Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


“WHAT?!?” First bellowed as it surged to its feet. Its voice, amplified by its position, shook the room and the occupants.

“They reported for refreshing but… the Prime Source has been poisoned. They died,” it said carefully.

“What… did… you… say?” First spoke softly as it descended the dais steps towards the waiting center.

“They are dea-”

“NOT THAT PART!” First screamed into its hood.

“Ah- the- the Prime Source… has been poisoned. Some kind of biological contaminant is spreading uncontrollably throughout the cloning chambers, boosted by the growth nutrient bath. It’s reached critical levels… we’re unable to purge it! The contaminant is growing out of control, feeding off the nutrients and its by-products are poisoning the Prime Source biomass faster than we can- EEERRRKKZZZzzz!”

First drove his fist through the head of the messenger who died immediately and dropped to the floor. The leader flicked clear the organic remains from its gloved hand and looked at it to make sure it was clean. It gestured to the other two to take the body away. They did so quickly and didn’t stop moving until they exited the room with the corpse.

“Guards, take the slaves back to the barracks.” When they moved to collect them First held up the hand which it had just used to killed the unfortunate messenger. “Except Jack. Jack will stay here to have a little chat with me.”

First’s voice was cool and smooth and emotionless. Jack felt a cold sweat spring up over his body. He heard Eve make a noise but Jack shook his head minutely and Kekk gently guided her past. Stella watched him with large worried eyes but he gave her a nod as she went by. Jack held still until he heard the door close on the far wall behind the throne.

“Would you care to say anything about this latest development Jack?”

He kept his eyes on the floor and simply shook his head.

“I’m going to find out. I simply need to speak to the guard-” First stopped talking when it realized the ones it had ordered to watch Jack were dead as were fifteen others. The only evidence, destroyed in the explosion.Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

Jack found himself on the floor. His body ached like he’d been punched from all sides at once. He moaned.

“It doesn’t have to be this way Jack. Simply tell me what you did and I will send you back to the others.”

Jack could hear the lie and just laid still as his muscles trembled.

There was a hesitant knock on the main doors.

“I’M BUSY!” First screamed.

“Apologies, First. The Prime wishes to speak with you.”

First made an involuntary sound. Jack thought it very much sounded like ‘no’ but he kept that observation to himself. He might just get out of this alive-

Burning! Terrible, terrible heat ripped at his limbs, devouring his flesh and tearing screams from his body. Then it was over and Jack lay panting and gasping on his back as his consciousness began to slip away.

Before he slipped away he saw the dark hood of First peering down at him and heard its words.

“Put him into a containment cell in the sub-level. I’ll deal with him later.”

Then nothing.


Gee and Bal sat in Hellna’s office sipping tea and eating sandwiches the staff had brought in for them. The commando squad had been escorted to the fitness facilities in the lower level to take showers and have their clothes laundered.

The Tik had powered down to maintenance level and were enjoying a trickle feed from the power outlet on the wall in the outer office.

As they were finally alone Hellna did her debriefing with them while they ate and was pleased with their report.

Gee was stuck with a feeling of futility she just couldn’t shake.

Hellna noticed her discomfort. “Gee, what’s on your mind? Speak freely.”

“We know who’s responsible for Jack’s abduction. We now know the secret network of spies on Earth that are working against us and the best interests of Earth. We even know the planet Jack is likely on though we don’t have its location. The Tik are now willing to open Gates for us to investigate. All of this is wonderful but to actually retrieve Jack it’s not enough!” she growled in frustration and Hellna’s eye brows went up in surprise.

“We are not warriors. Outside of agents like Bal and I that is but there aren’t enough of us to win a battle like this!”

The door opened and Queen Elissa walked in. “My apologies for overhearing your last comment but I agree with you. Altarians are sadly lacking in warriors. We are blessed with agents like you and Bal and rely upon you very heavily. I want to personally thank you for everything you have done so far and for what I will be asking of you in the near future. I’m afraid your skills may be put to a very severe test.”

Gee and Bal were on their hooves and smiled at the Queen. “We are yours to command.”

