His Crazy Maid

Chapter 48 Double date


Annie eyes shot up in annoyance at him.

“Say that again.”

Larry left the wall and stepped forward, his body was now hovering over her.

“Poor ugly slut, isn’t that what you are?”he asked and tilt his head.

Annie breathed out a sigh and brushed her hair back.

“Larry….”she took her lower lips in.

“You can’t just let’s your assumption run wild..”she said trying to keep herself in check.

“Oh, really?. Tell me more, Annie, tell me more. Go ahead, feed me with your lies again.”Larry said.

Annie’s eyes snapped up in anger and she glanced beside her and grab the first thing she set her eyes on – the flower vase and hit it on his head.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

She regretted her action when a blood came dripping down from his hair.

Wha…. wh… what has she done?.

She quickly drop the vase.

No… no..

She began to move back.

Her eyes heated up.

“You pushed me to the edge, you shouldn’t have!”she shouted.

Larry just stood there, staring at her.

“I… I warned you enough!. You just like being irritative.. do you think I’m a push over?, that you can talk to anyhow?, we haven’t even got wedded by crying out loud and you’re acting like this!”Annie rushed as she bursted into tears.

“I’m not gonna say sorry!, you can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!. Seriously?, you didn’t even trust me!. I will always be that girl that work as a maid to pay off her debts to you and a poor ugly slut. I hate you for that, Larry. You’re always irritable when you do this.”

“Then, explain. How did the throwing up stuff come about and your eyes being pure white.”Larry spoke up.

Annie scoffed.

“Wow, so I cannot throw up again?. Why Larry?, why are you being like this..”

Larry batted his lashes and looked sideways.

“I… will go order some cloths for you..”he said, calmly and moved to the bed.

He took his phone and operated on it for some minutes and drop it afterwards.

He pulled out a first aid box.

All this while, Annie was watching him.

He brought out some tissues and used it to wipe the blood dripping down from his head.

Then, Annie felt remorseful.

She shouldn’t have done that.

She started walking towards him slowly.

She collected the box from him when she got to where he was.

Larry scoffed and made an attempt to collect the box back from her.

“I.. I will help you.”she gulped hard.

“I don’t need your help.”

“No, I caused this so, I have to make an amendment…”

She said and sat beside him.

She brought out some tissues then held his chin in a way his side face was facing her, and started rubbing off the blood.

After she was done doing that, she put iodine on the spot where she hit the vase.

“It’s really isn’t your fault. I’m at fault. I claim I love you but yet still distrust you. I’m a fool.”Larry said slowly after a while.

“Yes, a fool.”Annie nodded as she grab the bandage.

Larry turned to look at her fully.

“But I’m sorry.”

Annie paused before nodding.

She wrapped his head up with the bandage then stood up.

“All done.”

“I wish this never happen again.”Larry said instead.

Annie looked at him and gave a small smile then turned around.

“Are you still mad at me?”Larry asked.

“No”she replied.

“But you are, I can see it. I’m not really sorry. I just… I just couldn’t think straight.. that’s how crazy I am about you.. I got easily vexed when i.. see you with another guy and I start calling you names. That’s how foolish I can be.”

Annie turned back to him and sat beside him.

“But that’s bad. You think you love me but you’re hurting me. Calling me a slut?, it was really painful. Said I slept with my boss?, that’s was really insulting. That means you think of me as cheap.”

Larry took her hand.

“I’m sorry. I promise it will never happen again.”

Annie sighed then nod.

“But… are you pre…. no no, I trust you.”Larry said.

Annie slowly withdraw her hand from hold.

“Should I just slap you?”she asked.

“Yes, please, do, fresh cake.”he replied.

“But that’s after I’m done…”he whispered and draw near to her then placed his mouth on her’s.


Garry stared at Pedro and sighed.

“I… I have always think of you as a good person..”he started.

