Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1693

Chapter 1693

Chapter 1693

Barbara’s voice crackled through the phone with a barely contained fury, Skyler, listen to me carefully. If you don’t get your act together and do what needs to be done, you can kiss any chance of seeing your little sister goodbye.”

Skyler snapped back, “Just remember, if anything happens to Iris, don’t expect to get any favors out of me with the Rivera family.”

Barbara let out a cold laugh, “Skyler, you’re not big enough to talk tough with me yet. I’m giving you one more month. If I don’t hear any good news about you and Zavier, I’m sending your sister abroad, and you’ll never be able to find her again.”

With that, Barbara ended the call.

Skyler tried to video call back, but the screen just flashed as the call was declined, and when she tried to phone, a message indicated that the number was already powered off.

Skyler’s face went pale with worry.

What to do? If they really sent Iris abroad, how would her little sister survive all alone?e2 Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Suddenly, a deep male voice broke her train of thought, “You look awful. Feeling under the weather?”

Skyler turned towards the source of the voice and opened her mouth to ask, “Can you help me with something?”

But the words died on her lips, and she swallowed them back down. Asking for help felt more daunting than trying to figure it out herself.

Zavier asked, “Heading back to school?”

Skyler’s mind was so preoccupied with thoughts of Iris that she barely registered Zavier’s words and just nodded absently.

Zavier couldn’t stand her silent, downcast demeanor, “Skyler, no one in this world has sympathy for the weak, nor do they love them.”

Skyler knew that, which was why she was striving to become stronger-to protect not only herself but also the ones she loved. But growth wasn’t overnight, and many issues couldn’t be solved by just ‘getting better.’

Now that she had money and could support Iris financially, she realized it wasn’t as simple as bringing her sister to the Capital. That family of leeches would never let the two sisters go until they’d squeezed out every last drop of value from them.

So, she had to find another way.

Zavier continued, “If you want to be respected and loved, then you have to make yourself strong. Otherwise, anyone can walk all over you and push you into an abyss from which you’ll never recover.”

Skyler bit her lip, “Thanks for your concern. I know what I have to do.”

Zavier inquired, “Worried about your sister?”

Skyler, taken aback, glared at him, “How do you know about my sister?”

Zavier revealed, “I had someone look into your family a while back and learned a bit about the situation between you

Skyler pressed, “What else do you know?”

and your sister.”

Zavier said, “Your parents sent her to a boarding school. She only gets to come home once a month, and they don’t allow any communication devices, so you’ll have a hard time contacting her.”

Skyler, with a hint of anxiety, “Is she really just at boarding school?”

Zavier shrugged, “What benefit would I get from lying to you?”

Relieved to hear her sister was safe, Skyler’s composure returned, “Thank you.”

Zavier warned, “Just because you signed the contract doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods. Go back home today. Come back to the office on Monday, and if there are any changes needed for your songs, you’ll have to work with Tina.”

Skyler nodded, “That’s what I’m supposed to do.”

Zavier offered, “Shall I drive you back to school?”

Skyler shook her head, “No need. The school’s not far. I’ll just take the bus.”

Zavier accepted her decision, “Alright then.”

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