In the Alpha’s Arms Novel

Chapter 65

Luna, Luna, Luna

Cole continued to tug her along until they passed the pack house, until the sounds and faces of other pack members disappeared amidst the tree line as they skirted the main area towards the unused, dilapidated part of the pack grounds. Lita knew of them only in theory, never having actually seen the empty concrete buildings.

“Where are we going? Lita nudged Cole with her elbow.

“You’ll see soon, babe,” he smirked and tightened his arm around her. Already she had stopped needing help to walk thanks to werewolf healing. But Cole pinned her to him anyway, lovingly tucking her under his arm even tighter.

They walked silently along the graveled dirt road that weaved through the tall, weathered buildings. Lita really had no idea how large these pack grounds were and she’d never asked.

“You’re being unusually quiet,” he murmured into her hair.

“Just wondering which horror movie we’re in,” she teased, “Since you won’t tell me where we’re going, you’re most likely leading me off to my doom… This is typically where I discover you’re actually the villain of the story. And then you tell me all your nefarious plans.”

“We’re here,” Cole pointed to a smaller four story building set off to the side, pulling her along to the door, he swept it open, ‘I think you’ve had enough villains for one lifetime, Lita. I never want to be one of them.” His words crashed into her like a wave, washing out those old wounds.

She paused in the doorway, surprised to End that although the outside looked like an abandoned office building, every inch a concrete haggard monstrosity with chipped glass window panes and exposed nasty rebar, the inside was gutted down to the bare concrete walls, like someone was: renovating. There was a set of contractor’s plans laid out on the only piece of furniture, a long work bench. Cole responded to her questioning gaze, “I hadn’t planned on bringing you here yet… this wasn’t exactly how I planned on this day going. I imagined flowers and candles and maybe a picnic in one of the less destroyed rooms but… I also didn’t expect the doctor to show up today and I didn’t expect to want to give you something good after hearing so much bad.”

you to be battered before I brought you here either but

His fingers brushed the edges of a bruise on her face, a small laugh on his lips, “I didn’t expect yo you do seem to always exert your own will on my best laid plans…

Lita jabbed an elbow into his side, “I is this… what you mentioned before? Us moving in together?”

Cole nodded, “This building’s in the best shape and I like the space so I was hoping you wouldn’t hate the location too much… Especially since I really want to get you out of that pack house as fast as I can…

Lita quirked a brow, “You are soooo dramatic! It’s not like we don’t have sex there now.”

His darkened eyes studied hers, “But there are things I’d like to do to you that can’t be muffled by a shower or loud music or even a fluffy pillow…. things that would make you scream my name su loud I doubt you’d ever be able to face the pack in peace.” He smirked at her blush, pressing a small kiss to the corner of her lips. He noted the flushing under her jaw and spreading to her neck. Cole ran his nose along that redness, “And I’ve been practically dying to do all of those things this past week… Not to mention the space would be much appreciated for after your Luna ceremony because when I fully claim you…”

my Luna body and soul, I’m going to need more than one room, I can promise

His breath caught, rattling in his chest a little, “When I fully claim you as my you that

When the hell had it gotten so hot in the empty, arid room? A few moments ago it had been a freezer. Now it was a furnace. Lita couldn’t feel any of her bruises. She couldn’t even feel any of her lingering anger over what the doctor had told her. All she felt was Cole.

“Are you going to show me around?” Lita shakily breathed into his ear, “I’m sure there’s bound to be at least one vision you have for this place that I’il hate. And I declare absolute veto power.”

“Absolute power makes you a tyrant you know? But against my better judgement, I’ll grant your request,” he took her lips gently, pulled back and as if he couldn’t help himself he did it again, “In exchange for a favor later.”

“You’re ridiculous,” she purred, letting him lead her through the first floor. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

TII take that as an agreement,” he gloated, pulling her along to show her his vision. They walked the empty spaces where he painted a picture of where everything was suppose to go. The first floor would have a large living room, kitchen, two powder rooms and dining room. There would be a back porch with a deck that reached the second floor, leading from a pair of double backdoors.

They took an elevator up to the second floor which would have two offices and a meeting room, then the third floor would have several bedrooms and

Luna, Luna

bathrooms, Cole made it a point to say only one or two would be guest rooms, the rest would be for their family and Lita knew he meant kids. As as that wasn’t on the forefront of her mind, she couldn’t deny the desire to have them one day, especially with him. Someday she’d take out her ILD and they’d actually try. It should have been scary but it wasn’t. It was exciting.

The fourth floor was theirs alone with a large master suite and two matching giant walk–in closets. When he was finished explaining what envisioned, he pulled her back to him.


