Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 40

‘Nobody touches what is mine’

The words replayed in my head. As much as i wanted to question him about it, i let it slip and closed my eyes, letting sleep take over me.

I woke up the next morning with my eyes still closed as i stretched my hand on the bed in search of Alex but the bed seemed empty.

My eyes flung open immediately as I couldn’t find Alex in the room. I got up from the bed and ran into my room. I rushed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I came back into the room and checked my reflection in the mirror. I looked like a raccoon who’s been hit by a thunderstorm. My hair was all over the place.

Since when did i start caring about my looks?

I combed my hair and made it look more presentable before rushing out of the room. I ran downstairs to the kitchen to find Alex making breakfast.

The amazing smell of waffles filled my nostrils as i approached him.

“Hey Liv”He smiled at me.

“Hi, what are you making for breakfast?”I asked.

“Chicken and waffles”He told me.

“Yummy!”I squeaked as i watched him.

Damn! He looked so sexy while cooking.

Ugh what’s wrong with you Olivia!

After he finished cooking, i helped him dish out the food before we went to the dinning to settle down.

“Mum called, she sent her regards to you”He said as he took a bite of his waffle.

“Oh.”I smiled “What did she say?”I asked.

“She lectured me countlessly to not trouble you and we discussed a few things”He said and couldn’t help but imagine Aunt Stella lecturing Alex.

It’ll look so cute.

“Oh that reminds me, i need to call my mum after breakfast, i saw her missed calls the other day but i didn’t even remember to call her back later”I said.

“Oh okay” He simply said. The rest of the meal was eaten in silence.

After eating, i helped Alex in washing the dishes. I went up to my room and dialed my mum’s number. After speaking with both of my parents, i pulled off my clothes and hurried into the bathroom to shower.

I got out of the bathroom and dried my body. I groomed myself and then changed into my clothes. I packed my hair in a neat bun and grabbed my backpack as i left the room.

I ran downstairs to find Alex already dressed and waiting for me.

“Let me drop you off”He said as i approached him.

“No, I’ll drive myself”I told him.

“Come on Liv, there’s no harm in me dropping you off at school”He said.

I couldn’t tell Alex that i wasn’t going straight to school, I was going to kick an ass before heading to school.

“Um…. thanks I’ll go on my own”I told him.

“Don’t be ridiculous Liv, I’ll drop you off”He said.

“No thanks, I’m heading downtown to get some groceries before heading to school, i don’t wanna make you late”I lied.

“Come on, we both know that i don’t even take school seriously, let’s just go”He urged.

“I’ve said no Alex and i stick with that”I said as i walked past him towards the exit.

I could hear his footsteps from behind me. I ran to my car immediately and pulled it open. Before i could lock it, he put his hand in between the door.

Thank goodness i didn’t jam the door on him.


“What are you doing?”I asked.

“Since you don’t want me to drive you then we can still drive together, you’ll drive me”

“What?”I exclaimed.

“You heard me”He smirked as he walked around to the passengers seat. He pulled the door open and stepped into the car.

Now all my plans arr ruined. I’ll have to postpone till later in the day.

“Let’s go”He smirked.

“Yeah”I said dryly as i inserted the key into the ignition. In no time, i pulled out of the driveway and into the streets.

We arrived at school in less than twenty minutes. I pulled into an empty space in the parking lot and pulled the door to my side of the car open. I stepped out with Alex also coming out from the passengers side. I locked the car as i approached him.

“I thought you said you were going grocery shopping?”He asked.

“Yeah, I’ve changed plans, I’ll go after school, i didn’t want you to be late”I lied.

“Oh, hope you know I’m not with my car so we will go grocery shopping together and then go home”He smiled.

Damn you Alex!

“Of course”I gave him a sheepish smile as we began to walk towards the building.


“Why was Alex even so furious to that extent, it was only a single make out”Jane said as she ate her fries.

“I don’t know”I lied.

“Liv, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault, i shouldn’t have dared you to do it”Zoey apologized.

“Come on Zoe, it’s not your fault”I reassured her.

“It’s definitely my fault. Now because of me, poor Cade is at home and can’t make it to school today”She had a sympathetic look on her face.

“No it’s fine”I assured her.

“Why do you say so?”She asked.

“Because it’s fine, I’m cool, let’s change the topic please, i really don’t wanna be talking about this right now”I informed her.

“Hey guys, you should have some of this this fries, they’re amazing”Jane said, holding out a fry.

“No I’m good”I said.

“So am i”Zoey told her and she shrugged as she continued eating her fries.

“Hey girls”Justin’s voice rang from behind us. We turned to stare at him as he approached us. He sat down beside Jane who was now ogling at him.

“Jane” I called out to her and she tilted her head to face me. “Don’t”I scowled and she shrugged.

“Hey Justin”Zoey greeted.

I didn’t bother to acknowledge his presence. I was still mad at him for not stopping the fight yesterday even though Cade deserved way worse than the beating he got from Alex.

“Liv, are you mad at me or something?”He asked, staring at me.

“Why wouldn’t i be”I scowled.

“Come on Liv, i couldn’t dare to stop Alex when he’s fighting, he’d have beat with along with that prick, you’re a girl that’s why he didn’t react when you stopped him”He told me.

I know i shouldn’t be mad at him but i was still mad for some reason.

“Please Liv, forget about it already”He said.

“Fine…. i guess you’re right”I said.

“Does that mean I’m forgiven?” He asked.

“Yeah, whatever”I said as i took a bite of my burger.

“Hey peeps”We heard Alex’s voice. We turned to see him walking right to us.

“Hey man”Justin said as they did their bro hug.

