Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 61

“No she’s sleeping let’s just let her rest” The first voice said.

“Come on, let’s wake her up, she’s been sleeping for so long already” The second voice said.

“And what’s going on here, why isn’t she awake yet?” Another voice asked.

Wait that’s my mum’s voice.

I sluggishly pulled my eyes open to be greeted by my two best friends and my mum who were busy smiling at me.

“It’s Valentine’s day!” Jane squealed.

“And so what?, go away, let me sleep” I groaned and covered back my body with the blanket which was pulled away from me earlier. I shut my eyes in attempt to sleep back, only to be woken back up by my blanket being pulled away from me, exposing my naked legs to the cold air.

“What the-” I’m interrupted by the sound of a water balloon being busted and splashed all over me.

“Happy Birthday!” They all squealed.

Oh that’s right. Today is Valentine’s day and also my fucking birthday. The day I hate most in the entire world.

Well apparently I don’t hate Valentine or my birthday but I hate the fact that my relationship ended so life sucks and also relationships suck right now.

“Go away, I want to sleep!” I yanked the blanket off Zoey’s hands as I placed it back around my body. Luckily no one stops me this time. I hear footsteps fading away and then my door is slammed shut.

Great, now some peace of mind.

I know birthdays is supposed to be a day of Joy and happiness but what is the purpose of it all when my life is a mess right now.

There’s nothing to celebrate.

I tried my best to fall back to sleep but it’s impossible. Great. Now they’ve ruined my sleep.

I pulled the blanket off my body as I sluggishly and lazily pull myself away from the bed.

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before making my way out of the room.

As I approached the stairs, the whole place is dark.

“Why the fuck is this place all dark” I mumbled to myself as I managed to get myself down to the living room. Luckily I know where all the switched are so I head straight to the corner of the living room and turn the lights on only to be greeted by the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.

The whole place is all lit up and decorated beautifully with balloons wall and beautiful birthday decorations and the most appetizing and beautiful cake seated on a table in the middle of the living room.

“Wow…. This is……”

“Happy Birthday!” I heard voices behind me. I turned around to see my mum, Zoey, Jane, Blake, Justin and Cade all smiling as they approached me.

“Guys… This is too much” I wiped my eyes as I feel a stray tear fall down my cheek.

“Nothing is too much for my baby girl” My mum said with a smile as they all wish me one after the other, handing me their carefully and beautifully packaged gifts individually.

“Thanks guys, I really appreciate this, I wasn’t expecting any of this, I didn’t even remember that it’s my birthday today” I said emotionally.

“You know we can never forget your birthday Liv” Zoey smiled at me and I smiled back.

“If you’re all done with that can we please cut the cake!” Jane spoke out loud and we all laughed as we made our way to the table.

I stared at the door expecting you know who but there was no sign of him. Did he forget my birthday?

No that’s not possible, maybe he’s just busy, I’m sure he’ll come around soon.

“Now you have to make a wish and then cut your Cake” My mother said and I managed to smile at her.

‘ I wish that my parents will change their minds about this whole shit ‘

After saying my wish in my mind, I finally blow my candles and then cut the Cake.

“Oh this Ice cream cake is really delicious” Jane said with a mouthful of cake.

“Yeah, so yummy” Zoey said.

“Liv, you haven’t touched your cake yet, what’s wrong?” Blake asked.

“Um… it’s nothing, I’ll eat it” I cut out a piece from my plate and stuff it into my mouth.

I don’t even have the appetite to eat right now but I have to.

“If you don’t wanna eat your Cake can I eat it for you?” Justin asked and I smiled at him as I handed him a piece which he gladly took.

Everyone were busy having fun and discussing that they didn’t even notice when I sneaked out and went outside. I sat down at the veranda as I watched the day turn into evening. A lot of hours have passed and there was no sign of Alex yet. He hasn’t even called or texted me.

I debated going to his place to check up on him but then discarded the thought at the last moment. It’s my birthday, he should be the one to come over and wish me and not the other way round. He should have called me if he couldn’t make it or yet, texted but there was no sign of him.

“Mind if I join you?” I’m interrupted from my trance by the familiar voice of Cade. I know we haven’t been on good terms lately and I told him to stay away from me but I can’t be rude to him on my birthday since he took his time to even come and even got me a nice bracelet as gift. I owed it to him to be nice at least for today.

I see no point trying to be rude to him since I’ll be leaving soon and would probably never see him again.

“Sure” I nodded and turned my head back to face the street.

“I don’t think he’s coming” He said as if he read my mind.

