I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 25


It all went downhill very fast , the feisty Luna had attacked me , sliced my chest and that’s when Stefan came to my rescue , but Regan was right there , biting him all over and once I got up , I could hear Stefan’s horrid cry and I did not hesitate to jump on Regan while kicking his mate in the face before I rolled him .

I bit and scratched him all over out of pure anger , but it wasn’t enough to kill him because I had to help my pack get out of there .

I could tell my men put a dent in their numbers and I was happy with my damage on their alpha , so I decided to wrap it up , I hauled my best friend on my back , mind linked him to hold on as I rushed us out of there .Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

But my worry began when I saw how many wolves were hurt and being carried by others .

Running home , we stopped in the middle so that I could look at the injured men and we all shifted back , walking back home naked as we helped carry others while the gash over my front bled until right before we arrived back at the pack .

I hiss as Eleia cleans my healing wound , “Sorry .” Eleia mutters in a worried tone .

I clutch the edge of the couch in my home , my head rolling back as pain shoots us my spine .

“Get the cream .” I hiss and she stares at me with widen eyes .

“Are you sure ?” The concern in her eyes make my heart weak , but I need to heal to check on my pack .

“Yes .” I grit out as I stare deep into her eyes and she nods before getting off her knees in front of me and she darts up the stairs .

I inhale and exhale sharp breaths until they’re steady .

I need to control my heartbeat for this , I need to heal and not get infected .

I could slowly feel my skin pulling together , but not fast enough .

I know the gash is deep , I could feel it in my guts , my insides heal slower and my skin can’t pull together fast when it’s a deep cut .

I hear the pitter patter sound of her feet rushing down the stairs before she comes running into the room , falling onto her knees in front of me , panting a bit .

“I got it .” She mutters , unscrewing the lid before dipping her fingers into the cream , her fingers reaching for me and she halts , her eyes flicking from my gash up to mine .

“Are you sure ?” She asks and I nod , inhaling a breath before baring my teeth as I watch her fingers start to apply the cream .

It’s stings before it burns , like hell fire coursing through my veins , making my stomach want to explode .

“f**k .” My fingers dig into the cushion underneath me , my throat tightening and it feels like the air are sucked out of my lungs as my body takes all of the energy and forces my body to heal with the help of the cream .

It’s like someone is blow torching my skin together and I grunt as I jerk around , her hands on my knees aren’t even helping .

I’m sitting completely naked , slightly shivering as I heal and my shoulders sink as the pain fades .

“You okay ?” Eleia raises onto her feet , bending over as she cups my face with both hands .

I nod and she steps back as I stand and I feel dizzy when I straighten my back but it fades as I take a relaxing breath .

“Can you just go grab clothes for me ?” I ask in a mere whisper and she nods before running up the stairs .

I grab the tub of healing cream and screw the lid back on and by the time I stretch , she’s back with sweatpants , shoes and a jersey .

She tries to help , but I get annoyed , “Stop .” I grit out as I slightly push her back and hurt flashes through her eyes .

I hiss as the material rubs over my healing wound and I grab the tub of cream before walking out of the house .

“Where are you going ?” She follows me and I try to calm myself , “I have to check on Stefan .” I cut her off and she falls silent as we march through the snow .

She’s right on my heels as we walk into the medical building and there are men everywhere , laying on gurneys and sitting around with broken arms .

“Everyone alright ?” I ask as my eyes glance around , everything feeling in slow motion and I see them nod , but I don’t hear anything as I march down the halls , glancing into every room to find Stefan .

He’s my best friend , my beta , my right hand , my positive thoughts , my heart when my parents died .

He’s my brother .

“Can you slow down ?” Eleia calls out to me , but I ignore her and I try to slowl down , but I keep the same pace until I find Rosie , pacing the room and Stefan laying on the hospital bed , knocked out with an oxygen mask on his face and he’s laying bare with linen draped over his nakedness , gashes all over his chest , arms , bite marks on his legs and shoulders .

I inhale a deep breath before entering and Rosie’s eyes light up at the sight of Eleia behind me .

