Maid for the Mafia Boss

Chapter 70

Warning: Topics for this chapter may be sensitive to others and may be uncomfortable to read.

I opened my eyes and realized I was still inside the bathroom.

Looking up at the clock, I saw that it’s already dawn.

I’ve been unconscious for five straight hours?!

Taking a deep breath, I weakly tried to get up on my knees.

I was shaking due to exhaustion.

Since falling unconscious bothered me, I decided to go to the infirmary. I just certainly wish Katie is there.

There wasn’t a single man when I walked across the field.

It’s a good thing so that no one sees me walking like a zombie.

I weakly went inside the infirmary and tried to stand up straight.

The guards didn’t bother stopping me as I rode the elevator to go up to the infirmary.

As the elevator opened, I went straight to Theo and Katie’s clinic that actually exists. I just discovered this a week ago.

I was about to knock, but then I suddenly heard many voices talking in another room.

My eyebrows met, and I walked near the door of the room.

“Don’t say that, Aedin. You’re here now, we are here with you.” I heard Steven’s voice from inside.

“But you don’t have to bother.” I was surprised at the unfamiliar voice. Her voice is so gentle, just like Tita Karina, Keian’s mother.

“It’s okay. We don’t mind. You are important for us than anyone else.” My heart sank upon hearing Keian’s voice.

It felt like years since we last saw each other; I miss him so much…

My vision darkened, and I couldn’t help but stumble over a cart. It fell down, causing its contents to roll down on the floor.

I held my chest as I feel like I couldn’t breathe properly again.

Hearing everybody dash out of the room made me panic, so I immediately stood up, placed the cart back to its original position, and leaned on it for support.

I saw all of them are there, all ten of them.

I smiled as they all looked at me with puzzled expressions.

“Nass? What are you doing here?” Steven asked me.

I turned to Keian, who’s avoiding eye contact with me before answering Steven.

“Uhmm. I just wanted to ask Katie something.” Zeke, Devon, and Laiza narrowed their eyes at me as if they were suspecting me.

Since I am really that suspicious.

“Why?” I couldn’t find the courage to look straight at Laiza because my vision getting blurry.


Zeke walked over to me and held both of my shoulders tight.

“Are you spying on us?” I let out a bitter smile.

“No. I just needed to ask Katie something.” Some of them rolled their eyes while the others avoided eye contact.

“Tsk.” Keian was the first to walk back to the room, followed by the others.

Wow, that doesn’t hurt at all.

Katie was left behind, with a slight curve on her lips.

“So…?” My eyes stay glued on the floor as I spoke to her.

“Can we talk in your clinic?” She raises a brow at me but nodded as we walked towards her clinic.

I followed her.

I immediately sat on a chair and sighed.

“You look very pale. Are you sick?” I shook my head.

“Uhmmm, not really. I fainted in the guest bathroom.” She was slightly shocked at what I said.

“How long have you been unconscious?”

“Around five hours.” She slowly nods her head.

“Uhmm. I’m bleeding right now, and I thought it has something to do with why I passed out.” She smiled at me.

“That’s possible. When did your period start?” I couldn’t stay still in my position because of me struggling to stay awake.

“I’m not supposed to. My monthly period has always been normal, and I’m not supposed to have it till next next week.” She suddenly got confused.

“So why are you—” She fell silent upon realizing the possible reason as to why I was bleeding.

“You bled after…” I nodded at her.

“I just noticed it this morning.” I saw her eyes got sad, and it seems like she’s out of words to say.

“Uhhmm. Sure, you want me to check?”

“If it’s okay.” She smiled at me and nodded.

“Of course. But we need to go to another room for you to be examined.” I let out a weak smile and followed her.

Since there are no beds here in the clinic.

She assisted me while walking to another room.

“Have you eaten anything yesterday?” I lowered my head in shame.

I never got to eat dinner, at least. I didn’t have an appetite the whole day.

“Oh, Nass. You should eat. Maybe that’s the reason why you fainted because of an empty stomach.”

