Hot Coffee (The Hollens)

Chapter 57 (Aftermath)

Chapter 57 (Aftermath)

Ethan's POV

"I slapped her in the face and called security to capture her. I couldn't believe she hurt Emma like that.

She was supposed to clean the bedroom, not attack her!" Halley said in anguish as we sat in a public

hospital, waiting to hear about Emma's condition from a doctor.

I hated hospitals. Something about them screamed death with their cold halls and rooms. I hated

them. I was going crazy and I wanted to kill someone. I wanted to wrap my hands around something

and squeeze the life out of it.

Why couldn't I catch a break? Why so much hate and anger? What did Emma ever do to anyone to

deserve such an attack?

I blamed myself. Hiring that maid out of the blue because I was angry with Emma for the miscarriage. I

didn't even conduct a proper background check on Hannah like I usually did all my employees.

I was so focused on capturing Sharon— the woman who killed my mom— that I forgot all about Emma

and what Linda said about Hannah being Sharon's sister. And my father was sleeping with her? My

own dad! After he knew damn well that I was engaged her? What the hell was he thinking? No wonder

he never showed any remorse when I told him about mom.

But I was to be blamed for everything. I was too blind and too kind to the people around me. I trusted

people too much and was too down-to-earth with them that they walked all over me and took my

kindness for weakness; but that ended today. I was no longer anyone's friend.

I'm Ethan Hollen and the only friend I need is the woman fighting for her life and the twins' in that

surgery room.

"Mr. Ethan Hollen?" a voice spoke, after two long hours.

"Yeah?" Tears were in my eyes and I was filled with worry.

"Sir, we've managed to stop the bleeding and stitch the wound. She was hit on the head with a blunt

object after putting up a fight."

"How did you knew she fought back?"

"There's skin of the attacker under her nails and her fists had bruises on them."

I smiled internally, knowing that she fought back for herself and the babies. The babies. What about my


"Doctor, what about the babies?" I asked with the deepest fear.

"The babies are okay. We conducted an ultrasound and ran blood work, they're alive and well."

"Thank you so much."

"That's one tough cookie you have there, Mr. Hollen. Count your lucky stars."

"Thank you so much. I appreciate everything."

"She's awake and asking for you. She won't calm down until she sees you, so you better get in there

and comfort her. Right this way." All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

I got up, leaving Halley behind, and followed the doctor to Emma's room. Her head was bandaged.

"Hey baby," she greeted me as cheerfully as ever. She didn't appear to be hurt or in any form of pain. I

couldn't believe my eyes.

"Emma, baby. I'm so so sorry. I failed you again. I'm so sorry." I began to cry.

"Baby, stop. You did not fail me. You saved me."


"Because you taught me how to defend myself. It could've been worse. Hannah had a gun."


"Yes, she had a gun. I managed to get it out of her hands and it slid in underneath the bed. I punched

her a few times to the face. We scuffled for a bit; that's when I dug my nails into her chest. She got a

hold of one of something and whacked me over my head. I fell, but I heard Halley barge into the room

so I knew I was safe. I blacked out after that. She hit me right on my temple."

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I should've been there; but I'm proud of you. You did such a brave thing."

"Thanks to you. You changed me into a better person. I wasn't brave at all, everyone stepped on me or

stepped over me. You allowed me to speak up, take chances and take risks. And I love you."

"I love you too." I hugged her gently, afraid to hurt her. "The doctor told me that you've been acting up."

"Oh. He wouldn't let me see you and I wanted to see you. I told him if he didn't let me see you, you'd

have his head."

I threw out a loud laugh and shook my head. "We caught Sharon. She'll never be able to come

between us again. You should get some rest."

"I don't wanna rest. I wanna go home!"

"Baby, calm down. I'll ask the doctor when you can leave. Okay?"

She nodded.

I went to find the doctor.

He explained that they should keep her overnight for observation in case there was a concussion or

any internal bleeding. He assured me that she could be home tomorrow if it was nothing major. She

lost some blood but otherwise she was fine. She'd be one hundred percent very soon and I couldn't

wait to have her in my arms in our house. I was even thinking about moving completely, and start over

somewhere new and somewhere fresh without the bad memories. I would need her input on that idea.

