Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


Jack had sent Dharma on one quest to Earth for him but he had another item he needed for the banquet. This one would be beyond Dharma’s ability to retrieve so he placed a rush order for it through the Embassy’s courier department. It meant sending a team of runners to Earth so he informed them to get a security detail to assist. He also indicated that the item should be assembled and brought directly to the banquet hall but placed in storage there as it was to be a surprise.

That done, Jack read the appointment log and got some background on each applicant. He was getting better at identifying in advance which products and services were a good match. He’d still sit through their presentations as sometimes they introduced a spin that he hadn’t considered and sometimes while listening he thought of a spin they hadn’t.

He looked at the clock and saw it was time. He looked at Aaros. “I assume you will be coming with me so I’m going to identify you to the applicants as an auditor who is reviewing my work. This will set their minds at ease as they won’t feel you are judging them.”

Aaros thought about that and nodded. They set off for the presentation hall.

The meetings went well and Jack approved a few more than he’d originally expected as he recognized alternate purposes for two products the vendor wasn’t aware of so they were happy. Before he called in his next applicant he realized it was time to head down to the courtyard.

As they walked to the ‘battle’ Jack pondered ways to expedite this process. “You said that this challenge can be terminated early if they fail to show up at the scheduled time right?”

“That’s right. There is some leeway for traffic issues but it cannot exceed a day,” the Judge answered.

“So I’ve just got to convince the next contestant to not show,” Jack said grimly.

“You cannot interfere with the members of the challenging party,” she admonished.

Jack grinned. “I wouldn’t think of contacting them outside of the battle.”

They reached the courtyard which was normally empty aside from workers moving between the buildings and the occasional casual foot traffic. Today it was packed with people. Jack recognized staff from both buildings milling around in a large circle. The press had arrived as well. All of the big channels were there. Jack noticed a few from Earth as well which he found surprising. The crowd parted and he saw the space in the center was open. It reminded him of the schoolyard fights from his childhood. He turned to the Judge.

“Am I allowed to make a statement before the fight,” he said quietly to her.

“Of course.”

He smiled.NôvelDrama.Org content.

The crowd parted on the other side and Lunnae and another male entered the ring. There were boos and jeers from the onlookers and Jack recognized the front row of the crowd were all workers from his office. Denee was the loudest heckler.

Jack stepped forward and held up his hands. The crowd immediately went silent. He looked for and found Narelle and nodded to her. He turned to Lunnae who was attempting to murder him with evil thoughts and glares.

“Lunnae, we’re here to settle a Challenge and there are 244 remaining combatants. Is this true?” he called out clearly.

The male’s glare turned to a creepy smile as he took in the obvious state of Jack’s erection. “That’s right! 244 more days.”

“So 244 males will have to face me in unarmed combat?” Jack asked loudly.

Lunnae’s smile began to look forced as he tried to determine where Jack was going with this. “Yes.”

“Were you the one who initiated this Challenge?” Jack asked walking to the center of the open space.

“On behalf of the group, yes,” Lunnae called out.

“What number are you Lunnae? When will I face you, the instigator of this Challenge?” Jack asked.

“I’m number 245,” Lunnae said with a grin thinking to piss off Jack but he received a laugh instead.

“Coward. Hiding behind 244 males,” Jack threw down then looked at the cameras. “I wanted no part of this barbaric activity. I want it known that this is entirely Lunnae’s idea.”

Narelle stepped forward. “Is the challenging combatant here?”

The male standing next to Lunnae stepped forward boldly with a show of bravado but Jack could see his trembling. Jack felt a little ill about what he had to do.

“State your name for the record,” Narelle intoned.

“I am Greggi.”

“Take your position.”

The male strutted forward and stopped six feet away from Jack. Jack stepped forward to close the gap to two feet and stopped. Then he bent down to look into the eyes of Greggi. The male looked back at Jack and expected to see him growling or glaring but Jack just looked at him sadly.

Narelle saw they were both ready. “Begin.”



Greggi’s body left the ground and sailed back to land with a thump. He didn’t move.

Jack stood up straight from his lunge and shook his head to clear the buzz from the headbutt he’d delivered. He looked at the cameras. “242 more of those before I meet the male responsible for this stupidity.” Then he walked over to Narelle.

Judge Aaros joined him after quickly checking on Greggi and Jack whispered to her. “I didn’t kill him did I?” She heard real fear in his voice.

“No Jack. We are made of sterner stuff than that. Especially a male’s head. There is nothing denser in the known universe. Greggi is unconscious and likely has a concussion but he will live,” she responded and saw him relax. His eyes became cold and hard as he looked at Lunnae who was standing completely still staring down at Greggi’s unconscious body.

“Same place and time tomorrow?” he called out to Lunnae who just nodded unable to stop looking at Greggi.

“So noted. 10AM in the courtyard, this location, for the next combatant,” Narelle said loudly. With a nod and small smile for Jack she left with her security escort.

Lunnae suddenly seemed to notice what he’d just agreed to and panic was setting in as he realized he had to convince number three on the list to step forward and he only had a day to do it. He looked over at Jack and caught the tail end of Jack’s cold stare as he turned away and headed back to his office.

“All of this stupidity because of Lunnae’s fragile ego!” Jack raged quietly. His anger was rapidly spinning out of control and his muscles shook with the need to strike out at something or someone.

“Breathe slowly Jack and calm yourself. This is just a symptom of withdrawal. It will pass,” Aaros whispered to him.

“Withdrawal?” he blurted.

“From sex,” she answered.

Jack snorted and felt his rage quiet as the euphoric surge of his amusement washed over his mind. Whoa! His emotions WERE a little raw and exaggerated.

“Human’s don’t get withdrawal from lack of sex,” he explained.

“You’re no longer completely human though, are you,” she said looking at his horns as they rode the elevator back to the presentation room. Jack pondered that as he entered the outer hall. The room erupted in applause from the waiting applicants. Jack and Aaros stood in surprise as they took in the cheering and grins on the faces in the room. They saw the large monitors on the wall were showing news footage of the battle in the courtyard.

Jack saw what his attack looked like from the side in exacting detail and in slow motion. One second he was staring into the eyes of Greggi and the next he was launching himself forward to slam his horns into the forehead of the male. He seemed to transfer all forward momentum into his opponent’s body as he stopped moving and Greggi lifted right off his hooves to fly back like a rag doll. Jack had to look away.

He smiled to the crowd then went inside to pick up where he’d left off.

The rest of the morning went quickly. The applicants were all in good spirits and even those who were rejected left feeling like they’d received something special for just being there.

They finished up a little late due to the interruption of the battle.

The afternoon was to be spent in the Embassy and once more Judge Aaros gave her speech to the workers and Jack had to endure their cries of dismay.

Once the office settled down Jack called Denee into his office to find out what his afternoon had scheduled. Aaros took a seat on the couch munching on a sandwich an office runner had brought in for them since they missed lunch.

Denee sat across from Jack with her tablet in hand. “Jack I just wanted to apologize once more for starting this whole mess with Lunnae.”

“You had no idea he’d get this stupid about it but I’d appreciate if you could be more discrete in the future,” Jack said. She gave him a lusty look thinking about future encounters. Jack’s cock throbbed at her look and he found himself leaning forward, fire in his eyes. Denee’s eyes widened and she bit her lip as her nostril’s flared.


Jack and Denee jumped and looked over at the Judge who was picking up the metal serving tray she’d dropped intentionally. She scowled at them as she held her hand over her nose. She walked over to the window and opened the ventilation system all the way.

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