Chapter 25


Wait, isn’t this the girl that I took her strange necklace?


She also attends this school?

And that aside, why’s she with Xavier?

Why did they come in together?

Do they know each other?


Different unanswered questions!

Tch, tch, she better don’t have eyes for my Xavier because he’s mine.




As we stepped into the cafeteria, the cafeteria suddenly became noisy as students screamed happily.

I turned and noticed Xavier had a plain look while Chelsea was clingy to him like a magnet would do to a magnetic object.

She had smiles on her face as she placed her arms around Xavier.

The girls were throwing glances at him and it wasn’t just any glance but I really couldn’t tell the kind of look.

But there seemed to be something special in that look they gave him.

But soon enough, the news died down and the students continued eating.

I shrugged and followed them as they walked towards a strange looking thing that the students sat to eat.

Okay, what’s this?

Why’s everything here looking strange to me?

I don’t want to go about causing another humiliation for myself because of my ignorance. And so, I just decided to ask.

“Uhm, Xavier? What’s this that the students are sitting on?” I asked lowly and tapped him lightly on his shoulder.

He turned and glared at me.

“Dumb head.” He muttered and rolled his eyes.

“That’s a booth.” He grumbled lightly.

“Oh!” I nodded my head.

“Wait! Don’t tell me she’s sitting with us?” Chelsea suddenly grunted with a disdainful look.

“I guess so.” Xavier shrugged nonchalantly.

“Xavier?” She whined.

‘she can’t seat with us! I don’t want her to seat with us!” She grumbled angrily.

Xavier didn’t say anything but went ahead to seat down.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

As I was about to seat down too, she held me firmly by my arm.

“Hey, you don’t belong here, you know? You’re too dirty to seat with us.

You’re classless and you don’t belong here.

You are not supposed to dine with us.” She snorted disgustfully like I’m a piece of trash or dirt.

“I don’t get you Chelsea.” I said lowly and twitched my lips.

Xavier just sat down and watch us.

‘seriously? Are you that dumb? I don’t want you to seat us.” She hissed angrily.

“But Xavier’s mom said he should take care of me at school because it’s my first time.

If I don’t eat here where then will I eat?” I asked and stared at her crumpled face.

She doesn’t know that she looks like the devil’s daughter when she’s angry and having that crumpled look.

“Does he even look like he cares? He’s obviously unconcerned.” She said and smirked.

Before I could say anything, she pushed me hard and before I could even hold anything, I landed hard on the floor with my butt.

Some students turned to our directions and I felt so hurt.

Some students laughed mockingly while my head was bent in shame.

Chelsea crouched in front of me and lifted my chin up.

“I don’t want to see you near my Xavier again. Don’t think because you live with him in his house you should feel like a queen.

You definitely don’t stand any chance with him.” She whispered with a taunting grin.

She stood up and patted my hair, “good girl.” She said with a hint of mockery in her voice.

As I tried to stand up, I felt a strong hand around my waist.

I turned and saw Xavier’s friend, the one that had told me that I look pretty.

He helped me up from the floor. Xavier and him threw angry glare at each other before he held my hands and walked away.

We got to another booth and he gestured for me to seat.

Without any hesitation or reluctancy, I succumbed and sat on the booth.




As I sat on my booth and ate, I suddenly started hearing whisperings from the booth beside mine.

I listened raptly and I got to find out that they were talking about the new student and Chelsea.

Now, only for me to take a look and saw Chelsea bullying Delaney when Xavier is there.

I wasn’t happy seeing Delaney being talked rudely and being bullied by Chelsea.

She has no right whatsover!

Though I use girls, I don’t fancy bullying. In fact, I don’t like it one bit.

Xavier couldn’t even do anything but just seat and watched Chelsea hurt Delaney.

Xavier’s is still blind not to see the mesmirizing beauty of Delaney.

He’s still blind not to notice how beautiful she is.

He shouldn’t worry, until I make her mine before he’ll realise how pretty she is.

I feel I’m attracted towards her and I wouldn’t mind having her myself.

I’m going to make sure I have her and Xavier isn’t gonna stand a chance.




“I’m Rio, in case you don’t know.” Xavier’s friend who helped me, said with a small smile.

“Oh! Okay.” I mouthed lowly.

‘so, you are Delaney right?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I smiled lightly.

“Hope you like the meal?” He asked sweetly.

I stared at the food in front of me and stared back at him.

“Yes.” I nodded my head with a smile.

“I’m really grateful Rio.” I said sincerely.

“You’re welcome. And don’t worry about Xavier, he’s always like that; he’s the I- don’t- care type but he’ll definitely come around.

And Chelsea, she behaves bitchy sometimes especially when it comes to Xavier.

So, don’t take her actions toward you to heart.” He told me with a smile.

“It’s no big deal. I don’t really care too.” I shrugged plainly and ate slowly from my meal.

“Alright, eat up. Lunch break is almost over.” He urged and smiled at me.

“Uh! Sure.” I mouthed.



After few other subjects, school was finally over.

It wasn’t too much of fun because the students weren’t nice at all.

They didn’t even want to talk nicely to me.

And the obj… Laptop, I had broken due to my ignorance, was taken away and I was given a new one.

The teacher had taught me how to use it and I was quick to grab the teachings.

For the rest of day, I was able to use the laptop: but not perfectly well. At least, I can open it and turn it on and off.

Chelsea was so clingy to Xavier as we were about going home.

She wanted to come along with us but she said she got things to do in the house.

I was glad because I wouldn’t seat with her in the same car with her throwing angry glare at me at intervals.

She hugged Xavier before going over to her ride.

I got inside the car with Xavier and he didn’t even spare me a side glance.

The drive home was very quiet, with no words said between the two of us.

The quietness was so uncomfortable and I couldn’t wait to go home.

We got home and I was the first to alight.

He alighted too and he surprised me by suddenly gripping my arm, pulling me to an abrupt stop.

“Don’t tell mom about what happened at the cafeteria okay?” Xavier warned sternly.

I yanked my hand away from his grip and stared blankly at him.

“That’s for me to decide.” I snorted and walked into the house.

“Delaney!” His mom screamed happily and ran to meet me at the door.

I smiled lightly at her and went into her open arms.

“How was school today? Do you like the school? Were the students nice to you?

Did the things in the school fascinate you?” She asked all at once, not even giving me the chance to say anything.

“Which one am I supposed to answer?” I laughed lightly.

“Oh! My bad! Sorry, I guess I was too elated. So, how was school today?” She asked with a smile.

“It was fine.” I smiled lightly.

“We’ll talk about the school later, so tell me, how was Xavier to you today?” She asked eagerly.

I turned and caught Xavier giving me a warning sign not to say anything.

“Well…” I was suddenly saying when Xavier suddenly interrupted and walked up to meet us.

‘really mom? Have I become invisible that you couldn’t even welcome me?” He scoffed.

“That will wait. Not until Delaney tells me something nice about what you did to school today.” She chuckled lightly, like a young school girl.

‘seriously mom.” He huffed and glared at me.

‘so Delaney, tell me. How was Xavier at school today toward you?” She asked.

“Well, he wasn’t nice. He made Chelsea bully me.” I pouted sadly.

The woman turned and glared at him and walked to cover the remaining space between Xavier and her but Xavier moved backwards quickly and widen his eyes in shock.

“What? Just kill me already!” Xavier exclaimed disbelievingly.




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