Love For Hire

Chapter 21: 21

Chapter 21: 21

Kinsley came rushing down the stairs when the maid told her that her family had finally arrived. It had been a week since Nicholas had asked her to marry him, and they had kept it to themselves. They wanted to give Nicholas time to recover from the incident. While his wrists were not healed completely, the pain had faded, and he had regained his strength. Kinsley had wanted to have Nicholas meet her family before they told everyone they were getting married, and he had suggested inviting them to the palace and having the two families have dinner together and telling them both at the same time.

Nicholas had warned his family about their guests, and there was some protest from Samuel and Matthew, but Naya was very supportive, and she assured Kinsley everyone would be nice during her family’s visit. Kinsley had told her family on the phone that they would be dining with royalty and to dress accordingly and Much to her surprise Nicholas even left the house to take her shopping and bought her a lovely dress appropriate for the occasion.

She reached the foyer where her parents and her little sister Evelyn came in. She ran over and hugged them each hello. They were all excited as they took in the palace’s grandeur. “Wow, when Mom said we were going to dinner at a palace, I thought she was pulling my leg,” Evelyn giggled as she looked around. “This is a real to god palace right here in California,” Evelyn was eighteen, and she was going to University to be a vet. She no longer lived at home. She stayed in the dorms, but she visited every weekend to do her laundry and mooch a meal. She was pretty with her short dark hair and curvy figure.

“I am still in awe,” their mother Dara said as she pressed out invisible wrinkles from her Sunday best., “I hope we look ok.”

“You look fine,” Kinsley assured her. “Hello, Daddy,” she kissed her father’s cheek. He was dressed in the only suit he owned, looking as nervine as his wife. Andrew Wells was a man in his early fifties who had spent his whole life working in a warehouse. He was a white man of average build and height. Rather unremarkable, but he had fallen in love with his wife when he met her on vacation in Mexico. He

had gone back every month to see her for six months, then married her and brought her home to America, and they had been together twenty-seven years.

“I hope we are not late,” he said. “This place is kind of out of the way.”

“That is because I value my privacy,” Nicholas’ voice boomed through the room. Kinsley turned, and they all watched as Nicholas came down the stairs. He looked amazing. She had never seen him dressed up, but tonight he had shaven and brushed his hair. He was dressed in lightly tanned canvass dress pants with the leg tucked into the top of his tall leather boots. He wore a royal navy-blue double- breasted dinner jacket with gold embellishments and a white sash that draped over his right shoulder. He looked like prince charming right out of a fairy tale. In his right hand was Brutus’ harness. Nicholas had the staff wash and groom Brutus for the night, and the pure bread Doberman looked just as regal as his master. There was no mistaking Nicholas for anything but royalty tonight.

As he reached the floor, her nervous family all bowed, respectively. “Everyone, this is Crowned Prince Nicholas Kane, heir to the Kustium throne. Nicholas, my family. My sister Evelyn. My Mother Dara. And my Father Andrew,” she introduced them all.

“A pleasure to meet you all. I apologize for the commute, but I promise dinner will be worth the drive,” he said with a smile. Kinsley noticed how her family was staring at Nicholas questioningly. Her father looked over his shoulder, wondering what Nicholas was looking at since he would not look him in the eye. “If you will follow me, I will show you to the dining room,” Nicholas then started to walk away, and they began to follow, trailing behind him. “Is there something wrong?” Andrew asked. “He will not look at me.”

Kinsley lowered her voice, so only her family would hear her. “Nicholas is blind.”

“Oh, well, that explains why he is holding onto that dog so tight,” Dara said.

“He went blind fairly recently. Please do not make a big deal out of it. He is very sensitive about it,” she whispered as they walked into the dining room.

Kinsley noticed Matthew and Teegan were already there. Like their brother, they looked every bit a well-bred as their brother did tonight. Kinsley had done her best to avoid Matthew this past week, but she had gotten to know Teegan, and they had become fast friends. Teegan was really sweet and down to earth for a princess.

“May I introduce my brother Matthew and my sister Teegan,” Teegan came around the table and shook everyone’s hand, but Matthew just glowered as he drank his brandy. He was a foul-tempered man.

