Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 26

I woke up the following morning to the sound of birds chirpiness outside. I had spent most of my night thinking about the best ways to get back at Alex for what he did. He made a mockery of me and i was just about to pay him back in the most unexpected way.

I got up from my bed and dressed the bed before going to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then took a quick shower.

Thirty minutes is quick right?

I wore a pink tank top with white shorts. I combed my hair and let it fall on my shoulder. I applied my cherry lipgloss which Zoey had given me two months ago.

I wasn’t a make up person, the little makeup i had were all presents from Zoey who was make up obsessed. She couldn’t go anywhere without makeup and it was kinda weird.

I went down to the kitchen and made myself bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. After eating, i dished it out in my plates and then ate everything.

A smile came to my head as a plan popped up in my head.

Today is sunday so why not do some charity work?

I packed out all the groceries and food items that my mum had stocked for us  into my car. It occupied all my seat.

I went back into the house and grabbed my purse and then went back to the kitchen to pick up whatever food item was left.

I stared at the now empty kitchen which was only stocked with pots, pans and other kitchen utensils.

I smiled and went back to my car, pulling the engine to life. I drove away to an orphanage downtown and distributed all the food items to them.

“Thank you so much Olivia, the kids will be so happy”The nun said, smiling at me and i couldn’t help but smile back.

“I’m glad that i am able to do this for you”I gave her a warm smile as we walked back to my car.

“It was nice having you here today, we hope to see you again soon”She said as i got into my car.

“Of course ma’am, I’ll hope to see you soon also”I smile and we said our farewells before i took off.

My mum had always gone to that orphanage for charity work, she always donated to the orphanage every month but this time I’m the one donating for my own selfish and personal reasons.

I drove back home with the highest speed i could keep up with.

I arrived home to see Alex on the couch and immediately he noticed my entrance, he stood up to face me, staring at me angrily.

“Hey Alex”I gave him the fakest smile i had ever given anyone and he glared dangerously at me.

“Where have you been and why is there no food item in the kitchen, you won’t tell me you ate a whole stock of food item that was to last us for a month”He yelled.

“Keep your fucking voice down when talking to me, I’m not some kid you can shout at”I told him.

“I’m not in for your melodrama today Liv, tell me where the hell all the food items are?”He asked.

“Food item? i don’t understand you, what happened to our food items” I faked anxiousness.

“Olivia drop the act, it doesn’t suit you one bit, i know you’re behind the disappearance of the food stocks, tell me where you hid them!”He yelled.

“Alex! I can’t believe you are accusing me of such an unreasonable thing, why would i hid any food item?” I feigned pretence.

“I’m not joking here with you, if it were someone who didn’t know you they’d have falling for your little act but I know you too well by now, where the fuck did you keep our food items!”He yelled.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Alex, as you can see I’m just coming home and I’m really exhausted, I’ll be in my room”I said and walked past him but he pulled me back to face him. Roughly.

“Hey!”I yelled.

“I’ll ask you one more time Olivia, where the hell did you hide the food items!”He yelled.

“Fine…. I’ll tell you, I visited the orphanage today and did some donations”I smirked mischievously.

“You did what?”He exclaimed.

“You heard me clearly, i did charity, you should have seen the look on the children’s face, they were so happy”I said smiling genuinely this time as i recalled the events at the orphanage.

“Are you mad? didn’t you see money or any other thing to give out as charity? you could have given yourself as charity if you were so eager to do charity, who gives away all their food items as charity!”He yelled.

“This girl does, as far as i can recall this is my house and i can do whatever i want, if you’re hungry go and get food supplies for yourself”I said.

“Liv are you insane? how could you?”He spat.

“Well i can and could and will still couldn’t could”I snapped back at him. Even though i knew what i just said made know sense, it made perfect sense to me.

“You’re abnormal, you need a psychiatrist”He said.

“Well at least i can be cured, your madness is incurable”I smirked as i walked past him but then stopped on my tracks.

“Alex”I called.

“What?”He snapped, making my smile grow wider.

“This is payback for messing with me”I said and went up the stairs.

The rest of the day was spent with two teenage people who kept staring at each other in the most unlikely manner.

Monday approached fast and i had decided to get food supplies from the supermarket when coming home from school.


“Hey”It was Cade’s voice.

He sat beside me with a broad and welcoming smile plastered on his face.

“Hi”Came out my dry response. I was feeling tired and weak.

“Um…… Liv…… I’ve been meaning to speak to you” He started.

“Okay?…… about what?”I questioned.

“Well…… I don’t know how this may sound, I…… um…… my mum and i had an argument yesterday and we haven’t really been on good terms for a while now…… do you mind…… if…… i…… um”He swallowed. “Do you mind me staying over at your place for the next two days?”He asked.

“Um…. this is quite…. unexpected”I said nervously.