“Sorry.” She sighed and opened the door.

She was about to close the door when someone suddenly shouted her name.

We looked at each other, and a few moments later, we saw Dale by the door.

“Katie! Aedin is flatlining.” Katie’s eyes widened, and she immediately helps me get down on the bed.

“Uhmm, Nass. Just wait here for a while, is that okay? I-I need to—”

“Sure, go on.” She gives me a smile, and I heard the door closed as she immediately ran.

I sighed.

I felt like I just got weaker.

Physically and mentally.

I could feel a literal burning on my lower part, and I remembered the feeling of doing it the first time.

Out of panic, I tried getting out of bed, but I ended up butt-faced on the floor because of pain.

I wanted to run and call Katie because everything that’s happened rushed back to my mind, but then I realized she’s actually busy.

I didn’t have the energy to go back to bed, so I just laid down on the floor, sidewards.

Closing my eyes to remove the thoughts about Lolo in my head.

Third Person’s POV

Nass didn’t know how long has she been lying down on the floor.

She was just alone in the room and couldn’t help but stare at the wall due to the memories that came back to her.

Her world was spinning around, and she’s thankful that she hasn’t lost consciousness just yet.

But her body is still weak, and she couldn’t find the nerve to stand up from the floor.

Meanwhile, Katie and Theo have finally stabilized Aedin.

It was as if Katie had utterly forgotten about Nass because of the amount of worry she felt for her dear friend, Aedin.

“Theo?” Her brother turns to her. They’re both tired since they haven’t slept a wink, and they were worried about Aedin almost being on the verge of death.


“I just remembered, Nassandra is in the other room. I hope she didn’t get impatient waiting.” Everyone in the room got confused.

There are approximately ten of them guarding the sleeping Aedin. Which means all of them are here.

“Why? Did you admit her?” Her eyes flickered to Kei before answering Theo.

“She said she fainted at the guest bathroom. She woke up five hours later. She told me that she didn’t eat the whole day and… she’s bleeding.” Theo furrowed his eyebrows.

“Is she having her menstrual period today?” Katie bit her lip which made everyone in the room even more confused.

“She said that she’s not supposed to have her period until next next week and that she has a normal monthly period.” Keian starred at Katie because of what she said.

The others looked over at Keian. It’s obviously clear what Katie is trying to comprehend.

Theo heaved out a sigh and stood up.

“I’ll check her up.”

Sounds weird but one of Theo’s specialty is gynecology. Katie just offered herself to Nass to check on her since she’s also a woman and has a few knowledge about being a gynecologist.

“She’s in room 207.”

Katie flashed a smile at his brother before Theo went out.

So Theo went in front of the room Katie was talking about.

As he opened the door, Theo was surprised at what he just saw.

He immediately strode over to Nassandra, who’s lying on the floor with eyes opened.

He could see some bloodstains on the floor and shorts the part under her feminine part.

“Nass!” Theo shook the lady, but she doesn’t respond despite her eyes wide open. She was just staring at the void.

“Shit!” Theo quickly carries Nass to the bed.

Nassandra felt Theo’s presence, but she didn’t give a damn about it.

She was even more interested in the white wall in front of her.

“Nass. Nassandra!” Theo gently slaps Nassandra’s cheek to get her attention, but she just stayed still.

Theo got worried, and he quickly ran back to Aedin’s room to get his stethoscope that he accidentally left behind.

“Theo? Why are you in a rush?” Devon asked him.

The doctor doesn’t bother answering him and immediately goes back to Nass’ room after getting the stethoscope.

The nine mafia members looked at each other as they were left in Aedin’s room.

Theo went on to check Nassandra’s heartbeat and her lung situation because there’s a possibility that Nass was suffocated. After all, the room is completely closed.

Nassandra’s heartbeat was very weak.

That’s when Nassandra snapped back to reality and looked at Theo, wearing a worried face.

“T-Theo?” Almost instantly. She felt her chest tightened, and her breathing pace quickened.

