Judas kiss

Chapter 66 - When a man and woman-

Chapter 66 - When a man and woman-

"I have seen families wait for years and years ongoing; only for nothing to happen. It will save you later

heartbreak, to let her go at this point and time rather than five years late.." The doctor explained sitting

back in his Black leather office chair. He then showed them the brain x-rays it didn't make any sense for

Della or Garreth. Andre thought it would be best to stay at home with the boys. The only thing that was

going on Della and Garreth's mind was death, funeral, goodbye, forever and ever?

and ever?

"Money isn't a problem-" Garreth was immediately cut off.

"It's not about the money, Mr McCarthy. All I'm trying to say is I don't want to raise your expectations. I

see no changes from the past two months and usually when there is absolutely no brain activity for that

amount of time.. the patient could be brain dead and chances of the patient ever waking up are very


This wasn't the news any family would want to hear about their loved one. The fact that it was so

sudden and Della felt she had not had the opportunity to resolve her relationship with her mother or to

even act like mother and daughter. Della still longed to be able to call her mother 'mom' not Marcela.

Della couldn't listen to this anymore so she left. Garreth assured her that it was fine, he would stay and

ask more questions maybe try and understand. Maybe he could move Marcela to a different hospital

with more optimistic doctors? Maybe just maybe.

As Della rushed off, she was stopped by her gynecologist.

"Mrs. Levetté—" The woman said fondly.

Della didn't correct her, as distorted as she was and a part of her loved the sound of that. Another part

of her could never see herself as Mrs Levetté because Jeanine's face would always pop up.

"Hi, how are you?" Della composed herself.

"I'm fine thanks, you seem to have forgotten to fetch your results." She said handing Della the


"Oh.." it had totally slipped her mind.

"Congratulations, Mrs Levetté. You're a month in."

Della was baffled.

"I took a pregnancy test and it said—"

"It was too early to tell that's why the pregnancy test didn't dictate anything. Besides they're not always

correct." She said calmly. She then put her hand on Della's shoulder as some sort of comfort. "I will see

you on our next appointment, congrats again."

Della was left with mixed emotions.

This was really happening. She was really pregnant. The doctor was edging them to switch off the

machines, again there was really something living in her stomach. A little someone growing, that she

had created with Andre out of love. A little someone who would call her mommy. She was really about

to experience pregnancy again? That gave her shivers.

It won't be as horrible with Andre.?- her conscience gave in.


Tears were threatening to fall. She had not prepared for this moment. Was this how she was supposed

to feel? She was having another child.. one whom she would love and adore just as much Leo. She

was going to bring someone into this world whom she would do anything for. This someone would bring

a lot of changes in their lives. Good changes. Della smiled as she realized she was already at the

parking. Opening the door to one of Andre's range rovers, she sat in her drivers seat for some


It was all overwhelming.

Her mother was dying or rather as good as dead and she was bringing a new soul into this world.

Her thoughts drifted to what was her relationship with Andre.. they had not spoken about anything but

they acted like husband and wife in every single way. She was afraid... she didn't want to marry him

again. She, somehow felt people were happier when not married. She didn't want to go through the

humiliation of being left stranded again, being divorced, just being rejected—

Weddings made her feel very uneasy.

She had a horrible first experience.

At first she didn't care much about her wedding because she just wanted to be with Andre but now that

she thought about it. Her wedding was one of the worst. Jeanine just looked for ways to embarrass her

and she spent the whole day trying to avoid it because when she saw how happy Andre was.. how he

didn't notice his mother's tactics.

There was a knock on the window.

Della looked up.

She was surprised, she immediately got out of the car. She was really shocked.

"Y-you—" Della blinked again. "W-what??!"

The only thing she could do was point at Mila's ten weeks belly bump. Mila immediately started crying

because she didn't know what to say.. she should probably apologize but she was just so happy. They

hugged and laughed with so much joy.

"How?!" Della said still shocked as they pulled back from their hug.

"When a man and a woman—" Mila joked.

"I know that dummy but how? Is this really you Mila, a mommy?" Della was astonished.

"I was just going to my appointment and I thought I recognized you. I didn't know if I should approach

you after you know—" Mila sidled, clearly embarrassed.

"Yeah.." Della nodded in understanding. She didn't realize how much she missed her friend until now.

"How far long are you?"

"Ten weeks.." Mila smiled proudly.

"And you're already showing? Doesn't it start showing usually after twelve weeks." Della was still really

surprised, she needed to catch her breath.

"My doctor said women are different, I think he or she has Alfredo's big ass head that's why!"

They both laughed. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

"Your big head.." Della retorted.

"Hopefully not any of the two." Mila smiled, she could see how her friend was glowing. Della looked

different. Good kind of different but there also a hint of sadness in her eyes. She didn't want to ask not

after how she had used Della's problems against her.

There was awkward silence.

"How's Andre?" Mila asked.

"He is okay.." Della said knowing Mila was very spiteful of Andre and didn't want to say anymore.

"How's Alfredo?" She returned the question.

"He is fine just super excited about the baby." Mila smiled remembering how she had stayed up all

night looking for names with Alfredo. He also had the tendency of laying his head on her small bump.

Della was a bit wounded by all the things Mila had said. She wasn't sure if she should tell her anything

after.. Mila had said they always talked about Della all the time. Della didn't want to steal her moment.

