His Ex Wife

Chapter 18: He's in the Hospital!

Chapter 18: He's in the Hospital!


Yvonne thought a lot after Iyan had left. She did not know how to approach Scott again after last night, he had been very ignorant to her. She had to bow to her ego if she really wanted to get even with Zachary Scott Anderson. But his last message that had said sorry came to her mind.

She wondered if he had melted after her caring speech last night and then came about that it was Scott she was talking about, if only he had a heart…

Yet, she tried to not think of that- thinking about that would have made it worse- and opened her phone to call him. He did not pick up the first time. Restless by now, she tried his number again and it was picked up at the very first ring this time.

“What do you even want Yvonne?” Anna replied, irritation slicking off her tone in every word.

Yvonne’s mouth was agape by now, she did not even know what to make of this. Just yesterday Scott had announced his divorce with Anna and today they were already back together? She rejected this theory thinking about what Scott had said last night about that other girl but that still did not answer the questions that rose one after the other, like bubbles in a soda, in her mind.

“Anna? What are you doing with Scott? Where is Scott?” she asked in complete disbelief.

She heard her sigh in annoyance hearing her myriad of questions before she replied very strictly to her, “If you’re so bothered to know, come to Welkor Cornell Clinic, emergency unit, room 908,” and hung up.

Yvonne would have asked what had happened but Anna was not really the type to let information out very easily but she could guess that it was not something good that had happened, no wonder she had been feeling very uneasy since the morning- she had probably not even stopped thinking about Scott.

She quickly got dressed in her casual blue jeans and formal green top and got a small purse that did not exactly match her outfit, but she had no time to get a perfect match for clothes right now, this was no trip to the mall. She braided her hair and quickly sprinted outside the door to get in her car. At least she knew how to drive, it was a small car but sufficient to get her around.

As she drove to the clinic- which was an hour’s drive away, the thought of calling Iyan crossed her mind but she assumed he was already busy, it was too early to bother him for things like this. She preferred to deal with all this on her own.

When she reached the clinic, it was already 6 pm by then. Her stomach grumbled as she struggled to find a parking; she was already feeling too nervous…Scott, his ex-wife…It was just not something she had her mind prepared for but she walked in the emergency unit anyway.

Not being able to find anyone she knew around the busy corridor of the - Anna, that is- Yvonne asked a nurse where room 908 was and she pointed to the end of the corridor. She still tried to look around for Anna but no sign.

As soon as she entered the room 908, there he was, the richest man in New York City, Scott Anderson, lying on the patients’ bed like a child. He looked anything but powerful right now, rather he was pitiful. But Yvonne was in shock to see him like this.

Scott’s head was heavily bandaged, his forehead was barely visible due to all the bandages. His left hand also lied fractured, well positioned on his lap so he could not misplace it. His eyes were peacefully shut, he would not wake up soon; with the thin saline pipe injected in his unharmed right hand.

Just then, Anna entered the room with a young man in a white coat, he had X-Rays in his hand and he seemed to be explaining them to Anna when he stopped, looking at Yvonne now.

“Hello lady, how may I help you?” the man asked her with complete politeness.

Anna’s face was turned into a total grimace by now, it was so evident that she did not even want to stand Yvonne.

“You’re actually here,” she spit out vehemently throwing a death glare to Yvonne but Yvonne’s attention was divided and torn between the doctor and Scott.

“What happened to Scott Anderson?” she asked, her voice was filled with nothing but concern at this moment.

“You are...?” the young man looked at Yvonne questioningly and then looked back at Anna like he relied better on her. But Anna only looked away in return, she was on a total lack of manners.

“I’m his Scott’s ex wife,” Yvonne said calmly, “What happened to him?”

“Oh…” the doctor took a long pause and then looked at Anna, “I thought you were his ex wife.”

“Both of us are, okay? Or do you want to know anything else as well?” Anna retorted loudly and rather, irritatingly and rudely to the doctor, almost frightening him.

Rolling her eyes, Yvonne explained, “I am his first wife, Anna is his second wife, they got divorced just yesterday.”

Anna made a face over that but chose to remain quiet. This was not the first time she was seeing Yvonne, she had been watching Yvonne since she had gotten after Scott in Italy. Of course, she had known her far before then as well. Her strategy to seduce Scott and break his marriage would not have been successful if she had not first observed Yvonne and tarnish her image first in Scott’s eyes.

“Alright…” the young doctor now moved towards Yvonne, she seemed like a much more comfortable or in his mind- safer option than Anna at the moment.

