My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

6. Two Questions


I quickly turned away, my cheeks burning as I gulped the rest of the coffee down. I felt him move away, so I quickly placed my mug down and stood up, trying not to groan at the ache in my muscles. I slid my arms out of the shirt, holding it firmly as I twisted it around, sliding my arms back in and buttoned it up. I turned back towards him, his arms now spread over the top of the couch as he glared into the fire, his brows creased in concentration.

“Thanks for saving me.” I remarked gratefully, tugging at the sleeves of the shirt and stared down at the ground. I surely must look a sight in these oversize pants and shirt. Now, what do I do?

I sat down on the small couch and pulled my knees up against my chest, feeling exhausted. “You may not have been at their level, but you shouldn’t push yourself to that extent where you cannot even defend yourself, especially somewhere secluded.”

“Hmm, I didn’t think that would happen, I just thought to train… I’m lacking in far more than shifting.” I whispered, very aware of his hand near my head on the back of the couch.

“Are you? Or are you allowing others to dictate that?” He asked, tilting his head as he looked at me, his hair almost glowing a gorgeous copper in the light of the fire from the hearth.

“It’s true though, isn’t it? I’m not strong enough. I’m nearly eighteen, but I haven’t shifted…” I glanced into the flickering flames, frowning. “There’s already talk that I may be stripped of my rank.”

I looked up into his gorgeous eyes waiting for a reaction, anything to tell me what his opinion on that was. He looked away and into the flames for a second before his gaze snapped back to mine.

“Who told you?” He asked, making my stomach sink.

So, he knew. He knew the Alpha wanted to make him Beta, I didn’t know why that hurt as much as it did. What was I expecting? For him to care? For him to come and tell me? “Does it matter?” I replied looking down at my knees, unable to hide the bitterness from my voice. “The Alpha only mentioned it a week or so ago. Nothing is finalised, there’s still time.” Each word was like a punch in the gut. The tears that I had been suppressing seemed to be on the verge of breaking their dam.

Still time…

“If he gives you the title, you will take it, because he is your king.” I said, forcing a smile.

His face remained emotionless as he looked at me. “No one refuses the Alpha.”


I needed to get out of here… I shouldn’t be here, we weren’t friends… just two people who were always by the princess’ side.

“I’m going to head out, thank you.” I whispered, sounding weaker than I was meant to. “Yileyna…”

I stood up, staggering slightly, my legs felt like lead and my entire body was aching from the workout.

“I’m going to head back.” I walked to the door, my eyes on my shoes.

Just like that, the De’Lacor name would vanish.

“You can’t even walk straight.”

I could smell him behind me. Goddess, he moved so silently.

“I can manage.” I replied coldly. “I need no one.”

I just about pulled one shoe on when he grabbed my elbow, yanking me back roughly. I gasped almost stumbling, but before I could fall, he slammed me up against the wall. “What are you doing?” I hissed venomously. “Proving my point. You are not leaving this place until you are up to it.” “You can’t keep me here!” “Nikolai and Kyson are out there, are you sure you want to go back in this weather all alone?” “I never knew you cared.” I shot back. For a moment he stared into my eyes, before he let go of me, letting me fall to the ground. “I don’t. Get out.” He replied coldly.

I’ll do exactly that.

I pulled on my shoes with weak hands, realising if I stepped out into the rain, my shirt would become entirely see-through… I looked around before walking back over to the couch and picking up the blanket that was draped over the armchair.

“I’ll return this.”

“No one’s allowing you to borrow it.” And with that, he yanked it from my hold, his gaze dipping to my breasts which were moving far too much without my bra. “If you want to leave, it’s going to be like that.”

He turned away, throwing the blanket onto the sofa. I was leaving, one way or another. I yanked the door open without another word and hurried out into the rain, my arms crossed over my chest as I became instantly drenched. I didn’t glance back and when the door shut, it didn’t bother me. The future Beta… Beta Theon. Nice. I knew I was being bitter, but it did hurt. I dragged my feet towards the castle, I needed to speak to the Alpha… Nikolai said I wasn’t my father’s blood. What did he mean by that? 1

I was relieved that I didn’t really meet anyone on the way home and when I snuck into the castle, I was glad that there weren’t many people around, save the guards on duty.

My body was ready to collapse by the time I reached my quarters. I cursed realising my key was in the pocket of my pants. Pants I had left at Theon’s, along with my bra… Oh goddess, now what!

I looked down the hall, tempted to go to Charlene, but now wasn’t the time to disturb her, I’m sure she was having dinner with her family. I’d ask the head Omega…

Or I’d just wait here… I felt far too tired to go in search of anyone and so I slid down the wall and curled up in a ball, wrapping my arms around my shivering cold body tightly.

I’ll just rest a little…

I felt someone move me, but my eyes refused to open, in the hazy state of my mind I had a feeling that the scent was somehow familiar as strong arms lifted me from the ground. The sound of a key scraping in a lock could be heard.

Open your eyes, Yileyna… I couldn’t, I felt like dead weight as my head lolled backwards, whoever was holding me didn’t really seem to care. The familiar scent of Mom’s cocoa butter candles seeped into my nose.


The man’s footsteps creaked on the wooden floor.

I managed to crack them open ever so slightly, but I felt like I was somewhere far away. I wasn’t sure…. I was in my house, I could see that from the angle my head was tilted, it was all I saw before my eyes fluttered close once again.

