My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

"Whoa, whoa, what the hell are you wearing"!? Becker exclaimed and I rolled my eyes "A uniform for

my stupid private school".

"Hey, enjoy it now" Landon said narrowing his eyes and pointing a spoon at me "Because Work,


I clapped and joked sarcastically "From the words of Mr. Wisdom, everyone. Landon Knight".

He pretended to bow "Thank you, thank you very much". We all laughed, and I grabbed my backpack

and slung it over my backpack.

Beverly ate the rest of her food quickly then standing up and saying "Come on, before you're late" then

grabbing her keys.

I followed her out and Beck yelled after me "Don't have sex, you'll die!"

* * * * * * * * *

"Cause it's too cold, for you here. So let me hold your hands, in the whole of my sweater" Beverly and I

sang as she drove. I snapped my fingers to the beat of the much.

We came into the school parking lot, and she parked. I opened the door and got out then grabbing my

backpack and slinging it over my shoulder.

"I'll text when to pick me up, I have detention" I said and she chuckled then nodded "Okay. I'm going to

stop by your house and talk to your brothers about everything".

I nodded and shut the door and waved "Bye Bev" and jogged away. I put my earbuds in and plugged it

into my phone and put on music, so that no one would try to talk to me.

I pushed open the door and walked through the hallways of hell. I walked through the hallway, and got

stares from some people, but just shrugged it off.

I went to my locker and punched in my locker combination, then shoving my books in and grabbing the

books I needed.

"Excuse me" A girl's voice said and I looked up from my locker and at the girl and she had red dyed

hair with brown eyes, and she offered a small smile. I took out my headphones, so I wouldn't be rude.

"Uh, I'm Shaliene Jergens, I'm new" She said and bit her lip.

I blinked a few times slowly "Oh, Hi. I'm-".

"Oh, I know who you are. Rain Thompson...the Sheriffs daughter..." She said giving me a look, and

chuckling a bit.

"Right..." I trailed off then mumbling "The Sheriff's daughter...".

"Uh, I was wondering; could you tell me how to get to my first class"? She asked and I put my hand out

for her schedule and she handed it to me.

I scanned over it "You have Biology first; which is upstairs....We have lunch and the last two periods

together though. Let me just get my books, and I'll walk you to Biology".

I handed her back her schedule, and turned back to my locker then quickly grabbing my textbook and

shutting my locker door.

I led the way down the hall and she walked beside me.

" long have you been going here for"? She asked curiously.

"Oh, I've been here for 4 years, since I was a freshmen" I answered and tucked a loose strand hair

behind my ear.

She nodded slightly and I saw Blake in the hall talking to his group of friends. His eyes met mine, and

he said something to the guys he was talking to, then jogging up to me.

"Hey, Thompson" He smirked and slung an arm over my shoulders. I pushed his arm off my shoulders,

and Shaliene gave a confused look "Are you two dating"?

"No!" I said "I have a boyfriend". Blake rolled his eyes at that "Speaking of...I don't know what side of

the bed you put him on, but he's been a real asshole lately".

"Like you're not" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

Blake clenched his jaw "Who's your friend"? Then winking at Shaliene, making her blush in response.

"Why are you still here"!? I asked in annoyance and he stopped me from walking and leaned closer to

my face "Because, I'm giving you the presence you want".

I scoffed and went back to walking as Shaliene followed behind me, then Blake did too.

"God, you're moody too" He muttered under his breath, and I rolled my eyes and snapped "Maybe if

you would put a bag over your ugly face and left me alone, I wouldn't be "Moody"."

"Uh....Is there something that happened between you two, because the hatred tension is strong"

Shaliene said.

I glared at Blake, and he held my glare. "Come on, you're going to be late for class" I said and grabbed

Shaliene's forearm and pulled her down the hallway.

I came to the cafeteria, and went to a random empty table and sat down. I put in my earbuds, and

opened my notebook as I studied for the test I had later.

I traced circles on the apple, I had.

Jax called me earlier, and said that my dad was drunk off his ass, and refused to get any help that he

needs to quit with this drinking, and that he said all these things like he was going to track down Ryker

and throw him in jail, for getting me caught up in everything.