It was as if she had a nightmare with her eyes opened, and she just realized what’s on her mind now.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nass! Calm down, okay? Hey, Nass!” Seeing Nass couldn’t breathe adequately on her own, Theo grabs an oxygen mask and quickly put it on the girl.

This made Nassandra grip Theo’s hand tightly while holding the oxygen mask.

“It’s okay. It’s okay. Inhale, exhale.” Nassandra shakily nods and started following along to Theo’s breathing instructions.

Out of worry, Keian went in front of Nass’ room. His eyes widened the minute he saw her situation.

The two glanced at each other.

“That’s it. Now tell me what happened.” Nassandra removed her gaze from Keian then back to Theo.

She repeatedly shook her head.

“Okay. Then let me check your… uhmm. Don’t worry, I’m a gynecologist.” Theo shyly stated out.

Nassandra was about to agree, but then she suddenly remembers something.

“No! Please. Close the door.” Theo nodded so the girl wouldn’t panic.

He placed the garter of the oxygen mask at the back of her head and walked away to close the door.

He sadly looked at Keian, who’s standing outside with wide eyes while looking at Nass.

“Kei.” He closed the door before heading back to Nassandra.

The latter nodded, but before Theo could check her lower part, she held his hands.

Her breathing pace got faster.

“I’m sorry.” Theo got confused at what Nass just muttered, but he insisted on holding the girl’s hand tightly and smiled.

Theo pulls down Nassandra’s underwear.

Nassandra was bleeding real hard, and he also noticed something tear upon her feminine part.

Theo’s eyes went to her upper thighs, and he saw scars as if they were done on purpose.

His eyes widened.

“K-Kei?” He shortly asks.

Nass calmed herself down and shook her head.

As Theo was enlightened, he clenched his hands.

He let out a shaky breath.

“The tear is not really big. If you want, I will get a test sample to be sure.”

Nassandra’s POV

I nodded at Theo. It was obvious that he’s trying to contain his anger.

“I’ll get you under I. V. Katie said you didn’t eat anything all day yesterday.”

“Hmm.” That was all I could respond to.

He smiled at me and pats my head gently.

I fell asleep for a while, but I woke up with the lights off.

I saw Theo’s head down at the side of my bed, and he was sleeping.

I don’t know, but I guess it’s already around four in the morning right now.

The air-condition is turned on, and my body was wrapped in a warm thick blanket.

Theo suddenly wakes up, so I pretended to sleep.

I felt him pull the blanket to my neck and tucked in a strand of hair on my face.

“Theo,” I heard Keian called as he just entered the room.


“W-What happened to her? Did I…?” I noticed the sadness in Keian’s voice which gave me a little comfort.

“No. She fainted because she didn’t eat anything yesterday. But you managed to put a tear on her lower part, Kei.” Theo stated in a slightly irritated tone.

“I-I’m sorry.” Theo sighed.

“Why don’t you stay with her?” There was a brief moment of silence.

“But if Aedin wakes up without me at her side, she might get panic attacks.” I gulped at what I heard.

“So she’s more important than Nass?”

“Why? Don’t you care about Aedin more than Nassandra?” Keian slightly raised his voice.

“You left her alone yesterday morning after almost raping her.” I opened my eyes a bit only to see Keian hold grabbed Theo by the collar.

“You don’t know anything! You just wanted me to guard Nass since you didn’t want to stay here!” The next thing I knew, my eyes are getting watery with tears.

“That’s not what I’m doing. You love her, right?! Why is it that the others are more important than her?!”

“I’ve been with Aedin for a long time! I’ve been with her for five years! Nassandra will not die while lying on the bed, but Aedin will!”

“Just leave me alone… please.” The two men looked at me in surprise that I’m awake.

Who wouldn’t be awakened by the both of them yelling at each other?

I smiled at both of them.

“Leave me alone.” Theo intended to walk towards me, but in the end, he just turned around.

He gave Keian a sharp look before heading out.

I could feel Keian’s eyes on me, but I didn’t look up at him.

As Keian went out of the room, I immediately heaved out a sigh.

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