Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


“Minister of Earth Security Council, Mr. Steyn’s office, how may I help you,” a voice answered with a crisp professional tone.

“This is Hellna, the Altarian Security Minister, and I have Queen Elissa of Altaria on the line with me. We need to speak with Mr. Steyn immediately.”

The caller identification system must have confirmed their location as the voice became just a little crisper. “I will connect you now.”

Hellna and Elissa endured almost a minute of bland music before it was cut off and a deep voice rough with sleep answered. “Ruan Steyn here. How may I help you this morning?”

“Our Ambassador Jack Danner has been abducted at gunpoint in Las Vegas. Two of his security detail were killed, the other two injured. Mobilize your teams immediately. Begin with the Gemstone Casino where the abduction took place approximately forty five minutes ago.” Hellna said firmly.

“Mr. Danner has been kidnapped again?” Steyn’s voice almost sounded amused.

“Mr. Steyn, this is Queen Elissa. Please be aware than all trade with Earth will be suspended until our Ambassador is returned safe and sound. Does that clarify how seriously we are taking this assault?”

“Perfectly.” The amusement was gone.

“I look forward to hearing your progress on this matter soon.” Elissa said and Hellna disconnected.

“I don’t understand. We gave no advance notice that Jack was visiting Earth yet a commando team was able to abduct him from this random location. Was there anything in the net regarding a contract on Jack?” Elissa growled.

“Nothing more than the typical hate mail from the occasional social malcontent. Nothing that suggested a team of professionals would be watching.

“Is there anything we can do from here?” Elissa asked Hellna.

“Just keep the pressure on,” Hellna answered.

Chapter 6

Cold water splashed onto his face and Jack woke with a jolt then moaned from the pain of his knotted muscles.

He blinked and his mind slipped back to the last time he was woken this way. It hadn’t been pleasant.

“Is he awake?” an older voice asked.

Something sharp jabbed Jack in the side and he cried out. He also realized he was naked. Another unpleasant surprise. Why did they strip him of his clothes? Ah, looking for trackers most likely.

“Mr. Danner do open your eyes so we may speak face to face.”

Jack cracked his eyes open and he saw he was in a dark room. He couldn’t see the edges of it but the room didn’t sound big.

A single light from above cast weird shadows.

In front of him stood Maury Levine. A much, much older version of the man than Jack recalled. He didn’t look well. His skin had a sick yellow tone.

“Good. I just wanted to meet you in person and let you know this isn’t personal. I’ve watched you doing good things for Earth. I’m a fan but the bounty on you is just too extreme to pass up. I won’t be around much longer and I need to ensure the ones I leave behind are taken care of. It’s just business.”

“And now you feel better?” Jack said, teeth chattering from the cold.

The smile slid from the man’s face. “No, I don’t feel better. I’m dying.”

“That sucks but then so does being abducted.” Jack said and Maury’s frown deepened. He realized antagonizing the man who arranged his abduction probably wasn’t a smart move. He sighed. “I’m sorry. That was rude. Have you spoken to a Chuuruthian doctor?”

“I don’t like aliens. The only reason I can be in the room with you now is because I know you were once fully human. If I ignore the horns you could still be taken for human. Mostly.” Maury said as a shudder went through his weakened frame.

Great, a xenophobe. That could be bad. “Business, you were saying. Who wanted me abducted? I haven’t heard about anyone being particularly upset with me recently.”

“That’s the way they wanted it. Keep the snoops from sticking their nose in their business. Even I don’t know who it is. I capture you. I bring you here. I get paid. Well, good luck!” He turned to leave.

“Could I ask you one more question?” Jack called out and Maury stopped. “How did you find me? We didn’t announce my visit. It was a last minute decision. I didn’t even know I was going to be in Vegas until we stepped through the gate.”

Maury smiled. “Don’t you understand the nature of Vegas? There are more cameras watching than people know. When a man in a hoodie arrives with black Altarian escorts who else would it be? You lit up the gambling boards the second you stepped onto the strip. Fortunes were made and lost betting on everything from the purpose of your trip, if you’d take off the hood, and whether or not you’d be able to leave unscathed.”

“Just Lady Luck then.” Jack said and Maury grinned.

