Twenty Three


“Cut the charade Janis. We aren’t on friendly terms and we’ve never been on friendly terms. Don’t act like you care about me because you never did. I just came here so I can get to know the whereabouts of my son. Where is my son Janis?” Jax spat at me, his tone bitter and irked.

I was confused. Time stood still in an instant for me and it seemed like the universe and all in it had come to a halt.

What did Jax just say? Did I fucking hear him right?

“Excuse me?” I asked with raised brows, my confusion written all over my face.

“You heard me right Miss Walter. I believe I didn’t speak French or Latin. I came here for my son so cut the charade and give me my son! Where did you keep him?!” he snapped scowfully at me.

I was dumbstruck, robbed off my speech and at lost for words.

What the hell!

Who the fuck does Jax thinks he is to just barge into my life and demand for our son like he isn’t my son too!?

He said it like as if I forcefully kept the child away from him.

I would never try to keep Jerome locked away from his father.

Infact I yearned for a day like this to come where I will meet Jax again and introduce him to Jerome with all sincerity in me.

I was even ready to tush him up, get him new clothes, give him money to start up a lucrative business that will yield him wealth all for the sake of our baby, Jerome.

And now he suddenly shows up looking all rich and wealthy and demands full custody of Jerome like as if Jerome isn’t my son too and I intentionally kept him away from Jerome.

“What do you mean Jax? I don’t seem to get you? Why are you talking like as if I hid our son away from you and I purposely chose not to let you ever meet him?” I questioned, still trying to control the burning anger spreading within me like wild fire.

Jax huffed at my statement and chuckled darkly, an uncanny smile playing by the corners of his lips.

“I meant what I meant. You yourself know that I am saying the truth Miss Janis Walter. You had my son with you for two whole years and you never bothered to bring him to limelight because you were fucking keeping him away from me, his father.

You didn’t want me to find out about my son, I am very sure of that. But unfortunately for you, I know all about the child you had for me two years ago. The same child you hid from the media and the entire world because you didn’t want his father to come for him, I know about the child and now I am here for my child, nothing more and nothing less” Jax scoffed, his eyes scanning me with distate.

I was beyond confused and also angry. My nerves had become a wrecking mess and I fought to control my anger but it had spread like wildfire throughout my entire body.

Wait, what the actual fuck is Jax saying?!

I–Janis Walter, tried to keep him away from his son?!

Was he there when I looked all over this fucking city for him?!

How I searched non stop for him?, was he there?!

Did he have a single clue of how I had my personal assistant go through the list of uber drivers all over this city all because I was trying to get him?!

When I had sleepless nights as a result of my anxiety and eagerness to meet him, did he have a single clue?

During these past two years, my heart ached to see Jerome reunited with his father, I longed to see it happen.

I didn’t want Jerome to grow up without a dad. Hell I knew the taunts and jeerings he would recieve from other kids as a result of not having a father figure in his life.

I knew it all and I searched relentlessly and tirelessly for Jax.

Jax vanished into the air like as if he never existed. Not only did I search for him online, I had my personal assistant bring in hundreds of uber drivers whom I accessed every single day and yet none of them turned out to be him.

He vanished like he never existed. And even when he did return back the day I had put to bed, he only came once.

I understand it that Stravis insulted him and probably trampled upon him but if he was so eager to see Jerome why did he come back again and meet with me instead?!

He met Stravis not me. Stravis was the one who insulted him not me. If he really wanted to meet Jerome so badly, he could have come again the next day and I would have definitely welcomed him in with open arms.

But he never did show up and now he strangely returned two years later with so much wealth and power to demand full custody of his son.

What the fuck?!

“Jax how can you stand here and spill all these shit when you don’t even know the full story? Do you know how hard I searched for you when I found out about my pregnancy?

Do you?

I combed the city thoroughly to find you yet it seemed like you vanished into thin air. Do you know how I ached to have you into our son’s life?….” I tried explaining to Jax when he rudely interrupted me.

