Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost



Chapter 30 Chapter 30 Summer Frost “Crescent cafe shor’ For the umpteenth time, I read through the address Lisa had sent to me earlier while parked at the side of the road. I haven’t heard of that place in my entire life and the direction on the map was more than confusing. “Sh it! I should’ve asked Miguel to come with me,” He had offered to come with me earlier, but since I was going to see a friend, I didn’t think it was necessary for him to be there. “Ugh! This is frustrating.” I tossed my phone on the seat beside me and started the car again. Just a few minutes drive down the road, I finally located the place. Maybe the fault was in the app or it was bad reception then, who knows? It was like your regular kind of cafe shop. Not too exquisite or local too. Just normal. Lisa waved at me from the end of the shop as soon as I stepped inside, and I walked up to her. “I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting. I couldn’t get this place correctly, and the map was messing up. It’s been a while,” I rushed my words as I gave her a side hug before sitting opposite her. “I’ve missed you so much, I thought you were not goir going to show up,” She pouted her lips, and I smiled. “Of course, not,” She was the last person I would stand up for any reason “What would you like to have? I’ll order coffee,” “Iced americano and a cup of chilled milk,” “Coming right up.” She smiled at me then turned to the direction of the cashier and called the waiter’s attention. In a few seconds, a young man in his early twenties came walking up to us with a menu book. “Are you ready to take your order now, Ms?” He spoke politely to Lisa “Oh, yes. Two cup of iced americano and two cups of chilled milk too…” She paused, then looked at me and smiled, “I’ll have the same thing you are having.” She hasn’t changed a bit. I remember years ago how we used to hang out together. She would always order whatever I chose to eat, and

just like that, some of my favourites became hers also. We were inseparable. “Corning right up, Ms,” The young man left, and she finally turned to me. “I’m sorry for calling you u out here out of the blue moon. I missed having drinks with you,” She pouted her lips. “I understand, It’s my pleasure. About the other day… I’m sorry we couldn’t talk much,” I apologized to her, but she waved her hand dismissively and ralled her eyes. “It’s nothing. I understand. At least, we are here now,” She shrugged, tucking her hair behind her ear. An awkward silence crept into the atmosphere. I had so many any things to t to talk about, yet I was hesitant. Where was I supposed to start from? “Your kids… How are they?” I was taken aback by Ker question that I was left tongue tied for a moment. “Don’t lie to me, Summer… Those kids… I know they are Xander’s…” She paused then held my hand and squeezed them gently. “You never cheated on him, I know that. Something must’ve happened which we had no knowledge of, and I will find out the truth,” 1/4 Chapter 30 I yanked her hands off and pulled away from her. “Li…” “It’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it. I won’t tell anyone… I won’t tell Xander the truth, I promise,” Slowly, I nodded my head. I didn’t think it was fair to lie to Lisa. She was the last person I wanted to do such thing to. There was no point in doing that, anyway. I mean, the truth can’t be hidden forever, right? “Your order is here.” The waiter’s voice disrupted us as he served our coffee and leh almost immediately. “Lisa”

“Let’s talk about something else,” She smiled brightly with her eyebrows raised. “So… What have you been doing?” She sipped from the coffee, her eyes never leaving mine. “The kids… They are fine. They grew up well, I brought them up well,” Her smile slowly faded and her face went pale. Her eyes brimmed with tears as they stared into mine. “One second, please,” I took out my phone from my handbag and unlocked it. I searched for their picture and when’t found it, I dropped the phone on the table and pushed it to her. “Aren’t they cute?” I tried to hold back my tears, but failed.. “It must’ve b been hard for you.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she stared at the screen of her phone. “That ba st ard! How could he have done that to you?” Even though it didn’t change anything. I was glad she believed in me all along. I was glad she didn’t doubt me and could say boldly that I never did that. That was enough for me. rugged after she handed me my phone. “It’s all in the past now,” I shrugged “Let’s enjoy our time together. We shouldn’t ruin the moment with sad memories,” I forced a smile as I slipped my phone back into my handbag and picked up my coffee. “So, tell me… How was life over there? Was it too hard?” “Very hard, girl… Studying law was something I regretted doing at some point, but my passion for it kept me going when things got tough for me,” She shook her head. “There are people using money for it, but f u ck that! That’s not going to defend my clients in the court, you know? I didn’t want to use money and influence which was of course way easier for me. I needed to work hard…” She paused and shrugged. “I’m glad I did, anyway. Because sitting in front of you now is a certified barrister,” She winked at me and smiled. *If anyone ever dare mess with you, , we are going as always. g to sue them. I’m here now, so no one can mess with you again,” I watched as she speak confidently just

