It’s beautiful, beyond expectations. I wow at the exquisite restaurant glitters like gold. People gasp when they see their king and stop what they are doing, they bow in respect as they should then continue with that they were doing. A host leads us out of main room and into a private room.

Elijah pulls out a chair for me to seat and I do so, thanking him while he also sits opposite me.

“It’s beautiful,” I told the king looking around then turn to look at him only to see his eyes on me.

“It is” He muttered not breaking eye contact with me.

I understood What he was saying. Elijah wasn’t talking about the room, no, he was talking about me that I am beautiful. I pull my hair behind my ear and pick up the menu, hiding my big fat smile from the king as a waiter comes in with a wine and pours it into our glasses.

Elijah chuckles and I bring the menu down, only showing my eyes to see what he is doing. He picks up his menu and then a waitress comes in. She bows to the king, ignoring me like I wasn’t in the room.

“Have you picked out what you like to have, your majesty?” She asked him, fluttering her eyes and practically shoving her chest to his face. I place the menu on the table and take a sip out of the wine watching their interaction.

“Yes, I’d like the Chicken St-” He paused mid sentence and frown at the waitress. “Would you please get your breast of my face. It’s quite disturbing and not in a pleasant way.” Elijah spat at the lady.

I choke on my drink, taking a napkin to wipe the wine that is still on my chin and mouth.

The waitress bows her head in shame and fear and asks him what he’d like to order. Elijah waves her away, “Get me a new waiter” He said glaring at her and she bows again before leaving.

“That was mean,” I told him and he Shrugs.  Another waitress comes in and we both ordered Chicken Stew With Potatoes And Radish.

We laughed and giggled at each others childhood stories as we ate our foods.

“Okay, okay so there’s was this time when I was eight years, I’d always take strawberries from home and when coming back from school I’d go in the forest and feed them to the piglets. After a few days of feeding them, I tried taking one of the piglet with me only to be chased by the mama all the way back home!”

“That’s what you get for trying to steal her baby!” Elijah lamented laughing hard.

I stare at his laughing face and then realized something. I’m falling for King Elijah


We enter the kings wing as Elijah escorts me to my room. I open the door and stand half outside- half inside my room.

“I had fun tonight” I told Elijah smiling.

“Me too” he said in a whisper and brings his hand to my face, putting a hair behind my ear.

It was inappropriate, but I  couldn’t help but look at his lips.

“Celeste,” He said my name softly making me look up at him. He was much closer than I expected. I had to stretch my body to look at his face and before I know it, he was kissing me.

It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening as his arms wrap around my waist drawing me closer to him. I close my eyes and hook my hands around his neck deepening the kiss.

His hands move from my waist and came down to my ass, picking me up and I gasped. He used the opportunity to thrust his tongue in my mouth, exploring every inch of it as he walks into my room and use his legs to kick the door close.

He places me softly on the bed and I pulled him closer to me till I felt every rigid part of his body on mine. His lips left my mouth and trail down my neck biting softly on it and I gasp.

Elijah hissed and I look at him worried. “Is something wrong?” I asked him putting my hand on his shoulder.

“Yes, it’s the-” He stopped mid sentence as his phone rang. He picks it up and rolls on the bed, now laying face up and place it on ear.

“Yeah?” Elijah answered who ever was on the other line.

“What?!” He said now sitting up.

“Okay-I’m on my way”

“What’s wrong?” I asked him as he got to his feet.

“There’s been another attack. On my uncle’s pack” He answered rubbing his hand on his face.

“Oh my,” I said placing my hand over my mouth.

“I have to go take care of somethings. Goodnight Celeste.” Elijah said, bending a little to place a kiss on my cheek.

“Goodnight” I whispered back.

I change into a fresh pair of pajamas and lay on my bed, smiling as I remember the passionate kiss the king and I shared.




Elijah’s POV

As I walked out of Celeste’s room I shake my head. What was I thinking? What would my mate say if I told her what happened between I and Celeste?

I was supposed to use her, not fall in love with her. Love? I’m falling in love with Celeste, No, that can’t be.

I shook the thought out. I’m not suppose to love her, she’s the perfect vessel to bring my mate back. To house the sweet soul of my beautiful mate Samantha.

I pushed the door open and walk into the meeting room seeing Alpha’s of different packs arguing amongst themselves.

“We need to attack now before he takes any more of our pups and families!”

“No! We need a plan, we can’t just go into battle without one!”

“We attack now! He took my pup and he’s only fourteen!” Another screamed, banging his hands off the table.

“Silence!” I said loudly and they all looked at me before blowing their heads in respect.

I arranged my suit and walk calmly to my seat. “I know we have all be affected by what is going on” I said, skipping the greetings.

“But we need to think before going into battle,” said looking at each of the Alphas, trying to get my point across.

“I want each Alphas to being what they can offer to this war, any Information they have on the rogue king will be useful.”

“He has witches working for him,” Alpha Depp said. Alpha of the second smallest pack.

“Are you sure of this?” I asked him not wanting false information.

“Yes, I was it with my own eye when he attacked my pack”

“I see…” I said trailing of.

“I’ll send our best spies to check it out, then we’ll know how many warriors and witches he has working for him” I told them and they nodded, agreeing with me.

They all got up, retreating for the night into their various rooms. Each Alphas have a room in the palace, they stay the night or days when we have important meetings.

I waited for each Alpha to leave the room, but one of the Alphas was still standing there glaring at me.

“I know she’s here” He said clenching his hands into a fist and I raised a brow at him.

“My mate, I know she’s here” He added, taking bold steps towards me.

“And why would you say that?” I asked him, putting my hands into the pocket of my pants.

“Her scent is all over you. I promise you that I’ll have my mate back”

“I’ll like to see you try pup.” I said bringing my face closer to his and he backs away.

He sends me a glare as he leaves the room but I was already glaring at him.

I popped down on one of the seats and massaged my forehead. My uncle walked into the room and I looked at him.

“You should do something about that pup. He was disrespecting you.” He said as he sat down next to me.

“Do not worry about it. If he crosses the line again he surely won’t be losing just his Alpha title but also his head”

He chuckled at what I said and nodded “That’s more like it”

I sighed and looked at my uncle, “I am sorry about what happened to your pack” I said looking at him.

He smiled and said “No worries, there wasn’t any much damage done”

I nodded and we were both silent before he added. ” What are we going to do about Derrick? You know he is trying to take the throne right”

“I know that uncle,” I said standing up. “Of course I can’t let that happen but first, I need to talk to someone that can help us”

“You mean the witch?” He asked, his eyes going sold cold.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, the witch.”

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