“But not until… infact, I feel like killing you now. Let me get out of here before I do the unthinkable.”he added.

“Please… please…”Pedro pleaded.

The door creaked open and Gracie stepped in.

Garry turned to look at her and his brows rose up in surprise.

“What are you doing here, mum. You shouldn’t be here.”Garry said.

“Yeah, i know. Just want to ask him some few questions.”she replied as she closed the door and walked towards them.

“Oh my, Gracie… thank God…”Pedro sighed.

“No need thanking God, Pedro. Just came to ask you some questions and trust me, I need fast answers.”.

“Will you release me after that?”

Gracie paused and nodded.


“Mom!”Garry called with a scoff.

“Yes, Garry, I will release him after he answers the question.”Gracie said and passed Garry a look which he immediately grab and smirked.

“So, Pedro. Why did you do all this?”.

“Because of money, what else.”

“You’ve always love money right from when we are a child.”Gracie nodded.

“So, why did you do all that?, why did you do that to my sons… especially Larry, you tried to kill him in an explosion and you even stabbed his face with a hot iron… why?”

“I didn’t think it was Larry, I meant no harm for him, sincerely.. I thought it was Garry.”

“Larry or not, they are your fucking nephews!”Gracie barked.

“Please, I didn’t know what I was doing back then. Forgiveness is all I ask for.”Pedro pleaded.

“Why did you do that to me?”

“Because you’ve always been the one our parents love and cherished when they are alive, you’re always the most love and I, the most scorned. The greatest of it all is them handing down the hospital to you!”

“You aren’t love because you’ve always being a bad boy and the hospital was handed over to me because I’m the oldest!”

“But I’m the man!”Pedro yelled.

Gracie scoffed.

“There you go again, Pedro. You’re the man, yes you’re the man but not the man. Seriously?, you think being a man make you a senior?.”

Pedro kept quiet.

“But I’m the man.”he mumbled and a tear rolled down his face.

Gracie turned around.

“Hey, you promise to let me go after answering your question.”

“That was a lie. Didn’t believe you actually bought it. You’re a fool.”she said and walked out.


“Alright… Larry, I just gotta go.”Annie said after breakfast.

They were now in the room.

The order Larry made had been delivered and honestly, they were all beautiful.

He just seems to know her taste.

“Really?, do you really have to?. Just stay back, huh?”Larry whined.

“Gosh. No.”Annie replied.

“Geez… you never listen to me. Anyways, don’t you think you look too yummy?”

“Yes, I don’t think so because I’m not a food.”Annie knocked his head.

“Ouch.”Larry glared at her playfully and pouted his lips as he touched his head.

“Okay, I will drive you to the place.”he offered.

“Thanks, keep your offer.”Annie said and opened the door.

“But that wasn’t an offer, young woman.”Larry smiled out and grab her hand then walked out with her.


“Okay, please don’t go….”

“What’s up with you, Larry?”Annie scoffed.

“I don’t know but I’m gonna cry if you go…”

“Ugh!, where did I even see you!.”

“I don’t know but I know you love me ….”

Annie tried to open the door but it was locked.

“Alright, Larry, why is the door locked?”

“I don’t know but I know it’s because you wanna bestow me a kiss.”

Annie frowned at him and found herself smiling.

“Gosh, Larry. You seems so cute right now with that look. So, just stop acting irritating cause it doesn’t suit you but this look you have on now really looks good on you.”

“Oh, alright. So, bestow me that kiss.”he said with a lewd smile.

Annie rolled her eyes and moved out of her seat to give him a peck on his lips then moved back to her seat.

“Just a peck?, really rude miss, just really rude.”he scoffed.

“Oh, but that’s all I’ve got now. Please, open this door already, I’m running late and I don’t wanna get sacked!”

Larry frowned.

“Oh, he dare not but then he dare can cause that will be just good.”

“Okay, so, one more kiss and we good.”he added.

“What will I do with you bozo.”

