Just One Night (The Kingston Family Book 1)

Just One Night: Chapter 7

Linc had changed into a pair of jeans and a long-sleeve shirt, meeting up with Jordan in the living room. She still was dressed in work clothes, and he had nothing here for her to wear outside of the apartment.

They rushed downstairs and into the car. He pressed Max to hurry, and the driver made it to the hospital in record time without getting stopped for a speeding ticket.

“Thank you, Max. I really appreciate it,” Linc said as he helped Jordan out of the car.

“Good luck,” Max replied.

They rushed into the hospital and were directed to the maternity ward, where Linc found his mother in the waiting room, pacing the floor. There were no other people present.


She rushed over and wrapped her arms around him, accepting his hug before stepping back. “I don’t know what happened. We ate dinner. She said she was exhausted and went up to her room. Then I heard her cry for me. She was doubled over and her water had broken.” Glancing at Linc, then Jordan, his mother had tears in her eyes.

“She’s thirty-six and a half weeks, right?” Jordan asked.

Linc did the mental math. Braden Prescott had said she had two weeks to travel. They had stayed in Florida with her for a week, and it had been about another week and a half here in New York.

“Yes,” his mom said. “And the baby can be born healthy. As long as the lungs are developed and the digestive system is okay, everything will be fine.”

Linc blew out a deep breath. “Then we’ll believe everything is going to be okay. The power of positive thinking, right?”

Both Jordan and his mother nodded, but Linc knew they were all still shaken.

“Is Aurora alone?” Jordan asked.

“They put her in a wheelchair and took her away.” His mom wrung her hands, and Linc glanced at Jordan, giving her a slight nod.

She rushed out of the waiting room, and Linc knew she’d insist on seeing Aurora or at least getting someone to ask Aurora if she wanted Jordan with her during delivery. She shouldn’t be alone. No way would she want Linc with her, and his mother didn’t seem inclined to want to be part of the birth. That left Jordan.

“Come on, Mom. Let’s sit.” Linc led his mother to a chair, and they settled in to wait.

As time passed, he kicked his feet out and glanced at the old, cracked ceiling. His phone buzzed with a text from Jordan, letting him know she was with Aurora and staying. And the baby should be born soon because Aurora was already eight centimeters dilated.

Of course, his thoughts turned to Jordan in the delivery room. His heart hurt for her, knowing the memories and might-have-beens he was certain were going through her mind.

Linc wasn’t good at waiting, and he kept glancing at the time on his phone and the clock on the wall. Neither seemed to move. His mother put her head on his shoulder and dozed while he leaned his head back against the wall and shut his eyes.

“Linc!” Jordan’s voice woke him. He raised his head and the weight of his mother lifted from his shoulder.

“How is she?” his mom asked.

“Aurora is great.” Jordan smiled wide, her cheeks flushed, eyes gleaming. “And she had a healthy baby girl. Six point one pounds and eighteen inches!”

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” His mom rose to her feet and Linc followed. “I’m so relieved.” She glanced up at him. “Now that we have news, I’m going to the ladies’ room. Maybe after, we can see them.”

Linc grinned. “Go ahead. I’ll wait for you.” He paused until his mother had walked out before turning to Jordan and placing his hands on her shoulders. “You okay?”

“It was amazing, Linc. A true miracle. And she’s so lucky there were no issues with the early delivery.” She smiled wide. “And the baby is precious. You have a niece!”

Relief rushed through him that everyone, including Jordan, it seemed, was fine. “When can we see them?”

“They just want to get her settled in a room.”

Something dawned on him and he said, “I’m going to make sure she has a private room.”

Jordan shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Of course you are.”

He laughed at her reaction. “She’s a Kingston, isn’t she?”

A little while later, after Linc had paid for a private room for his new sister, they were all there, the baby in Aurora’s arms. He had no doubt if he hadn’t thrown his weight around with the hospital, not only paying for a private room but making a big donation, they all wouldn’t be allowed in. They were given leeway, which was what he’d wanted.

“How are you?” his mom asked her.

“I’m tired and sore.” Aurora glanced at Linc and blushed.

Yeah, he didn’t want to think about the details either.

“But happy,” she continued. “I thought I’d be alone and afraid and have nowhere to go after I had this baby. I didn’t know if I’d have to give her up.” Her eyes watered and she pulled the infant closer. “But thanks to you all … I just feel so lucky.”

