His Identity

Chapter 40

The dinner party was the following day and Rita was so not in the mood to attend. Asides going to see Rodrigo’s friends, she had nothing else to do but she still didn’t want to attend. The only consolation she had was that she would be going back to her home when the party was over.

“Hey girlfriend”, Theresa chirped the over the phone.

“Hi”, Rita said.

Everyday of her not seeing Rodrigo had her worried. Nothing interested her anymore and the only reason she got up each day was with the hope that she would find him soon.

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you’re still down. Rita, I’ve told you times without number, Rodrigo would come back and I’m sure he’s fine. Please don’t get worried over him”, Theresa said.

“Do you know what it means to love, what it means to love someone wholeheartedly and then it person just disappears”, Rita croaked.

“Trust me darling, I know how you feel. But please, you can’t keep hitting yourself over him. I know he’ll come back and you have to keep up that hope”.

“Okay, I’ll try. I want to go see his friends tomorrow, maybe they would have an idea where he is”, Rita said.

“I’m coming with you but remember to take some bodyguards since we don’t know the kind of people we’ll be meeting. I have a good mind to inform Marco about this but I guess you want to do this yourself”, she said.

“Yes. I’m taking Ramirez along with me. He’s the next person I trust after Rodrigo and to top it all, they were tight buddies”, Rita said.

“Which makes it all the more easier. What time would you be leaving tomorrow so I can meet you up?”, Theresa asked.

“Somewhere between ten and eleven. I’ll call when I’m coming to pick you up”.

“Okay. I’ll see you tonight darling”, Theresa said before cutting the call.

Rita placed her phone on the table as she stared out into the ocean. She was at the private place, needing to have some peace and quiet before the chaos of tomorrow. The Brabra’s and her parents were still bent on her getting married to Edmumdo.

Rita had a feeling thst if something drastic wasn’t done, she would end up getting married to him which was something she desperately wanted to avoid. She knew that if she eventually married Edmumdo, her life would be miserable. She would be full of regrets and that was something she wouldn’t allow to happen.

Her phone gave a sharp beep indicating there was a new notification. Rita picked up her phone, swiping the screen open. The image before her left her disgusted and irritated. The image was of Edmumdo with yet another girl and what’s more, his hands were shamelessly inside the girl’s skirt.

Rita couldn’t believe that this was the personal her parents and his family wanted her to get married to. This shameless man whore who didn’t care if he had a fiance or not. He was despicable and an idiot who didn’t respect anyone.

On the spur of the moment, Rita decided to send this picture to her parents. She wanted to know what they’ll say about it. Sometimes, she wondered if they were too blind to see the useless man they wanted her to get married to. She sent off the picture and she had a feeling that either one of them would call her immediately.

Rita was right because at that moment, her phone flashed as the caller ID showed that it was her mother calling.

“Hello mother”, she said sweetly.

“What is the meaning of the picture you sent”, may seethed.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“Oh, that. Well, that’s just one of the many things my fiance does in his spare time. I think you’re disgusted right. Now, imagine how I feel after seeing that”, Rita screamed.

For a long time, May remained quiet. Rita could tell that her words hit her especially since she hadn’t expected her outburst.

“Cat’s got your tongue mother?”, Rita mocked.

“Be quiet, I’m still your mother and I do not appreciate you speaking to me that way”, May said.

“Well, if you had done the right thing by supporting me not to marry Edmumdo, I wouldn’t have spoken to you in that manner. As it stands mother, I do not even know what I can say to you or Dad”, Rita said.

“I’m sure he’ll change. You have to give him the benefit of doubt. Most men behave like this, it’s nothing new”, May said.

Rita couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her mother who should have known better was spewing thrash making her feel disgusted. She was supposed to know better but apparently, she was wrong.

“I see. Well, it’s nice to know what you think”, Rita said, quietly.

“How is your search for Rodrigo going?”, she asked.

“Don’t ask me that mother, anything but that. Why do you even care. When he was here, you and Dad gave no hoot about him so why do you suddenly care”, Rita said.

“I … Just… never mind. I hope he’s found”, she said quietly.

Rita cut the call, dumping her phone on the couch. She made her way to the kitchen, needing a strong cup of tea to douse her raging heart. She was beyond crushed at hearing what her mother said.

She made the tea, adding a bit more milk. She wanted to fall asleep after taking the liquid and the only way she could do that was to add a bit more milk. She took a sip, loving the way the warm liquid flowed through her body.

Just then, a thought came to her mind. There was this urge in her ro call Rodrigo’s number agaiby. She knew it was stupid since she had called his line like a billion times before but not getting any answer. This time around, the urge was strong and it was getting stronger with every minute that passed.

Rita placed the cup of tea on a side table, picking up her phone. She dialed the number, waiting for him to pick up but he never did. She tried again and this time there was a small click before the line went dead. She frowned, trying the number again but this time around, there was no connection whatsoever.

Rita sighed, putting the phone down. There was no use in trying again since his line had finally gone off the grid. She went back to the balcony, clutching her cup of tea beside her face to warm her cold body.

“You’ll always find me Rodrigo, I’m sure of it”, she whispered into the air.

She stared at the ocean, wishing the big mass of water had an answer to all her questions but they remained silent, swishing about in the cool evening air. Rita sat down on the bare ground, her cup of tea beside her. This was what she enjoyed, this solitude that came with staying alone. She only wished that Rodrigo was beside her, to share in this bliss that silence offered her.

As Rita stared out into the ocean, she remembered a memory of long ago. A memory of her parents, all happy together under the big blue sky. She remembered what her father had said when they were still living in a quaint bungalow just before he began this empire.

“I’ll always listen to what you say as long as it’s not something bad”.

Rita then wondered what had changed ever since then. She wondered why her and her parents seemed to grow distant with each passing day. She wondered whether this wealth and power they had acquired would be their end.

Deep down, Rita knew that this wealth they lived in was intoxicating, it had the ability to change people’s mind for the worse and she knew quite well that was what they were facing. She sighed, wondering if her family would return back to how they once were.

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