LUNA: Alpha’s Soulmate from Another World

Full Moon (4)

Luna took a deep breath and considered Beth’s words. She needed Abigail to return to her world, so she had to save both women. With that thought, Luna stood up and walked to the bars, peeking out. She realized that some torches had gone out due to the wind coming from above, making the atmosphere quite dark. In the dim light, she saw a large creature in the distance, tearing apart prisoners, eating their flesh hungrily, and then leaving their mangled bodies to find the next target.

She turned back and asked, “Can’t His Majesty smell my scent? As my soulmate, shouldn’t he be able to sense my presence?” Luna asked, noticing that her presence hadn’t distracted the monster.

Abigail replied, “No. This prison is filled with bad odors, and as predators, their hunting instincts take over their minds. The scent of blood will attract their attention. It might be different if you were closer because, with eye contact, the mate bond would awaken the monster.”

“That means you have to go out and stand in front of him.”

Luna held her breath at Beth’s words, then shook her head in fear. She stood up again and walked to the cell bars, looking out. Her heart pounded as the monster came into view. The psychopathic Emperor she saw now was not in human form.

Alkrevas had transformed into a half-wolf, covered in black fur, with a body towering and larger than normal, almost touching the high prison ceiling. His head was shaped like a wolf, with a muzzle and fangs, red eyes, wolf ears, sharp claws adorning his hands, and a long, thick black tail.

The wolf stood on two legs. One hand dragged a victim’s body while the other crushed iron bars. What she saw was reminiscent of images she had seen on Google but far more terrifying, with fangs dripping saliva and thick red liquid. Luna could see the black fur was wet, indicating that what the monster was doing was so brutal that its large body was drenched in blood.

She clutched her dress as she watched Alkrevas destroy a cell, pull out the prisoner who had warned them earlier, and tear the man’s body apart, ripping limbs and chewing flesh, discarding the remaining meat and bones haphazardly. Alkrevas threw the man’s head to the stone floor, crushed it underfoot, and moved to the next target.

Luna felt her stomach churn uncontrollably. She regretted eating dinner before coming here, as she then ran to the corner of the prison and vomited everything in her stomach. What she witnessed was more horrifying than the sadistic Saw movies she had watched with Nicole.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

The smell of blood grew stronger in the air, mixed with the scent of urine, making Luna continuously vomit until only clear liquid came out. She cried and shook her head. Everything she saw was worse than she had imagined. Alkrevas was slaughtering everyone here without mercy, doing so most brutally and terrifyingly. What kind of crimes had the prisoners committed to deserve such a horrific death? “Luna, are you okay?”

“I can’t. I’m scared. He’s not what I thought. He’s a real monster…”

“Luna, you have to stay strong-Kya!” Beth screamed as one of the cell doors was forcefully thrown against the outer wall of the cell. Luna heard whispers of pleas and crying before hearing screams followed by other horrifying sounds that made her imagination run wild. Luna curled up and covered her ears, trying to block out the terrifying noises.

In the midst of her turmoil, Alkrevas, fully controlled by Norris, reached the last two cells. He turned to the left cell, smashed the door, and grabbed a woman who was kneeling and begging for mercy. His jaw opened wide, and his fangs were ready to tear into the woman in his grasp when his nose caught a very familiar scent.

Norris growled and threw the woman against the wall, hearing the crack of bones before she slumped to the floor dead. He turned around, his red eyes staring straight at the cell in front of him, focusing on one of the women curled up in the corner, trembling. “Lu… na…” Norris murmured in a deep, hoarse voice, accompanied by a low growl.

Beth, upon hearing the murmur, immediately stood up and said, “Your soulmate is here… your soulmate is here.” Meanwhile, Luna, hearing the hoarse whisper, shivered in fear.


Luna looked up and widened her eyes as her gaze met the familiar red eyes. Not Alkrevas, but Norris stared at her intently. “Mate! Mate is here!”

“N-no… no!” Luna pressed her back against the wall. For the first time, she was afraid to be in the same room with Alkrevas. She was terrified. “No! Don’t come here! Please!”

