Married to the mafia boss Series

#1 — Chapter 9


I didn’t make a mistake… did I?

Antonio flips me so I’m on my back. His lips make my body limp and shake with excitement. His strong hands go underneath my nightgown and his fingertips brush the underside of my breasts. I gasp into his mouth and he takes that as an opportunity to thrust his tongue deeper, claiming me. My own fingers itch to brush against the hard rigids of his abdomen-his six pack and muscled biceps and pecs are due to the training all Made Men have, but not all look like him.

No, he spends a lot of his time and energy getting to look this good. His body is a powerful weapon and is one to be proud of. He shows it by radiating with cockiness and confidence. I can hardly think around the fact that he’s so strong, one wrong move and he could kill me in an instant. Kill me with the same hands that have killed countless Bratva, innocent men, and some of our own who have betrayed the Outfit and Famiglia.

The silk material of the light blue nightgown slides up my body, over the slopes of my breasts and then over my head. My chest rises and falls as my heart rate picks up and my palms sweat with nerves.

Tell him no before it’s too late.

I moan and arch my back as his thumb and index finger pinches and rolls my nipple. I push and rub my thighs together to rid of the throbbing sensation I’m now experiencing. He forces his own thigh between my legs as he maneuvers his body to rest between my open legs. Each leg hangs on either side of him leaving myself at his complete disposal.

There is no sign of cruelty in his touch and it infuriates me. I want him to be the bad guy, need him to be the bad guy. Need it because it gives me reasons to hate him, to hate this arrangement, to want to stay away.

The devil is calling me and my body is responding perfectly to his silent order.

My legs wrap around his hips pressing him further into me. His groin is pressed against mine and the only thing preventing our joining are the two thin materials of our undergarments.

The barrier is my savior, it’s the only thing allowing me to keep my virtue and as soon as it’s gone… there’s really no turning back.

I’m going to do what I swore I wouldn’t do.

There’s no way around it-get it over with.

Antonio’s fingers find the band of my lacy black underwear and slowly he pulls them down my hips and leans back on his knees to swing my legs together to get them off completely.

I make a small whimper and close my eyes tight. The fear he can probably read on me doesn’t stop him. He continues going until my underwear is down my ankles and soon, somewhere on the floor below us. He grabs both my knees and forces my legs apart once more.

Antonio bends down to my flat stomach leaving small open mouth kisses around my belly button causing a flutter of butterflies inside me. Instinctively, my hands dive into his hair and grab the strands keeping him at my stomach instead of lower. When his lips are an inch away from the coarse patch of hair I have, I start to push him off unsure of what I truly want.

He shushes me sweetly and grabs my wrists holding them in place against the bed at my sides. I force myself to relax. I stare at the white ceiling above me and pray for this to be over quick. I’m sure if there was a mirror in front of me, my face would be crimson.

The first lap of his tongue on my most private and sensitive part is like combusting into wildfire. My back arches up, my breath hitches in my throat and my toes curl as I give into this new pleasure. I fight back the urge to wrap my legs around his neck and draw him closer to my damp heat.

“F-f-f…” I nearly curse and the memory of my father’s strict tone ordering me ‘not to swear, it’s not ladylike,’ makes me m my lips clamp shut. My hands rest of his shoulders pulling him away when the feeling makes me feel… feel… almost too good.

His tongue swirls around the sensitive bud of nerves and all the tension in my body builds up, but I don’t know how to chase its release.

Release. Mother always told me women don’t have orgasms-orgasms are for their husbands. In high school I learned the opposite that women could come too, but it was harder and required more attention. My friends all told me they could achieve it just by their hands. I was too scared to try, afraid of somehow leaving evidence of being touched.

I was never like the girls from high school who could lose their virginity whenever and their parents would never know and their future husbands would likely never care. Being a part of the Famiglia, the only thing important for women is they must be pure-their innocence given up on their wedding day and their groom chosen by their father. It is old fashion, but it is the way of the Mafia.

His tongue licks from the tight puckered hole of my taint and I stiffen until his tongue sweeps across the hole that is now drenched and back up to the nub. I’m withering in pleasure and suddenly I forget everything I was previously nervous about. I feel him penetrate me with his finger, the slight pain causes me to jerk but before I can protest, his lips suck on the bundle of nerves making me moan.

Antonio’s finger worms it’s way all the way to the knuckle and he hits a spot that has me seeing stars. All the tension inside of me explodes, my body shivers and shakes with unfathomable ecstasy. I cry out so loud I’m sure Carmelo could hear us in the hallway.