“I’m glad you made it out. Congratulations, sweetie,” “Thank you. So, what about you? What have you been doing? How have you been coping?” She asked out of the blue moon, and I bit my bottom lip. There’s no way I would revealy identity to her, yeah? At least not now. “Nothing much. Just trying to make ends meet.” She raised her eyebrows at me with a suspicious expression on her face. 2/4 Chapter 30 “Trying to make ends meet? How come you live in that mansion?” Her eyes narrowed, and I scoffed, “That’s not a big deal, young lady. I used to live there with a friend I met over the years. Her family is quite the wealthy one. She recently traveled out of the country, so I’m staying there until she gets back.” I tried as much to sound convincing even though this was a big fat lie. “Wow! She must really be a nice young lady,” “Yes, she’s nice,” “Does she by chance have an older brother? I mean a brother that is older than you,” She suddenly dropped the cup in her hand then leaned forward as if she wanted to whisper those words to me. “Huh?” I blinked my eyes rapidly, wondering why she was asking me that. Was she by chance looking for a man to start a relationship with? “No, she doesn’t. Why do you ask, by the way?” I drawled my question, and she sighed as though she was relieved of something. “Nothing.” I couldn’t deny the trail of smile I saw on her face as she took a sip from the coffee. “I’m curious… Why do you ask?” At this point, I couldn’t hold in my curiosity any longer. I mean, she was supposed to be disappointed when I told her my nonexistent friend didn’t have a brother if she was asking for herself, right? So, why was she happy? “Don’t mind me. I was just worried maybe your friend would have a brother who would be hitting on you. I don’t want you to get into the hands of a wrong man.” She shrugged, and I slowly nodded awkwardly.

“Xander is going to change, and I really w want things to work out between you two again. So, no man should come around you if they don’t want to die,” She whispered between gritted teeth, but I heard her clearly. “What did you say?” “Me? Did I say something?” She laughed dryly while shaking her head. “Maybe you just imagined it. I didn’t say anything,” She shrugged nervously, and I slowly nodded. Tears brimmed in my eyes as memories of years ago flashed through my mind. It was in winter. Xander had come to pick Lisa from school that day, and that was when everything started. The spark I felt that day when we shook hands for the first time after Lisa introduced us. The excitement I felt that night as I kept calling his name, unable to sleep. It was love at first sight for me. I felt something magical for him. “Will you be my my woman forever, Summer? I want to spend every second of my life with you as my wife’ And the day he finally proposed to me after just a few months, I was the happiest woman on earth. I’ve always waited for that moment, so there was no need to say I was going to think about it. I accepted his proposal right away. We had something beautiful going on between us. He promised to be there for me and with me for the rest of his life, but f u ck that! He betrayed me. A drop of tears slid down my check, but I quickly wiped it off and forced a smile. ‘I’ll be fine. I will get over this Those were the lies I’ve been telling myself for years and here I was, telling myself that yet again even though I knew I was just deceiving myself F u ck it! It’s been six years already. Six f uc king years! I would’ve gotten over it by now if I could, right? Thank you for everything, Lisa… I’m grateful,” I forced a smile at her, and she nodded. “I’ll always be here,” She was the only one who kept her promise. She told me she would be there years years ago, and she really was until she left. She came to find me as soon as she came back, and here she was again. She was the only family I ever had all along. “Come here,” She stood up then walked to where I was seated, and hugged me. “Everything will be fine… We will get over this together. I will be here always,” She slowly patted my

back as her teary voice melted my heart. With her by my side, maybe I still have hope. At least I want to believe in that… 3/4All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

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