Just then, a servant appeared in the door. “All rise for his Majesty King Samuel Kane and her Majesty Queen Naya Kane,” he announced. Everyone stood, and Kinsley watched as Dara fussed late minute with her hair. Samuel and Naya walked in with her arm draped over his arm. Like their children, they were decked out in formal wear. They looked amazing as they came into the room with their heads held high.

They all took their positions at the table and waited for Samuel to sit first before the rest of them took their seats.

Naya smiled across the table ad, Dara. “Oh, what dress you have on.”

Dara grinned. “Oh, thank you. I am afraid it is not as fine as the one you have on.”

“Mother, allow me to introduce Kinsley’s mother and father, Dara and Andrew Wells, and their daughter Evelyn,” Nicholas introduced everyone.

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” Naya said. “I cannot tell you how fond we are of Kinsley. She really is a wonderful young woman. And our Nicholas has really taken a shine to her. You did a fantastic job raising her.”

“Oh, thank you,” Dara said happily. “I am afraid we are at a disadvantage. We did not even know Kinsley was seeing anyone until she invited us to dinner.”

“Well, hopefully, it is the first of many dinners,” Naya said.

“I must admit I thought Kinsley was pulling our leg when she told us Nicholas was a real prince. I was not aware there were other monarchies out there besides the one in London.”

“There are very few left in the world,” Samuel said. “We are one of them.”

“I have never heard of Kustium,” Andrew said as the maids placed the meals on the table. “Where is it?”

“It is a small country in northeastern Europe.”

“What is it like out there?”

“It is wonderful. The landscape is picturesque. Our economy is strong. We have many gold and diamond mines. We supply jewellers all over the world. Our diamonds are second to none,” Samuel said with pride.

“What do you do for a living, Mr. Wells?” Naya asked.

“Well, I am not a King. That is for sure,” he chuckled nervously. I am a skid steer operator at a warehouse.”

“A noble endeavour,” Naya smiled.

“It is not as important as ruler of a nation,” Andrew said.

Naya chuckled. “Do not sell yourself short. Every nation is like a complex machine. Every cog and gear, no matter how small, is vital, or the machine will fail to work.”

Samuel smiled lovingly at his wife and took her hand in his giving it a little squeeze, and Kinsley could see the love between them. “My wife,” Samuel grinned, “ever the idealist. Without her, I would lose touch with the common man. She keeps me grounded. She is the loving hand behind the crown, and the people love her as much as I do.”

“Speaking of love,” Nicholas spoke up, drawing the attention of the whole table. He reached out, and Kinsley put her hand in his so he did not have to search for her. “Kinsley and I have a confession to make. There was an ulterior motive to suggesting this ‘get to know you’ dinner. Kinsley and I are getting married.”

The room fell deadly quiet. “You hardly know each other,” Samuel blurted out.

“Given that, I do not have a lot of time left in this world. We figured, why should we wait.”

“I think…” Samuel began.

“That it is a glorious idea,” Naya cut him off with a stern look. She then leaned over in her seat and hugged Kinsley. “I am so excited to have you as part of our family.”

“Thank you.”

“Kinsley, dear, are you sure?” Dara asked. “Marriage is for life, and you do not know him very well.”

“I know all I need to know,” Kinsley assured her.

“Besides, it is not forever,” Nicholas said. “At best, maybe four years, five if we are lucky.”

Her family looked confused. “I am afraid Nicholas has a rare condition,” Naya explained. “He is dying. Nicholas is at the end of his life, expectancy,” Kinsley could see the pain in Naya’s eyes as she talked about the fate of her son.

“All the more reason not to wait,” Nicholas said. “We have also discussed it, and we will be starting a family right away.” RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

Naya’s face lit up. “Grandchildren? How wonderful. I never thought Nicholas would give us grandchildren. Are you pregnant already?” She asked, hopefully.

“No. Not yet.”

“I think that is fantastic,” Teegan grinned. “I am going to love being an aunt.”

Kinsley could not help but notice Matthew had stopped drinking. His grip on the glass in his hand left him white-knuckled. His brows were drawn together in anger. His teeth were clenched, and his left eye was twitching. He was not pleased with the news.