"She'll be alright," I told a worried Halley. "Thanks for coming to her aid. I don't know what would've

happened to her if you hadn't barged in when you did."

"You're welcome. And that's part of my job also. She's my best friend and I don't wanna see her hurt."

"Or your big brother."

"Yes, or you." She threw her arms around me.

I hugged her back and remembered when Nana first adopted her so she could live with us. She was

originally from France, but her family was murdered by drug dealers when they moved to the United


Nana worked with an adoption agency at the time, so she adopted Halley, and I grew jealous because I

didn't have all my Nana's attention anymore. Nana told me to call her sister, but I never looked at her

like that. She knew I disliked her in the beginning but she stuck around. Her kindness won me over

and, eventually, I warmed up to her. She had always looked at me as her big brother.

"I'm happy she'll be alright. I can't wait to meet the babies. You're promoting me to babysitter, right?"

"Ha ha, that would be Emma's decision."

"Oh, I know she will."

"Uh huh. Lets get out of here. I hate hospitals. Emma will be home tomorrow."

"Did police arrested Hannah?"

"Yes. After the security guards restrained her I called the police. They were already in the



The next morning the hospital called and informed me that Emma had been discharged by the doctor

so I could pick her up at anytime. I didn't hesitate. I wanted my three babies home.

I took one last sip of the coffee I made myself; it tasted like shit. I took my keys, took the elevator down,

and ran to my car. I sped to the hospital.

"Mr. Hollen, you're fiancee is right this way," a nurse greeted and took me to Emma's room.

She lit up when she saw me.

She kissed my cheeks and took my hand, pulling me out of the room. "Lets go!"


It had taken over a month to arrange for the burial of my mother given the transport from Italy to the

United States, the autopsy, the investigation into her death, and the paperwork. There was more

paperwork than I'd have ever thought possible.

Emma always looked beautiful in black and at almost three months pregnant she was glowing. She had

a gauze bandage on her temple to cover up the cut made by the assault.

I activated the alarm systems and everyone, dressed in black, assembled outside. Emma, Halley and

Nana traveled with me in the limousine, which was driven by Luis.

Many of mom's friends, who owned hotels and restaurants and businesses around the world, showed

up to give their respects and condolences. After the church service, we headed outside to bury her.

There wasn't any sign of my father, still. I was scanning every face for him.

Nana cried, bitterly.

I cried, making sure not to make it noticeable. I cried because it hurt to hear Nana crying.

Halley cried and I couldn't understand why. My mother never liked her.

Emma was sad, it was clear by her face, and I saw when she wiped a tear away.

I put on my dark sunglasses as someone tapped me on the shoulder. The casket had been covered by

soil already in front of a tombstone with her picture.

"Hello, son," my father greeted and extended his arms for a hug.

I channeled all my energy into a punch that connected with his jaw and sent his falling backwards on

his ass. He took a tissue from his pocket and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"I'm not your son," I said firmly as I walked over to him.

He looked up with rage and anger.

"Ethan! Stop it!" Nana yelled behind me as she moved over and pulled me back to her.

Emma hugged me and buried her face in my jacket, which calmed me instantly.

"She told you?" he asked, getting up from the ground and making his way over to me.

"Don't you fucking come any closer or I'll break your neck and send you to the grave with the harlot!" I


He stopped. "Son, you don't understand."

"What don't I understand? That this whole thing was your idea? You were screwing Sharon behind my

back while plotting to kill me and my fiancee for my money and my company. You're going to jail!"

"Bertrand McHall, you're under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder. You have the right to remain

silent, anything you say can and will be use against you in the court of law. You have a right to an

attorney, if you can't afford one, one would be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights?"

Officer Ryan said, wrenching his wrist into the handcuffs.

"Ethan, you bastard! You're no son of mine, boy. You're a shame to my name! I hope that fiancee of

yours finishes the job for us!"

"Never!" Emma shouted and tears fell from her eyes. "You're an awful father. I'll never hurt him."

"Forget him," I told her as we watched the car drove away with him in it.

Finally. I would be able to live in peace until the twins came along.

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