“Yeah, ain’t she a bitch. Much like my ex-wife.” The man left with his security team. The door they exited in the dark closed with an odd metallic bang. Sheet metal?

Jack tried to relax. Maury wasn’t planning on killing him at least. He wasn’t sure if that last comment was a reference to the cabana event. He certainly wasn’t going to ask and it didn’t seem to matter now.

He looked around himself but all he could see was a grey concrete floor with the occasional smudge of grease. A garage? The chair he was chained to was bolted to the floor. No matter how hard he rocked it didn’t budge. His bindings showed no loosening after his rocking. If anything they felt a little tighter.

He listened and heard nothing but silence. He was naked, wet, and cold. Worse, he was alone.



Gee and Bal were sitting in side by side cubicles in the Emergency wing of the hospital when Hellna burst into the department looking for her agents. Hellna took in the bandages and sighed with relief. She understood the injuries were minor but Gee and Bal were her best operatives and she wanted them on this case.

When they saw her the two agents got to their hooves but she waved them back down.

“Report. Has anything else surfaced from your memories of the attack,” she asked them.

Both shook their heads with frowns.

The doctor joined them and released the agents to Hellna’s care.

“Come with me,” she said as she headed back out to her vehicle. Hellna took the bench with her back to the driver and the agents sat on the seat facing her as the driver got them underway.

“I’m sending you back to Earth. London Gate Terminus. You’ll meet with the squad Earth’s Security Council Force have put in charge of locating and extracting Jack. You will be special advisors to the team. They have global jurisdiction so local law enforcement will support their efforts. Or should.” Gee and Bal nodded soberly.

She pointed to the seat the two agents were sitting on. “You will find everything you need to restock your supplies in the seat.”

The agents knelt on the floor and flipped up the cushion. Inside was an arsenal. They swapped out the gossamer black gowns they were wearing with fresh ones from inside the compartment then quickly pocketed the items they needed. They noted the small handguns. Each picked one up and looked back at Hellna who nodded.

“Earth’s Security Council only accepted your presence in an advisory capacity but the Queen has authorized you to carry these and expects you to use them at your discretion. She will support your actions but you know the drill.” The guns disappeared into their gowns.

The vehicle landed outside the Gate building and they made their way inside. A brief word with the customs agent and they were walking towards a gate. They stopped just before the threshold.

“Your contact is Major Cha’Risa Ash. She’ll pick you up on the other side.”

Hellna looked into their eyes. She saw the grim determination there.

“Bring him home safe,” she said. They nodded and stepped through.

The other side of the gate was a large chamber and the noise from the travellers moving to and fro put Gee and Bal immediately on edge. They scanned the room as they made their way towards the ‘Government Officials’ Customs desk. A tired looking man with disheveled hair looked at them.

“Name, Department, and reason for your visit.”

The agents both touched the biometric reader. Gee spoke for them.

“Gee and Bal. Altarian Security. Here on Earth’s Security Council business.”

The man watched his screen and nodded. He looked back over his desk’s wall and waved to someone.

Moments later Gee and Bal were looking up into the sharp hazel eyes of a tall, muscular woman. She was wearing black combat gear, an armored vest with many pockets over that. Weapons were attached to her hip, slung on her back and several knives were strapped to her legs.

What little skin was exposed was a deep rich brown showing her Native American heritage. She had high cheekbones and a strong nose. Her straight black hair was braided tightly and bound under her vest.

The woman sighed when she saw the light and airy gowns they were wearing. “I’m Major Ash. I understand you’re my Altarian ‘advisors’?” Her voice gave away her frustration for being forced to include them on her team. “We’re potentially going into a firefight and you aren’t wearing body armor-”

“Please do not worry about us. We will be fine.” Gee said.

“I’m not going to be responsible-” the Major began again.

“You are not responsible for us. We are.” Bal finished.

The tall woman stared at the two Altarians in frustration.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

“Please, time is of the essence if we are to find the trail of the mercenary team who abducted Ambassador Danner,” Gee insisted.

With a final scowl Ash spun on her heels and strode quickly across the floor towards another gate, Gee and Bal following immediately behind her.

A group of people in combat gear were waiting for the Major before the smooth mirror surface of the gate.

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