Walking over, his mom brushed a hand over Aurora’s hair, much as she’d do if it where Chloe lying in the bed. “You’re not alone and you never will be.”

God, Linc loved his mother. She took a shitty situation, her husband’s mistress’s child, and brought her into the family easily. When she looked at Aurora, she only saw a young woman in need. And Linc admired her.

Jordan stood by his side, and not giving a damn who saw, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, wanting to share this moment with her.

“Does anyone want to hold her?” Aurora offered.

“I do but since Jordan was there for the big event, I think she should get the honors,” his mom said.

Beside him, Jordan stiffened. “It’s okay, Melly. You go ahead.”

Linc tugged her into him and she didn’t try and pull away.

His mom smiled and was soon sitting with the infant in her arms.

“Have you thought of a name?” Linc asked.

Aurora shook her head. “Not yet. I figured I had more time.”

“It will come to you.”

Melly cooed at the baby and eventually looked up. “Jordan, come. You should hold her, too.”

His mother had no idea about Jordan’s past or her miscarriage, had no idea this might be bringing up painful emotions for her.


“I’d love to,” Jordan said, pulling out of his embrace. She took the chair next to his mother, and they carefully transferred the infant.

He watched her every move as she gently held the baby, cradling her in her arms and cushioning her head. With one hand, she moved the pink swaddling away from her cheek and looked at her tiny face.

Tears pooled in Jordan’s eyes and only Linc knew why. Only he understood the depths of both her personal pain and her joy for Aurora.

A lump rose to his throat as he studied her, and he made a decision. As soon as Chloe and Xander arrived, he was taking Jordan home. And not back to her apartment as he felt certain she’d insist he do.

She’d been there for his sister and he’d be there for her now.

*     *     *

By the timeJordan and Linc were in the car on their way home from the hospital, Jordan was both mentally and physically exhausted. Linc seemed to understand, because he let her sit in silence on the drive and process her feelings.

Holding Aurora’s hand during the entire birth had been both exhilarating and draining. The emotional impact of watching something she hadn’t gotten to do, and then cradling the baby? At this point she was numb.

She must have fallen asleep, because she woke to the sound of the car slowing, and she sat up, assuming they’d reached her apartment.

“Are we at my place?” she asked.

“Thanks, Max,” Linc said, opening the door.

He hadn’t answered her question, but she slid out and accepted his hand, letting him pull her out … in front of his building.

“Wait. Why didn’t you take me home?” She dug in her heels.


She was still wearing pumps after a day at work, and she’d had them on for much of her time at the hospital. To say she was ready to keel over was an understatement.

“Because you had a long day and you shouldn’t be alone.” Linc placed a hand on her lower back to guide her inside.

She blinked up at him. “Did you think about asking me?”

“Nope. I thought about taking care of you. Let’s go.” He nudged her forward.

With a groan, she went along to his apartment, at this point not caring where she got off her feet as long as she did just that.

Once he let them inside, she turned. “I’m going to take Aurora’s old room.”

He raised his gaze. Then without warning, scooped her into his arms and walked toward his bedroom. “I said I wanted to take care of you, so let me.”

Too tired to fight, she wrapped an arm around his neck to steady herself and held on until he lowered her onto his bed. She immediately kicked off her heels and groaned in relief.

He strode to his massive walk-in closet, which had drawers as well as hanging room, and returned with a gray tee shirt, and she accepted it gratefully.

“I’ll leave a toothbrush and towels in the bathroom. You can do what you need to while I order us something for dinner. Unless you’d rather go to sleep?”

“Pizza,” she said at the same time her stomach let out a very unladylike growl. Laughing, she folded her arms over her belly. “A large one please.”

He laughed and nodded. “I’ll be in the living room.”

Grateful for the privacy, she scooted off the bed and headed for the bathroom, where she changed into his shirt, which was huge, hung to her thighs, and smelled like his laundry detergent. Of course, it reminded her of him, and she lifted it to her nose and inhaled deeply. She splashed cold water on her face and washed up as best she could, borrowing his deodorant and brushing her teeth.

She had no idea if he expected her to sleep in his bed, and she was too tired to deal with the question now. In fact, she was too tired to fight it later. All she wanted was a full stomach and a comfortable bed.

The pizza arrived quickly, and she ate it equally fast, not the least bit embarrassed about the three slices she devoured because it was Linc. And he’d never judged her before.

Once they finished, she stretched her hands over her head and yawned. Too late, she realized the action pulled the shirt against her braless breasts.

