His Little FLOWER

Chapter 32: 32 - He Promised Me

Chapter 32: 32 - He Promised Me

"Sweetheart, don't be scared. It's me", Rose heard grandpa, laughing from the other side which made

her breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Grandpa this ain't funny", she shook my head in disbelief, by his prank at the midnight. Unlocking the

door, she saw him still laughing.

"Mr.Josh, you scared me", she poked fun at him, as he quelled his laugh, mumbling out an apology.

"Here, you forgot your phone. If you need anything or if you are scared to stay alone. Call me ok", he

instructed, for which she gave a nod.

Once, he left she locked the door and settled back on the bed.

The dark mist crashed them like a merciless storm as if its only intention is to destroy. Everyone has

been tossed away violently, hard enough to crush their bones into pieces.

All groaned in pain, their body ached inexplicably. "Fuck this storm, I think my leg got sprained", Hank

grunted in pain for which Glen shook his head negatively, knowing it got nothing to do with nature.

"No, it is not a hurricane, it is him", he coughed, despite having a hard time breathing.

"Who?", hank, looked at him puzzled. For which Glen sighed out before replying, "I don't know, he is-".

Glen's jaw dropped in terror, he clenched his hair, as it's driving him mad. He eyed all around, they are

not in the woods anymore. This place is barren, every direction is a never-ending one filled with nothing

but darkness.

Only darkness...

He highly doubts, wondering Are they even in the world or not? "What the fuck? Where are we?",

Dimitri panicked, arising from the surface, he didn't give importance to his pain as he started to run

everywhere like a lunatic to find a way out.

As all started to run like Dimitri in every direction, hoping to find the way out but ended up in the same


Among the hundreds of Soldiers, one person's eye caught sight of a dark figure among the emptiness.

That beastly form looked like a human and it screamed Power.

Despite the darkness, he saw something in the wrist of that dark form. Some words are blazing with

steel-white luster.

Focussing intently on those words, he managed to spell out the first two words. "It looks like C and then


"The next word looks like P", another voice broke out, which is from another Soldier, who stood beside


"What is the next word? It is unclear", they both looked intently, but couldn't look over clearly.

"The next two words look like O and-", another Soldier, trailed off before saying further, "And N".

"E", Glen stuttered out the last word, sweat started to trickle through from his body, profusely.

"CAPON-", before hank could end up saying the name completely, there was a piercing scream that

could even rip a flesh, echoed from behind made all to jerk their head in the opposite direction.

As they witnessed one of the soldiers among them was on the ground, twitching ferociously on the

ground like a dying worm, with blood oozing out from him.

They all turned around in a flash, to glimpse back at the place where he stood before is empty now.

Dimitri stood behind them, too scared to utter a word, let alone breathing. There were times, he thought

Capone was not a real one, it is just to create fear among all.

Now, he knows, Capone is real. He saw that Soldier's hand was ripped apart from his body. Him,

screaming with pain crashing on their ears like a warning.

In a flash of a moment, Capone took a loquacious stride towards them all, and the long ax he is holding

dripping with blood.

Soldiers ran towards him to attack together, despite the fear that is fraying them alive, with few backed

off, with few desperately finding a way out from the place, with few vowing to leave the Comrosta

Organization, if they leave from this place alive.

Dimitri still glued to his spot, with his trembling body as he watched Capone massacring them all


His breath choked in his throat when he witnessed, that long Ax gored across the neck of one of the

Soldiers, as Capone yanked off the Ax back, with Soldier's head hurled out from his body.

But, still, Dimitri couldn't see the face of his, there was darkness encircling around Capone, making him

look like nothing but A Dark Shadow.

As all started to dissipate away from Capone, afraid like A Sheep. But, that didn't stop Capone, from

reaching out to them.

Just like A Furious Lion is Capone, who wanted to show everyone who is in Control here. Without

uttering a word, nor even paying heed to their pleadings, he slew them, tearing down their fleshes with

the Ax.

After what felt like an eternity, Dimitri stood still there, with a shaking body, tears, and sweats streaming

through his face.

Dimitri saw Capone wiping off the torn flesh, which got clasped in the Ax as he took a puff out of the


He saw one of the Soldiers, is still alive probably, breathing his last. Dimitri could sense that Capone is

watching him now.

Without averting his eyes from Capone, Dimitri took a few steps back with his wobbling legs.

He saw Capone's view now on the dying Soldier as he jabbed the Ax against the head of the Soldier.

With that, the dying Soldier breathed his last, not a normal death by a cruel one as his head has been

cut off of his body which made Dimitri stop in his tracks, with a horrified face.

