Mafia Kings: Adriano: Dark Mafia Romance Series #2

Mafia Kings: Adriano: Chapter 28

I lay there in the dark with my mind racing.

The images of Adriano’s body lingered for a while…

And then they were replaced with other things.

Far worse things.

I kept returning to the hotel room…

Hearing the gunshots…

Kept finding myself back in my parents’ apartment…

Watching helplessly as Sergio held a gun to my mother’s head…

Then another gunshot –

His head snapping back –

I squeezed my eyes tight and tried to block it all out.

That’s when Adriano came out of the shower.

He had toweled off and was wearing the same black boxer briefs…

But his wet hair was swept back from his face.

I couldn’t see much. After all, he was basically just a silhouette against the bathroom light.

But I could see his gorgeous profile, that strong jaw…

And the outline of his muscular body.

Then he snapped off the light and made his way to the other side of the bed.

“I can go sleep on the sofa,” he offered. “If you wanna be alone.”

I shuddered under the sheets as I thought about the hotel… Sergio… the gunshots…

“I don’t think I want to be alone,” I murmured. “Not after everything that happened tonight.”

“Okay,” he said, and I felt the sheets move.

The mattress rocked under his weight as he settled in.

“Goodnight,” he said.


We lay there in the darkness for a few seconds…

And then the thoughts started to come back.

In the dark room, the images played in my mind like a movie projected in a theater.

I wanted more than anything to distract myself, so I said, “Adriano?”


“How are we going to find my father?”

“Well… you said you knew all his hangouts, so I figured we’d hit those up. And I got a few other options I’m thinking of. Sooner or later we’ll turn up a lead.”


Another few seconds passed.

The disturbing thoughts were back… but I berated myself.

Let the man sleep, Bianca. Leave him alone.

Suddenly he said, “Are you going to be able to fall asleep?”

Like he knew what I was struggling with.

“Well… I’m exhausted… but my mind is racing. I can’t shut it off.”

“Yeah,” he murmured in the dark. “I know that feeling. It used to happen to me in the past when… when stuff happened.”

“What kind of stuff?” I asked, although I could guess what he was talking about.

“Stuff like tonight.”

“But it doesn’t happen anymore?”

“I’ve gotten used to it over the years. Now it doesn’t affect me as much.”


Another silence.

Gunshots –

Sergio –

My mother –

“You need another drink?” he offered. “Something to help you go to sleep?”

His voice was so kind.


And then I started trembling.

Just uncontrollably shaking.

“I… I…”

The bed shifted, and I felt his hand on my shoulder.Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

“Hey… hey. Come here,” he whispered.

He rolled me over so that I was facing him –

And one strong arm dipped between me and the mattress…

And the other looped over my body and pulled me into him.

I felt the warmth of his bare skin –

And I felt safe.

Safe enough to let go.

I broke down sobbing into his chest.

“It’s okay… it’s okay,” he whispered into my ear. “I got you… you’re safe… just let it out. Let it all out. It’s okay. It’s all gonna be okay.”

He kept whispering into my ear and rubbing my back softly…

So comforting…

So strong and protective…

That I just melted into him.

Eventually I stopped crying and just sniffled.

“I’m sorry…” I whispered.

“Don’t be sorry. You’ve been through hell today. You’re doing great.”

I laughed through my tears. “No I’m not.”

“Yes you are. Most people will never go through one percent of what you did tonight. You did great.”


“Yes. Absolutely.”


And then I felt something.

Something rather…


And big.

Pressing against my leg.

He immediately pulled his lower body away.

I looked up at him.

There was a tiny bit of moonlight shining through the window. My eyes had adjusted enough to the low light that I could make out his face.

He stared at me…

I was breathing heavily…

And then he moved his head forward and kissed me.

I closed my eyes and completely surrendered to him.

His lips were soft and warm…

He tasted like that amazing bourbon, like vanilla…

And I opened my mouth to him.

His tongue slowly touched mine…



And then he pulled away.

I opened my eyes. “What? What’s wrong?”

He stared deep into my soul. “Are you sure? You’ve been through a lot.”

I swallowed hard.

“I don’t want to remember any of it,” I whispered. “I don’t want to feel any of it. Just… make me feel something else.”

My wish was granted…

…in a more spectacular fashion than I could have ever imagined.

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