
In the small town of Draconian, located in the center of mysterious Transylvania, Benjamin’s family faced a dark time. The young vampire, just 200 years old, was about to be expelled, a decision made by the feared leader of vampires, Ladriel, the dark king of Draconia.

The reason for this punishment was Kayus’ stubbornness in not submitting to Ladriel’s cruel rules. While most vampires in the city fed on human blood, Kayus’s noble heart prevented him from killing to quench his thirst. Instead, he resorted to blood bags or, when possible, animal blood, keeping his morals intact.

However, that was not the only reason for the expulsion. Her appearance didn’t fit the standards of stunning beauty that the region’s vampires possessed. While the others were portrayed as elegant beings of rare beauty, Kayus carried an aura of uniqueness that set him apart from the rest. And Kayus hid his sexuality, he preferred men over women, this was also one of the reasons why Kayus was expelled, the Clan of Ladriel did not tolerate gay Vampires.

Ugliness, as seen by the cruel Ladriel, became a disgrace to the vampire clan, embarrassing them before other night beings. Regardless of Kayus’ generous heart and honorable character, Ladriel decided to banish the young vampire from the city. This decision would not only punish Kayus for his dietary choices, but would also serve as a code for those who dared to deviate from indefensible norms.

Chapter 2: Kayus’ Decision

As night fell over Draconian, Kayus left with the harsh reality of his impending expulsion. His dark wings, symbol of his noble birth, seemed heavier than ever.

O Kayus’s parents, were extremely disappointed with their king, and with a condition that Ladriel gave them to continue to stay in Draconian, that they serve the king as his slaves, for the shame that fueled the clan, but Kayus would not allow leaving his parents passed as slaves of Ladriel, and asked his parents to accompany him to a new adventure, a new country, because Kayus had the desire to become a successful stylist and would not let his ugliness be an obstacle, – come on dad and mom with me to Paris, I wrote a letter to the most prestigious university of fashion there, and I passed. – But my son, how are we going to go to another country, start from scratch, I don’t know if the vampires of that place will accept us, and how are we going to deal with the sun, we can’t my love.

The disappointment of Kayus’s parents was evident. They felt King Ladriel’s injustice and the cruelty of his decisions, but they were also concerned about the condition imposed by the monarch. Serving the king as slaves to redeem the shame he had brought on the vampire clan was a harrowing prospect.

However, Kayus did not allow himself to be downcast. Her professionally in pursuing her dream of becoming a successful stylist overcame all doubts and obstacles that presented themselves. He had a brilliant opportunity to study at the prestigious university of fashion in Paris, and he wasn’t going to let his looks or his fear of rejection stop him from jumping at the chance.

With the news of his acceptance to the university, Kayus convinced his parents to accompany him on this new adventure. He knew that it would be difficult to leave everything behind and start from scratch, but his brave spirit would not be able to fight back. His plea for his parents to follow him to Paris was full of hope and confidence.

However, the parents’ concern was legitimate. They pondered the challenges they would face in a new country, especially with constant exposure to the sun. Vampires were nocturnal creatures, fearing the sun’s rays that could annihilate them. Paris, with its sunny days, posed a risk they couldn’t ignore.

“My son, how are we going to deal with the sun? We can’t just live like vampires in Paris. There’s a small clan there, do you think they’ll accept us? We’re going to be rejected, can’t we face it?”, asked his mother, worried.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Kayus hugged her parents and replied with a determined smile: “I know the challenges are great, but we can overcome them together. The modernity and diversity of Paris open doors to new possibilities. In addition, we will find ways to protect ourselves from the sun and we integrate into human society. Our strength is in the unity of the family, and together we can face any adversity.”

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