“It’s okay if you aren’t cool with it, I just felt like asking, if your parents aren’t gonna be okay with it then don’t worry, I’ll find somewhere else to stay”He gave me a dry smile.

“It’s okay, fine, I’ll let you stay at my place for two days, just two days okay?”I told him.

“Really? oh thanks Liv, you’re the best”He said excitedly as he pulled me in for a hug…. a friendly hug.

“Yeah, you can come over after school if you want”I said smiling.

“Oh thanks Liv, I’ll get going now”He said as he got up front the chair.

“Okay”I said in response.

“See you later in the day Liv”He smiled and then turned to leave. He stopped on his tracks and looked back at me as if trying to remember something.

“What?”I asked.

“Um…… I don’t know your address, do you mind texting it to me via sms?”He asked and i nodded in response.

“Ok thanks”He waved at me and took on his heels.

The rest of the day was spent with me shopping for groceries and then i was back  in my room. I was rolling on my bed from the top to bottom, then to the side and other side. I was in a miserable state.

Why does my period always have to come so painful? I managed to get up from the bed as i wobbled into the bathroom with leg cramps for the fifth time this evening.

I don’t know why i feel more relaxed in the bathroom during my period than in my bed. I got into shower to take my bath for the fifth time since i returned from school.

Periods weren’t my thing, i felt dirty and gummy during my periods, i always feel insecure and extremely emotional during my periods.

A sharp pain came through my lower stomach and i winced in pain as the hot water poured down on me.

I hated Menstrual cramps, they made me feel so weak and sick. After taking an extremely slow shower, i got out of shower with a towel wrapped around me as i went back into the room.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I took out a tampon from my drawer and inserted it into me. I wore a lace pantie. I put on  a black oversized t shirt that was long enough to cover my naked laps. I tied my hair in a messy ponytail and wore my perfume before leaving the room.

I plodded down to the kitchen and pulled out the fry pan and some oil, flour, sugar and other spices to make pancakes.

Knowing that Cade will soon be here any minute from now. I made extra pancakes.

I took out five pieces into my plate with some grilled chicken I had made. I poured out a glass of milkshake for myself and set it down on the table to eat. One thing about me during my periods was that i had more cravings and i ate more than i actually ate.

After finishing up my meal, i cleaned the dishes and went to the living room to watch Tv to kill time.

I felt the cramps in my stomach begin to increase so i got up from the couch and went back to my room. I went over to my drawer in search of a Tylenol all to no avail. I must have used the last one available during my last period.

I left the room and then did the most unthinkable and embarrassing thing ever.

“What?”Alex asked, leaning on his door as he stared directly into my eyes.

“Hi…. um…. do you perhaps…. have a Tylenol?”I asked nervously.

“What do you need it for?”He asked.

“Um…. i…. um…. is it important to ask that?”I swallowed.

“Fine then, don’t disturb me”He said and shut the door on my face.


I considered going out to get it from any pharmacy nearby but there wasn’t any pharmacy close by and i wouldn’t be able to drive down the road to the pharmacy to get a Tylenol with the kind of pain i was feeling.

I don’t know if it’s only me that feels this kind of pain during periods or maybe God used my periods as a way to punish me for my sins.

I knocked on his door again but i didn’t even hear any movement from the other side of the door so i kept knocking continuously until he opened the door, staring at me angrily.

“What?”He yelled.

“Please just give me a Tylenol, please” I begged.

“Oh so you can beg” A knowing smirk came across his face.

“Please Alex, i really don’t have the strength to exchange words with you, just give me the Tylenol”I pleaded.

“No i won’t, you can go down to the pharmacy and get yours, have you forgotten how you made me starve yesterday? Here’s payback”He smirked.

“But you could gave gone to a restaurant and bought something”I told him.

“I would have but there weren’t any restaurants open since there was a curfew and i still wonder how to got past the curfew to go visit an orphanage”He said.

“Please can we not do this now?”I pleaded.

“Fine then, you want a Tylenol?”He smirked.

“Yes please”Was my response.

“Come get it”He said, gesturing for me to follow him into his room.

He went over to his drawer and pulled out a packet a Tylenol and my eyes drifted further into the drawer where he had different brands of condoms. I wasn’t surprised but still it was weird for someone to have that much condom in his possession.

Alex was a sex god.

He handed me the packet of Tylenol and shut his drawer back. After thanking him, i left for the kitchen and took the tablet with a glass of water.

I felt a lot better after taking the tablet and it felt like a bunch of pain had left me.

I sat down comfortably on the couch and fixed my eyes on the Tv. Few minutes later, i heard a knock on the door and then i got up from the couch to get the door.

Cade was standing by the door with a backpack hung loosely on his shoulder.

“Hey Cade”I smiled at him as i stepped aside to let him in.

“Hi Liv” He said. I locked the door and took him further into the Living room. “Nice house”He complimented.

“Oh thanks, feel at home”I said as we got into the living room.

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