Get up…

But I was far too gone for that, I felt myself being placed on a bed, my bed. Feeling fingers brushing my hair back ever so slowly it almost reminded me of Mom’s soothing touch… but it was different. I couldn’t explain it…

Comforting but…

And then I heard the door shut before darkness welcomed me back into its folds…

“Seriously, Yileyna, who trains out in the cold like that? We are werewolves, not immortals.” Charlene scolded as she motioned with her eyes for me to eat the bowl of soup. “You know I hate soup.”

“You don’t hate it, you dislike it, but it’s good for you. Now, eat.” She cajoled firmly. I was sitting in bed, it was the following afternoon and I had slept most of the day until Charlene had shown up an hour ago, banging on my door which was locked, and I had found the key on the floor.


It had to be; he must have found the key in my pants… What was he doing looking in them in

the first place?

Anyway, Charlene had shown up demanding entrance and had made me take a hot bath, which I won’t lie made me feel much better. But the bowl of soup from the head chef wasn’t appetising, the truth is, the only soup I ate was Mom’s…

I promised her, I’d only eat her soup or none… and somehow, I just couldn’t stomach the bowl before me.

“I’m not hungry Charl… please.” I pleaded. Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

She looked down at me with concern in her green eyes.

“What is it, Leyna?” She whispered, sitting down on my bed and taking my hands in hers.

I shook my head, refusing to let my emotions get the better of me. “I only eat Mom’s soup.” I managed to reply, trying to remain strong. “Oh, darling.” She wrapped her arms around me tightly and I rested my

head on her slender shoulder, fighting back my tears. “I’ll have something else brought right away.” “I’m not really hungry.” I refused, moving back.

I was wearing a large, oversized shirt that used to belong to Dad. I loved stealing his clothes because they were so comfortable and now that he was gone it was all I really had of him.

Memories… this entire place held memories…

Would I have to move out? “Is the Alpha working today?” I asked casually. “Dad is, as always.” She responded.

Maybe once Charlene leaves, I’ll go visit him. I needed to ask what Nikolai meant about me not being Dad’s daughter…

A light knock on the door to my quarters reached my ears and Charlene jumped up, her ginger hair bouncing around her. “I’ll grab it.”

I nodded and dropped back onto my pillow once more, looking around my room.

The walls were painted an off white, and the floor was solid wood. My furniture was all wood including my bed. There were paintings on the wall. Some with just quotes, others made by me or Dad, and a few that I had brought from our journeys out of Westerwell; one from when we went on a journey out of our Kingdom of Astalion.


Two pairs of footsteps approached, I quickly pulled my shirt down over my thighs just as Theon and Charlene appeared at the door. Charlene was holding a brown bag that clearly contained food.

“You brought food? I never knew the princess’s guard was also a delivery boy.” I remarked, trying to calm the nerves that erupted inside of me as I sat up. The memory of what had happened at his place yesterday was fresh in my mind.

Our eyes met and I swallowed, seeing his gaze flicker to my bare thighs before he looked back into my eyes and I quirked a brow.

“Seems you’re healed.” He remarked, turning away and crossing his arms as he leaned against the door frame, as Charlene brought the bag over.

I rolled my eyes almost scoffing, my legs didn’t have bruises… I wasn’t ready to tell Charlene what happened, but I did want to ask Theon if he was the one who brought me inside.

“Alright eat the sandwich up and there’s apple pie.”

She unwrapped the items and I took the sandwich, lost in my own thoughts. I needed to talk to the king immediately. Once Charlene had finished fussing over me, I tried not to meet Theon’s burning gaze as he stood there before I was finally left alone. Luckily the queen had called Charlene to meet someone or other and both had left but not before Theon’s burning emotionless gaze met mine. Once again, I couldn’t make out what was going on in that mind of his.

Quickly getting dressed, I left my quarters feeling tired and exhausted. The aftereffect of the rain and training still left its mark and my muscles groaned with every step I took.

I saw a pair of guards walk past and I called out to them. “Excuse me! Do you know where the Alpha is?” I asked.

One of them raised an eyebrow whilst the other one’s eyes softened slightly.

“Of course, dear, he’s out in the courtyard, he was training but he is done for now.” He replied.

The perks of the mind link. That was another one I heard from the people. ‘If she had her wolf, she could have prewarned us about the attack.’ “Thank you.” I replied politely before turning and hurrying down the hall. I hoped the Alpha would be willing to talk because I needed answers.

I reached the courtyard to see him sitting on the steps peeling the skin of an apple, on the stone steps next to him was a bowl of fruit. I glanced around but he appeared to be alone.

“May I speak to you, Alpha?” I asked.

Once upon a time, as a child, I used to address him as uncle, but as I got older I started calling him Alpha and that stuck. More so now that Dad was gone, that connection was also no more. “Sure, what is it Yileyna?” The Alpha turned, his hair framing his face only added to his dangerous look and I lowered my head before stepping down into the grass and turning to face him. The knife in his hand was large, and I watched as he made slices out of the apple.“ Speak up.”

I blinked and nodded.

“I had two questions, Alpha Andres. Yesterday an Epsilon ranked warrior told me that I… That I’m not my father’s blood.” I asked, the words hurt even as I spoke them, it still hurt so much.

His face didn’t change as he ate a slice of apple, munching into it before putting two more in his mouth.

“Rumours. People want to spread those rumours because you’re not living up to your status.”

He replied. A wave of relief flooded through me despite the insult that was thrown in there. I was my father’s daughter. Of course I was!

But his following words felt like a few punches in the gut.

“But the truth is, all rumours start somewhere… I never saw your mother pregnant so who knows exactly where you’re from? Was your mother unable to carry? Did your father have you by a whore? It

doesn’t matter, he was always adamant you were his as was your mother. Whether I believe it or not they stuck by it… but the truth is, you hold no power to show that you are part of the De’Lacor family.”

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