His gaze zeroed in on where her nipples pushed against the soft material, and his eyes dilated with awareness and need. “Why don’t you go lie down?” he asked in a gruff tone. “I’ll be there in a little while.”

She swallowed back the argument that automatically rose, because if she looked deep, she didn’t want to be alone. She wanted to lie down in Linc’s big bed and let him comfort her while she fell asleep.

“Okay, thanks. I will.” After padding into his room, slowly wilting, she brushed her teeth again because she was getting into bed with Linc, turned down the covers, crawled onto the mattress, and immediately passed out.

*     *     *

Something warm andheavy cushioned Jordan in suffocating heat. She adjusted herself and tried to push off the comforter, but a hard barrier stopped her. She blinked and remembered. She was in Linc’s bed, and his arm was wrapped securely around her, holding the covers in place.

She attempted to wriggle free and he clamped his arm tighter.

“Going somewhere?” he asked in a morning-roughened voice.

A sexy gruff voice that had her relaxing back into him. Morning wood stood stiff against her lower back, and she moaned at the feel of his sizeable erection.

She closed her eyes and accepted the inevitable. She couldn’t resist him and didn’t want to, and knowing she was done fighting, at least for now, she rolled within his embrace and turned to face him.

A light coating of beard covered his face, and she ran her hand over the stubble. “I like the scruffy look,” she murmured.

He caught her wrist in his hand. “I like waking up to you in my bed.”

She couldn’t hold back her smile. “I’m not going to give you a hard time for bringing me here. And I’m not going to fight us. Not right now.”

“What changed?” he asked, clearly needing to understand.

She sighed. “I can’t deny the attraction between us, and it’s taking too much out of me to try.” Biting down on her lower lip, she wondered how deep to delve, how much of herself to give.

In the end, she couldn’t be anything but honest. “Last night was emotional, and you understood without my having to explain.” It had broken down her defenses and put her in a place where she was willing to act on their mutual need.

“Well, I’m glad.”

She swallowed hard. She didn’t know what the future held, and yes, thinking of things imploding and changing scared her. But she wasn’t willing to walk away from him now. “Do you really want to waste time talking?” she asked.

He treated her to his sexiest grin. “Hell no.” And then he pounced, his big body coming over hers and capturing her beneath him.

As she wound her arms around his neck, his mouth came down on hers. He kissed her long and hard. He kissed her like his life depended on it. And she returned the sentiment, teasing back with her tongue, nipping with her teeth, dragging her nails down his back as their bodies ground together.

He lifted his head, drew in a harsh breath, and sat up so he could wrangle her tee shirt over her hips, her torso, and as she raised her arms, he was able to complete his mission. He flung the shirt onto the floor, leaving her naked except for her underwear. She wriggled them off, then pushed herself farther up on the bed. Meanwhile, he’d hopped off and stripped off his boxer briefs.

She glanced at his thick cock, hard and ready for her, and a moan left her throat.

Hearing the sound, he grinned before pulling open his nightstand and retrieving a condom, ripping it open, and gliding the covering over his erection.

He returned, climbing onto the bed and brushing a roughened fingertip over her nipple. Her pussy spasmed and her hips arched off the mattress.

“You’re gorgeous,” he said, desire glittering in his eyes. “And I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”

She opened her eyes wide. Before she could otherwise react, he spoke. “Up and on your knees, baby.”

At his domineering tone, her nipples hardened, and she had no problem obeying. If she was going to give up the fight, she would enjoy every last minute.

She turned and settled on all fours, her entire body humming with anticipation even as she wondered why he’d positioned her this way. Maybe he just liked it. Or, knowing Linc, maybe he sensed she didn’t want to see him face-to-face and add to the emotional overload she’d experienced. Regardless of why, she’d take it.

He came behind her, the heat of his big body tempting as he wrapped around her. He slid a finger over the bumps in her spine, causing her to tremble and arch beneath his hand as he teased her.

Without warning, he poised his erection at her opening, one hand grasping her hips. “Hold on,” he warned, and she held her breath as he thrust deep inside her.

She groaned, filled up, body quivering and, dammit, her emotions engaged. Closing her eyes, she fought past the lump in her throat and focused on the sensations overtaking her every time Linc pulled out and slammed back in. Over and over. And like last time, he knew her body, hitting the right spot.

“Oh, damn, Linc. Harder.”

