saw Ryker make it through, and my heart beat was abnormal. Tyson made it through as well but

the back of the car was damaged.

Alessandra sped off again and Ryker yelled "Rain, Go!" I quickly changed changed my gears and

caught up with Alessandra.

She led the way through and Ryker blocked Tyson the whole time from getting to me. We got back to

the tracks and I saw the finish line. Alessandra and I sped through the track and drifted on the turn.

We both crossed the line at the same time and everyone went crazy as Tyson and Ryker came in

behind us. I sighed in relief that this was over and threw my head back against the seat.

People flooded around everywhere and I got out of the Corvette, only to be pushed up against it and

Ryker smashed his lips into mine.

I responded right away and wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me up, making me wrap my

legs around his waist.

His tongue slid across my teeth asking for entry, I granted it to him and his tongue found mine right


I tugged on his hair gently, we were chest to chest, and he kept ke pushed up against the Corvette. I

pulled away breathlessly and breathed heavily as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"I'm so sorry, princess" He whispered "I'm so Goddamn sorry." I looked up to meet his bright blue eyes

and swallowed a lump in my throat "There's something you should know."

"What is it, baby?" He asked, still catching his breath. "The guy was Tyson; my other ex boyfriend who

sexually harassed me."

Ryker became tense and his went dark and danger was written all over him. "He..He uh..." I stuttered

"He tried to force me to have sex with him last night."

Ryker put me down and immediately stormed over to Tyson. I followed him "Ryker! No!" I said as I

grabbed his arm but he pulled it out of my grip.

He grabbed Tyson by the shirt and slammed him up against a car "You tried to rape my girlfriend last

night?!" He yelled with anger filling in his voice.

Everyone was quiet and crowded around to see what was happening. "Huh?!" Ryker yelled and

punched him straight in the face and pushes him through the window and the glass shattered.

"I-" Tyson began and Ryker gritted "Oh, I'm not done with you yet, asshole" then punching him again

and kneeing him in the balls.

Tyson was a bloody pulp by now and beaten up horribly. "Don't you have ever fucking touch her again"

Ryker yelled and slammed him up against another car.

He punched him in the gut and Tyson coughed up blood. Ryker then grabbed a baseball bat that was

just by some pole and started to raise it. I quickly ran into the circle that had been formed around Ryker

and Tyson by everyone in the drag race.

I grabbed his arm and pulled it back "Ryker Xavier! No!" His eyes stayed on Tyson and he pushed me

behind him.

"I don't even want you looking at her ever again, understand?! If you go anywhere near her I will have

your ass landed in jail faster then you could blink" Ryker gritted in his face.

He dropped the bat and turned around to start walking away and pulling me behind him.

When Ryker started to pull me through the crowd he was stopped by Zeke and the rest of the Veins

Gang. "Where do you think you're going Anderson?" Zeke asked.

"Taking my girlfriend home, Monroe" Ryker gritted through his teeth, and anger ran through him. Zeke

tsked and shook his head "You should have that about that before you got caught in a faulty drug deal."

"She didn't do anything" Ryker gritted and clutched his one fist and his grip on my hand tightened. "But

if we get her, we get you too" Zeke said and then smirking.

"That's the good thing about love, it can destroy" He smirked and Ryker was about jump him but I

intertwined our fingers so he wouldn't go anywhere. "Get her" Zeke ordered at the snap of his fingers.

I was grabbed by Blade and Arthur by the arms as they tried to pull me away from Ryker. "Hey! Hey!"

Voices yelled.

Craig, Vince, Neil, Liz, Will, Peter, Leah, Alessandra, Juliet, Celeste, Luca, Seb, Valentino, Aaron, Levi,

Abe, Andre, Tate, Augustus, Dawson, Felix, Memphis, and Reece all came out.

Then James, Christopher, Austin, Derrick, Benson, Lance, Shay, Mark, Zac, Joe, Ty, Logan and Hayes.

Taylor, Clara, and Troian all came out.

"I think we could settle this in a civilized manner" Craig said to Zeke in a stern voice as he stepped in

front of all us. "Civilized isn't in my vocabulary, Brown" Zeke retorted.

Ryker wrapped arm around my waist protectively and pushed me behind him. "She's just a kid,

Monroe. Cut her some slack" Craig gritted.

"She's not a kid, Craig" Zeke laughed without any humor and with evil "Austin, Derrick" Zeke ordered.

Austin and Derrick started to approach when Ryker hid me behind him and punched them both. "You

asked for it Anderson" Zeke said then snapping his fingers.

Logan and Blade grabbed Ryker by the arms and pulled him back. Craig, Vince, Neil, Liz, Will, Peter,

Leah, Alessandra, Juliet, Celeste, Luca, Seb, Valentino, Aaron, Levi, Abe, Andre, Tate, Augustus,

Dawson, Felix, Memphis, and Reece all started to come towards them but the rest of the guys blocked

them off while bringing out a gun and they all froze.

Derrick and Austin still had a grip on me, and Zeke ordered "James." I watched slowly and James

sighed then stepping out and pulling a gun out and slapping a magazine full of bullets.

He raised it up and my eyes widened as Ryker's went dark. James's finger wrapped around the trigger

and he took and deep breath.

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