I know The Devil

Chapter 018|Life was a joke anyways

Chapter 018| Life was a joke anyways

~ Doubt thou the stars are fire

Doubt that the sun doth move

Doubt truth to be a liar,

But never doubt I love

I felt hands on my hoodie and the minute I felt my cheeks curving into a smile, I widened my eyes, not at all thrilled by that Revelation and slapped Law’s hand away from my hair at the same time he dragged my hoodie down and with such great expertise. My band too with it.

I rolled my eyes at his retreating figure hoping the glare I was burning into his back could make up for the big grin that I’d fought the moment I had sensed he was next to me.

“You and the mute huh?” It was Jack.

Now, it didn’t even surprise me when people tried to initiate conversations with me. Some were pleasant just like Tristan’s who had made giving me an energy bar during lunch breaks our thing and had apologized for all those times he had watched his friends bully me and not being able to say anything in my defence though he knew it was wrong. I’d understood, it was peer pressure and regardless of one’s good nature, there was power in numbers. Then, there was also the unpleasant ones who were total douchebags who told me that soon Law would dump me like used toiletries so I shouldn’t entertain the idea of thinking anything had changed and I’m still a scum.

Jack I could tell was going to be in the later department. He was the school football midfielder, was dating a Junior high school cheerleader and was one of the meanest jerks to me with his cruel pranks and never-ending, never funny degrading jokes.

I didn’t reply to him and resumed walking to my locker. He followed me.

“Don’t be like this now, Prude. Just because you seem to be good in-between the sheet and you must have screwed the brains out of Law doesn’t permit you now to act all high and mighty.”

I’ve heard worst rumours circulating on why Law Tyler seems to want to have me around and his trust me was the least absurd so I didn’t budge.

He spun me and pinned me to the wall, making my eyes widen in fright and surprise. I hear them in the hallways, most times in the toilet and washroom when they were unaware we were just a wall apart they called me the untouchable for a reason. Everybody was scared to touch me, to anger Law well except Titiana and Julie whose party was tonight and I couldn’t wait to see how wide their mouth would drop open when they saw me with Law.

“Let me go.” I gritted my teeth at him even as he chuckled lightly at first then it got even more throaty and scary.

“I knew there was something about you,” my eyes widen as one of his hands pinned both my struggling hands to the wall and the other pulled my skirt a hitch higher, “You have always struck me as the type who would be “un vanilla”, ready and wet to be used like a whore she is.” I struggled against his hold, tears pooling in my eyes even as I realized how futile my struggles were since he was thrice my size.

“Why are you crying?” He shook his head amused, “Does Law’s whore not like it when someone is trying to have a civil conversation with her and just can’t wait for her panties to be shifted and then forcefully taken again and again, while she screams even though she is enjoying it. She likes it. She is wet.” I shook my head at the sadistic smile on his face even as his big hands which felt like a thousand insects crawling on my body inched closer to my naked skin, almost teasingly and like a damn punishment.

“No, please No.” I pleaded tearfully shaking my head not liking how helpless I was and sounded.

My eyes were closed as his hand moved the third time and I knew he was going to push up the strap of my bra and touch me even though I had pleaded with him not to when I felt something heavy pressing on my body for barely seconds after hearing a painful sound of fist meeting with skin.

I opened my eyes just in time to see Jack’s body falling from my body to the ground and a seething Law Tyler hovering over him.

His nose was already bloody even as he sat down on the floor, “Fuck you British cunt.” He cursed underneath his breath and I could tell he had a death wish even as I tried to stop the tears that kept on rolling down my cheeks without restrain blurring my sight.

Another sound of a punch and I blinked away my tears aware that the girls now watching Law who had rolled his shirt up to reveal disturbing foreskin muscles were not even in the right frame of mind to know that someone could get killed while they watched Law flexed his muscle.

Another punch. A groan and the sound of something breaking. Dibs on bones.

Jack spat out blood, the side of his cheek already bruised and I could guess would turn green soon. Law’s fist went up intent on delivering him yet another punch not minding that Jack was gurgling blood and was just about to pass out.

“Stop.” My voice was so small, I doubted he heard it in the midst of the chaos and the frightening deadly look I’d seen in his eyes before he settled down on Jack but his hand was suspended mid-air and I exhaled in relief

“Please just stop,” tears rolled down my cheeks while the metallic smell of blood hit my nostril, “Please,” I whispered hoarsely.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

The hallways were quiet. There was a class yet everybody was way too intrigued that the mute had made Jack a bloody mess because of little ole me.

I took a step backwards even as Law held his hand out to me, shaking his head aware of what I wanted to do next. I was predictable, I didn’t want to change that so I ran away from it all. From the bold statement Law Tyler had made in the hallways. He was showing everyone what he’d do to anyone who would mess with me. Jack was on the floor yet I could still feel my tummy turning inside out at the thought his hand had been on my body, tears still pooled in my eyes at the names he had called me and the thought of what he would have done with me if not that Law showed up and nothing would have happened.

I fell to the ground and stayed there. Someone was beside me. I could see him through my peripheral vision. He was a shade of black and shadows just like my life had been. Now, I didn’t know what it was becoming but it scared me even more at the thought that I just might be getting used to the idea of being protected and cared for.

Someone was crouched behind me and I felt string familiar hands hugging me from behind, offering me some of his strength because I was after all not as strong as I liked to believe.

I choked on my tears while he just held on to me.

“He was going to__” I paused not wanting to voice out how violated I’d felt. I’d been.

“I’m sorry, Il mio fiore di loto.” His head was now on top of my neck even as his big body swallowed my entire fragile petite one, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”

“At least you were eventually,” I muttered ignoring how unbelievable it was that the Law Tyler was sitting on the ground with me, despite how perfect he always looked and how Pristine everything he wore on his body was yet he sat behind a girl like me, hugging her even though this floor has been stepped on severally today.

“Then what if you stop being there. You finally disappear just like you had appeared in my life. What if I come to school one morning and nobody is dragging my hoodie down and I’ve to bear the obnoxious loud comment of ‘dumped slut’ whenever I pass the hallways? What if this is just a game to you and you end up gone?”

I was on his lap the next minute, too emotionally gone to marvel at how fast he had made me straddle him and was now holding me to him even as he leaned in and I felt his tongue on my chin. He licked my tears and I fisted my hands on his hoodie, wanting to ruin it, make it imperfect, make him imperfect so I could believe that he truly wanted me, was going to hang around with a poor, pathetic charity case even though he could have anyone.

I cried even more as he lapped on my tears, again and again. There was nothing sensual about it but it felt so intimate, so bone curling. It felt like something was changing in the air and I have no control over it.

“Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt thou the moon doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.” His grey eyes held mine, “Shakespeare. I decided to read up everything about him since your very clever advice last night to monetize my meaningless yet deep words.” He grinned at me, “Guess what? he made a shit ton of money.”

I laughed despite the tears in my eyes. Laughed because I didn’t know when next I’ll be doing that. Laughed because life was a joke anyway.

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