“Who?” I decided to play dumb.

“Alex, he’s not coming” He said to me.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“What if he comes, maybe he’s just stuck in traffic or probably busy” I defended my heartbreaker.

Well apparently I’m the heartbreaker here but who cares? Fuck you Alexander Williams.

“Has he texted or called?” He asked.

“No… he’s probably busy” I defended yet again.

“Stop trying to defend that asshole boyfriend of yours Olivia, he isn’t coming, trust me he’s probably out with another girl now and doesn’t care about you. You’re just wasting your time here with him, you should just move on”

“Don’t say that about him, he wouldn’t cheat on me or ditch me on my own birthday! HE LOVES ME” I felt the urge to protect Alex’s dignity even though he wasn’t deserving.

The hell is wrong with me!

Cade could be right. What if Alex is busy with another girl. What if I’m just some toy to him. What if he forgot my birthday. What if he doesn’t care?

Or probably he’s just busy and will call to make up for his disappearance.

Alex can’t do this to me, he loves me.

He does right?

Yes of course, who am I kidding, that boy loves me just as much as I do.

Boy am I fucking crazy?

“Stop overthinking it Liv, he isn’t coming, nor calling or texting, just forget about him” Cade advised.

“Please Cade, don’t” I warned a little bit harshly. “I’m feeling cold, I’ll be inside, you can come back in when you want” I stood up and made my way back into the house without another word.

“There’s the birthday girl!” Zoey teased as I walked in.

“So birthday girl, we have a lot of talking to do” She teased and took me hand in hand towards the staircase.

“You mean gossiping” I scowled playfully as we were headed towards my bedroom.

“Whichever you prefer” She laughed.

As we arrived at my door, we walked into the room and slammed the door back shut as we made our way towards the bed. She sat down beside me on the bed as we began to converse.

“What’s wrong babe, I noticed you weren’t really cheerful down there but I didn’t wanna draw attention by asking” She started.

“It’s Alex” I said sternly.

“He didn’t come, maybe he’s just busy, he called you already didn’t he?” She said to me.

“Nope, no calls or text, not even a post” I said miserably.

“What!” She exclaimed. “You mean he didn’t call or even text to wish you?” She asked.

“Yup” I said, popping the ‘P’

“What kind of an asshole is he?”

“He’s just probably busy” I defended again.

What’s it with me defending this boy?

“No, he’s an asshole. A shitty double headed dickhead in the form of an asshole” She said angrily.

“I don’t….” I’m interrupted by the door opening to reveal Jane as she walks in.

“Hey guys, you’re here, I’ve been looking for you!” She said as she approached us.

“We’re just here” Zoey answered.

“What happened? Why the dull faces?” She asked.

“It’s Alex, can you believe he hasn’t even called or texted Liv” Zoey told her.

“What? What kind of a boyfriend is he?” She squeaked.

I’m starting to even doubt if he’s still my boyfriend. I don’t think I can place what we have as a relationship.

“He’s probably bu…” I tried defending but I’m interrupted by Zoey’s angry voice.

“Oh enough with the defense mechanism, can’t you see that he’s stupid? If I lay my eyes on that boy I’m gonna give him an earful” She said angrily.

“What if we’re misundersta….”

“There’s nothing to be misunderstood here, it’s very obvious he doesn’t care about you anymore, just you wait and see what I do to him” She yelled yet again.

“Please Zoe, don’t say anything to him, he’s probably on his way or what if he is planning a surprise party for me?”

Why didn’t I think of this since? It’s a possibility.

“That’s possible, we shouldn’t just jump to conclusions here” Jane added

“I hope you’re right J, I really hope because it wouldn’t cost me anything to march over to his house and break his bones” Zoey threatened.

“Come off it babe, on a second thought, I think he’s planning to surprise me, I know he loves me”

“I sure hope because if not, there will be a burial happening soon and Alex will be the victim” She said jokingly but I knew she was far from joking.

“Yeah” I managed to laugh.

“Now that that’s sorted out, that brings me to the reason I came here in the first place” Jane started. ” The guys are waiting for us Zoey, it’s time to go” She said to Zoey.

“Oh, that’s my cue to leave” Zoey stood up alongside Jane.

“I’ll walk you guys to the door” I smiled at them and stood up as we all made our way out of the room.

Once they had all left, it was now remaining I and my mum. I helped her clear the dishes and tidy up the place which was disorderly kept.

“Mum…” I started.

“Yes sweetie?” She beamed at me.

“I’m sorry for how I acted yesterday and also for all the

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