“A child,” Samuel smiled. “Let’s pray; it is a son. You will leave me an heir,” that was when it donned on her. Matthew was angry because if she bore Nicholas, a son, their child would become king, not Matthew. He will have been robbed of the throne he had been waiting so patiently to inherit. She found some pleasure in that knowledge.

“I, for one am absolutely delighted,” Naya said.

“I am going to have a sister,” Teegan grinned. “How wonderful.”

“Congratulations, Kinsley. I do not think it is possible to do better than a prince,” Evelyn teased.

“Well, if you are happy, then we are happy for you,” Andrew said.

“I cannot wait to start planning the wedding,” Dara said.

“Kinsley was happy that everyone was happy. Everyone except Matthew, but she could not care less if he approved or not.

“Well, I guess that means we are all family now,” Naya giggled as she picked up her wine and lifted it to make a toast. “To family.”

“To my future heir,” Samuel said, lifting his glass. “You two had best get on it.”

Everyone lifted their glasses and drank to the union. Naya put her glass down and placed her hand over Kinsley’s. “We will have to start planning the wedding right away,” she then looked at Dara. “With your help, of course.”

“Oh, how exciting,” Dara grinned.

“We shall have the wedding in Kustium,” Naya said.

“At the palace,” Teegan suggested. “Oh, Kinsley, the Grand Palace is beautiful this time of year. You will love it.”

“Kustium,” Andrew frowned. “That is so far away. It sounds expensive.”

“Nonsense,” Nicholas piped up. “We will pay for everything, including airfare.”

“Absolutely,” Samuel agreed.

“We must speak to Dr. Horton and be sure he can come to Kustium for the wedding. I do not want Nicholas too far from his caretaker,” Naya said.

“Do not bother the doctor,” Nicholas complained. “I am sure he is busy.”

“Pish-posh. I am sure he would think of it as an all-expense paid vacation,” Naya said, ignoring his protest.

“I think it is a good idea,” Samuel agreed with his wife.

“Do I get a say in this?” Nicholas asked. With annoyance.

“No,” they both snapped. Kinsley took his hand in hers. “Nicholas, it is a good idea. I do not want you dropping dead on our wedding night.”

He chuckled. “Alright. For you, I withdraw my objection.”

“Wow, look at that, not married yet, and already pussy whipped,” Matthew grumbled.

“Shut up. You are just pissed of that you could not get her to put out for you,” Kinsley’s eyes widened, as did the eyes of everyone at the table except Matthew’s, who just glowered at his brother. “Judging from the silence in the room, I am picturing dropped jaws. Yes, I know about Matthew’s attempt to sleep with Kinsley. I may be blind, but I know everything that goes on.”

“How do you know?” Kinsley asked awkwardly.

“Stephan,” he said bluntly. “He told me that Matthew asked him to drive him to your apartment. Knowing my brother as I do, I deduced he was going to proposition you. He is so predictable. All our lives, Matthew has always wanted what was mine.”

Matthew picked up his wine and stood up, adjusting his jacket. “I have a toast,” he said, raising his glass. “To Nicholas, may you drop dead before your nuptials,” he snarled with a cruel smile and then drained his wine glass in one shot.

“Matthew!” Samuel snapped as his son placed his glass on the table and then stormed out of the dining room.

Kinsley looked at Nicholas, who was actually chuckling with great amusement. The only one at the table with a smile. “I do believe someone is a bit testy tonight,” he grinned as he reached for his wine and took a sip.

“Ignore him,” Naya said to Kinsley. “He is just upset about succession. He will get over it and come around,” she assured her. The family seemed to think Matthew’s outburst was nothing more than a childish tantrum, but after the conversation they had back at her apartment, she was not so sure.


Matthew stormed up to the bar in the salon and poured himself a strong drink. So, Nicholas suddenly wanted a family. Fuck, that threw a wrench in his plans for the future. He knew married or not, Nicholas would never live to be crowned. That had not changed. However, if that bitch gave him a son, that child would inherit the crown, and Matthew would be passed over.

He was not losing his chance at the throne just because his asshole brother suddenly got baby fever. He could not allow that slut to get pregnant. He would move heaven and earth to prevent it. If he had to make a deal with the Devil himself, but Nicholas’ child would never be born.

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