When I come to, I’m breathing hard and when my vision finally focuses-I see Antonio staring at me with hunger you would see in a lion’s eyes. I hadn’t notice in the midst of my orgasm that Antonio had added another finger inside of me and he was now stretching me out. I wince in slight pain and want to tell him to stop.

Without removing his fingers he hovers back over me and kisses me, I can taste myself on his tongue but I don’t care. I feel him shift and when I open my eyes I watch as he pushes his boxers down taking away the last obstacle. He presses his body flush against mine, our mouths dancing perfect harmony. I begin to forget where I am and who I’m who and what is about to happen. The kiss consumes me in every way possible.

My thought breaks when I feel something nudge against my opening. Antonio’s hand is between us lining himself up, I break the kiss and stare showing him the nervousness in my gaze. His stern stare and erratic breathing tells me my opportunity to say no was missed.

“Wrap your arms around my neck,” his deep voice sends a shiver down my spine. His commanding tone makes me act without reason as my arms wrap around him and pull him down to me. I hold him close and tight as I await pain.

The tip of him pushes inside of me at a leisurely pace. I gasp and hold him tighter, his lips kiss the shell of my ear and he calmly strokes my hair. “Tell me if you’re feeling uncomfortable,” he manages to rasp out.

“I’m uncomfortable,” I say hurried.

“Are you in pain?” He stops moving to search for answers in my eyes.

“I don’t know,” I whimper as he continues sliding in. It feels as though the penetration is endless and I know I didn’t get a good look and I don’t have much experience-but my bet would be on he’s bigger than other men.

I feel a sharp pain that’s over almost as soon as it started. The pain becomes duller and eventually Antonio comes to a hilt. He rests his forehead against mine and keeps his eyes closed as if to channel his inner restraint.

Most men are rough, so I’ve been told. I didn’t expect this kind of patience from the most ruthless man in the Outfit. He allows me to catch my breath until it turns more regular.

“Let me know when I can move,” he whispers.

I take this as an opportunity to seek comfort in his body, to hold him while I wait for the pain to subside. He spends our momentary pause to let me hold him while he leaves light kisses on my neck and plays with my breast.

He feels so full inside of me and it’s almost a fulfilling feeling, whatever pain there was is masked for now as the attention my nipple is getting makes my core ache.

“Move,” I finally say. He pulls back and automatically I gasp and clutch his back with my nails. “Wait, wait, go slow,” I beg.

“I am going slow, Lily.”

Lily? He’s never called me Lily before.

Antonio moves his body away from me and then thrusts back deep inside of me. The movement he provides is like itching an itch and I let out a soft moan. His tongue definitely provided more pleasure, but this wasn’t… horrible.

I find comfort in the closeness we’re sharing. I stare at him and watch as he gets lost in his own pleasure. I watch his muscles rip and flex as his magnificent body makes love to me-

No, he’s not making love to you.

His thrusts get harder and faster and I wrap my arms and legs around his body so tight you would think I fear the moment this ends. My hand on the back of his neck presses him down so our foreheads once again touch and I can inhale the minty scent of his breath. He opens his lustful glazed over eyes, his pupils are so dilated I can’t make out the chocolate brown ring normally surrounding it.

Antonio grips my hips and thrusts so hard I cry out; the fast pace and low grunts tell me he’s close. The barely audible noises he makes, makes my entire chest flush with desire. He bends down and takes my breast in his mouth and I tip my head back in pleasure. My back arches and he uses that the snake his hands underneath me, grab my ass and pull him even closer against him. This makes the angle change and he hits a spot inside of me that would surely make me come at any rate-but I don’t.

Antonio’s thrusts become jerkier and more unrhymed and I feel him twitch inside of me-releasing inside of me. He softens and rolls over taking me with him so I’m on top of his chest. I press my ear against his chest and listen to the thumping of his rapid beating heart. It nearly puts me to sleep until I realize what I did this for.

“I don’t think Luca and Arabella should get married,” I speak up. His loud breathing stops as if he’s now holding his breath. “Can’t you put a stop to it?” I look up and decide to try out my puppy dog eyes.


“Can’t you-”

“Why-” he crinkles his face in confusion. “Why are you thinking about this?”

“Well I just thought, I mean I want to help Arabella and I thought now-”

“Now would be the perfect time?” He finishes my sentence for me but sounds ticked off.

“Well yes-” once again he interrupts.