“Eleia .”she chokes on her tears before running into my mate’s arms right past me .

I stand beside my beta , my eyes trailing over his body and I grip the tub of cream in my hand , wondering if I should consider it in his state .

“It’s okay , he’s going to be okay .” I hear Eleia comfort Rosie and I sigh as I turn my head and uncap the tub , scooping up the cream with my fingers .

“What are you doing ?” Rosie’s hand wraps around my wrist and Eleia rests her hand on her shoulder , “Relax , it will help .” Eleia tries to talk her friend down and I bare my teeth as I try not to rip her hand off me .

“Let go .” I demand , “I am helping him .” I explain , not that she deserves it , but if Stefan knew I was rude to his mate , he would smack me right out of his unconsciousness .

Rosie’s eyes flick between me and her mate and she lets me go , standing back and Eleia wraps her arms around her for support .

I put the cream on his arms first , starting small and even with him being unconscious , he jerks in pain and I chew on my inner cheek as I wonder if he’ll wake up from it , but his body stills .

I repeat it all over his wounds , one at a time , giving the pain time to subside before I move on to the other while his mate is crying like a lost pup next to me .

As I do his legs , he sits up with wide eyes , screaming into the oxygen mask that he rips off , his chest heaving as his body jerks and I start to apologise .

His eyes land on his mate , but they aren’t normal .

There’s a sort of crazy to it , a darkness that can’t be tamed until he snaps out of the pain .

He tries to grab me but I swat his hand away and he reaches for Rosie and I grab his wrists , locking them over his chest before pushing him down and a loud growl erupts from my chest , making his eyes widen before going back to normal .

“Aiden .” He breathes out in relief and I sigh , backing up .

“Are you okay ?” I ask and he winches as he tries to sit up , so he settles for relaxing his hands next to his side .

“Yes .” He sighs , glancing around , “How did we get here ?” He asks concerned and I scratch my nape , “I carried you most of the way .” I shrug and his eyes soften , “You do love me .” He teases and I roll my eyes .

I hate that he can still be this big of an a*s while being hurt .

“Unfortunately .” I scoff and he grabs my hand , sincerity flashing through his eyes , “Thank you .” He nods and I shrug him off , “No , don’t thank me . We shouldn’t have gone .” I shake my head and he shrugs , “Don’t be like that , we put a dent in his numbers . We all came back .”

I know he’s right , but the guilt inside of my heart just grows with each beat .

I put all these people in danger and I don’t know if I could forgive myself .

“We could have lost a lot .” I admit but he grabs my hand tightly , “But we didn’t, forgive yourself , you can’t carry this burden because there isn’t one .” Stefan smiles and even if I sometimes think that he’s a pain in my a*s , he’s the only one who could talk me into a better mental space .

“Can I have alone time with my mate ?” Stefan lets go of my hand and I nod , backing up and Rosie doesn’t hesitate to take my place , grabbing his hand like she can’t breathe without holding it and it inspires me , because she loves him .

I know that she will take care of him .

“Come .” I hold my hand out to Eleia , who’s hugging herself and she takes my hand with a smile before we head out of his room .

We walk around and I make sure that everyone’s okay before we head back home .

I don’t know if Stefan will be coming home tonight , the sun is already setting and the doctor might want to observe him for the night since he is the beta .

“I’m hungry .” My stomach rumbles because I skipped breakfast .

Eleia glances up at me with a knowing look on her face , “What ?” I ask and she giggles , “I made steak for dinner .” She beams and even if I want to be mad at her for putting herself to work , I can’t , because she looks so proud of herself .

I chuckle , pulling her into my side as we walk into the house , “You’re wonderful .” I k**s the side of her head and she beams in joy .

“But I’m still making the rest .” Fear flashes through her eyes before she rushes to the kitchen and I follow her with a wide smile as I watch her take charge in the kitchen .

“Take a seat .” She beams sarcastically , but when I don’t , she glares at me before striding over , pushing her hand against my chest , “Sit .” She demands , pushing me down and I stare at her with wide eyes .

“Yes boss .”

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