She just wanted to show her that she could also talk about other people and not just herself. She also

didn't want to depend or tell Mila everything, basically burdening her with her problems. Things had


"That's great." Della smiled.

Awkward silence followed.

Mila's pride wouldn't let her apologize. She wanted to, she tried but it just wouldn't let her... so she


"How's your mother?" Mila questioned. Again Della didn't want to burden Mila with her problems. Mila

was glowing, she was pregnant and she was inlove with the man of her dreams. Della realized this

break had been good for Mila, she actually seemed very happy.

"Getting better." Della lied, she didn't want to open up. It would be hard for her to be able to ever open

up to Mila. Not after the hurtful words she had said to her.

"That's good, how's Leo?" Mila asked. "Does he miss me?"

They both chuckled, knowing how close Mila had been with Leo but Della had to explain to Leo that...

Mila wouldn't be coming around as much because she was now very busy.

"He is okay just getting more mischievous." Della said.

Mila nodded.

It was pretty clear things weren't the same anymore.

"I will see you around, I better get going.." Della said softly.

"Yes yes, let me get going as well.." Mila replied. "Nice car!"

"It's Andre's, I'm just borrowing it. I see no use of owning a car in New York. Taxis are everywhere.."

Della explained.

"That's the same thing, I told Alfredo but he makes sure that Felipe takes me everywhere."

Again there was silence.

"I'm really glad you're happy and he is treating you well. I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to

dictate your life for you. I was just looking out for you. I'm really sorry that our friendship was one sided,

I never realized it until you said so. That was really awful of me."

Mila felt worse because Della had been the one to apologize first when it was Mila who was at fault.

Della had decided to be the bigger person... it seemed so hard for Mila to apologize.

"It's all my fault." She finally said. "I'm sorry, I lashed out at you the way I did. It wasn't right. I owe you

lunch, to make it up to you." Mila gave her friend a small smile.

"That would great." Della smiled back.

"We have a lot of catching up to do." Mila winked as she proceeded to walk away. They said their good

byes and promised they would talk on the phone. There was just something off about their meeting.

Maybe because Della had not said much about her pregnancy or her mother or her problems in

general. Things were different maybe when they met for the second time... it would be back to normal

but for now it was just awkward.


When Della got home, she found Andre playing video games with Lyle and Leo.

"You're cheating dad!!" Leo yelled, throwing his controller on the couch clearly mad. Leo didn't like it

when things didn't go his way.

"It was clearly beginners luck bud, Lyle your turn—" Andre said a playful smile on his lips.

"I'm going to crush you." Lyle said competitively. Leo sat in his corner being mad.

"Not a chance." Andre replied cheerfully.

"Aw Andre what are you doing to my baby?" Della finally let her presence known.

"Dad cheated!" Leo whined.

He could be such a baby whenever he saw his mother. Della was always a softy for his cute pout.

Andre shrugged.

"I didn't do anything.. but you can play while I talk to your mom." Andre said handing Leo the controller,

he immediately smiled and started playing with Lyle. As they walked up the stairs from the playroom

which was located in the basement. Andre had it made for the boys when the noise had became a


"You literally make Leo whine even more.." Andre said closing the door behind him.

"I know, his pout is my weakness but now with another baby coming. I don't know how he will feel

about not being an only child and sharing my attention.." Della sighed.

Andre stared at her in awe.

"Are you?" Andre grinned. Della hadn't realized that she had spilled the beans.

"Three and a half weeks.." Della smiled widely. It didn't take seconds for Andre to lift her off her feet

and spin her around. She laughed until it almost gave her a headache.

"Wow!" Andre said setting her back on her feet. "So this is how it feels.." he smiled.

"I guess.." Della shrugged.

"Woah!" Andre still couldn't believe it. He was going to be a father again. He would have two kids that

would look up to him as a father. That he would raise and groom until they grow of age. It was such a

blossoming feeling.

Della was in awe at Andre's reaction. It made her so happy. She wished she had recorded it. He just

looked so adorable.

"What's the special occasion?" Jeanine entered the room. Andre figured the maids and security had

allowed her in. Della stiffened, she still felt intimidated by this woman.

"Nothing that concerns you?" Andre spat. "What do you want?"

"So I can't visit my one and only grandson?" Jeanine retorted removing her Louis Vuitton sunglasses.

Della decided she would excuse herself but Andre stopped her.

"Don't act like you have ever cared about my son. Not from the time when you drugged my wife while

she was pregnant." Andre said smoothly. It warmed Della's heart when he said 'my son'

Jeanine swallowed hard.

"Ever since his visit, I have been very fond of him.." Jeanine defended. "I have been feeling quite

lonely.. the house is so empty without Luke and Ben. So I thought I'd join my son and his family for


Andre was about to say some very unwelcoming words at his mother when Della touched his hand. It

calmed him.

"Sure, I hope you love lasagna." Della interrupted.

"Carbs—" Jeanine was immediately interrupted.

"You could go somewhere else and have a carb free meal. You don't need to be here." Andre said

making her mother squirm.

"Ah-Alright Lasagna sounds delightful, Adela." Jeanine said biting her tongue.

It seemed some people didn't change and Jeanine would always be Jeanine.

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