His fingers squeezed her side tighter, and he did as she asked. He took her with a steady rhythm, hammering into her until she forgot where they were, her name, everything but the building euphoria inside her and the knowledge it was Linc causing the feelings.

Slipping his hand farther around her, his fingers found her clit and strummed the tight bud until she exploded, her body stiffening as the waves kept pummeling her. Linc kept up the stroking until she was wrung dry. Then he thrust in and out, hard, fast, until he found his release.

They collapsed together onto the bed, her breathing ragged, his coming in desperate gulps. Finally he rose and disappeared into the bathroom, returning quickly.

He pulled down the covers and helped her climb beneath them. Although she was sticky between her thighs, she didn’t care as she snuggled against him. For now, wrapped in his arms, she felt safe. And wanted to hold on to those feelings while she could.

*     *     *

Linc held Jordanin his arms, silence surrounding them. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled her fragrant scent. She’d taken him by surprise and though he’d planned to join her in bed and urge her to talk about her feelings, he hadn’t been able to deny her what they both needed. But with their physical desires sated, it was time to deal with her past.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Amazing,” she murmured. “Want to do it again?”

He let out a low chuckle. “Later. Right now I want to talk.” His cock didn’t like that answer, and from the way Jordan stiffened, neither did she. But he wasn’t going to let her ignore him.

Rolling her onto her back, he propped an arm up, and lying on his side, he met her gaze. If he had to wait an hour for her to respond, he would.

“About what?” she asked at last.

“How you felt being with Aurora last night. Watching her give birth. Holding the baby. I don’t want you to bury it all inside. It’s not good for you.”

She shifted toward him and her big blue eyes met his. “I was happy for her, of course.”

He shook his head. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

Her sigh echoed around the room. “It hurt. Is that what you want to hear?”

“I want to hear the truth.” And then he intended to comfort her.

Closing her eyes in resignation, she began to speak. “Back when I found out I was pregnant, I was petrified. I mean, I’d had a plan. Go to college, find a job, and make money supporting myself in the business world. All of a sudden, those plans were in jeopardy. The baby’s father, my boyfriend, wanted nothing to do with us. And there might have been a time or two I wished it hadn’t happened.” A tear leaked out of her eye, and Linc brushed it away with his thumb.

Her eyelashes fluttered and she looked at him. “But I never meant I wanted to lose my baby.” Her voice cut off, a choking sound coming from her throat.

“I know that,” he rushed to assure her. He’d never once thought she blamed herself for her miscarriage. Needing to touch her, he pulled her back into his arms. “And it wasn’t your fault.”

“Mentally I know but in my heart I feel guilty.”

He stroked her hair as she gathered the courage to continue.

“I was so happy for Aurora,” she said into his chest, moisture from her tears coating his skin. “But at the same time, I was faced with what I lost.”

He held her as she let out the pain she’d been holding back while being strong for Aurora.

After a while, her trembling subsided and she pulled back. “I’m okay. Thank you.” Her cheeks were red, her eyes glassy, but she wasn’t an ugly crier. In fact, she was appealing with her heart out there for him to see.

“I hope you feel lighter,” he said.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

She nodded. “But don’t expect me to thank you,” she said with a wry twist of her lips.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He let out a low laugh and then decided they’d had all the discussion she needed.

Lying beside him, he breathed in the mixed scent of sex and her floral fragrance and he got hard all over again. She met his gaze, and he saw the second she became aware of his renewed desire. Her cheeks flushed, her eyes dilated, and suddenly they were on the same page.

She pressed his shoulders back and crawled on top of him, sealing her mouth over his. No way would he argue. He grasped the back of her neck, holding her in place as they kissed, her soft, wet pussy sliding over his abdomen.

“Fuck,” he muttered, breaking their kiss, his focus on the warm feel. “Grab a condom,” he told her. “Top drawer.”

She reached over and pulled out protection from the partially open drawer, tearing the packet open, and settled back over his lower body.

Wearing nothing but a sexy smile, she wrapped her slender fingers around his erection and worked the condom over his hard length. She took her time, and he gritted his teeth against the teasing she subjected him to. Then, rising up on her knees, she gripped his cock in her hand and positioned him at her entrance.

“You’re torturing me,” he said, his jaw clenched tight.

She shook her head, her long dark hair flowing around her shoulders. “I’m enjoying touching you,” she said, her grip tightening at the base of his shaft. Slowly, she worked herself over him, her slick body tightening as she took him deeper inside her.