“And you too bimbo.”Larry laughed.

“You look really nice when you laugh so keep it on.”she said as he gave him another peck on his lips.

“Merci”he said in French.

“De rien”she replied.

“What, you can speak French?”

“Of course, I surely can!”Annie rolled her eyes.

“Woah.”he smiled then unlocked the door.

Annie opened the door immediately.


“Yeah. Tell your boss I said not to look at you anyhow else I’m gonna put out his eyes.”he joked and Annie laughed then stepped out.

She bade him before entering the company.

After seeing her walk inside the company, Larry turned the car around and drove away.


Boyd stood by the window, his left hand in his pocket.

He has been staring out for quite a while now.

He saw when Annie alighted from Larry’s car and wondered who it was that came to drop her off.

Moments later, he heard a knock on his door.

Knowing fully well it’s her, he didn’t need to turn around to tell her to come in.

Annie stepped inside the office.

“Good morning, sir.”she greeted.

He just nodded.

He was almost tempted to ask about the one who drop her but wouldn’t that be stupid?.

“Thanks for yesterday, sir. I really appreciate.”

Boyd nodded again.

“We have a date.”he said and turned to look at her.

Annie’s eyes shot up.

“Huh?. I don’t get. I don’t think you have that on your work s….”

“Not work. I’m talking about us – you and I.”

Annie moved her head forward a little and itched her ear.

“A date?”she asked.

“Yeah. Didn’t your mom tell you anything about that?. I asked for her permission to go out on a date with you and she said I can.”


*Curse mom!.*Annie thought.


“Your mom gave me the permission already and I give you my words, we will only be spending an hour on the date. I’ve made prepartion for a place already. Check your inbox, I’ve sent you the address.”

Annie breathed out.

A date?.

With him?.

Won’t Larry feel mad?.

“Alright, what time?”

“I’ve also texted you the exact time.”he replied.

“Okay.”Annie reply with a slight scoff.

What’s wrong with him.

Why can’t he say just say it.

This all because of her mom!.

That woman!.


After work, Annie walked out of the company and saw Larry outside, leaning on his car and probably waiting for her.

She smiled and walked towards him.

“Why are you being so caring.”

Larry turned to her.

“You want to know?”he asked.

“Well, yes.”she nods.

“Give me a kiss and I tell you.”

“Tsk. Not happening. I don’t wanna know again.”she said opening the door of the car and stepping inside.

They soon hit the road back to the mansion.

In the silence, Annie turned to look at him.

He seems to notice her gaze as he said: “what, did I become more handsome?”

Annie laughed it off.

“I have a date.”she announced and waited for his reaction but then nothing.


“That’s good.”he simply replied.

“With my boss.”she added.

“That sounds nice.”he gave a nod.

“By 8:00pm”

“Perfect time”

Annie scoffed.

“Aren’t you gonna get mad?”

“Why?. I’m trying not be irritable but instead understanding. Why?, because I trust you.”

Annie sighed.

And they both remained quiet again.


“You seem to pick out the best cloth.”Larry said as watched Annie look at her reflection in the mirror.

“Alright, is it too bad?, or too good?”she asked turning to him.

“It seems good.”he nodded.

“Is it a business date or just normal date?”

“Just normal date.”she replied.

She turned to see him staring at her.


“So you are going on a normal date with him?”he asked.

She nodded.

She stared intently at him..

“What?, did you think I’m gonna call you names?”he scoffed.

“I actually think so.”she replied.

“Well, I’m not gonna do that. I’m a changed guy.”he rolled his eyes.

“So, what if someone tag along, will it be okay?”

Annie shrugged.

“It should be. Since it’s no special stuff.”

“Alright, let me tag along then.”he said then got down from the bed.


Before she turned to protest, he was already in front of her clad in black suit.

Okay, the hell?…

“Let’s go to the venue.”he said and took her hand and they both moved out of the room.


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