“You thought now, right now, after we had sex that this would be the perfect time to bring up how you don’t want my cousin and your brother to get married?” He moves me off of him and I sit up clutching the comforter to cover my breasts. “Jesus Christ, Liliana. Is that why you had sex with me? You wanted to ask that of me? What the… what the fuck?!” He growls.

“I don’t understand why you are so mad, you got what you wanted. We had sex, I gave you what you wanted, so can’t I have something too?”

“Can’t you have something too?” He mocks chuckling while mumbles under his breath. “I gave you an orgasm and went slow, that’s what I gave to you. I gave you the first time many women would dream of. Most men-especially Made Men-like to fuck their new virgin brides bloody. I thought,” he huffs out a laugh, “I thought since my wife is being so cooperative and sweet, maybe I’ll suppress my instincts-my primal need to fuck you and try to make it enjoyable for you!” He gets off the bed and paces.

“I don’t understand why you’re so mad,” I cross my arms.

“Of course,” he pursues his lips and nods his head. “You manipulated me. You have just showed me the type of person you are. I knew this was a mistake.”

“What was a mistake?” I blink.

“It was a mistake to show an ounce of human decency to you. Don’t worry, next time we fuck I won’t hold back. I’m the Capo of the Outfit,” he says as if he’s reminding himself-not me. “Goodnight, Liliana.”


The next morning when I wake up in my honeymoon suite Antonio is gone. I wrap the silk sheet around my naked body and look around the room to see if he went to the bathroom or went out on the balcony. I found nothing except for a note on the table.


I’m cutting our honeymoon short, I’m heading back to work. I don’t need to be distracted and the Outfit has too much to worry about. Get dressed and have Carmelo take you back to my penthouse. Call me if there’s an emergency.


Carmelo takes me back to Antonio’s penthouse-or should I say our penthouse. There, Arabella is sitting on the couch watching Netflix and eating a box of cookies. When she sees me her eyebrow raises and she rushes to greet me.

“What are you doing here? Your supposed to be on your honeymoon,” she frowns. My eyes start to water and she pulls me in for a hug. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

I clutch her tighter against me and weep onto her shoulder. “I-I had sex with him last night.”

“And it was horrible? Was he too rough? Are you hurt?” She pulls out of our hug to analyze my body and make sure not a scratch is on me.

I blush with embarrassment when I realize Carmelo is still standing near us listening in. He shrugs his shoulder not caring what he hears-he’s only cares to protect me.

“No, no it was actually… nice.”

“Nice? Then what are you doing here? You know after about two more times it’ll feel better than nic-”

“He got mad at me. I-I asked if there was anything he could do about yours and Lucas upcoming nuptials and he freaked out. He said I manipulated him and he was sorry for showing any human decency to me,” I continue to cry.

“Liliana,” she grabs my hand and leads me over to the couch to sit. “This is all my fault. You had sex with him because I told you Vinny did whatever I wanted when I gave him a blowjob… didn’t you?” I nod my head and she sighs. “It took us months to get to that spot. I had to earn his trust and companionship before I did something like that.”

“I just thought…” I shake my head and use my sleeve to wipe my wet eyes. “I ruined things already. I haven’t been married twenty-four hours and I’ve lost him. He-he was so nice and gentle and acted like he actually cared. I ruined it, now he’s going to act like my Capo-not my husband.”

“I’m sure there’s something you can do to change his mind,” Arabella says with slight uncertainty. We all know how hard it is to change the stubborn Capo’s mind. He won’t forget it and if I were one of his one night stands surely, he would’ve killed me for such deception.

“I can’t see why he should care that I used sex to ask a favor, I mean he got what he wanted which was sex!”

“Lily… he got mad because Tony doesn’t care about people of their feelings and the one time he cared, the one time he decides to care about your stance on losing virginity and you did it to manipulate him. You wanted to use sex as power over him,” she waits to see if I understand. “The Capo can’t be weak, and you just reminded him that that decency he showed you in bed-was weakness. Honestly, I think he’s madder at himself than at you.”

“Mad at himself for being gentle?”

“Yes. Haven’t you heard stories about the Made Men, they aren’t gentle-they’re killers. They fuck hard.”

“Was Vinny…?” I bite at my bottom lip.

“He was harder than he should’ve been, but I guess that just ensured more blood on the sheets. We didn’t do a presenting of the sheets, I only bled a little, some don’t at all. He saw it as his prize. He did it to establish dominance and after a while I liked how rough it was.”

The sheets, he never took the sheets. He probably is having someone pick it up as we speak now.

Did I bleed?

