Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 95

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 95

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 95

The Dark Witch


We moved silently . The darkness within the cavern surrounded every corner , and more than that , I could feel the evil that lingered . I kept a tight hold on her hand , m y eyes , ears and nose keeping an sense out for the smallest sound . There were several tunnels branching off and even some doors . The further down we went , the more the place seemed to get deeper .

It was a fucking maze in here . The only problem was if Kiara had to escape … I tried not to think of that , but this place was fucking confusing . ” The magic is getting stronger . ” She whispered to me .

I could sense the chilling darkness that was growing with every step , and it sure a s fuck wasn’t due to the cold air that surrounded us . The sounds of growls and shrieks soon caught my ears , I slowed down as the noise only got louder . Slowing down further when the smell of Manangal’s and Wendigo’s filled my nose , we were getting closer to them ….

We turned a corner and I stopped as I looked at the lines of cages that were built into the stone . Each one held a Wendigo or Manangal . There were loads , I could see how the halls branched off in several places , and each one led to more cages .

Fucking hell , if these were ever released at once … I didn’t even want to think of that shit … I frowned at the very thought . Kiara leaned closer , her lips brushing my ear , sending a shiver of pleasure through me . ” Shall I heal them ? ” She whispered .

” No … We can’t risk your powers being sensed . ” I murmured back . For all I knew , they already knew we were here . Although I was reigning in all my aura , there was still a chance …

The biggest was the fact we were able to walk i n so easily . We continued silently until I saw the faint glow of light from somewhere far ahead and stopped . The very faint murmur of voices made me strain my ear , I needed to get slightly closer .

I inched closer until the sounds began to make sense . I knew Kiara wouldn’t be able to hear but I couldn’t risk those talking , hearing us either . ” …. long ! ” A voice that I recognised spoke . I frowned . What the hell was happening ?

How … ” Calm down . We had a deal ! ” A deeper voice growled . I could sense the power from him and I wondered if this was the Rogue King . ” A deal that cost me greatly ! You promised me revenge ! But all I got was the loss of my beloved ! ” The man sobbed . ” You will get the revenge you seek . Be patient . ” The deeper voice came . ” When ? Who more can I lose ?

” I clenched my jaw , anger filling me , and it took my all not to snap . I felt Kiara’s hand soothingly caress mine . I knew she sensed my anger , although she had no idea what was being said . ” There is a lot you can lose Alpha . This is all for the greater cause . Do you really think the Lycan will allow you to live and rule your pack ? He doesn’t care who dies . He doesn’t care for any of us . ” ” I know … I want to make another deal with you . ” A deep guttural growl echoed around us and I knew Kiara probably heard that .

” Making deals with me ?! Know your place . ” He hissed . ” You weren’t even able to do a s I asked ! ” ” That’s not true , I have done it ! Despite everything , I still did my part ! The pack is completely destroyed ! The news will reach the Lycan King very soon . ” What pack ? This didn’t make sense . What was their plan ? ” Good ! Do not address him as a king , he is just a mutation ! A defect ! I am the true king !

” The man growled . So , my fucking assumption was correct . This man was definitely the rogue fucking king . I was the one fucking king , not because I was a Lycan , but because I enacted a fucking law and established order . Since my reign , pack fights and deaths have been fewer … I’ve even

offered rogues a pack to join …. ” Y – yes of course … Please , I have a deal I want to put forth …. ” The Alpha pleaded . My anger was only growing . How many fucking snitches did I have around me ? What the fuck did the rogue – fucking –

king offer that was better than what he already had ? I had treated him well despite his fucked up family’s past . ” What do you want ? ” The would – be king spat . At least we had that in common , no fucking patience for fuckers .

” The blessed wolf … May I take her as my mate ? ” @ My eyes flashed and I would have fucking gone and tore them to fucking shreds if Kiara’s arms didn’t wrap around my waist . I knew she was only acting on my emotions .

How dare they even think that Kiara would be theirs ?! She was mine , only fucking mine . If anyone thought that she’d be with someone else , then they were in for a fucking disappointment . 9 A raucous laugh echoed down the halls . ” You ? A pathetic , useless Alpha . Why do you think you deserve her ? Selene’s blessing will be mine ! With her by my side , I’ll be recognised as the true king . If you want to even be recognised as an Alpha , then you better obey me ! ” ” But …

” A menacing growl rumbled off the walls , and the Alpha went silent . I frowned . How much power did he have that he could make an Alpha submit ? ” Is she ready to do her part ? ” The king hissed . ” She is , she won’t fail us .