Needless to say, I wasn't a bucket full of happiness right now...

I had a million text messages from the gang, and missed phone calls that I haven't answered. I can't

see them either, because of the threats that my dad made...and they'd get in huge trouble.

"Hey" Shaliene's voice said as she came over and sat down across from me. I looked up at her and

offered a small smile "Hi".

"I've realized, you're not much of a talker..." She chuckled a bit.

I shook my head "No, I'm just dealing with a lot right now".

She nodded slowly "Want to talk about it"? I shook my head and offered a small fake smile "No, thanks.

I'm good."

"So you have a boyfriend"? She asked curiously and I nodded. "What's his name"? She asked


"Uh...he doesn't go to school here, you wouldn't know him" I said and she shrugged "Still".

"Ryker Anderson" I sighed, and she gave an amused look "Rain Anderson...has a nice ring to it" then a

smirk tugging at her lips.

I scoffed a laugh then reaching across the table and grabbing on of her french fries and throwing it at

her. The fry hit her cheek and she laughed "Nice Aim".

"So, where are you from"? I asked curiously.

"Colorado" She answered and I gave her a shocked look. "Yeah, my dad got a job offering here, so my

family had to move out here".

"Ahah. I've lived here for my whole life" I chuckled "It get's boring after awhile".

She narrowed her eyes at me "How do you get bored in New York City"!?

I shrugged "You just do. I mean you see one skyscraper, you've seen them all".

"Good point" She noted with a chuckle.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Rain" Mrs. Doyle called my name and I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up, and she tapped

the board "What is the answer to number 5"?

I looked at the problem and bit my lip as I had no idea what the answer was. All eyes were on me in the

room, and I felt uncomfortable.

I stayed silent, and waited for her to call on someone else.

"Not paying attention again..." She sighed and wrote something down on her desk "Talk to me in


Everyone erupted in "Ooooo"! I put my arms out on the desk and put my head down and flushed in

embarrassment.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

My phone vibrated again, for the millionth time. I looked at it and saw it was a group text with everyone.

I quickly scanned through the text messages.

Reece: Dude, what if she's fucking some guy!

Ryker: Shut the hell up Reece.

Vince: I mean she could be...

Leah: Guys! She's not sleeping with some random dude!

Craig: Well she's dead, no matter what she's doing when she comes back.

Neil: Yeah, she's definitely banging some guy

Liz: Neil! Shut up! She's not! When I get home I'm going to smack you until some sense gets into your


Peter: I volunteer as tribute to help hit Neil!

Will: Guys! Isn't she in Mrs. Doyle class right now...just call Mrs. Doyle!

Craig: You seriously think Rain went to class..? She's ditched the same amount of Ryker has! She's

barely ever there!

Ryker: How does everything get turned around on me!?

Liz: Because you're her boyfriend...duh....

Vince: No she's not in class, because she's banging some guy!! We went over this!!

I rolled at the text in annoyance....they really think I'm sleeping with some guy....

Me: Fuck you, guys! I'm not sleeping with some guy, morons!!

Neil: Holy shit! Rain!!

Leah: Where are you?!

Craig: could be one of her brothers, just tricking us into to thinking she actually responded...



I sighed, and went on to my camera and stuck out my middle finger under my desk and took a picture

then sending it to them.

Ryker: Yep, it's definitely Rain..

Liz: Rain! OHMYGAWD! Where have you been?!

Vince: Rain!!!!

Me: Would you all calm! I'm busy!

Craig: Where the hell did you run off to!?!?

Me: That's none of your business.

Ryker: Rain Eliza Thompson! Tell us where the hell you are!!

Me: We're not going over this again. I said I CAN'T tell you!!!

Ryker: OMFG! You're so frustrating!

Reece: Watch...this is going to turn into some sexting conversation, between them.

Liz: Reece!!!!

Me: I'm bye.

I turned off my phone before they could say anything, and I looked back up at the board and went back

to doodling in my notebook.

The bell rang, and everyone got up and grabbed their things and rushed out of the classroom and to

their lockers, so they could get out of this hell-whole.