Elissa smiled at them in return. “Thank you. I have been working on something that will hopefully expedite our ‘rescue mission’. The Tik are fully supportive of our efforts to get Jack back. As long as the mission falls within those parameters we have their help.”

Gee frowned. “That may not be enough.”

Elissa smiled enigmatically. “You’d be surprised what fits into those parameters.”

Gee and Bal gave her a curious look.

“I can’t say more until we have secured the assistance of our newest allies. You were right. We need more warriors-”

At that moment Major Ash, Nann, Maxim, and Leo walked back into Hellna’s office looking refreshed and alert.

“What better warriors to call upon than those from the other planet under attack by the Mahrell Drun? The rescue mission will be led by the Altarians but Earth will be represented… if we can make them understand. What do you say Major? Can we make them understand?”

“Yes, but we are going to have to act fast. They killed Ray. They immediately discredited us. When I tried to contact someone I could trust in the military they tried to kill him. When we collected the cache they sent four Earth Security Force commandos who firebombed an entire level of a building to stop us. They are escalating their efforts to stop this information from getting out. I need to get this data to my contacts in the military so they can get it to the top levels of their governments. That’s the only way the Earth Security Council will listen. If the message comes from their leaders.”

“Do we need to go back to Chuuruthia to contact Earth?” Gee asked.

“I’d like to try contacting Brigadier General Rosseau’s direct line from here. He contacted Chuuruthian Secretary of Defence Kressel with it after our initial call and I noted the comm ID so I should be able to reach him.”

Hellna nodded and led the group over to the conference room where she set up the call on the large display mounted on the wall. The Major gave her the contact details.

The call went through and was picked up on the third ring. Voice only.

“Hello?” Rosseau’s voice.

“General? This is Major Ash.”

The screen flicked on and they could see the General with three other men. She recognized MacDenny and thought one was Thane but the fourth was new to her.

Rosseau spotted the Altarians standing to the side and addressed them first.

“Greetings Queen Elissa, Minister of Security Hellna. I’m Brigadier General Phillipe Rosseau of France. May I introduce Brigadier General Roger Thane of the USA, General Dalawar Singh of India, and Colonel Duncan MacDenny of Canada.”

The Major looked to Nann who was checking the new name against their list and relaxed when Nann shook her head with a smile.

The French General turned back to Cha’Risa. “What the hell is going on Major? First I hear of an attack at Ray’s parent’s place in New York- don’t worry, they’re fine! Roger’s people got there in time to pull them out,” he added to calm her dismay. “Then there was a destructive chase through heavy traffic in an illegally modified truck, the rear cabin of which mysteriously disappeared when it crashed into a dead end alley. Next I hear you were spotted in Tokyo! A firebombing of a floor in a downtown hotel, three civilian deaths, and four Earth Security Force commandos taken into custody. When my team got there they found the ones in custody weren’t you and your team! Obviously you’re using Gates but how are you getting past the heavy security that’s been added to all Gate terminals?”

“We have assistance of the Tik sir.”

“You’re going through the cargo terminals? They are under guard as well.” Thane spoke up.

“The Tik elders on Chuuruthia assigned us two Tik who are opening independent Gates for us,” the Major explained.

“Combined with the initial data you received regarding the Mahrell Drun, does not the direct support of the Tik lend credibility to our claims?” Queen Elissa asserted.

“It does for us.” Rosseau said and the other men nodded. He looked back to the Major.

“We tried to get to Ray’s primary data cache in New York but the house was under surveillance. We entered the house and spoke with his parents and a digital simulacrum Ray created of himself. He- I mean it informed us there was insufficient time to get the cache and escape so he- gave us the next location, Tokyo, and helped us escape. We managed to get access to the data cache Ray hid in the hotel in Tokyo. I retrieved the files and confirmed they were legitimately signed by the man. Most significantly, the files contained a list of names and a ledger of payments to these people. I’d like to send the data to you. You need to get this to the leaders of your respective governments. If you could also get them to Colonel General Zutkov-” She saw Rosseau suddenly frown. “What?”

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