His face turned pale, with trembling legs, as he looked all around to find hundreds of Soldiers,


He saw Capone is now coming towards him, involuntarily, with fear leading him, he stood on his knees,

with his face pressed against the ground. He didn't even raise his head, too afraid to even look above.

Dimitri started to chant, literally started to cry out, that if he makes out from this place alive, he will

leave the whole Mafia thing and never come back, ever again.

With minutes, felt like an hour, mustering up from Strength, Dimitri lifted his head from the ground,

looking up, he fell sideways in shock, and relief spread across him, as he met with the sight of his


He didn't care about how he reached his Mansion anymore which is impossible to occur in a matter of

seconds nor he cared about what took place anymore.

All he yearns for now is to live, nothing more nor less...


I jerked up from the bed, short, by the loud thudding sound of the window.

I noticed the window banging against the mullion. I glimpsed a flash of lightning at a faraway distance.

I made my way towards the window, as I pulled the sash. But stopped my moment in the mid, frozen

not completely connecting with the fact of what I am witnessing right now.

I gawked in between the gap provided by the window glass. I broke out in a sweat, Did I just saw a


I wiped the sweat from my brow with a shaking hand. It's obvious he is a human but his form is beastly,

there is a hue of darkness surrounding his form making it impossible to catch sight of his face.

With his one hand, he dragged a countless number of dead bodies as he tied every dead one together

with a massive steel chain using the other hand, he blew out the cigar peacefully.

Their body parts are missing, some headless, some doesn't have hands, ripped flesh as if it has been

devoured by a creature.

Maybe I should call the Cops. He killed them brutally. I reached out to the phone which is placed on the

nearby table.

Without averting my eyes from the dark figure, I reached out for the phone, which ended up as a

failure. I shut my eyes close, the moment my phone slipped away from my hand.

Amid Silence, the sound of my phone hitting the surface echoed, making my breath hitch in my throat.

Opening my eyes, I forgot to breathe, when he stopped in his tracks.

Oh, God! I am so dead...

To be honest, I should run and hide in the deepest layer on the earth but my legs are unwilling to move

as it was too much for my senses to take in everything.

He tilted his head towards my way, he looked so cool blowing out the smoke, as if my witness is not a

big deal. Why I couldn't see his face? Something dark started to encircle him so deeply, maybe

because it is midnight.

He tilted his head towards skywards, as involuntarily, I did the same. Brilliant lightning hit across the

dark sky along a roaring thunder made me close my eyes, frightened.

Not even a moment passed, I opened my eyes, and horrified in shock when I spotted the man who

dragged the countless number of Corpses is not here anymore nor the bodies. That spot is empty as if

nothing happened.

What did I saw just now?...

Black dots started to appear behind my eyes, shading my vision. My body started to give out, with

darkness consuming me.


My eyes twitched open by the chitter noise of birds as light streaked on my face directly, making me


Arghh! I hate this...

"Ferr, hide me please", I mumbled, trying to hide inside his chest, but met with silence filled with a void

when I remembered that he is not with me, I exasperated a sigh.

Opening my eyes, I looked around perplexed. Wait, how did I fall asleep? I remember the window

rowing sound, I got up to close it. Then?

I don't remember, maybe I settled back on the bed again, I shrugged off.

Opening the door, I met with the sight of guards surrounding my treehouse. Making my way out, I

noticed so many cars & guards everywhere. I feel as if I'm in Military headquarters.

Grandpa might have been so pissed right now...

I made a jog towards the home, to find guards surrounded. Reaching inside, I noticed grandpa walking

back & forth grunting something under his breath in annoyance. But Granny, just like every time, being

cool whilst cooking.

"Sweety, Go and get fresh. Let's have breakfast and yeah Linda is waiting for you in the room", he

asserted, giving a nod. I ran towards the room.

Opening the door, I saw Linda sitting on the bed. "Linda", I called her, hearing my voice she stood up

like a flash squealing happily.

"Rose, it's been a long time", she sighed, as we shared a friendly hug. She is living nearby and yeah,

she's right, the last time I saw her was six years ago.

She is 3 years younger than me, being at far away distance, we were still in contact with each other

through phone calls and messages from the day we remember.

"Indeed", I smiled, pulling back. "So, what's up?", I began the conversation as we both settled on the

nearby couch.

"Well, nothing much. But, I have to say this, exams sucks", she groaned in annoyance, making me


"Ok, you wait here. I will be back soon", I told her, as she gave a nod. Taking my clothes and towel, I

made my way towards the restroom.