“He said he isn’t going to go easy on me anymore,” I gulp. “Is it going to hurt?”

“Maybe, but maybe not. I don’t know, I wish I could give you an answer. Everyone is different.”

“Did Vinny ever… go down on you?”

“It took a while to convince him. Made Men only care about their own pleasure. Well, I shouldn’t say that, if I had an orgasm it boosted his ego. He would try to get me to come but only when we were having sex-where both of us were experiencing pleasure. He never wanted to go down on me and when he did, he expected me to give him a blowjob after,” she shrugs. “Why? Did Tony go down on you?” Her eyes widen.

Meekly, I nod my head. “Yeah.”

“Antonio? My cousin? Wow… I never thought… you really screwed up. He went all gentle on you because he cares about you and when you responded by having sex with him in return for a favor-not because you cared about his needs, he got angry.”

I run my hands through my hair and exhale deeply. “Crap.”

“It’s okay, we can figure something out. Apologize, bake him lasagna, uhm give him a blowjob-”

“I don’t think anything is going to fix this.”

“Hey Carmelo, what do you think?” Arabella calls out to my bodyguard who is in the kitchen. The living room and kitchen are both on the main level of the penthouse, no walls separating the rooms.

Carmelo is leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed raises his eyebrow.

“Oh come on, we know you were listening,” Arabella rolls her eyes.

“Capo is a stubborn unforgiving man,” Carmelo states.

“See I fu-fudged it up.”


“I’m not supposed to swear,” I look away embarrassed.

“Says who?” She jerks her head back.

“My parents…” I reply softly.

“You’ve got to be joking me, Liliana,” Arabella groans. “Say it. Say you fucked it up.”

“What? No! It’s not ladylike!” I cross my arms.

“Fuck! Shit! Damn! Bitch!” Arabella screams at the top of her lungs. “You go.”

“I-I am not saying those words,” I refuse.

“Your parents do not own you anymore and I’m pretty sure my cousin won’t care if you swear. And anyone who says it isn’t ladylike can shove it up their ass!”This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

“Arabella,” I give her a stern look. “I’ve never swore then and I’m not starting now.”

“Come on, you need to grow up and get your anger out! Scream it loud! Tell out your frustration! Come on, say ‘Antonio, you motherfucker!'”

“Antonio, you motherffff…. I can’t. It’s not me, Arabella.”

“Ugh! Girl come on! Fuck you, Antonio! Go to hell!”

“It’s nice to know how you truly think of me, cousin.” Antonio’s voice comes from directly behind us.

Arabella and I both jump and yelp in surprise.

“Oh you know I love you, I’m just teaching Liliana how to swear,” Arabella flashes her perfect, straight white teeth.

Antonio raises his eyebrow like he wants to ask but doesn’t bother. Just like how he doesn’t bother to spare me a passing glance. “I’m just here to pick something up, carry on. I’ll be home by dinner.”

“Fuck!” Arabella swears and then laughs. “Go! Say it!”


“You sound like a two-year-old.”

I groan, “Let it go, I’m not swearing.”

I make my way to the kitchen to start dinner. When I get bored, I watch Louisa-our cook-cook. She was the one who taught me how to make my own pasta noodles, her famous tomato sauce, and her specialty baked Ziti. I get all the ingredients out and start what is going to be a handful of hours to make. By then maybe Antonio will be home and eat with me.


I had set the table, used the good plates, cleaned up my mess in the kitchen, dished out four dishes-one for me, Antonio, Arabella and Carmelo. I sat and waited for my husband to get home… he should be home. He said he’d be home around this time.

Arabella and Carmelo exchange glances wondering if they have permission to dig in. I nod my head and allow them to start eating, but I sit back and wait hoping Antonio will enter through the elevator at any moment.

The two of them finish minutes later and even grab seconds while I still haven’t started. My stomach rumbles, but I for some reason don’t feel have an appetite as I think about how mad Antonio is at me.

When they finish, I told them they could be excused. I don’t leave the table and I don’t take a bite of the cold Ziti in front of me. Instead, I grab my fork and play it. Any minute he’ll be home, I’m sure. I’d have to reheat his dinner though. I look at his full plate now cold, two perfectly good meals wasted.

Arabella must’ve excused herself to her bedroom, because I don’t see her in the living room, while Carmelo stands away from me to give me privacy-but not out of sight. I sigh and tell myself not to cry, it’s not worth it. But I want to cry, I want to cry for the face that this is my life now. My sad ruined life.