I huffed and stayed seated in my uncomfortable desk chair, as I wanted detention to be over already...

Mrs. Doyle shut her classroom door to block out all the sound from the hallway and turned to me

"Rain...Why do I have 22 missed calls from all the guys, Liz, and Leah"?

I shrugged and lied "I don't know..."

"Right..." She trailed off "And you don't know why Ryker called me yesterday; freaking out because you

just ran off.."

I bit my lip "Mrs. Doyle...please, don't tell them you know where I am. Things are going on with my dad,

and I just can't see them right now..."

She sighed and set her phone down "Alright...I won't tell them...".

"Thank you" I sighed in relief, and she walked up and pulled a chair out and sat in front of me "But

Rain, what's going on"?

"I..I don't want to talk about it..." I trailed off and bit my lip.

She narrowed her eyes at me "Well, you need to get it out somehow, and you know I won't tell anyone

or child services. I promised you that when I had you in my freshmen class, and I attend on keeping

that promise".

Mrs. Doyle was always very supportive. I was always in trouble in freshmen year and went to the

principal's office 23 times a day...I had a lot going on with my parents, and my dad at the time, but Mrs.

Doyle got me into therapy and counselling and helped me through it.

I nodded slightly, and she sighed and tapped her hand on my desk "You can start your homework" then

standing up and walking over to her desk.

I bit my lip, and thought about what to write next as I fiddled with my pen in my hand as I twirled it

through my fingers.

I've been here for almost an hour and half, and was able to leave soon, and texted Bev to come pick

me up.

"Hey mom, we-" Liz's voice said, and then stopped. I looked up to see her staring at me with relief

crossing over her face.

I looked at Mrs. Doyle and she put her hands in surrender "I didn't tell them, that you were here". Then

the rest of the gang came in.

Ryker's eyes caught mine and they were boring into me, and they were filled with anger, and all types

of different emotions.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 3:30, and I was able to leave. I stood up and grabbed my books

and stuffed them into my backpack "Right...well I'm better be going".

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked up to the door but they all blocked it, and Vince

asked "Rain...what's going on"?

"Nothing" I mumbled, and Craig snapped "Nothing?! You don't just run off, because of nothing"!

I took a deep breath and raised my voice "Look! I just don't have time to deal with this right now! So just

let it be! Because I'm doing this, so all your asses don't get thrown in jail!"

"Rain...what do you mean"? Neil asked, and I shifted my backpack on my shoulder and mumbled

"Never mind, forget I said anything".

"Rain" Becker's voice said and he came up then freezing and giving a confused look at everyone "Who

are all these people"?

They all glared at me, and I rolled my eyes and they moved out of the way and Ryker blocked the door;

keeping me from leaving.

Becker went out to the hallway and waited for me.

"Ryker, move" I gritted, and his eyes were dark as he stared at me with what seemed to be no emotion

or to much emotion to the point where you couldn't identify the feeling.

"Rain, what the hell are you doing? What's going on?!" He snapped and I closed my eyes shut for a

second before re-opening them.

"Please don't start this again" I pleaded, and he looked at Becker out in the hall and clenched his jaw

then looking back at me "Who the hell is he"!?

"Why does it matter..."? I questioned.

"So, you were off with some guy, and just running away from whatever you're running away from" He

gritted "I swear to God, Rain, if you were sleeping with him-"

My eyes widened, and I shoved him back "Would you shut the hell up, Ryker!? Because you're really

starting to piss me off"!

"Oh, so you were. Tell me, what's his name"!? He snapped.

"He's my cousin you dip-shit!" I yelled and he became tense and blinked slowly a few times as he took

in what I said.

"Let me know when you get your shit together, and stop accusing me of cheating, when I'm not! Until

you don't stop, just don't even bother talking to me" I snapped, and pushed past him and my shoulder

brushed against his and a shiver was sent up my spine.

"Rain! Rain"! He called after me, but I ignored it and walked down the hallway and just wanted to get

out of this place.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Are you sure you want to do this"? Jax asked, and I nodded as I stared at the warehouse in front of


"I still think this is a horrible idea..." Joel spoke, and denied the idea for the millionth time now.