Letting her be in control was killing him. He wanted nothing more than to take over and pump his hips up and down until he exploded, bringing her with him. But she seemed to need this. Seemed to want the power, and after the emotional break she hadn’t been able to control earlier, the one he’d pushed her to experience, he needed to give her this now. Even if it killed him to wait.

Finally she let go, her legs collapsing, her sweet pussy engulfing him in heat.

“F-u-u-ck,” he said, pulling in a deep breath.

“That’s what I’m trying to do.” She laughed, squeezing his dick tighter as she did.

And he lost his ability to wait. “Ride me or I’m going to flip you over and fuck you hard.” It was a promise, not a threat.

“Do it.” Her eyes dilated and her words shocked him, but he didn’t doubt her sincerity or the way her body pulsed around him.

Without breaking their physical connection, he managed to switch their positions and take her hard and fast. But hard and fast didn’t negate how much he felt, how what they shared was unique and nothing like he’d experienced with any other woman. Because Jordan was special.

And when she wrapped her legs around his waist and gave herself over, his name on her lips, her orgasm triggered his own. He came hard and fast, aware only of the woman beneath him and how perfect she made him feel.

*     *     *

Jordan could havegone home, but she opted to make breakfast for her and Linc instead. While he showered, which she’d already done, she headed to the kitchen.

Going through his cupboards, she found everything she needed to make French toast. Not because he went food shopping or cooked for himself but because someone did it for him. Mrs. Farley made certain his fridge and cabinets were stocked. She cooked dinner for him if he was going to be home and left it for him to heat.

Which meant, Jordan thought as she flipped the bread in the frying pan, she was spoiling him more. But she didn’t mind. As usual, he’d been there for her and pressed her to deal with something she’d have otherwise buried deep. She couldn’t help but be grateful for last night and this morning even if she was setting herself up for heartbreak each time she gave in and found herself in his bed.

In her heart, she knew Linc would never intentionally hurt her. She’d also discovered she couldn’t resist him. All she could do was to move forward and do her best not to let this happen again. But she wasn’t going to beat herself up for being with him, either.

Her body hurt in the best ways. Muscles were sore, reminding her of how good they’d been together. How in sync. How well he read her need.

Her cell phone rang from its place on the granite countertop, Mom showing up on the screen. She winced because she’d owed her mother a phone call for too long. They normally spoke more often, but Jordan had been so busy since coming home from Florida, she hadn’t had a chance to do more than exchange texts with her parent. She didn’t want to talk to her now, from Linc’s, but at this point, her mother would worry if Jordan didn’t take the call.

She picked up the phone and touched the accept button. “Hi, Mom.” She tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder.

“Jordan Marie, where have you been? I called you a few times last night and again this morning.”

She cringed. She’d never wanted to worry her mother. “I’m fine, Mom. Sorry. It’s been a little crazy.” She added a slice of toast from the frying pan to the plate where the other finished pieces were before placing the final coated piece onto the pan.

“Is Linc working you that hard?” her mother asked.

“No, Mom. His new sister had a baby last night.”

“Oh, a baby! A boy or a girl?” her mom asked.

Jordan smiled. “A girl. Unnamed but I’m sure Aurora will pick one soon. And the baby is the sweetest thing.”

“You were there? At the hospital?” Her mom sounded surprised.

“Yes. Actually I was in the room with Aurora when she gave birth.” As Jordan spoke, she braced herself for a negative reaction.

“I don’t understand. Wasn’t there someone from the family who could have been with her? You aren’t family.”

Ouch. “I’m well aware. And if I wasn’t, you certainly remind me of it often enough,” she snapped.

Her mother sighed. “Honey, I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just reminding you of your place. One day the man you call your best friend is going to find a woman to marry, and where will that leave you?”

Jordan flipped the bread and did her best to breathe and not let her mother’s words get to her, but it was hard after spending the night in Linc’s bed, sleeping in his arms.

“Can we talk about something else?” she asked.

“Sure. Did I tell you the fire alarm went off in my building the other night? We all had to go outside, and I was wearing my robe…” Her mother went on with her story, and Jordan murmured the requisite mmm-hmms while she spoke.

By the time she hung up, her good mood had been ruined by her mother’s judgmental assessment of her place in Linc and Aurora’s life. It only served to reinforce all the negative thoughts Jordan already held about why they could never be together long-term and why she needed to be better about guarding her heart.

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