It’s dark by the time Antonio gets home. The elevator door dings but I don’t look in his direction, I stare at my wasted Ziti. Antonio walks over, I can see his shadow in my peripheral view. He stands at the head of the table and looks down at what would’ve been his plate.

“It’s cold,” he says.

Did he taste it or did he just know?

“You said you’d be home at dinner time. I thought I’d wait for you,” I sniffle.

“You’ve been sitting here for hours?”

“I made dinner for us, I thought it would be nice-our first dinner together as a married couple. I waited…”

Antonio is silent for a few passing seconds. “You shouldn’t have waited. Don’t do this again. When you make food, eat it and save a plate for me in the fridge for whenever I get home. You just wasted food,” he says angrily as he grabs the plate and dumps the contents of it in the garbage. He throws the plate into the sink breaking it, causing me to flinch with fear.

“Shit,” he curses under his breath. “Don’t touch it, I don’t want you cutting yourself and then I have to take you to the emergency room. I’ll clean it up later. Go to bed.”

I open my mouth to argue with him but decide against it. I push out of my chair and walk up the stairs and into the guest bedroom I occupied before the wedding.

When I enter Arabella is laying in my bed reading a book. “What are you doing in here?”

“This is my new room of course. This is the biggest guest bedroom and you obviously won’t be in here anymore. You’ll be sleeping with Tony.”

“No,” I shake my head adamantly. “I’m not sleeping with him tonight and not ever.”

“I didn’t mean sex.”

“I didn’t mean sex either. I’m not sharing a room with him,” I huff and turn on my heel to go to one of the various other guest rooms.

I enter the guest rooms en suite bathroom and turn the temperature hot to relieve my aching body. I’d be lying if I admit that I wasn’t sore from my night with Antonio. Just thinking about it makes my body feel tingly. I turn the water colder to sate my raging hormones and to bring me back to reality. I can’t think about Antonio right now for my sanity. I use the vanilla scented shampoo and body wash provided and take my time to really clean myself-but mainly to wash the scent of Antonio I could still smell on my skin.

When I get out of the shower and wrap my hair and body in a towel. I groan realizing my suitcase must’ve been brought up to Antonio’s room, which means my change of clothes are in that suitcase. I can’t exactly sleep comfortably in my dirty sweater and jeans.

With a single deep breath I open the door and head down the hallway to Antonio’s master bedroom. When I enter, I’m mortified to find he’s already in there sitting in a chair sipping some alcoholic beverage.

“I-I just came for my clothes,” I rush over to where my suitcase lays next to an empty dresser that Antonio must’ve cleared out especially for me.

Antonio doesn’t say a word, he just sips his drink mindlessly while staring at the empty fireplace. He looks distant-cold and cruel.

“I’m sorry, for what it’s worth. I guess I just thought you didn’t care about me, that it was all for sex. I never picked you to be gentle or kin-”

“I’m neither of those things. You’re right, you should think of me as that person-the person who doesn’t care about you. You’re my wife for the benefit of the Famiglia, and I will protect you because you are mine, but I am Capo. I kill people without remorse,” he stands and walks toward me. “I kill without remorse because I don’t care about people’s feelings. It is what makes me good at the job I do. You think a little nineteen year old brat such as yourself could really melt my cold heart? Grow up. This isn’t some romantic movie you’d watch with my cousin. It’s real life, your parents should’ve taught you better.”

Tears pool in my eyes at his harshness and still he doesn’t back down, he doesn’t feel bad. He just continues to look at me with annoyance and hate. I swipe away my tears and fumble to grab my suitcase while holding the towel against my body. I wanted to leave his room as quickly as possible.

He grabs my arms forcing me to stay. “Where are you going?”

“To the guest room, I won’t be any more of a bother to you,” I tremble.

“We’re married. You’ll stay here where I can keep an eye on you.” I open my mouth but he dismisses me by saying, “End of discussion.” Antonio moves across the room to where his mini fridge is, he pulls out a bottle of bourbon and pour himself another glass. He leaves the bottle out-probably because within seconds the glass he just poured is already gone and down his throat.

I grab pajamas from my suitcase and change in the bathroom, when I come back Antonio is lying in bed, he’s back facing me. I climb in and face towards him, I want to reach out and grab him but instead I move as close as I can to his body without touching him and inhale his scent.

Antonio somehow made me want to seek comfort in him, the day before our wedding I despised him and wanted out and now… well now I don’t know what I want. But I do know I don’t want him acting like this toward me anymore.

Where was the sweet Antonio who kissed me with passion and scanned my face for any sign of pain so he could stop?

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