"So, how is your Billionaire boyfriend?", she teased, wiggling her eyebrows playfully, which left me


"How do you know that?", I queried, bewildered for which she looked at me with a shocked expression.

"What do you expect? Having A Rich man as your boyfriend. It's on the news.", she stated, making my

jaw drop. How come I didn't notice that?

"When did you read something like that?", I interrogated, she thought for a moment before replying,

"One month before, I guess".

One month before, it is probably the time I was in the hospital with ferr, where he got stabbed. At that

time, the news might've got spread.

"As I read, The Famous Billionaire Ferrari Raffa Knight is in Love. He got his first tattoo which is Rose

that symbolizes his LadyLove's name, Rose Brooklyn. I got even a picture of you and your boyfriend,

where you are holding his arm, the location looked like Office.", she trailed off, everything in a single

breath, I gave her an understanding nod.

"So, where is he now? Why didn't he come with you?", she queried, as her voice filled with curiosity. My

thoughts wandered off, not knowing what to answer for this.

Where is he? I don't know...

She waved her hands in front of my face to gain my attention. "Daydreaming?", she chuckled, for which

I shook my head negatively.

"He went for a business trip. He will be back soon", I said, she nodded.

After having breakfast, Me and Linda, talked about so many things, as the whole day went on like that.

I feel weird, I couldn't stay happy for so long.

One moment I was smiling, the next moment I feel lost. I don't know how long I could smile like I'm fine.


No calls, not even a message I got from him. His phone is switched off, making my everyday feel like a

battle trying so hard to push on.

"Rose", My thoughts got interrupted by the voice, that could be heard from outside.

I looked through the window, to see Linda, standing over there waving her hands at me. Saying her to

wait over there, taking my wallet, I made my way towards the Hallway.

"Granny, I am going out with Linda. I'll be back soon", I informed her, while she's reading the

newspaper with her glasses on.

"Ok, Sweety. Be careful", she sounded nervous, looking at the newspaper, before averting her eyes

back at me.

"Is something wrong?", I queried looking at her anxious face for which she shook her head negatively,

forcing a smile.

We both got down from the car, through which guards reached this place, as I made my way towards

the photographic store.

"Well, someone is in a hurry", Linda's teasing words had me flushed, as I faked a glare towards her.

"Mr.Dolton, Is it ready?", I felt excited, to see that. "Yes, it is", he smiled, made us wait, as he went

inside to take that.

"Here", he showed the photo frame, which I asked him to do. I snatched from him, making him and

Linda laugh, I felt shy for a second.

Paying the money, I made my way back to the car with Linda at my side. I touched his face which is

inside the photo frame, gently. This is the picture of Us, which we took on our first date.

"Aww... This picture is so cute besides he is a hot beardo", she commented making me hide the picture

against my chest, instantly. The next moment, I felt shy again, I'm being childish.

She laughed out, "Woah, don't go all like a cavewoman, he is yours", for which I didn't say anything.

On our way back home, she inquired about my new job. Since I resigned from my job, from Ferr's

Company. I barely worked there, less than a month.

I sent my resignation letter to Daggeron, who is taking care of Ferr's Company now along with his. His

friends are always supportive.

At first, he didn't accept my resignation, after my endless counter of pleading, he accepted in the end

with a saying, "He's gonna demolish the company, you have joined once he comes back".

I think this is for the best, once he comes back definitely he won't take me back to the Office, ever

again as for the last time, I got kidnapped.

So, I thought this is the only way, that I could able to feel independent despite the average payout, it is


I made my way back to my home to find the hallway empty. Probably, Granny would've gone to spend

some time with Mrs.Elsie, who is Mr.Cooper's Wife.

Reaching the bedroom, I looked for the spot to hang our photo frame. Among the wooden wall frames

of photos with my grandparents, I saw one of the photo frames has my picture alone. Removing that

from that spot, I replaced it with Ours.


But my admiration short-lived as it got interrupted by the shrill ringtone of my phone. It is from an

unknown number, as I attended the call.

"Hello, this is Rose Brooklyn."

"Good morning, Ms.Brooklyn. My name is Alice Colbert and I'm calling from RD News Channel."

She introduced herself, which left me confused. Why she is calling me? I mean from News Channel.

"How can I help you?", I questioned.

"Actually, our channel is making a coverage video about Deceased Billionaire, Mr.Knight. For that, we

need your support too, an interview. Since You're his former girlfriend, Can you share your memorable

moment, your past life with him? We will pay you higher than other channels"

Lack of breath is felt through my body, feeling dead inside. As my lungs work to bring in the much-

needed oxygen, even then I feel as if I'm drowning in the air.