He started explaining, “In the accident Scott Anderson had last night, it was only luck that saved his life, his death was definite in any other case. But surviving a fatal accident like that has not left him unharmed.” Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

The young doctor, who was actually bearing the tag of Dr. Lolark, now showed Yvonne the X-Rays of Scott’s head, specifically focused on the brain, “The accident actually caused him a fair amount of damage to his internal brain structure known as the limbic system. Temporal lobes in this brain structure have been broken, generally these structures lie deep within the center of your brain and thus, the hippocampal function has also been affected. The limbic system actually controls all your emotions and memories and patients who suffer this kind of damage can either be victims of retrograde or anterograde amnesia.”

Confused and unable to absorb all this information at one go, Yvonne asked again, “So Scott has amnesia now?”

“We cannot say at this stage, the X-Rays that we took right after he was brought here indicate high possibilities of Amnesia but he has not regained conscience till now. He has already been unconscious since the past 8 hours, if he does not regain conscience by tonight, I’m afraid it might be a temporary coma.”

Yvonne could not even believe her eyes, her body did not have the energy to stand straight, she laid against the wall for support. The man who lied in front of her had given her nothing but pain, betrayal and misery all her life and yet, she prayed that he gains conscience by tonight. She did want revenge but not from a man who was feeble and unable to even walk.

Dr. Lolark reluctantly put a hand on Yvonne’s shoulder looking at how seriously she was going to take this, “He is not brain dead though, which is a good sign…It’s going to get better, hope for the best.”

He then turned to Anna and asked if she was ready to sign the papers about the patient’s future responsibility and custody. She looked at Yvonne for a long moment, expecting Yvonne would interrupt but Yvonne did not. Finally, she nodded and left the room along with Lolark.

Yvonne gathered herself and went to Scott to have a closer look at him.

A man who had been perfectly alright, his ego and his power well decorated on his shoulders and women lying at his feet, was now just vulnerable and weak, at the mercy of God if He chose to give Scott another chance, another breath, another life…

She could barely even look at him anymore, she decided to leave the room but she found a boy standing at the door, lost. The boy was around 10, his dark blue and hazel eyes were beautiful but he was all alone, Yvonne assumed he must have lost his parents.

She gave him a reassuring smile, walking towards him and then slowly caressed his hair as he innocently looked up at her, “Mom…” he uttered.

For some strange reason, Yvonne felt as though she had been in living in a complete void as though she had been longing for something she had not even known before, like the word that this small kid had unknowingly uttered to her was going to complete her.

She bent down to look into his eyes and placed a hand on his cheek lovingly, “Where’s your mom?” she asked him with the sweetest tone she had had in a while and it was not even fake. The boy stared with his big and bright eyes right back at her in a total confusion and Yvonne felt the strange urge to wrap her arms tightly around the boy and just not let him go.

Right then, he was pulled back by the arm very roughly by Anna who yelled at him, “Emmett! What did I tell you about speaking to strangers?!”

Even the people that stood in the corridor could hear her from afar and the corridor clammed up for a small while with Anna’s loud irritable tone. But Anna did not really care. With her off-shoulder yellow dress that was cut off right before her knees- which was not exactly suitable for a hospital- Yvonne made out that Anna was the attention-seeker kind.

“Relax Anna, it’s just me,” Yvonne reminded her, getting back up from her knees.

“Exactly Yvonne, it’s you…” she said bitterly.

The boy looked back at Anna, confused, “Mama…” he got close to her as if to hug her.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!” she gave him a tight slap across his face without thinking. Emmett turned to Yvonne in tears and ran away to the start of the corridor.

Anna could now receive dirty glances from all the people that stood in the corridor, the women, couples and elderly, all stared at Anna in horror. Not to mention so was Yvonne’s case, her face twisted in disbelief.

“He’s just a kid!” Yvonne defended Emmett and then jumped up at the sudden realization, “You have a kid?” she asked Anna not believing what she was saying.

“None of your business Kia…” Anna said exasperated and then looked behind her; Emmett was nowhere in sight. She felt a small surge of panic and realized that Emmett was her only source of income at this point in time. The lawsuit she was planning against Scott for a share in his property would get delayed because Scott was now injured!

She rolled her eyes -she was having to handle kids to earn money, like she was some sort of babysitter- and turned towards Dr. Lolark saying she would complete the formalities later on. She could not fathom where he could have gone and quickly ran after Emmett with her 6 inch thin heels. She was show for all those who stood in the corridor…

Meanwhile this small encounter with Emmett left Yvonne onto a long trail of thoughts, did Scott already know Anna before their marriage? Is Emmett Scott and Anna’s child? Is Emmett the reason Scott hates children? Then why did he marry Yvonne in the first place?

Questions were numerous and Yvonne had answer to not even a single one of them- but she had time, a lot of time until she decided to wait for Scott to gain conscience, only he could answer her now…

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