Seriously i find that lame, why do boys like doing that shit.

“Hi Alex”Zoey beamed at him but he rolled his eyes in response with an expression of ‘like seriously?’

He was still probably mad at her for daring me to make out yesterday. It’s not her fault, she told me to make out with any one of my choice and i chose Cade.

Why’s everyone bugging her for an offence she didn’t commit. And besides, i have every right to make out with anybody of my choice and preference.

“Hi Alex”Jane squeaked.

“Hey”Was his reply as he sat down beside me, giving me a sly smirk.

“Hey babygirl”He teases.

“How many times have i warned you not to call me that, ever!”I yelled.

“Chill cupcake, it was a slip of the tongue” He only made me even angrier.

“Don’t call me that also!”I squealed.

“Okay honey”He smirked.

“And that or any stupid nicknames”I warned.

“Sure Henderson”He had a wide smirk on his face as i shot him a nasty glare.

“Call me that one more time and I’ll have your balls for dinner”

Oops, slip of tongue.

Everyone at the table gasped.

“Of course baby, I’ll be glad, whichever style you want will be gladly given to you”He smirked.

I knew Alex would misinterpret what i meant to say.

“Argh you’re so annoying!”I groaned.

“Am i?”He teased.

“What are you even doing here?”I asked.

“I’m just hanging out, do you have a problem with that?”He asked.

“Since when did you start hanging out with us?”I asked.

“Since you became my girlfriend”He teased.

“You’re insane Alex”I told him.

“We could go with that for now till you become my actual girlfriend”He teased.

“Dream on Joseph”I mocked.

“Dreams come true, if i can remember clearly, Joseph’s dreams alway came true”He stated.

Argh wrong lines to use in an argument.

“Whatever, you’re no Joseph, you’re just some lame high school kid….”

“Who’s very handsome and enormously smart”He bragged.

“Whatever makes you sleep at night, Williams”I said and then realized he’s now in possession of my burger.

“Hey that’s mine!”I squeaked.

“Didn’t see your name written on it”He smirked as he took another bite.

“Jerk”I shot him a nasty glare.

“Want some?”He offered the half eaten burger.

“Ew no!”I squealed.

“Gladly”He smirked and finished up the remaining piece.

“You guys are so much opposites of each other, so different and yet so perfect”Jane said, earning a glare from me.

“Jane…. don’t”I grimaced.

“What? leave the poor girl alone Liv, she’s right”Justin said.

“You’re sick Justin, it seems like you forgot to take your drugs before coming to school”I scowled.

“At least he’s better than you who took overdose”Alex said, making me gasp.

“How dare you Alex”I yelled, hitting him.

“Hey you guys should stop fighting already”Zoey said.

“Fighting? she’s the one hitting me”Alex squeaked.

“One more word from that filthy mouth of yours and I’ll scrap off your hair”I threatened.

“My babies”He pouted, touching his hair.

“I’m glad you love your hair as much as i do so I’ll gladly chop it off without even thinking”I warned him.

“And I’ll do the same to you”He said.

“You wouldn’t dare!”My eyes turned dark.

“Of course i will and then we could become , the bald couples, we’ll hit guinness book of records as the world’s youngest bald couple”He smirked.

He does have a point.

“That’s only if we were a couple, sadly we aren’t”I told him.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well we could be, what do you say Liv, me and you, world’s youngest bald couple”He smirked.

“Are you high on drugs or something?”I asked.

“The drug of love”He smirked.

“Alex…… don’t…… you look like an overgrown monkey”I told him, causing everyone to laugh.

“What? How dare you call me that!”He exclaimed.

“Because that’s what you are”I told him.

“And you look like a half grown baby chimpanzee”He said.

“No i don’t”I protested.

“Yes you do” He said.

“No i don’t”I yelled.

“Yes you do”He said.

“No i don’t!”I yelled louder causing everyone to give me a weird ‘Are you fucking insane’ look.

“Yes you do!”He yelled.

“No i don’t!”I yelled back.

“Yes you do!”He yelled.

“Yes i do”I decided to confuse him.

“No  you don’t!”He said unknowingly and we all burst into laughter.

“Gotcha”I laughed.

“Bravo Liv”Zoey clapped.

“Not fair…. this is cheating!”Alex protested.

“Everything is fair in war and argument”I told him.

“Where did you hear that? you just made it up” He said.

“What if i did? Liv 1, Alex 0″I smirked.

“I’ll get you Liv!”He yelled.

“Try your hardest Williams”I teased.

We continued discussing random topics before the bell rang. We all left for our different classrooms.

After class, i waited for Alex in the car and few minutes later he came running towards my direction.

He pulled the door open and stepped inside.

“Took you long enough”I said as he shut the door.

“Sorry i waa doing something”He apologized. I didn’t like the fact that Alex was ruining my plans for today.

“It’s okay”I said and inserted the key into the ignition. I drove out of the parking lot. I drove to the mall down town.

After shopping for a few grocery items which weren’t even part of my budget. We left the mall and drove back home.

The drive back home was silent as usual as Alex wouldn’t dare annoy me while i was driving or i could get us both killed.

We arrived home within twenty minutes. I locked the car and we headed towards the entrance with the grocery bags.

Alex unlocked the door and we went into the house. He shot the door behind me as we made our way to the kitchen.

After keeping all the food item in order, we both went up to our separate bedrooms.

I pulled off my clothes and then went to shower in the bathroom. I took longer time than usual this time around. The water was cool against my skin and i would probably not have gotten out of shower if not for Alex’s barking voice coming from my room.

I dried off my wet body and made my way into the room with my towel wrapped around me.

“What’s the problem?”I asked him.

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