"Joel! For the millionth time! I don't care, I just need to get this done"! I snapped in frustration.

He sighed and sat back in his seat. Ryan, Jax, and I all were out at the warehouse.

"Wish me luck" I sighed and opened the car door and getting out.

"Do you need us to wait"? Ryan asked, and I shook my head "No, I'll get a ride or something" then

walking up to the warehouse.

I pushed the door open and a shiver went up my spine.

I walked up the unsteady steps, and went into the main room which was on the top floor. I took a deep

breath and reached and clasped my hand around the door knob, then turning it and it creaked open.

I walked in, and their head's all snapped up at me "I need a favor".

* * * * * * * *

" want your dad to get caught doing something, and get thrown in jail"? Craig questioned and I

nodded slightly.

"That insane" Vince exclaimed "He's the sheriff! He runs this town, they won't bust him for anything"!

Neil nodded "Vince is right, plus he donates a lot of money to the county jail, if they throw him in...they'll

loose all the money..."

"Yeah, being Rich and having authority, you could get away with anything you wanted..." Ryker nodded

and clenched his jaw.

I let out a frustrated groan, and Liz offered me a small smile.

"Well we need to think this through...and if someone screws it up, it's going to go all downhill, and we're

all going to be stuck in jail" Will stated.

My eyes met Ryker's and I bit my lip and his eyes narrowed at my lips. He stood up and walked over to

me and put a hand out. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me.

I put my hand in his and he pulled me up off the couch, and pulled me into the kitchen, and shut the

door; so know one would see or hear.

He immediately picked me up and sat me down on the counter and smashed his lips into mine.

His arms slid around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and

the kiss was hungry.

His tongue found mine and I closed my eyes shut, and he pulled on my bottom lip. My cheeks flushed

red and I missed the feeling of being close to Ryker.

I pulled away breathlessly and opened my eyes and looked at him. He pressed his forehead to mine

and placed his hands on my thighs "Don't leave like that again".

"I won't" I said and laced my fingers through his, and he pecked my lips.

"I'm sorry about earlier and accusing you of going off and sleeping with some guy" He apologized "It's

just...I haven't actually had a relationship since Chloe, and every girls just been a one-night stand...But

Rain, I don't want you to just be some fling..."

My heart began to race, and I swallowed hard, and looked up at Ryker, and at his bright blue eyes. My

lips tugged up into a smile.

"Is the Ryker Anderson apologizing to me"? I asked pretending to be shocked.

He rolled his eyes "Don't let it get to your head".

I chuckled as I looked down at my lap, before looking back up and at Ryker "Don't worry...I won't just be

some fling" I trailed off in almost a whisper.

* * * * * * * * * *

"No, it'd be 3" Ryker said and erased my work with his pencil and wrote the number 3 down. I groaned

in frustration "I hate math"!

"I realized" Ryker muttered and rolled his eyes.

It was 10 o'clock and we were all still at the warehouse. I was laying in Ryker's lap, and he was helping

me with my homework, that I didn't finish in detention.

He rested his chin on my shoulder and examined over the work, then erasing a problem "

can't pair those..they're not congruent".

"I'm done with math. I don't think I'll ever need to know the formula of Depth of Field!" I said annoyed

and went to get up, but Ryker pulled me back down into his lap.

"Babe, you need to finish this" He said and kissed the side of my head, and I frowned.

"Looks like Ryker's going to be the parent that helps the kids with their homework" Leah laughed and

Ryker flipped her off as he sent her a glare.

"We are never having kids" I muttered to myself under my breath, and went back to writing down the

formula on my homework.

"Hey! Can you blame me? I want to be an aunt.." Leah said "And I want it to be Rain instead of some

stuck-up bitchy slut that accidentally got pregnant from one of your one night stands".

I buried my face into Ryker's shoulder from embarrassment and Ryker rolled his eyes "Really Leah..."?

"I call being the godmother"! Liz shot up, and I shook my head "Elizabeth Doyle"!

"What?" She asked innocently "It's bound to happen..I mean the you and Ryker having kids part.."

Remind me why I got myself into this?

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