“He is my son!” He barked.

“He is our son!” I retorted back, tired of being nice.

Who the fuck did he think he was to try to rip Jerome out of my arms.

Jerome is my son too and I’m his mother. I won’t let anyone try to forcefully separate us.

I was willing to take Jerome to Jax and possibly form a family but it seems Jax just wants to snatch him away from me.

“So you were trying to find me all these while and yet the day I finally came to your house to demand to see you and my son, you had your ill mannered and uncultured sister insult me and throw me out?

You claim to have been looking for me and the very day I showed up at your door, your brat of a sister insulted me, spat vile words at me and even threw money to humilate me all because of how I appeared. I’ll take back what is mine Janis.

I don’t care if you would be heart broken in the process” Jax threatened.

“You don’t have any right to demand full custody over him” I seethed in anger.

“I have all the rights Miss Janis Walter. Look I’m not that poor uber driver you knew two years ago, the uber driver you could easily trample upon with your wealth and subjugate. I am not that Jax anymore.

I am a different man now. And believe me Miss Janis Walter, I have more wealth than you can ever imagine. I can fucking buy your company’s shares and bring you to bankruptcy. You are nothing to me. If you choose to act stubborn, I promise to fight you with everything I have until I get back my son. Mark my words” Jax gritted his teeth in anger.

His adams apple gobbled with so much anger as he spoke and his jaws were clenching and unclenching. His demeanour spoke off raw, bloody anger with his blood shot gaze scaring the wits out of me.

How could he bring up Jerome in such manner and demand him like I meant nothing in my son’s life?

An unknown terror began creeping into me as the fear that Jax might take Jerome away from me settled in.

Jax had a maniac smirk plastered on to his face as his eyes scanned my tremored facial features.

No. I can’t let him see me scared. This is what he wants. He wants me to crumble beneath his feet and give in to his orders. He wants Jerome at all costs and he is willing to play dirty for it.

I won’t show him my tension nor fear. Yes, Jax might have made a huge amount of money and he might have amassed wealth over these past two years but I am still Janis Walter and I also have a name for myself.

I am one of America’s most richest and influential women. I won’t back down without a fight.

Masking up my fears, I shot him a stoic expression and gave him dagger glares.

“Rage all you want Mr Jax Storms but I want you to know that I can make threats to. I am Miss Janis Walter and I don’t give up easily. I have never won a battle so fighting you won’t be the first. Bring all you’ve got but you won’t win. Jerome is my son and you can’t separate us” I shot back, matching his rage with mine.

“Then permit me to be the first opponent you will loose to because I will get back my son from you and there is nothing you can do about it. I am coming back for my son. I can’t wait to crush this enormous ego you have of yourself” Jax balefully threatened before walking away from me and our heated up conversation.

I watched him go and my knees suddenly grew weak, threatening to cave me to the ground.

Tears brewed up in my eyes and breathing became erratic. How could Jax be so cold and mean towards me?

How could he speak to me in such a manner?

Why is he bent on separating Jerome from me? How can he come up from nowhere and demand full custody of Jerome?NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Can’t he start up a family with us? He is rich, he can take care of I and Jerome now. He can be his father and my husband too. Why then does he want to separate us for no reason?

These questions rummaged through my mind, making me more anxious than ever.

I searched for Jax all over the city. I searched every nook and cranny for him. I had sleepless nights as a result and my heart ached every time.

I wanted to see this man badly yet he never showed up. I put up word to interview every fucking uber driver but he never showed up.

And now he appeared out of the blue spitting trash to me and claiming full custody of Jerome without caring how his damn words would hurt me.

If he knew about Jerome all these while why didn’t he show up again?

Why did he wait to meet me here before spilling trash?

My chest heaved uncontrollably and my pain had me demanding.

I quickly shuffled my feet in a bid to get out of the hall. I needed to get to Jerome, my son.

I can’t afford to loose him.

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