It'll Come Naturally

Chapter 1773 A Second Child For Daisy (Part Three)

"Alright then," Daisy sighed. "I'll find out eventually. Dismissed." Daisy turned on her heel. She had planned to keep the news from the commander for a while, but it now seemed impossible.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

"See you," Kevin replied. "It's probably nothing serious," he comforted her, trying to stay positive. 'If she didn't let the commander know, then who told him?' he thought secretly.

"I hope so. See you soon," Daisy said, walking powerfully yet numbly away, as if she was heading off to war.

It amused Kevin to see how nervous she became and he couldn't help laughing behind her back. After she disappeared from sight, he went back to his office and got down to work. His schedule needed to be reshuffled since Daisy was pregnant. "Good morning, Commander. You wanted to see me?" Daisy entered the commander's office and greeted him with a smile. Not knowing what the commander wanted from her, she was quite on her guard, as much as she tried to hide it. "Oh, Daisy! Come in and grab a seat," the commander said, a beaming smile on his face, just like every other time he saw Daisy.

"Thanks, Commander. I'd better stand and receive orders," Daisy replied. She thought it a must to mind her manners before figuring out why the commander had asked her to come.

"Ugh. So polite! You'd probably get tired standing there. You don't want to wear yourself out, especially now," the commander insisted. Now it was clear that he did know something about her pregnancy, and Daisy had read between the lines.

"Don't worry, commander," she said. "So what do you need?" Daisy went straight to the point. She wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, rather than continue to beat around the bush.

"Patience, patience," the commander replied, still with his kind smile. If Edward hadn't called and told him about the news, he wouldn't have known that she was pregnant even now. "I'm always like this, you know," Daisy mumbled.

"So is it true? You're pregnant?" the commander asked. He wasn't in the mood to keep her guessing anymore. For all he knew, she might very well lose her temper if he didn't ask her straight up.

"Wow, you're really well-informed, Commander," Daisy said with a mysterious smile. "Mind telling me how you found out?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. To be honest, she had already figured out the answer before she asked, but she wasn't one to jump to conclusions. She also wanted to see if she could charm the answer out of the old soldier.

"Why? You want to mess with my intelligence network?" the commander asked a bit seriously. He knew she was going to ask, so he decided to put his foot down and show his authority. After all, Edward had requested that he not give him away in any case. She might try to pump the full story out of him if he wasn't firm enough.

"That's okay, I think I already know," Daisy said with a grimace. "So, how would you deal with it?" she asked, biting her lip. She was getting angry, not at the commander, of course, but at Edward.

"Deal with what? The one-child policy has been canceled, and you can have a second child," the commander asked innocently. But he was merely playing the fool. He knew clearly what Daisy meant, but he still tried to play it off and keep his word to Edward.

"That's not what I'm asking, Commander. Let me put it this way: Have you reassigned my important tasks to somebody else?" Daisy asked in a firm tone. That was the only reason she could come up with for why Edward informed the commander. He wanted her to take no part in any more dangerous missions.

"Don't worry. We all know how strong and capable you are. But think of your child. Dangerous missions are off the table as far as you're concerned." The commander spat it out since Daisy came right to the point. Other than helping Edward, he thought it necessary, too. After all, bad things could happen if Daisy got hurt or overexerted herself, which was the last thing he wished to see.

"No, Commander. I know how far I can go. I can do my job well even if I'm pregnant. Trust me," said Daisy firmly, trying to convince him. She was never a delicate woman, nor was she weak. Surely she would not shrink from her responsibilities this time since she had still carried out missions when she was expecting Justin.

"I never doubted your abilities. But missions aren't meant for pregnant women, Daisy," the commander said softly. He turned his powers of persuasion on her, not only for Edward's sake, but also to avoid the possibility that the public might think their army forces as unsympathetic and inhuman to force a pregnant woman to work beyond her abilities.

"Alright, I get it. But this isn't over, Commander. I'm here to work, not sit on my ass," Daisy said flatly. She gave him a standard salute before walking out of the room without a word.

'Hope Mr. Mu won't get in too much trouble,' thought the commander as Daisy closed the door.

Edward was in the middle of an important meeting when Daisy called. Without a second thought, he left those top managers behind and left the room to answer the phone. For him, it was okay to keep them waiting, but it was a terrible crime not to answer his wife's call at once. "Hey, honey! What's up?" Edward asked most affectionately. But it seemed that his honeyed words were not enough to quell Daisy's raging fury.

"You jerk! What did I tell you about not interfering with my work? Why did you call the commander and tell him I am pregnant?" Daisy lashed out at him at once. She was now incandescent with rage. "So...he told you all about it?" Edward asked gingerly, tilting the phone away from his ear. He couldn't remember the last time she sounded so angry. It was obvious that she was as mad as a wet hen.

"He didn't have to tell me, I knew it was you!" Daisy snapped. She would definitely have thrown him to the floor violently if he stood in front of her now.

"I didn't say anything! I just...well...told him the good news," Edward flinched, holding the phone a bit further away from his ear, in case he would lose his hearing in another rain of curses.

"Ugh! You -- You -- Tell him the good news, huh? You got the commander to do everything you want simply by sharing the good news? You're really something, Edward," she said crossly. She was so angry not because she wanted any glory, but because she had put hours and hours of work in the preparation for both the military exercise and the National Day parade. Now she felt so bad, knowing she had to quit those events halfway through.

"Calm down, honey. Remember the baby," Edward said imploringly. He knew she wouldn't take it well. That was why he reminded the commander repeatedly not to say anything about how he knew about her pregnancy. He didn't expect her to find out about it so soon. "Stop preaching. And don't you dare mention the baby!" Edward had committed the cardinal sin of trying to calm someone down -- don't tell them to calm down. Daisy hung up the phone as soon as she finished speaking. She wanted to dash the phone to the floor but fortunately retained enough sense to settle for forcibly throwing it onto the sofa. Luckily, she didn't lose her head in anger like others.

"Wait, honey! Honey?" Edward was stunned when silence greeted him at the other end. He knew that he was doomed this time, stirring up a hornet's nest. Rubbing his eyebrows, he tried to think of a way to make it up to her before going home today.000000

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