I could hear the voice from the phone, she is saying something but I couldn't hear, it sounds as if it is

echoing somewhere to the extent. I stood immobile, with my eyes glued to the picture that hangs on the


He Promised...

I see him. I do. I see the love in those eyes, for me until my vision got blurred. The love you would have

given me, Is it for the scars?

Tears came as if my pain had at last condensed into a deluge of rain.

"Ms. Brooklyn, Are you there? We will pay you high, at least Can you say what is the last word he told

you before the Car blast"

With that, my whole body became numb, too weak to handle it. I collapsed on the floor, only love can

wound so deep, cut to the very core.

The only man I loved so much became my assassin. The tool of my greatest pain. I could be hurt in

any way by another and still bounce right back, but you...

I looked at the phone as it ringed again, attending the call it was from another channel.

"Can you give us an int-", before I could hear further, I tossed the phone away around.

No, it can't be true. What if he is still alive? This news might be fake. Without wasting a moment, I ran

outside searching for John. When I couldn't find him, I asked one of the guards, as he told me John is

in that storage room.

Running towards the room, I knocked on the door, impatiently yelling out his name.

Opening the door, I met with the sight of John, who stood as if he is broken with dried tears. The sound

of news resonated from his phone as he held them rigid in his hands.

I took the phone from him with shaky hands. Seeing the headlines, I wished I could've died, I felt it

would have been much better if I'm blind.

The picture showed the burned parts of the car on the display, as they towing from the rocky river.

"Business Tycoon Ferrari Raffa Knight died in a car blast. The body has not been found yet"

I gave his phone back, taking a deep breath, I wiped off my tears.

"John, I want every guard to leave this place including you and William.", I declared, unwavering with

my decision.

I made my way back home but stopped by William who stood in my way.

"Ma'am, plea-", I raised my hand, motioning him to stop.

"Everyone, leave now. Do not come back here without him", I stated but interrupted once again by

John's word.

"Rose, try to understand. There might be a high chance, his rivalries will-", I stopped him in the mid,

knowing what he is about to say.

"I don't care, he promised me that he would never let me go. He promised me, that would stay with me,

always comes back to me no matter where he goes.", I choked out not able to control my emotions


Gulping down my pain, I proclaimed, "I don't want anyone's protection anymore. He broke his promise,

I hate him."

I ran away from that place, as I could hear granny's voice calling me from behind, not paying attention

to anyone's voice with inexplicable grief consuming my heart, I ran towards the treehouse and locked NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

the door before anyone could reach inside.

I collapsed against the locked door, curled up, hugging my knees against my chest, not paying

attention to their voices.

I will never forgive him...


He gazed at me giving those puppy eyes of his, just like every time. He knows I'm putty in his hands.

Fuck! His Cuteness driving me wild...

I got interrupted by notification, from my phone. It revealed Raffa's name as a headline.

What the fuck!

Opening the message, what I next read, left me stunned. No way in the world this shit could happen.


"Baby, I feel so hot inside", she trailed her nails across my exposed chest, making me feel irked and


"Check your fucking temperature", I rasped out, slamming the door close in front of her face.

Time to break up with this shit...

I took my phone out of the pocket, hearing the pop-up notification. It's from Daggeron, opening the

message he sent, for a moment I was at my loss for words.

It's impossible...


I wiped off the blood from my torso which I got during the Cage Fight.

"Sir, your shirt", one of my men stood in front of me holding my shirt.

As I got a notification from My phone, which is from Dagger bro. I motioned him to leave, getting back

the shirt.

Opening the message, my eyes went wide. No way, I'm fucking leaving for Ethiopia now.

Indeed he must be alive...


"Roger, send this weapon drive file to Cillian Walsh", I ordered, as he gave a nod, leaving from My


Getting a notification sound from my phone, I swiped open, to find out it is from Daggeron, and the

News I read, didn't daze me, to be honest.

I could sense, this is solely done to spur a rumor. Also, that Tadesse dug a massive grave not just for

him, but for his whole damn family too.

Such a poor one...


With the news of Raffa's death spreading like a wildfire among all especially the Bosses from other

Organization, got prepared to take his Position as all started to fight among themselves.

Thinking this is the End of Raffa's Reign. But, what you hear and see is not always the truth, who

knows this might the Rise of the UnderBoss.

NOTE: Capone is the Boss (GodFather) of All. Ferrari belongs to his Organization. Capone is the one

who ordered him to leave for Ethiopia to kill Tadesse. So, Until he comes back, it's Capone's

responsibility to Protect Ferr's family, i.e., ROSE.

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