” The Alpha said , sounding broken and defeated . But I didn’t have one fucking ounce of remorse for the fucker . When I got my hands on him … I was going to destroy him completely and disband his fucking pack . The son of a fucking coward , seemed to clearly be a fucking coward too … And who the fuck did they mean by ‘ she ?

‘ I doubted it was the witch … It was at that moment that Kiara tugged me . 2 Her eyes were wide and her heart was racing . I got so distracted I didn’t even realise . ” The witch is near . ” She whispered . ITêxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

knew a witch would sense us , regardless of how much our scent was disguised . Witches didn’t need noses to catch something … my gaze flickered to the metal chain tucked into Kiara’s top .

A sliver of concern for my pup filled me . I pulled her close placing my hand on her stomach fleetingly didn’t want her to know … I was worried about them both .

Fuck this feeling was foreign … My heart thudded as I wrapped my arms around her tightly . Inhaling her intoxicating hazelnut scent before I moved back . ” Time to get this shit done .

” I murmured , wrapping my arm around Kiara’s waist . I lifted her off the ground , startling her as I broke into a run , heading straight towards the voices . In a flash , I was there , dropping Kiara to her feet . Immediately she had her staff in hand , pressing the button to expand it , readying herself . I stared at the two men before me . One I had never seen before , but he was strong .

The aura of an Alpha surrounded him , despite the distinct scent of a Rogue , and what fucked me up the most was that he looked familiar … Too fucking familiar for comfort . But first … I snapped my gaze towards the other werewolf . ” Alpha fucking Jake , ” I spat venomously a s Kiara gasped , looking at the man who had been cowering on the fucking floor . In panic or on instinct , who fucking knows , Jake lunged at us . Kiara’s aura wrapped around her but I didn’t want to deflect the fucker .

There was only one thing he deserved . Death . I ripped his neck clean off his body and tossed him aside like he was nothing , before he even had a chance to realise what had happened .

He was dead . My eyes now returned to the man before me . The King’s shock vanished , his dark eyes flashing a brilliant gold as he growled . ” Well , looks like the fake King has made his appearance . ” He hissed resentfully . ” I’m the one and only fucking King . Remember that . ” I growled back . ” One who cares for no one but himself . ” I could sense the sinister darkness approaching .

I needed to do this fast before she came . If the other witch’s assumption was correct , Endora could be manipulating the Rogue King . + ” Look … I know we’ve never fucking met , but I’m here to help . We came to help cure the Wendigo’s willingly . We don’t need to fight . ” I said urgently . This wasn’t my fucking style , but as a king , I knew wha came first . ” You don’t want to help , I know how you work . ” He said coldly .

My eyes flashed . ” You don’t know us . I never knew I could reverse the process , but when we realised I could , we came here . ” Kiara added , sincerity clear in her eyes . It seemed she knew how to play along well . But I also knew she wanted to help .

” Does it look like she’s fucking lying ? ” I asked coldly . The sound of heels against the stone floor made me tense . She was here … I saw Kiara’s colour drain , I knew it was the effect of the magic .

Magic that even I could feel so strongly now . It was pure darkness … Even the darkest of beasts never carried so much evil … My blood ran cold as the scent of the witch hit my nose .

The smell of a witch … but mixed with that , was a scent I knew … I turned slowly , my heart slamming against my ribs as the woman finally entered the cavern . > Her long black hair was woven into a braid over her left shoulder , her tanned skin contained several rune marks covering her left cheek , neck and hands .

Her dark chocolate – coloured eyes glittered as they met mine . I stepped back as a storm of emotions crashed down on m e . Shock , confusion and disbelief mixed with so many more I couldn’t make out .

I felt fucking suffocated . How was this fucking possible ? ” It’s been a long time . ” Her strong , warm voice echoed off the walls . I ran a hand through my hair , trying to fucking make sense of this shit . I couldn’t form a sentence and it wasn’t because of the darkness she had brought with her .

I managed one word , my voice coming out hoarse and thick , laced with utter disbelief . ” Mom ? “

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