Chapter twenty two

In the company.

_ Oliver! Oliver Cade that wretch!

Armand was very nervous, and was pacing back and forth in his room. He took out his cell phone and kept calling Martin Zhan Who hadn’t arrived yet.

_ Damn, these employees of mine are so efficient, my God this can’t be happening. I told Martin and Oliver, today at noon is the company’s balance sheet meeting, my parents will be here, and I’m screwed. I don’t have the balance sheet documents.

Armand calls the receptionist.

_ Lisa, where’s Martin, he already arrived?

_ Hi boss, I don’t know, I thought he was with you.

_ No, Lisa, if I’m asking you, it’s because he’s not here, right, creature. Call him.

Armand yelled and hung up the phone.

_ Because no one obeys me, it’s already eight o’clock, and where are my dear production manager and vice president? I’m the only one who arrives early.

Oliver ends up arriving in the room and Armand just needs to strangle him.

_ Good morning Armand. I brought you a coffee .

_ Now! Now if it isn’t my dear production manager, is this Oliver time?

_ Wow Armand, calm down man, it’s a quarter past eight, why is he so nervous on a Monday?

_ Still you ask Oliver? Did you forget that we have an important meeting at noon, and no one has yet shown up with the balance sheets?

_ Oh that’s it, I thought you and Martin had fought.

_ I’m going to fight if he doesn’t show up.

_ Calm down my friend, I saw him arriving at reception, and he forgot that Tul and Benjamin are going to deliver the balance sheet.

_ I don’t know, where are they, I don’t see them here. You know what, I’m going to fire everyone and I’m going to do the balance sheet myself, that’s it.

_ Wow Armand, relax, you are very nervous, calm down man.

Armand was very nervous, it was obvious, something was worrying him.

_ Get out of my room Oliver!

_ What, but why?

_ Leave my office and go find your secretary and bring me the balance sheet.

_ Ok, I’ll go, you need to relax.

Oliver nervously left Armand’s office almost slamming the door and finds Martin

_ Good morning Oliver.

_ Good morning, take care of your boyfriend, because he’s a beast.

In the bus.

_ Then stop pushing, don’t touch my papers.

The bus was crowded as always, this time I was carrying my briefcase with all the paperwork and it was heavy.

_ Go down driver!

_ The ugly one will come down!

And when I went to get off at the company stop, a man pushed me and I ended up falling to the ground, scraping my knee.

_ There, there damn my knee, you idiot!

I got up and picked up my folder that had spilled all the balance sheet papers, I was screwed, because I had gotten everything dirty.

_ Ahh damn my work, everything got dirty I’ll need to print everything again, Ahh damn I need to run, then I hurt my knee.

I picked up my things and my briefcase and went towards the direction and one of the receptionists looked at me with terror.

_ Wow the witch of Salem has arrived. Look at her state.

_ I hurt my knee .

Luckily for me, New was also at reception and ended up helping me.

_ Come Benjamin, don’t care about this envious woman, are you okay?

_ I fell off the bus, but I’ll be fine, I need your help New.

_ You can speak my friend, say.

_ Can you take me to the room to print the balance sheet?

_ Of course, come on, you just need the flash drive, do you have it?

_ Yes it is here. Wait one moment.

I took my folder and started looking for my pen drive with the CD, but I couldn’t find it.

_ Damn, he was here, where’s my flash drive?

_ What was it Benjamin?

_ I can’t find my pen drive with the saved balance sheet documents.

_ Friend, look straight, aren’t you going to present the balance sheet?

_ Yes, I will, but I don’t think so.

At this time, anyone who arrives at reception thinks they are. Tul.

_ Hahaha look, from what I heard, you didn’t do the balance sheet, it’s not a bad thing.

_ I did ok, and I’m going to rub it in your face.

_ I just want to see, say goodbye to the position of secretary, you won’t take the position of executive, hahaha I’ll win, bye bye.

I couldn’t believe it, as I had forgotten to put the pen drive in my briefcase and I started to despair.

I quickly went to Oliver’s office, to see if I could access my email and get the document, because I had also saved it there. And I ran to the living room when I ran into my boss and accidentally ended up spilling all the coffee on him.

_ Damn Benjamin, damn it’s hot.

_ Ahhh there boss, my goodness I’m sorry, I’m going to clean it up.

Oliver’s suit was all beige, almost cream, and it seemed to be very expensive, how stupid of me, I had ruined everything and a huge stain had formed, I was trying to clean it and he was screaming, and jumping up and down until I accidentally wiped the paper. in his groin. And I started to see a volume there and I felt very embarrassed.

_ Benjamin? Benjamin, what are you doing, you don’t need to clean it there, it’s burning.

_ Sorry boss, wow how clumsy I am.

_ Bring me that jug of water Benjamin, come on.

_ Yes, boss, excuse me sir.


My God, what was happening, I was so confused, I picked up the jug and ended up tripping over my shoelaces and losing my balance and spilling all the water on Oliver, getting him all wet. Needless to say, he was furious with me.From NôvelDrama.Org.

_ Benjamin Leroy! But what the hell!

_ Sorry boss, I…

_ Get out of my way, Benjamin.

_ I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to.

_ Skirt.

I got out of his way, and entered my tiny room. Almost crying. After all what was going on, because I didn’t find my pen drive. That’s when I remembered, that I had forgotten to keep the cd and the pendrive inside the suitcase,

_ Ahh, my knee is burning.

I put my leg on the table to see the wound. And it was ugly.

So I put an ice pack on my leg, but it didn’t do much good.

_ Damn, this is really ugly, there, I need to call home and ask mom to tell Paola to come and bring my pen-drive. Ahh where is the phone.

_ Benjamin! Where are you ?

_ Ahh damn who is calling me?

_ Benjamin! – Armand shouted from the other side of the door.

_ Ahh damn, I’ll let you see what Armand wants.

I hobbled out of my office in a lot of pain, and saw my boss glaring at me.

_ Good morning Mr Armand, how can I help?

_ Good morning Benjamin Leroy, where is Oliver?

_ I don’t know, Mr. Armand, I…

_ How do you not know where your boss is? By the way, I have to remind you that you have a balance sheet to show me, where is it?

_ Yes sir, there is, I’ll take it, I just need to print it.

_ Ohh clear, you need to print, do you want me to wait until what time, do you want me to give you more time Mr. Benjamin Leroy?

_ No sir Armand, I’m going to print it I promise, I’m just going to go to my room and …

_ Will soon.

Wow, I’ve never seen Mister Armand so angry, what’s going on, everything is turning upside down, my leg is in pain.

I went back to my room and left the door open and I heard Mr. Oliver’s voice with Armand and they were fighting, I could see that Armand was very worried but I didn’t know why. I needed to present the balance sheet right away and put my boss at ease. I picked up the phone again and called home.

_ Hi mom all right, I need a favor from you.

_ Hi my love, how are you?

_ More or less mom, look pay attention, I need to ask you a favor.

_ Who is the woman on the phone? Benjamin’s father asked.

_ It’s Benjamin, husband, he’s whispering.

_ Mom, please focus.

Suddenly I hear some screams between Armand and Oliver, definitely Armand was neurotic.

“No, you know what, I’m going to do the balance sheet myself, I don’t need my employees to do it, the president does it.”

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