“Mate!” Norris growled, thinking Luna’s words were a rejection. Then, Norris walked to the cell door and destroyed it. Ignoring the two women in the cell, Norris approached Luna. The angry look in his red eyes immediately changed to one of lust, adoration, and obsession as he saw Luna’s face more clearly.

A large clawed hand reached out to grab Luna, but she panicked and tried to escape. Unfortunately, Luna was not as fast as Norris. Just as she was about to reach the shattered cell door, Norris turned and chased her, grabbing her hair and pulling her into a tight embrace.

Luna gasped. The soft and warm black fur surrounded her, and for some reason, she felt calmer than anywhere else in the world, but when she felt a lick on the nape of her neck, she panicked. She struggled and squirmed.

“LET GO! LET GO OF ME! YOU MONSTER! LET GO!” Luna fought and tried to break free from Norris’s embrace.

“Monster! You… you…” Luna accidentally touched Norris’s blood-covered chest. When she raised her hand and saw the thick red liquid covering it, she panicked and shivered in fear. She screamed and struggled, making Norris growl from his muzzle.

“AH!” Luna screamed as her body was slammed against the wall, and Norris’s large, clawed hand choked her neck. Luna thrashed and scratched at the large arm, pulling at the soft, thick black fur.

Luna felt liquid flowing and soaking her body, realizing that Norris’s claws had punctured her neck. “Please… let go…”

“Don’t. Don’t say that, mate. You are my mate, but I am the Emperor. If you are defiant and disrespectful to me, I will not forgive you, even if you are my soulmate.”


“I am not a monster. I am your soulmate. Remember that.” Luna nodded quickly. Norris grinned widely, a terrifying sight if it could be called a grin. Luna’s body trembled with fear. Maybe Norris wouldn’t kill her, but the monster before her would certainly do something.

“Mate smells so good. Your scent arouses me. I want to be with my mate. We haven’t mated yet, but the mortal always forbids me. I also want to feel my mate’s body. Norris wants to claim his mate.”

Luna glanced briefly at where Beth and Abigail had been, seeing that the two women were gone. “W-wait… we… let me return to my room.” Luna squeaked in fear. Norris raised one hand, stroking Luna’s cheek with his sharp claws, making her shiver. Her eyes widened as Norris growled softly at her. “Maybe… Alkrevas has a reason for forbidding you to appear before me now.”

“No!” Norris roared angrily. Mate will leave me! I am always in Mate’s mind, and Mate does not want me and the mortal! Mate will reject us! No! Mate is ours!”

“You are in my mind…?” Norris brought his muzzle closer and licked the skin at Luna’s collarbone and upper chest, purring contentedly as he listened to Luna’s heartbeat, which was like a symphony to Norris. Luna’s eyes widened as the choke on her neck tightened.

“Nor… Ris… let go… I… can’t breathe…” Luna started to run out of air and blood and began to feel weak. Suddenly, the claws withdrew, and Norris’s hand fully released her neck. Luna’s body collapsed to the stone floor as she coughed, trying to fill her lungs with the oxygen they had nearly run out of.

“I am always in my mate’s mind-that’s the most comfortable place. I never want to leave my mate’s mind. It’s warm, soothing, and I love it all.” Slowly, Luna looked up, her breath catching as she saw the ruby-red eyes glowing even brighter.

“Now I control this body. The mortal can do nothing until the full moon ends and dawn arrives. Mate is with me. I want to claim my mate.”

Luna shook her head in fear. “I…” she whispered, trying to back away, but Norris took it as rejection and growled loudly, causing Luna’s ears to hurt.

Suddenly, Luna turned and tried to run, but Norris grabbed her leg and pulled her back. With his large body and heavy weight, Norris pinned her down, enveloping her body like a cocoon. The next thing she heard was Luna’s scream for help as the pain came from what Norris did to her, accompanied by his growls.

It went on for quite a while.

Then, after it was all over, Luna’s last memory before darkness overtook her was Norris’s red eyes turning to panic.

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