“Soooo, permy for your thoughts?” Cole asked with a smirk. Lita inserted her own requests: a movie room, a game room, something like a screened–in sunroom where she could be alone and enjoy the rain without getting wet.


“Is that all, my perfect, beautiful mate?

“Laying it on thick aren’t we?” she laughed.

I’ve got one more thing to

o show yo

you,” he tugged her ha

her back downstairs and outside. They were back in the woods without a w

a word.

What’s that look?” he gently shoved her shoulder.

I’m thinking this is pretty nice, just walking with you when the sun is still out. I thought you had training? You never have free time in the middle of the day. Not that I do either… she meant to sound matter of fact, but instead she sounded a bit pouty.

“I freed up the rest of my day for you. I’ve missed you too, you know, Always,” his earnest eyes held a hint of guilt that made her look away, “It’s just, you know I have obligations to the pack. I have obligations to the fighters who have come here to train…”

“I didn’t mean to make it seem like I don’t understand, Cole, I just Lita considered not saying anything else but she owed him the truth. She didn’t want him to think she was being petty, or that she didn’t want to be with the pack but there was a tender thread in her chest she needed to put to words, “I’m jealous. Not just because the pack has gotten all your attention lately, even though that definitely sucks, but because I don’t have that kind of purpose, you know? I feel like I’m just existing. Just taking up space here and I’m not really contributing. I don’t even know HOW to contribute. I don’t even know where to start. I don’t feel that connection with everyone that you do, that sense of community. I know you’re going to say it’ll get better and I’m sure it will but it isn’t there yet.”

“Of course I feel comfortable with you, I love you. And even with the original pack. They’re my friends, Hell, even Ace’s smug, annoying ass, but the rest of the pack? I barely know them. I don’t even know how to start to get to know them. I don’t even know if they want me to. I mean how do I know they even want me to be their Lana?”

He ran a reassuring hand down her arm. They do! Of course they do! But I know how you’re feeling, baby, and that’s my fault. I could have remedied this a while ago but… anyway. That’s entirely my fault but after the Lana ceremony, you’ll feel differently. Everything will feel different for you.”

“Luna ceremony?” And now she realized he’d said that twice. What the hell did it mean?

“I didn’t push it because after everything you told me about your parents pushing you marry Brian I didn’t want you to feel that kind of pressure with me because I would never force you. I would never make you do that. But the Luna ceremony is like a werewolf wedding. You’d be effectively marrying me which isn’t that important to me, you being my mate and claimed is enough for me, but you’d be marrying the pack too.”

“It’s a bonding that officially solidifies your position in the pack if that makes sense. I’d be declaring you my mate and coleader of this pack. We’d be bound to our vows to each other and to our pack. Nothing much would change between us except the bond would be stronger but between you and the pack everything will change. You’ll be connected to everyone and you’ll care about them like you would any family. I’m sure you can understand it by thinking about your parents. They too are bound to each other. And they’re a good example for the other aspect of the bond… defiling that bond,” he seemed to be torn between anger and sadness, like he was fighting some baser part of his nature, like he didn’t wish to think of the things he was about to say.

Defiling that hond like your mother did when she conceived you… is punishable,” his teeth ground that last word out, “Not just the way your mother would be punished by losing her rights over everything she owns. She’s a Beta’s Luna so her punishment is less severe but with an Alpha bond, it s punishable by d–death,” he rushed to get the last part out, “Because like I’ve told you before, our baser nature can be consuming. Sometimes Alphas can’t help it, they give in to that nature and when something that’s yours is claimed by another it can be… maddening….

“Is it punishable for the men too? Lita’s voice had dropped to a whisper. What Cole was saying was terrifying. It sounded like Brian all over again. God, what if it had been Brian she would have been bound to? Her heart plummeted into a sea of ice. As if she couldn’t have thought her parents to be more


“No… the men aren t… punished. But 1-1 would never… never… And I mean not


I think you would ever… he shuddered, “Fuck this is… it all sounds bad and menacing and really fucking archaic. I know that. That’s why I didn’t want to bring it up yet. That’s why I didn’t want to make you feel forced. It’s just right now you’re only a provisional pack member. A standard induction into the pack, you haven’t even been officially accepted because I knew one day you’d be Lana and there was no reason to have two ceremonies. I only brought it up now because you won’t feel any sense of duty or purpose until you re officially Lumi… 1- Lita stop looking at me like that… you think I don’t know how it sounds?!

Luna Luna, Luna

Lita couldn’t breathe, “I’m not yours. Not like that! I’m not property, Cole!”

“Yes you are!” he growled deeply, as if it had happened without him even being aware of it, like he couldn’t help himself.

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