In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

In Love With My Evil Stepbrother By sparklytwinkle Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Nails Fight I agree to move in together with Eason, but we haven't really nailed down the details

yet. At first, I thought I would be moving into his penthouse, but later he told me that we were going to get a

new apartment.

"But why? Your penthouse is well furnished and it's not very far from school," I ask confused.

He shrugs, "I've been living in that apartment for almost three years. It's about time to make some changes. I

want a brand-new start with you in a brand-new place."

He speaks like tossing away some old clothes. I simply can't understand his lavish lifestyle. "You seem worried

babe. What's the matter?" he studies my face and asks.

I sigh, "I'm simply worried that mom and Mr. Ramirez will find out about this if we make such a fuss about

moving...and plus, what about the cost?"

I know it’s probably stupid to worry about money now since I'm dating the billionaire's son. But I don't want the

beginning of our relationship to be an unequal one.

His face is full of surprises when he heard me asking. Then, he bursts into laughter, "You are worried that we

can't afford it?"

I'm a little offended by his reaction, "You should always keep in mind that you are not dating a rich girl, so

excuse me for being concerned about money."

Seeing I'm seriously pissed, He quickly kills the laugh and apologizes, "I'm sorry you are right. You should be

allowed to contribute as well. How about this? I'll pay the rent and electricity, and you can pay for our parking

and network.”

So he is still thinking about getting a new house. I hesitate for a second and decide to back down. It's not fair

to ask him to alter his way of living completely. I guess we will have to meet each other in the mid-way.

"OK. Have you decided on the house yet?" I ask.

"Not yet. But I have a few options in mind. You are busy with school stuffs lately, right? So you just worried

about your own business, and I'll take care of the rest."

It feels nice to be taken cared of like this. I can't stop smiling, and then warn him again, "But no luxury

apartments. Somewhere nice and cozy?"

He takes my hand and plants a kiss on it, "Got it."


When he's out there taking care of the apartment, I start to feel anxious about college applications. The summer is ending, which means that the first wave of deadlines and college interviews is quickly approaching.

Yet the worst thing is, I seem to be the only one left who don’t have a clear plan about future yet.

"What did you mean you get an offer already? I thought the application season just started!"

I cry out during lunch time at the cafe, so loudly that people are actually turning their heads to stare. But I ignore everyone else and just stare at Katherine with wide eyes. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

She spreads her hands, “I applied for Early Enrollment and got admitted. Why? What’s the matter?"

I'm too shocked to say a single word. And then Eddie, who is also siting at the same table with us, joins the conversation and asks her, "Sweet. Which school?" "Princeton," she smiles, and I immediately feel

a lump at my throat.

"That's really nice! But you will be so far away from home," Eddie says. "I haven't fully decided yet. My family set me up with a someone. And if things go well, I may not leave the city at all..." I am not listening to them anymore.

I'm not jealous of her of course. She is the only girlfriend I have in this school and she's such a sweetheart who always cares about me so much. But I guess I'm just a bit dismayed by the fact that her life is so perfect and settled while mine remains a complete mess. I swallow down those sore emotions and turn to Alex and Eddie, "What about you two?"

The boys exchange a look of awkwardness before Alex mumbles, "Well actually

No way. They too?

"Well, OK, that's just...just perfect," I suck in a deep breath. "I'm sorry but I think I need some time alone."

I stand up to leave the table, but Alex grabs my hand, "Nat don't be like this. You just went through a lot lately with your family and it’s not too late to start preparing anyway."

He is right. But I know if I keep sitting with them, the peer pressure will crush me down. So I murmur a few words of excuses and break free from his grip to leave. But then, I bump right into someone. "Hey watch it!” A squeaky female voice roars. "Areyou fucking blind??'' I look up and not's my arch enemy Valerie. A vein on my forehead starts to pop. She picks the wrong day to fight. I've got too many grievances and nowhere to vent them.

