Lunation of Fate

04 Climactic Exit

“Ahh… Juste… ahh,” Chastine was feeling the passionate heat from Juste’s thrusts, her body obediently responding by her little paradise getting wetter and hotter.

Juste was the same. His lengthy and throbbing meat was getting harder and harder. Trickles of sweat were dripping from his brows as he continued to pound Chastine’s little paradise faster.

“Prince Juste, how could you?!” one of the guards was questioning his motives.

Juste paused for a little while, glanced at the guard with a smug smirk on his lips and said, “tell father about this. Let him know that I’m fucking my tribute.” He then continued to pound Chastine.

The other guard went to the front gate of the tribute room, faced their castle, and howled a sounding alarm.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Then the inevitable happened. One by one, the candles from the little tiny window holes in the castle began to light up. Then the howling of that one guard was greeted with few more howlings that came inside the castle.

“Prince Juste, open the gate!” the guard he chatted with before was trying to pry open the barred gates. The other guard went away to meet their commander and guide him towards Juste.

But the princely Juste couldn’t be bothered. He was focused in releasing his seed inside the erogenous opening of Chastine.

“Just…a… little… more… Chastine…” Juste was reassuring her that it’ll be over sooner than the guards capturing them.

“Prince Juste, stop this. NOW.” Scion, the army commander, saw them at a good distance and was enraged at what he had seen.

But Juste just couldn’t stop. He felt that he was about to reach climax and squirt out his stain inside Chastine.

“Juste!” Lord Abirham began to have a view of what was happening inside the tribute room.

“Aaahhh,” Juste felt a relief that their love making was over. They were both panting from exhaustion.

It was a very exhilarating but nerve-wracking experience for Chastine, partly because of the awesome s*x and partly because of the fear of being captured by the guards again. Whichever was the greater reason, her heart was pounding like crazy at what they did.

The guard that chatted with Juste now had the keys. Anytime soon they will be seized by the Scion. Chastine will be killed nonetheless, while Juste will be punished severely for his despicable act.

But Juste had a plan of his own. He asked for Chastine’s lockpicking prowess to do to the works.

“Chastine, here, open this gate,” he asked Chastine while pointing to the bottom of the tribute stone.

Chastine was a little tired because of their deed, plus her heart was still beating abruptly. But she couldn’t risk her life to be caught and eaten just because of exhaustion and out of nervousness.

She followed Juste’s instruction and looked closely at what he was pointing. There was indeed a small hole at the foot of the tribute stone, on the side of the altar that is hidden from the front gates.

Chastine stared at the hole and thought long and hard how to open the exit way. Her heart slowly regained its normal beating because her concentration was in opening the little exit way.

But Juste grew impatient and alarmed at what she was doing. He commented coolly and calmly, “Chastine, no time for standing.”

“I’m thinking.”

“Well then, there’s no time for thinking either. Hurry up and open the exit.”

Chastine still had Juste’s pen knife. By instinct, she stabbed the hole with the knife. It was a wrong move to make.

The tribute room suddenly shook. Some slabs and stones from the ceiling fell towards the ground.

“Chastine, what’s happening?” Juste’s voice suddenly went panicky.

Chastine didn’t bother with the slabs and stones dropping. She was focused on finding out how to open the said gate and nonchalantly replied to Juste, “wait, let me think again.”

Because the tribute room was slowly turning into rubble, one of the guards was able to sneak inside. Juste stopped him by punching him straight in the face as he charged forward speedily.

Another tried to barge in. Juste threw a hand-sized stone onto his direction. It went straight to his face.

“Ah, so this is how you do it…” She inserted her forefinger into the hole, hooked his finger upwards, then pulled the door of the secret exit way. Bingo, she said to herself.

“Juste, come!” Chastine went inside the exit way, but she waited for Juste before she shut the door of the little passage.

Juste was busy stopping the guards who managed to get inside the room. One almost caught Juste by the arms, but Juste was too agile to be restrained. He did an uppercut to that guard which hurled the guard up in the air and down to the other guards trying to seize them.

With room to run, Juste ran hurriedly towards the little exit way on the foot of the tribute altar. Chastine shuts the door down.

“Now what?” Chastine asked Juste, who was trying to light a fire using a flintstone on the mounted torch beside them, “where does this lead to?”

“Outside.” Juste successfully lights up the torch.

“Heh, are there any more surprises?” Chastine started to lighten up the mood, but the now serious Juste only wanted one thing, and that is that they get out alive in that castle of his. After all, they were almost outside Juste’s clan’s jurisdiction.

“Dunno, don’t care.” Juste took hold of Chastine’s hand. It was a little cold, but it is better than not having a hand to hold while he’s trekking the small hidden passageway to their freedom.

He stopped to his tracks. Chastine bumped into his behind. “Ow. Why, what’s wrong?”

Juste’s breathing went heavy. Chastine noticed the dead end. “No, no, no…” Juste kept on saying no while he tried to find another keyhole of some sort. There wasn’t any.

“Damn!” He beated his fist onto the wall.

But Chastine had observed something. When he beated his curled hand on the wall, the earth they were standing on suddenly moved. She told him, “Juste, do it again.”


“Just bang your fist on the wall.”

Juste tried to follow what she said. Bang, he tried for a second time. At his third try, something happened beneath the earth.

The earth collapsed and opened. They fell deep on the chasm.

“AAAAAHHH!” Both screamed out of fear and surprise. They didn’t know whether they would still be alive after hitting the bottom.

Juste hit the bottom first, then it was Chastine. She fell onto Juste.

“Ow. My head,” she held onto her bruised head.

“You know you’re quite heavy,” mumbled the squashed Juste.

“Oh, sorry.” Chastine stood up and helped him to also stand up. She then asked him, “do you have any idea where are we?”

Juste tried to head to the direction of light. He then parted away what appeared to be large leaves from a fern plant.

With his spirits up, he cheerfully told Chastine, “we’re outside, Chastine, away from the clutches of the clan.”

They went out of the hell hole they were in and perused the forest. They saw a bridge on the far end of the forest.

But just when they were about to cross a bridge of wood and twine, they were greeted by none other than his father, Lord Abirham.

“Juste,” Lord Abirham said, with a stern look on his face, “why?”

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