"What do you want?" I ask, staring into her eyes. She is a little stunned at first, but quickly puffs her chest and replies, "Don't you know how to apologize?" "I do," I say. "But I’m not apologizing to a mean bitch who's been pestering me for too long. And yes, you are that bitch."

A tide of low gasps comes from the nearby crowds. Students in the distance are standing on their tiptoes to watch. Valerie takes a small step back, covering her chest in disbelief and glowering at me furiously.

"You freak!" she yells and smashes her tray of food to the ground. "Your life is so sad and pathetic, and your mom! You two are like pests sucking the Ramirez family's blood! You and your mom should just disappear in people's lives and that’s better for everyone!"

I can't take this anymore.

The next second, I grab the strap of my bag and take a full swing and hit her head with it. She stumbles back letting out a sharp scream, as I jump forward grabbing a handful of her hair.

"Apologize!" I shout to her ears. "Take your shit back now!"

"Ahhh! Get the fuck off me you bitch!!"

She struggles violently, taking me down to the ground todether with her. And then we start to roll around on the floor attacking each other with our fists and nails. Her nails are longer, so I get a few brutal scratches on my face, but I manage to pay her back with a few solid punches. People are streaming with horror around us. Soon enough, someone comess forward and separate us forcefully.

I pant roughly. My mind is so clouded by fury that it takes me a second to realize that Alex is holding me in his arms.

"Calm down Nat,” he says urgently. "It's not worth it."

I snort coldly, "I know. But I need to get that out of my system. You can let go of me now."

He releases me reluctantly. At the same time, Valerie gets up from the floor with the help of her minions. She's covering her nose and moaning, "Oh god my nose... I think my ribs are broken..."

"For god's sake just drop the act!" Katherine says, unable to stop herself. "You scratched her face too! What about that?"

Amidst chaos, heavy footsteps are approaching and the next second our headmaster Ms. Dave pushes through the crowd and comes forward to us. "What is going on here?" she snaps. "Someone gives me an explanation now!"

Valerie acts quickly and points a finger at me, “She hit me and broke my ribs! Someone call 911 and I want my lawyers!" Katherine makes a loud fake cough, "Bitch." I feel anger arose in me again, "Just shut your hole and stop lying!"

"Language!" Ms. Dave hisses. “This is not acceptable. Both of you, in my office,


She escorts both of us into her office and closes the door behind her to block away curious gazes. Then she

comes around the desk and sits down behind it, "I don't care what you have to say. But this is an elite school

for elite students. We do not indulge nails fight and hair pulling-".

"Not all elites," Katherine snorts lowly. "Definitely not her."

Ms. Dave's cold eyes travel over her, “...what I'm saying is that you should be ashamed of your own behaviors,

young ladies."

"But she started it!" Valerie huffs. "We were just talking, and she just hit me!"

Fucking liar! I raise my voice, "You insulted my mom!"

"But you took the first punch!" Valerie shots me a vicious glare and turns to Ms. Dave. "You are right, Ms.

Dave, this is unacceptable! I want to call my mom and dad. I want her to be suspended!"

Ms. Dave narrows her eyes slightly, as if she's weighing the situation. After a short pause, she directs her gaze

to me, "Miss Moore. I have to say, I'm very

disappointed in you."


I can't believe my ears. Then I hear her continues, "We must not let violence control us at any time. I'm afraid

that you need to hold responsibility for this incident. I will give you a detention this time"

"Are you serious?" I grit out. "What about her?!"

Ms. Dave announces coldly, "Miss Vale is the victim here—"

"Victim my ass!" I jump up yelling. "Her nail marks are still on my face! She is faking the injury! Can't you see?

Or are you just pretending to be blind so you can protect the rich kid here?!"

Anger flashes across Ms. Dave's face as she stands up to face me, "Careful with your words and false

accusations Miss Moore. You don't want to get suspended right?"

"But it's so not fair—".

Suddenly, our argument is interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Not now!" Ms. Dave snaps at the door.

"Ms. Dave?" a familiar voice comes from outside the door. "It's Eason Ramirez. My sister is in there.

May I come in?"

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